gore-and-ash- Core of FRP game engine called Gore&Ash

Copyright(c) Anton Gushcha, 2015-2016 Oganyan Levon, 2016
Safe HaskellNone



Handling of game main loop, creation of initial state, stepping and cleaning up.



data GameState m s a Source

Holds all data that is needed to produce next step of game simulation.

You need to call stepGame to get next game state repeatedly and finally cleanupGameState at the end of program.

is game monad is used including all enabled API of core modules;
is game state that includes chained state of core modules;
is return value of main arrow;

Typical game main loop:

main :: IO ()
main = withModule (Proxy :: Proxy AppMonad) $ do
  gs <- newGameState $ runActor' mainWire
  gsRef <- newIORef gs
  firstStep gs gsRef onCtrlC exitHandler gsRef
    -- | What to do on emergency exit
    exitHandler gsRef = do 
      gs <- readIORef gsRef 
      cleanupGameState gs

    -- | Initialization step
    firstStep gs gsRef = do 
      (_, gs') <- stepGame gs $ do 
        -- ... some initialization steps
      writeIORef gsRef gs'
      gameLoop gs' gsRef

    -- | Normal game loop
    gameLoop gs gsRef = do 
      (_, gs') <- stepGame gs (return ())
      writeIORef gsRef gs'
      gameLoop gs' gsRef

-- | Executes given handler on Ctrl-C pressing
onCtrlC :: IO a -> IO () -> IO a
p onCtrlC q = catchJust isUserInterrupt p (const $ q >> p onCtrlC q)
    isUserInterrupt :: AsyncException -> Maybe ()
    isUserInterrupt UserInterrupt = Just ()
    isUserInterrupt _             = Nothing




NFData s => NFData (GameState m s a) Source 

stepGame Source


:: (GameModule m s, NFData s, MonadIO m') 
=> GameState m s a

Current game state

-> GameMonadT m b

Some action to perform before each frame

-> m' (Maybe a, GameState m s a)

Main wire can inhibit therefore result is Maybe

Main loop of the game where each frame is calculated.

Call it frequently enough for smooth simulation. At the end of application there should be call to cleanupGameState.

newGameState Source


:: (GameModule m s, MonadIO m') 
=> GameWire m () a

Wire that we calculate

-> m' (GameState m s a) 

Creates new game state from given main wire.

Use stepGame to update the state and free it with cleanupGameState at the end of your application.

If you need some initialization steps, you can use newGameStateM version.

newGameStateM Source


:: (GameModule m s, MonadIO m') 
=> GameMonadT m (GameWire m () a)

Action that makes wire to execute

-> m' (GameState m s a) 

Creates new game state, monadic version that allows some initialization steps in game monad.

The function is helpful if you want to make an global actor from your main wire.

Use stepGame to update the state and free it with cleanupGameState at the end of your application.

See also newGameState.

cleanupGameState Source


:: (GameModule m s, MonadIO m') 
=> GameState m s a

Game state with resources

-> m' () 

Cleanups resources that is holded in game state.

The function should be called before the exit of application to free all resources catched by core modules.