{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, DeriveGeneric #-}
-- |
-- Module: Data.Greskell.GraphSON.Core
-- Description: 
-- Maintainer: Toshio Ito <debug.ito@gmail.com>
-- __Internal module.__ Definition of 'GraphSON' type.
module Data.Greskell.GraphSON.Core
       ( GraphSON(..),
       ) where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Aeson
  ( ToJSON(toJSON), FromJSON(parseJSON),
    object, (.=), Value(..)
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser)
import Data.Foldable (Foldable(foldr))
import Data.Hashable (Hashable(..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Traversable (Traversable(traverse))
import GHC.Generics (Generic)

import Data.Greskell.GraphSON.GraphSONTyped (GraphSONTyped(..))

-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> import Data.Int (Int32)

-- | Wrapper for \"typed JSON object\" introduced in GraphSON version
-- 2. See http://tinkerpop.apache.org/docs/current/dev/io/#graphson
-- This data type is useful for encoding/decoding GraphSON text.
-- >>> Aeson.decode "1000" :: Maybe (GraphSON Int32)
-- Just (GraphSON {gsonType = Nothing, gsonValue = 1000})
-- >>> Aeson.decode "{\"@type\": \"g:Int32\", \"@value\": 1000}" :: Maybe (GraphSON Int32)
-- Just (GraphSON {gsonType = Just "g:Int32", gsonValue = 1000})
-- Note that encoding of the \"g:Map\" type is inconsistent between
-- GraphSON v1 and v2, v3. To handle the encoding, use
-- "Data.Greskell.GMap".
data GraphSON v =
  { gsonType :: Maybe Text,
    -- ^ Type ID, corresponding to @\@type@ field.
    gsonValue :: v
    -- ^ Value, correspoding to @\@value@ field.
  deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Generic)

instance Functor GraphSON where
  fmap f gs = gs { gsonValue = f $ gsonValue gs }

instance Foldable GraphSON where
  foldr f start gs = f (gsonValue gs) start

instance Traversable GraphSON where
  traverse f gs = fmap (\v -> gs { gsonValue = v }) $ f $ gsonValue gs

-- | @since
instance Hashable v => Hashable (GraphSON v)

-- | If 'gsonType' is 'Just', the 'GraphSON' is encoded as a typed
-- JSON object. If 'gsonType' is 'Nothing', the 'gsonValue' is
-- directly encoded.
instance ToJSON v => ToJSON (GraphSON v) where
  toJSON gson = case gsonType gson of
    Nothing -> toJSON $ gsonValue gson
    Just t -> object [ "@type" .= t,
                       "@value" .= gsonValue gson

-- | If the given 'Value' is a typed JSON object, 'gsonType' field of
-- the result is 'Just'. Otherwise, the given 'Value' is directly
-- parsed into 'gsonValue', and 'gsonType' is 'Nothing'.
instance FromJSON v => FromJSON (GraphSON v) where
  parseJSON v@(Object o) = do
    if length o /= 2
      then parseDirect v
      else do
      mtype <- o Aeson..:! "@type"
      mvalue <- o Aeson..:! "@value"
      maybe (parseDirect v) return $ typedGraphSON' <$> mtype <*> mvalue
  parseJSON v = parseDirect v

parseDirect :: FromJSON v => Value -> Parser (GraphSON v)
parseDirect v = GraphSON Nothing <$> parseJSON v

-- | Create a 'GraphSON' without 'gsonType'.
-- >>> nonTypedGraphSON (10 :: Int)
-- GraphSON {gsonType = Nothing, gsonValue = 10}
nonTypedGraphSON :: v -> GraphSON v
nonTypedGraphSON = GraphSON Nothing

-- | Create a 'GraphSON' with its type ID.
-- >>> typedGraphSON (10 :: Int32)
-- GraphSON {gsonType = Just "g:Int32", gsonValue = 10}
typedGraphSON :: GraphSONTyped v => v -> GraphSON v
typedGraphSON v = GraphSON (Just $ gsonTypeFor v) v

-- | Create a 'GraphSON' with the given type ID.
-- >>> typedGraphSON' "g:Int32" (10 :: Int)
-- GraphSON {gsonType = Just "g:Int32", gsonValue = 10}
typedGraphSON' :: Text -> v -> GraphSON v
typedGraphSON' t = GraphSON (Just t)

-- | Parse @GraphSON v@, but it checks 'gsonType'. If 'gsonType' is
-- 'Nothing' or it's not equal to 'gsonTypeFor', the 'Parser' fails.
parseTypedGraphSON :: (GraphSONTyped v, FromJSON v) => Value -> Parser (GraphSON v)
parseTypedGraphSON v = either fail return =<< parseTypedGraphSON' v

-- | Note: this function is not exported because I don't need it for
-- now. If you need this function, just open an issue.
-- Like 'parseTypedGraphSON', but this handles parse errors in a finer
-- granularity.
-- - If the given 'Value' is not a typed JSON object, it returns
--   'Left'.
-- - If the given 'Value' is a typed JSON object but it fails to parse
--   the \"\@value\" field, the 'Parser' fails.
-- - If the given 'Value' is a typed JSON object but the \"\@type\"
--   field is not equal to the 'gsonTypeFor' of type @v@, the 'Parser'
--   fails.
-- - Otherwise (if the given 'Value' is a typed JSON object with valid
--   \"\@type\" and \"\@value\" fields,) it returns 'Right'.
parseTypedGraphSON' :: (GraphSONTyped v, FromJSON v) => Value -> Parser (Either String (GraphSON v))
parseTypedGraphSON' v = do
  graphsonv <- parseGraphSONPlain v
  case gsonType graphsonv of
   Nothing -> return $ Left ("Not a valid typed JSON object.")
   Just got_type -> do
     goal <- parseJSON $ gsonValue graphsonv
     let exp_type = gsonTypeFor goal 
     when (got_type /= exp_type) $ do
       fail ("Expected @type of " ++ show exp_type ++ ", but got " ++ show got_type)
     return $ Right $ graphsonv { gsonValue = goal }
    parseGraphSONPlain :: Value -> Parser (GraphSON Value)
    parseGraphSONPlain = parseJSON