{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards    #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds   #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Network.Google.BigtableAdmin.Types.Product
-- Copyright   : (c) 2015-2016 Brendan Hay
-- License     : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-- Maintainer  : Brendan Hay <brendan.g.hay@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : auto-generated
-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)
module Network.Google.BigtableAdmin.Types.Product where

import           Network.Google.BigtableAdmin.Types.Sum
import           Network.Google.Prelude

-- | Unconditionally routes all read\/write requests to a specific cluster.
-- This option preserves read-your-writes consistency, but does not improve
-- availability.
-- /See:/ 'singleClusterRouting' smart constructor.
data SingleClusterRouting =
    { _scrAllowTransactionalWrites :: !(Maybe Bool)
    , _scrClusterId                :: !(Maybe Text)
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'SingleClusterRouting' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'scrAllowTransactionalWrites'
-- * 'scrClusterId'
    :: SingleClusterRouting
singleClusterRouting =
    {_scrAllowTransactionalWrites = Nothing, _scrClusterId = Nothing}

-- | Whether or not \`CheckAndMutateRow\` and \`ReadModifyWriteRow\` requests
-- are allowed by this app profile. It is unsafe to send these requests to
-- the same table\/row\/column in multiple clusters.
scrAllowTransactionalWrites :: Lens' SingleClusterRouting (Maybe Bool)
  = lens _scrAllowTransactionalWrites
      (\ s a -> s{_scrAllowTransactionalWrites = a})

-- | The cluster to which read\/write requests should be routed.
scrClusterId :: Lens' SingleClusterRouting (Maybe Text)
  = lens _scrClusterId (\ s a -> s{_scrClusterId = a})

instance FromJSON SingleClusterRouting where
          = withObject "SingleClusterRouting"
              (\ o ->
                 SingleClusterRouting' <$>
                   (o .:? "allowTransactionalWrites") <*>
                     (o .:? "clusterId"))

instance ToJSON SingleClusterRouting where
        toJSON SingleClusterRouting'{..}
          = object
                 [("allowTransactionalWrites" .=) <$>
                  ("clusterId" .=) <$> _scrClusterId])

-- | Labels are a flexible and lightweight mechanism for organizing cloud
-- resources into groups that reflect a customer\'s organizational needs
-- and deployment strategies. They can be used to filter resources and
-- aggregate metrics. * Label keys must be between 1 and 63 characters long
-- and must conform to the regular expression: \`\\p{Ll}\\p{Lo}{0,62}\`. *
-- Label values must be between 0 and 63 characters long and must conform
-- to the regular expression: \`[\\p{Ll}\\p{Lo}\\p{N}_-]{0,63}\`. * No more
-- than 64 labels can be associated with a given resource. * Keys and
-- values must both be under 128 bytes.
-- /See:/ 'instanceLabels' smart constructor.
newtype InstanceLabels =
    { _ilAddtional :: HashMap Text Text
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'InstanceLabels' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'ilAddtional'
    :: HashMap Text Text -- ^ 'ilAddtional'
    -> InstanceLabels
instanceLabels pIlAddtional_ =
  InstanceLabels' {_ilAddtional = _Coerce # pIlAddtional_}

ilAddtional :: Lens' InstanceLabels (HashMap Text Text)
  = lens _ilAddtional (\ s a -> s{_ilAddtional = a}) .

instance FromJSON InstanceLabels where
          = withObject "InstanceLabels"
              (\ o -> InstanceLabels' <$> (parseJSONObject o))

instance ToJSON InstanceLabels where
        toJSON = toJSON . _ilAddtional

-- | The \`Status\` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for
-- different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It
-- is used by [gRPC](https:\/\/github.com\/grpc). The error model is
-- designed to be: - Simple to use and understand for most users - Flexible
-- enough to meet unexpected needs # Overview The \`Status\` message
-- contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error
-- details. The error code should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code, but
-- it may accept additional error codes if needed. The error message should
-- be a developer-facing English message that helps developers *understand*
-- and *resolve* the error. If a localized user-facing error message is
-- needed, put the localized message in the error details or localize it in
-- the client. The optional error details may contain arbitrary information
-- about the error. There is a predefined set of error detail types in the
-- package \`google.rpc\` that can be used for common error conditions. #
-- Language mapping The \`Status\` message is the logical representation of
-- the error model, but it is not necessarily the actual wire format. When
-- the \`Status\` message is exposed in different client libraries and
-- different wire protocols, it can be mapped differently. For example, it
-- will likely be mapped to some exceptions in Java, but more likely mapped
-- to some error codes in C. # Other uses The error model and the
-- \`Status\` message can be used in a variety of environments, either with
-- or without APIs, to provide a consistent developer experience across
-- different environments. Example uses of this error model include: -
-- Partial errors. If a service needs to return partial errors to the
-- client, it may embed the \`Status\` in the normal response to indicate
-- the partial errors. - Workflow errors. A typical workflow has multiple
-- steps. Each step may have a \`Status\` message for error reporting. -
-- Batch operations. If a client uses batch request and batch response, the
-- \`Status\` message should be used directly inside batch response, one
-- for each error sub-response. - Asynchronous operations. If an API call
-- embeds asynchronous operation results in its response, the status of
-- those operations should be represented directly using the \`Status\`
-- message. - Logging. If some API errors are stored in logs, the message
-- \`Status\` could be used directly after any stripping needed for
-- security\/privacy reasons.
-- /See:/ 'status' smart constructor.
data Status =
    { _sDetails :: !(Maybe [StatusDetailsItem])
    , _sCode    :: !(Maybe (Textual Int32))
    , _sMessage :: !(Maybe Text)
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'Status' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'sDetails'
-- * 'sCode'
-- * 'sMessage'
    :: Status
status = Status' {_sDetails = Nothing, _sCode = Nothing, _sMessage = Nothing}

-- | A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set
-- of message types for APIs to use.
sDetails :: Lens' Status [StatusDetailsItem]
  = lens _sDetails (\ s a -> s{_sDetails = a}) .
      . _Coerce

-- | The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
sCode :: Lens' Status (Maybe Int32)
  = lens _sCode (\ s a -> s{_sCode = a}) .
      mapping _Coerce

-- | A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any
-- user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the
-- google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
sMessage :: Lens' Status (Maybe Text)
sMessage = lens _sMessage (\ s a -> s{_sMessage = a})

instance FromJSON Status where
          = withObject "Status"
              (\ o ->
                 Status' <$>
                   (o .:? "details" .!= mempty) <*> (o .:? "code") <*>
                     (o .:? "message"))

instance ToJSON Status where
        toJSON Status'{..}
          = object
                 [("details" .=) <$> _sDetails,
                  ("code" .=) <$> _sCode,
                  ("message" .=) <$> _sMessage])

-- | Request message for BigtableInstanceAdmin.CreateInstance.
-- /See:/ 'createInstanceRequest' smart constructor.
data CreateInstanceRequest =
    { _cirParent     :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _cirInstanceId :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _cirClusters   :: !(Maybe CreateInstanceRequestClusters)
    , _cirInstance   :: !(Maybe Instance)
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'CreateInstanceRequest' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'cirParent'
-- * 'cirInstanceId'
-- * 'cirClusters'
-- * 'cirInstance'
    :: CreateInstanceRequest
createInstanceRequest =
    { _cirParent = Nothing
    , _cirInstanceId = Nothing
    , _cirClusters = Nothing
    , _cirInstance = Nothing

-- | The unique name of the project in which to create the new instance.
-- Values are of the form \`projects\/\`.
cirParent :: Lens' CreateInstanceRequest (Maybe Text)
  = lens _cirParent (\ s a -> s{_cirParent = a})

-- | The ID to be used when referring to the new instance within its project,
-- e.g., just \`myinstance\` rather than
-- \`projects\/myproject\/instances\/myinstance\`.
cirInstanceId :: Lens' CreateInstanceRequest (Maybe Text)
  = lens _cirInstanceId
      (\ s a -> s{_cirInstanceId = a})

-- | The clusters to be created within the instance, mapped by desired
-- cluster ID, e.g., just \`mycluster\` rather than
-- \`projects\/myproject\/instances\/myinstance\/clusters\/mycluster\`.
-- Fields marked \`OutputOnly\` must be left blank. Currently, at most two
-- clusters can be specified.
cirClusters :: Lens' CreateInstanceRequest (Maybe CreateInstanceRequestClusters)
  = lens _cirClusters (\ s a -> s{_cirClusters = a})

-- | The instance to create. Fields marked \`OutputOnly\` must be left blank.
cirInstance :: Lens' CreateInstanceRequest (Maybe Instance)
  = lens _cirInstance (\ s a -> s{_cirInstance = a})

instance FromJSON CreateInstanceRequest where
          = withObject "CreateInstanceRequest"
              (\ o ->
                 CreateInstanceRequest' <$>
                   (o .:? "parent") <*> (o .:? "instanceId") <*>
                     (o .:? "clusters")
                     <*> (o .:? "instance"))

instance ToJSON CreateInstanceRequest where
        toJSON CreateInstanceRequest'{..}
          = object
                 [("parent" .=) <$> _cirParent,
                  ("instanceId" .=) <$> _cirInstanceId,
                  ("clusters" .=) <$> _cirClusters,
                  ("instance" .=) <$> _cirInstance])

-- | Specifies the audit configuration for a service. The configuration
-- determines which permission types are logged, and what identities, if
-- any, are exempted from logging. An AuditConfig must have one or more
-- AuditLogConfigs. If there are AuditConfigs for both \`allServices\` and
-- a specific service, the union of the two AuditConfigs is used for that
-- service: the log_types specified in each AuditConfig are enabled, and
-- the exempted_members in each AuditLogConfig are exempted. Example Policy
-- with multiple AuditConfigs: { \"audit_configs\": [ { \"service\":
-- \"allServices\" \"audit_log_configs\": [ { \"log_type\": \"DATA_READ\",
-- \"exempted_members\": [ \"user:foo\'gmail.com\" ] }, { \"log_type\":
-- \"DATA_WRITE\", }, { \"log_type\": \"ADMIN_READ\", } ] }, { \"service\":
-- \"fooservice.googleapis.com\" \"audit_log_configs\": [ { \"log_type\":
-- \"DATA_READ\", }, { \"log_type\": \"DATA_WRITE\", \"exempted_members\":
-- [ \"user:bar\'gmail.com\" ] } ] } ] } For fooservice, this policy
-- enables DATA_READ, DATA_WRITE and ADMIN_READ logging. It also exempts
-- foo\'gmail.com from DATA_READ logging, and bar\'gmail.com from
-- DATA_WRITE logging.
-- /See:/ 'auditConfig' smart constructor.
data AuditConfig =
    { _acService         :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _acAuditLogConfigs :: !(Maybe [AuditLogConfig])
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'AuditConfig' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'acService'
-- * 'acAuditLogConfigs'
    :: AuditConfig
auditConfig = AuditConfig' {_acService = Nothing, _acAuditLogConfigs = Nothing}

-- | Specifies a service that will be enabled for audit logging. For example,
-- \`storage.googleapis.com\`, \`cloudsql.googleapis.com\`. \`allServices\`
-- is a special value that covers all services.
acService :: Lens' AuditConfig (Maybe Text)
  = lens _acService (\ s a -> s{_acService = a})

-- | The configuration for logging of each type of permission.
acAuditLogConfigs :: Lens' AuditConfig [AuditLogConfig]
  = lens _acAuditLogConfigs
      (\ s a -> s{_acAuditLogConfigs = a})
      . _Default
      . _Coerce

instance FromJSON AuditConfig where
          = withObject "AuditConfig"
              (\ o ->
                 AuditConfig' <$>
                   (o .:? "service") <*>
                     (o .:? "auditLogConfigs" .!= mempty))

instance ToJSON AuditConfig where
        toJSON AuditConfig'{..}
          = object
                 [("service" .=) <$> _acService,
                  ("auditLogConfigs" .=) <$> _acAuditLogConfigs])

-- | Request message for
-- google.bigtable.admin.v2.BigtableTableAdmin.GenerateConsistencyToken
-- /See:/ 'generateConsistencyTokenRequest' smart constructor.
data GenerateConsistencyTokenRequest =
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'GenerateConsistencyTokenRequest' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
    :: GenerateConsistencyTokenRequest
generateConsistencyTokenRequest = GenerateConsistencyTokenRequest'

instance FromJSON GenerateConsistencyTokenRequest
          = withObject "GenerateConsistencyTokenRequest"
              (\ o -> pure GenerateConsistencyTokenRequest')

instance ToJSON GenerateConsistencyTokenRequest where
        toJSON = const emptyObject

-- | Request message for
-- google.bigtable.admin.v2.BigtableTableAdmin.ModifyColumnFamilies
-- /See:/ 'modifyColumnFamiliesRequest' smart constructor.
newtype ModifyColumnFamiliesRequest =
    { _mcfrModifications :: Maybe [Modification]
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'ModifyColumnFamiliesRequest' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'mcfrModifications'
    :: ModifyColumnFamiliesRequest
modifyColumnFamiliesRequest =
  ModifyColumnFamiliesRequest' {_mcfrModifications = Nothing}

-- | Modifications to be atomically applied to the specified table\'s
-- families. Entries are applied in order, meaning that earlier
-- modifications can be masked by later ones (in the case of repeated
-- updates to the same family, for example).
mcfrModifications :: Lens' ModifyColumnFamiliesRequest [Modification]
  = lens _mcfrModifications
      (\ s a -> s{_mcfrModifications = a})
      . _Default
      . _Coerce

instance FromJSON ModifyColumnFamiliesRequest where
          = withObject "ModifyColumnFamiliesRequest"
              (\ o ->
                 ModifyColumnFamiliesRequest' <$>
                   (o .:? "modifications" .!= mempty))

instance ToJSON ModifyColumnFamiliesRequest where
        toJSON ModifyColumnFamiliesRequest'{..}
          = object
                 [("modifications" .=) <$> _mcfrModifications])

-- | Represents an expression text. Example: title: \"User account presence\"
-- description: \"Determines whether the request has a user account\"
-- expression: \"size(request.user) > 0\"
-- /See:/ 'expr' smart constructor.
data Expr =
    { _eLocation    :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _eExpression  :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _eTitle       :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _eDescription :: !(Maybe Text)
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'Expr' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'eLocation'
-- * 'eExpression'
-- * 'eTitle'
-- * 'eDescription'
    :: Expr
expr =
    { _eLocation = Nothing
    , _eExpression = Nothing
    , _eTitle = Nothing
    , _eDescription = Nothing

-- | An optional string indicating the location of the expression for error
-- reporting, e.g. a file name and a position in the file.
eLocation :: Lens' Expr (Maybe Text)
  = lens _eLocation (\ s a -> s{_eLocation = a})

-- | Textual representation of an expression in Common Expression Language
-- syntax. The application context of the containing message determines
-- which well-known feature set of CEL is supported.
eExpression :: Lens' Expr (Maybe Text)
  = lens _eExpression (\ s a -> s{_eExpression = a})

-- | An optional title for the expression, i.e. a short string describing its
-- purpose. This can be used e.g. in UIs which allow to enter the
-- expression.
eTitle :: Lens' Expr (Maybe Text)
eTitle = lens _eTitle (\ s a -> s{_eTitle = a})

-- | An optional description of the expression. This is a longer text which
-- describes the expression, e.g. when hovered over it in a UI.
eDescription :: Lens' Expr (Maybe Text)
  = lens _eDescription (\ s a -> s{_eDescription = a})

instance FromJSON Expr where
          = withObject "Expr"
              (\ o ->
                 Expr' <$>
                   (o .:? "location") <*> (o .:? "expression") <*>
                     (o .:? "title")
                     <*> (o .:? "description"))

instance ToJSON Expr where
        toJSON Expr'{..}
          = object
                 [("location" .=) <$> _eLocation,
                  ("expression" .=) <$> _eExpression,
                  ("title" .=) <$> _eTitle,
                  ("description" .=) <$> _eDescription])

-- | The response message for Operations.ListOperations.
-- /See:/ 'listOperationsResponse' smart constructor.
data ListOperationsResponse =
    { _lorNextPageToken :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _lorOperations    :: !(Maybe [Operation])
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'ListOperationsResponse' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'lorNextPageToken'
-- * 'lorOperations'
    :: ListOperationsResponse
listOperationsResponse =
    {_lorNextPageToken = Nothing, _lorOperations = Nothing}

-- | The standard List next-page token.
lorNextPageToken :: Lens' ListOperationsResponse (Maybe Text)
  = lens _lorNextPageToken
      (\ s a -> s{_lorNextPageToken = a})

-- | A list of operations that matches the specified filter in the request.
lorOperations :: Lens' ListOperationsResponse [Operation]
  = lens _lorOperations
      (\ s a -> s{_lorOperations = a})
      . _Default
      . _Coerce

instance FromJSON ListOperationsResponse where
          = withObject "ListOperationsResponse"
              (\ o ->
                 ListOperationsResponse' <$>
                   (o .:? "nextPageToken") <*>
                     (o .:? "operations" .!= mempty))

instance ToJSON ListOperationsResponse where
        toJSON ListOperationsResponse'{..}
          = object
                 [("nextPageToken" .=) <$> _lorNextPageToken,
                  ("operations" .=) <$> _lorOperations])

-- | Request message for BigtableInstanceAdmin.CreateCluster.
-- /See:/ 'createClusterRequest' smart constructor.
data CreateClusterRequest =
    { _ccrParent    :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _ccrCluster   :: !(Maybe Cluster)
    , _ccrClusterId :: !(Maybe Text)
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'CreateClusterRequest' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'ccrParent'
-- * 'ccrCluster'
-- * 'ccrClusterId'
    :: CreateClusterRequest
createClusterRequest =
    {_ccrParent = Nothing, _ccrCluster = Nothing, _ccrClusterId = Nothing}

-- | The unique name of the instance in which to create the new cluster.
-- Values are of the form \`projects\/\/instances\/\`.
ccrParent :: Lens' CreateClusterRequest (Maybe Text)
  = lens _ccrParent (\ s a -> s{_ccrParent = a})

-- | The cluster to be created. Fields marked \`OutputOnly\` must be left
-- blank.
ccrCluster :: Lens' CreateClusterRequest (Maybe Cluster)
  = lens _ccrCluster (\ s a -> s{_ccrCluster = a})

-- | The ID to be used when referring to the new cluster within its instance,
-- e.g., just \`mycluster\` rather than
-- \`projects\/myproject\/instances\/myinstance\/clusters\/mycluster\`.
ccrClusterId :: Lens' CreateClusterRequest (Maybe Text)
  = lens _ccrClusterId (\ s a -> s{_ccrClusterId = a})

instance FromJSON CreateClusterRequest where
          = withObject "CreateClusterRequest"
              (\ o ->
                 CreateClusterRequest' <$>
                   (o .:? "parent") <*> (o .:? "cluster") <*>
                     (o .:? "clusterId"))

instance ToJSON CreateClusterRequest where
        toJSON CreateClusterRequest'{..}
          = object
                 [("parent" .=) <$> _ccrParent,
                  ("cluster" .=) <$> _ccrCluster,
                  ("clusterId" .=) <$> _ccrClusterId])

-- | Request message for \`GetIamPolicy\` method.
-- /See:/ 'getIAMPolicyRequest' smart constructor.
data GetIAMPolicyRequest =
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'GetIAMPolicyRequest' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
    :: GetIAMPolicyRequest
getIAMPolicyRequest = GetIAMPolicyRequest'

instance FromJSON GetIAMPolicyRequest where
          = withObject "GetIAMPolicyRequest"
              (\ o -> pure GetIAMPolicyRequest')

instance ToJSON GetIAMPolicyRequest where
        toJSON = const emptyObject

-- | A resizable group of nodes in a particular cloud location, capable of
-- serving all Tables in the parent Instance.
-- /See:/ 'cluster' smart constructor.
data Cluster =
    { _cState              :: !(Maybe ClusterType)
    , _cDefaultStorageType :: !(Maybe ClusterDefaultStorageType)
    , _cLocation           :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _cServeNodes         :: !(Maybe (Textual Int32))
    , _cName               :: !(Maybe Text)
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'Cluster' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'cState'
-- * 'cDefaultStorageType'
-- * 'cLocation'
-- * 'cServeNodes'
-- * 'cName'
    :: Cluster
cluster =
    { _cState = Nothing
    , _cDefaultStorageType = Nothing
    , _cLocation = Nothing
    , _cServeNodes = Nothing
    , _cName = Nothing

-- | (\`OutputOnly\`) The current state of the cluster.
cState :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe ClusterType)
cState = lens _cState (\ s a -> s{_cState = a})

-- | (\`CreationOnly\`) The type of storage used by this cluster to serve its
-- parent instance\'s tables, unless explicitly overridden.
cDefaultStorageType :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe ClusterDefaultStorageType)
  = lens _cDefaultStorageType
      (\ s a -> s{_cDefaultStorageType = a})

-- | (\`CreationOnly\`) The location where this cluster\'s nodes and storage
-- reside. For best performance, clients should be located as close as
-- possible to this cluster. Currently only zones are supported, so values
-- should be of the form \`projects\/\/locations\/\`.
cLocation :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text)
  = lens _cLocation (\ s a -> s{_cLocation = a})

-- | The number of nodes allocated to this cluster. More nodes enable higher
-- throughput and more consistent performance.
cServeNodes :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Int32)
  = lens _cServeNodes (\ s a -> s{_cServeNodes = a}) .
      mapping _Coerce

-- | (\`OutputOnly\`) The unique name of the cluster. Values are of the form
-- \`projects\/\/instances\/\/clusters\/a-z*\`.
cName :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text)
cName = lens _cName (\ s a -> s{_cName = a})

instance FromJSON Cluster where
          = withObject "Cluster"
              (\ o ->
                 Cluster' <$>
                   (o .:? "state") <*> (o .:? "defaultStorageType") <*>
                     (o .:? "location")
                     <*> (o .:? "serveNodes")
                     <*> (o .:? "name"))

instance ToJSON Cluster where
        toJSON Cluster'{..}
          = object
                 [("state" .=) <$> _cState,
                  ("defaultStorageType" .=) <$> _cDefaultStorageType,
                  ("location" .=) <$> _cLocation,
                  ("serveNodes" .=) <$> _cServeNodes,
                  ("name" .=) <$> _cName])

-- | An initial split point for a newly created table.
-- /See:/ 'split' smart constructor.
newtype Split =
    { _sKey :: Maybe Bytes
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'Split' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'sKey'
    :: Split
split = Split' {_sKey = Nothing}

-- | Row key to use as an initial tablet boundary.
sKey :: Lens' Split (Maybe ByteString)
  = lens _sKey (\ s a -> s{_sKey = a}) . mapping _Bytes

instance FromJSON Split where
          = withObject "Split"
              (\ o -> Split' <$> (o .:? "key"))

instance ToJSON Split where
        toJSON Split'{..}
          = object (catMaybes [("key" .=) <$> _sKey])

-- | Read\/write requests may be routed to any cluster in the instance, and
-- will fail over to another cluster in the event of transient errors or
-- delays. Choosing this option sacrifices read-your-writes consistency to
-- improve availability.
-- /See:/ 'multiClusterRoutingUseAny' smart constructor.
data MultiClusterRoutingUseAny =
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'MultiClusterRoutingUseAny' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
    :: MultiClusterRoutingUseAny
multiClusterRoutingUseAny = MultiClusterRoutingUseAny'

instance FromJSON MultiClusterRoutingUseAny where
          = withObject "MultiClusterRoutingUseAny"
              (\ o -> pure MultiClusterRoutingUseAny')

instance ToJSON MultiClusterRoutingUseAny where
        toJSON = const emptyObject

-- | The state of a table\'s data in a particular cluster.
-- /See:/ 'clusterState' smart constructor.
newtype ClusterState =
    { _csReplicationState :: Maybe ClusterStateReplicationState
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'ClusterState' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'csReplicationState'
    :: ClusterState
clusterState = ClusterState' {_csReplicationState = Nothing}

-- | Output only. The state of replication for the table in this cluster.
csReplicationState :: Lens' ClusterState (Maybe ClusterStateReplicationState)
  = lens _csReplicationState
      (\ s a -> s{_csReplicationState = a})

instance FromJSON ClusterState where
          = withObject "ClusterState"
              (\ o -> ClusterState' <$> (o .:? "replicationState"))

instance ToJSON ClusterState where
        toJSON ClusterState'{..}
          = object
                 [("replicationState" .=) <$> _csReplicationState])

-- | This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of
-- a network API call.
-- /See:/ 'operation' smart constructor.
data Operation =
    { _oDone     :: !(Maybe Bool)
    , _oError    :: !(Maybe Status)
    , _oResponse :: !(Maybe OperationResponse)
    , _oName     :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _oMetadata :: !(Maybe OperationMetadata)
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'Operation' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'oDone'
-- * 'oError'
-- * 'oResponse'
-- * 'oName'
-- * 'oMetadata'
    :: Operation
operation =
    { _oDone = Nothing
    , _oError = Nothing
    , _oResponse = Nothing
    , _oName = Nothing
    , _oMetadata = Nothing

-- | If the value is \`false\`, it means the operation is still in progress.
-- If \`true\`, the operation is completed, and either \`error\` or
-- \`response\` is available.
oDone :: Lens' Operation (Maybe Bool)
oDone = lens _oDone (\ s a -> s{_oDone = a})

-- | The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation.
oError :: Lens' Operation (Maybe Status)
oError = lens _oError (\ s a -> s{_oError = a})

-- | The normal response of the operation in case of success. If the original
-- method returns no data on success, such as \`Delete\`, the response is
-- \`google.protobuf.Empty\`. If the original method is standard
-- \`Get\`\/\`Create\`\/\`Update\`, the response should be the resource.
-- For other methods, the response should have the type \`XxxResponse\`,
-- where \`Xxx\` is the original method name. For example, if the original
-- method name is \`TakeSnapshot()\`, the inferred response type is
-- \`TakeSnapshotResponse\`.
oResponse :: Lens' Operation (Maybe OperationResponse)
  = lens _oResponse (\ s a -> s{_oResponse = a})

-- | The server-assigned name, which is only unique within the same service
-- that originally returns it. If you use the default HTTP mapping, the
-- \`name\` should have the format of \`operations\/some\/unique\/name\`.
oName :: Lens' Operation (Maybe Text)
oName = lens _oName (\ s a -> s{_oName = a})

-- | Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically
-- contains progress information and common metadata such as create time.
-- Some services might not provide such metadata. Any method that returns a
-- long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any.
oMetadata :: Lens' Operation (Maybe OperationMetadata)
  = lens _oMetadata (\ s a -> s{_oMetadata = a})

instance FromJSON Operation where
          = withObject "Operation"
              (\ o ->
                 Operation' <$>
                   (o .:? "done") <*> (o .:? "error") <*>
                     (o .:? "response")
                     <*> (o .:? "name")
                     <*> (o .:? "metadata"))

instance ToJSON Operation where
        toJSON Operation'{..}
          = object
                 [("done" .=) <$> _oDone, ("error" .=) <$> _oError,
                  ("response" .=) <$> _oResponse,
                  ("name" .=) <$> _oName,
                  ("metadata" .=) <$> _oMetadata])

-- | A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated
-- empty messages in your APIs. A typical example is to use it as the
-- request or the response type of an API method. For instance: service Foo
-- { rpc Bar(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty); } The
-- JSON representation for \`Empty\` is empty JSON object \`{}\`.
-- /See:/ 'empty' smart constructor.
data Empty =
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'Empty' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
    :: Empty
empty = Empty'

instance FromJSON Empty where
        parseJSON = withObject "Empty" (\ o -> pure Empty')

instance ToJSON Empty where
        toJSON = const emptyObject

-- | Response message for BigtableInstanceAdmin.ListAppProfiles.
-- /See:/ 'listAppProFilesResponse' smart constructor.
data ListAppProFilesResponse =
    { _lapfrNextPageToken   :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _lapfrFailedLocations :: !(Maybe [Text])
    , _lapfrAppProFiles     :: !(Maybe [AppProFile])
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'ListAppProFilesResponse' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'lapfrNextPageToken'
-- * 'lapfrFailedLocations'
-- * 'lapfrAppProFiles'
    :: ListAppProFilesResponse
listAppProFilesResponse =
    { _lapfrNextPageToken = Nothing
    , _lapfrFailedLocations = Nothing
    , _lapfrAppProFiles = Nothing

-- | Set if not all app profiles could be returned in a single response. Pass
-- this value to \`page_token\` in another request to get the next page of
-- results.
lapfrNextPageToken :: Lens' ListAppProFilesResponse (Maybe Text)
  = lens _lapfrNextPageToken
      (\ s a -> s{_lapfrNextPageToken = a})

-- | Locations from which AppProfile information could not be retrieved, due
-- to an outage or some other transient condition. AppProfiles from these
-- locations may be missing from \`app_profiles\`. Values are of the form
-- \`projects\/\/locations\/\`
lapfrFailedLocations :: Lens' ListAppProFilesResponse [Text]
  = lens _lapfrFailedLocations
      (\ s a -> s{_lapfrFailedLocations = a})
      . _Default
      . _Coerce

-- | The list of requested app profiles.
lapfrAppProFiles :: Lens' ListAppProFilesResponse [AppProFile]
  = lens _lapfrAppProFiles
      (\ s a -> s{_lapfrAppProFiles = a})
      . _Default
      . _Coerce

instance FromJSON ListAppProFilesResponse where
          = withObject "ListAppProFilesResponse"
              (\ o ->
                 ListAppProFilesResponse' <$>
                   (o .:? "nextPageToken") <*>
                     (o .:? "failedLocations" .!= mempty)
                     <*> (o .:? "appProfiles" .!= mempty))

instance ToJSON ListAppProFilesResponse where
        toJSON ListAppProFilesResponse'{..}
          = object
                 [("nextPageToken" .=) <$> _lapfrNextPageToken,
                  ("failedLocations" .=) <$> _lapfrFailedLocations,
                  ("appProfiles" .=) <$> _lapfrAppProFiles])

-- | Output only. Map from cluster ID to per-cluster table state. If it could
-- not be determined whether or not the table has data in a particular
-- cluster (for example, if its zone is unavailable), then there will be an
-- entry for the cluster with UNKNOWN \`replication_status\`. Views:
-- /See:/ 'tableClusterStates' smart constructor.
newtype TableClusterStates =
    { _tcsAddtional :: HashMap Text ClusterState
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'TableClusterStates' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'tcsAddtional'
    :: HashMap Text ClusterState -- ^ 'tcsAddtional'
    -> TableClusterStates
tableClusterStates pTcsAddtional_ =
  TableClusterStates' {_tcsAddtional = _Coerce # pTcsAddtional_}

tcsAddtional :: Lens' TableClusterStates (HashMap Text ClusterState)
  = lens _tcsAddtional (\ s a -> s{_tcsAddtional = a})
      . _Coerce

instance FromJSON TableClusterStates where
          = withObject "TableClusterStates"
              (\ o -> TableClusterStates' <$> (parseJSONObject o))

instance ToJSON TableClusterStates where
        toJSON = toJSON . _tcsAddtional

-- | (\`CreationOnly\`) The column families configured for this table, mapped
-- by column family ID. Views: \`SCHEMA_VIEW\`, \`FULL\`
-- /See:/ 'tableColumnFamilies' smart constructor.
newtype TableColumnFamilies =
    { _tcfAddtional :: HashMap Text ColumnFamily
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'TableColumnFamilies' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'tcfAddtional'
    :: HashMap Text ColumnFamily -- ^ 'tcfAddtional'
    -> TableColumnFamilies
tableColumnFamilies pTcfAddtional_ =
  TableColumnFamilies' {_tcfAddtional = _Coerce # pTcfAddtional_}

tcfAddtional :: Lens' TableColumnFamilies (HashMap Text ColumnFamily)
  = lens _tcfAddtional (\ s a -> s{_tcfAddtional = a})
      . _Coerce

instance FromJSON TableColumnFamilies where
          = withObject "TableColumnFamilies"
              (\ o -> TableColumnFamilies' <$> (parseJSONObject o))

instance ToJSON TableColumnFamilies where
        toJSON = toJSON . _tcfAddtional

-- | Request message for
-- google.bigtable.admin.v2.BigtableTableAdmin.CreateTable
-- /See:/ 'createTableRequest' smart constructor.
data CreateTableRequest =
    { _ctrInitialSplits :: !(Maybe [Split])
    , _ctrTableId       :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _ctrTable         :: !(Maybe Table)
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'CreateTableRequest' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'ctrInitialSplits'
-- * 'ctrTableId'
-- * 'ctrTable'
    :: CreateTableRequest
createTableRequest =
    {_ctrInitialSplits = Nothing, _ctrTableId = Nothing, _ctrTable = Nothing}

-- | The optional list of row keys that will be used to initially split the
-- table into several tablets (tablets are similar to HBase regions). Given
-- two split keys, \`s1\` and \`s2\`, three tablets will be created,
-- spanning the key ranges: \`[, s1), [s1, s2), [s2, )\`. Example: * Row
-- keys := \`[\"a\", \"apple\", \"custom\", \"customer_1\",
-- \"customer_2\",\` \`\"other\", \"zz\"]\` * initial_split_keys :=
-- \`[\"apple\", \"customer_1\", \"customer_2\", \"other\"]\` * Key
-- assignment: - Tablet 1 \`[, apple) => {\"a\"}.\` - Tablet 2 \`[apple,
-- customer_1) => {\"apple\", \"custom\"}.\` - Tablet 3 \`[customer_1,
-- customer_2) => {\"customer_1\"}.\` - Tablet 4 \`[customer_2, other) =>
-- {\"customer_2\"}.\` - Tablet 5 \`[other, ) => {\"other\", \"zz\"}.\`
ctrInitialSplits :: Lens' CreateTableRequest [Split]
  = lens _ctrInitialSplits
      (\ s a -> s{_ctrInitialSplits = a})
      . _Default
      . _Coerce

-- | The name by which the new table should be referred to within the parent
-- instance, e.g., \`foobar\` rather than \`\/tables\/foobar\`.
ctrTableId :: Lens' CreateTableRequest (Maybe Text)
  = lens _ctrTableId (\ s a -> s{_ctrTableId = a})

-- | The Table to create.
ctrTable :: Lens' CreateTableRequest (Maybe Table)
ctrTable = lens _ctrTable (\ s a -> s{_ctrTable = a})

instance FromJSON CreateTableRequest where
          = withObject "CreateTableRequest"
              (\ o ->
                 CreateTableRequest' <$>
                   (o .:? "initialSplits" .!= mempty) <*>
                     (o .:? "tableId")
                     <*> (o .:? "table"))

instance ToJSON CreateTableRequest where
        toJSON CreateTableRequest'{..}
          = object
                 [("initialSplits" .=) <$> _ctrInitialSplits,
                  ("tableId" .=) <$> _ctrTableId,
                  ("table" .=) <$> _ctrTable])

-- | The metadata for the Operation returned by CreateCluster.
-- /See:/ 'createClusterMetadata' smart constructor.
data CreateClusterMetadata =
    { _ccmRequestTime     :: !(Maybe DateTime')
    , _ccmTables          :: !(Maybe CreateClusterMetadataTables)
    , _ccmOriginalRequest :: !(Maybe CreateClusterRequest)
    , _ccmFinishTime      :: !(Maybe DateTime')
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'CreateClusterMetadata' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'ccmRequestTime'
-- * 'ccmTables'
-- * 'ccmOriginalRequest'
-- * 'ccmFinishTime'
    :: CreateClusterMetadata
createClusterMetadata =
    { _ccmRequestTime = Nothing
    , _ccmTables = Nothing
    , _ccmOriginalRequest = Nothing
    , _ccmFinishTime = Nothing

-- | The time at which the original request was received.
ccmRequestTime :: Lens' CreateClusterMetadata (Maybe UTCTime)
  = lens _ccmRequestTime
      (\ s a -> s{_ccmRequestTime = a})
      . mapping _DateTime

-- | Keys: the full \`name\` of each table that existed in the instance when
-- CreateCluster was first called, i.e. \`projects\/\/instances\/\/tables\/
-- \`. Any table added to the instance by a later API call will be created
-- in the new cluster by that API call, not this one. Values: information
-- on how much of a table\'s data has been copied to the newly-created
-- cluster so far.
ccmTables :: Lens' CreateClusterMetadata (Maybe CreateClusterMetadataTables)
  = lens _ccmTables (\ s a -> s{_ccmTables = a})

-- | The request that prompted the initiation of this CreateCluster
-- operation.
ccmOriginalRequest :: Lens' CreateClusterMetadata (Maybe CreateClusterRequest)
  = lens _ccmOriginalRequest
      (\ s a -> s{_ccmOriginalRequest = a})

-- | The time at which the operation failed or was completed successfully.
ccmFinishTime :: Lens' CreateClusterMetadata (Maybe UTCTime)
  = lens _ccmFinishTime
      (\ s a -> s{_ccmFinishTime = a})
      . mapping _DateTime

instance FromJSON CreateClusterMetadata where
          = withObject "CreateClusterMetadata"
              (\ o ->
                 CreateClusterMetadata' <$>
                   (o .:? "requestTime") <*> (o .:? "tables") <*>
                     (o .:? "originalRequest")
                     <*> (o .:? "finishTime"))

instance ToJSON CreateClusterMetadata where
        toJSON CreateClusterMetadata'{..}
          = object
                 [("requestTime" .=) <$> _ccmRequestTime,
                  ("tables" .=) <$> _ccmTables,
                  ("originalRequest" .=) <$> _ccmOriginalRequest,
                  ("finishTime" .=) <$> _ccmFinishTime])

-- | Progress info for copying a table\'s data to the new cluster.
-- /See:/ 'tableProgress' smart constructor.
data TableProgress =
    { _tpState                :: !(Maybe TableProgressState)
    , _tpEstimatedSizeBytes   :: !(Maybe (Textual Int64))
    , _tpEstimatedCopiedBytes :: !(Maybe (Textual Int64))
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'TableProgress' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'tpState'
-- * 'tpEstimatedSizeBytes'
-- * 'tpEstimatedCopiedBytes'
    :: TableProgress
tableProgress =
    { _tpState = Nothing
    , _tpEstimatedSizeBytes = Nothing
    , _tpEstimatedCopiedBytes = Nothing

tpState :: Lens' TableProgress (Maybe TableProgressState)
tpState = lens _tpState (\ s a -> s{_tpState = a})

-- | Estimate of the size of the table to be copied.
tpEstimatedSizeBytes :: Lens' TableProgress (Maybe Int64)
  = lens _tpEstimatedSizeBytes
      (\ s a -> s{_tpEstimatedSizeBytes = a})
      . mapping _Coerce

-- | Estimate of the number of bytes copied so far for this table. This will
-- eventually reach \'estimated_size_bytes\' unless the table copy is
tpEstimatedCopiedBytes :: Lens' TableProgress (Maybe Int64)
  = lens _tpEstimatedCopiedBytes
      (\ s a -> s{_tpEstimatedCopiedBytes = a})
      . mapping _Coerce

instance FromJSON TableProgress where
          = withObject "TableProgress"
              (\ o ->
                 TableProgress' <$>
                   (o .:? "state") <*> (o .:? "estimatedSizeBytes") <*>
                     (o .:? "estimatedCopiedBytes"))

instance ToJSON TableProgress where
        toJSON TableProgress'{..}
          = object
                 [("state" .=) <$> _tpState,
                  ("estimatedSizeBytes" .=) <$> _tpEstimatedSizeBytes,
                  ("estimatedCopiedBytes" .=) <$>

-- | A GcRule which deletes cells matching any of the given rules.
-- /See:/ 'union' smart constructor.
newtype Union =
    { _uRules :: Maybe [GcRule]
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'Union' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'uRules'
    :: Union
union = Union' {_uRules = Nothing}

-- | Delete cells which would be deleted by any element of \`rules\`.
uRules :: Lens' Union [GcRule]
  = lens _uRules (\ s a -> s{_uRules = a}) . _Default .

instance FromJSON Union where
          = withObject "Union"
              (\ o -> Union' <$> (o .:? "rules" .!= mempty))

instance ToJSON Union where
        toJSON Union'{..}
          = object (catMaybes [("rules" .=) <$> _uRules])

-- /See:/ 'statusDetailsItem' smart constructor.
newtype StatusDetailsItem =
    { _sdiAddtional :: HashMap Text JSONValue
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'StatusDetailsItem' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'sdiAddtional'
    :: HashMap Text JSONValue -- ^ 'sdiAddtional'
    -> StatusDetailsItem
statusDetailsItem pSdiAddtional_ =
  StatusDetailsItem' {_sdiAddtional = _Coerce # pSdiAddtional_}

-- | Properties of the object. Contains field \'type with type URL.
sdiAddtional :: Lens' StatusDetailsItem (HashMap Text JSONValue)
  = lens _sdiAddtional (\ s a -> s{_sdiAddtional = a})
      . _Coerce

instance FromJSON StatusDetailsItem where
          = withObject "StatusDetailsItem"
              (\ o -> StatusDetailsItem' <$> (parseJSONObject o))

instance ToJSON StatusDetailsItem where
        toJSON = toJSON . _sdiAddtional

-- | Keys: the full \`name\` of each table that existed in the instance when
-- CreateCluster was first called, i.e. \`projects\/\/instances\/\/tables\/
-- \`. Any table added to the instance by a later API call will be created
-- in the new cluster by that API call, not this one. Values: information
-- on how much of a table\'s data has been copied to the newly-created
-- cluster so far.
-- /See:/ 'createClusterMetadataTables' smart constructor.
newtype CreateClusterMetadataTables =
    { _ccmtAddtional :: HashMap Text TableProgress
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'CreateClusterMetadataTables' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'ccmtAddtional'
    :: HashMap Text TableProgress -- ^ 'ccmtAddtional'
    -> CreateClusterMetadataTables
createClusterMetadataTables pCcmtAddtional_ =
  CreateClusterMetadataTables' {_ccmtAddtional = _Coerce # pCcmtAddtional_}

ccmtAddtional :: Lens' CreateClusterMetadataTables (HashMap Text TableProgress)
  = lens _ccmtAddtional
      (\ s a -> s{_ccmtAddtional = a})
      . _Coerce

instance FromJSON CreateClusterMetadataTables where
          = withObject "CreateClusterMetadataTables"
              (\ o ->
                 CreateClusterMetadataTables' <$> (parseJSONObject o))

instance ToJSON CreateClusterMetadataTables where
        toJSON = toJSON . _ccmtAddtional

-- | The metadata for the Operation returned by UpdateAppProfile.
-- /See:/ 'updateAppProFileMetadata' smart constructor.
data UpdateAppProFileMetadata =
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'UpdateAppProFileMetadata' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
    :: UpdateAppProFileMetadata
updateAppProFileMetadata = UpdateAppProFileMetadata'

instance FromJSON UpdateAppProFileMetadata where
          = withObject "UpdateAppProFileMetadata"
              (\ o -> pure UpdateAppProFileMetadata')

instance ToJSON UpdateAppProFileMetadata where
        toJSON = const emptyObject

-- | The metadata for the Operation returned by UpdateCluster.
-- /See:/ 'updateClusterMetadata' smart constructor.
data UpdateClusterMetadata =
    { _ucmRequestTime     :: !(Maybe DateTime')
    , _ucmOriginalRequest :: !(Maybe Cluster)
    , _ucmFinishTime      :: !(Maybe DateTime')
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'UpdateClusterMetadata' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'ucmRequestTime'
-- * 'ucmOriginalRequest'
-- * 'ucmFinishTime'
    :: UpdateClusterMetadata
updateClusterMetadata =
    { _ucmRequestTime = Nothing
    , _ucmOriginalRequest = Nothing
    , _ucmFinishTime = Nothing

-- | The time at which the original request was received.
ucmRequestTime :: Lens' UpdateClusterMetadata (Maybe UTCTime)
  = lens _ucmRequestTime
      (\ s a -> s{_ucmRequestTime = a})
      . mapping _DateTime

-- | The request that prompted the initiation of this UpdateCluster
-- operation.
ucmOriginalRequest :: Lens' UpdateClusterMetadata (Maybe Cluster)
  = lens _ucmOriginalRequest
      (\ s a -> s{_ucmOriginalRequest = a})

-- | The time at which the operation failed or was completed successfully.
ucmFinishTime :: Lens' UpdateClusterMetadata (Maybe UTCTime)
  = lens _ucmFinishTime
      (\ s a -> s{_ucmFinishTime = a})
      . mapping _DateTime

instance FromJSON UpdateClusterMetadata where
          = withObject "UpdateClusterMetadata"
              (\ o ->
                 UpdateClusterMetadata' <$>
                   (o .:? "requestTime") <*> (o .:? "originalRequest")
                     <*> (o .:? "finishTime"))

instance ToJSON UpdateClusterMetadata where
        toJSON UpdateClusterMetadata'{..}
          = object
                 [("requestTime" .=) <$> _ucmRequestTime,
                  ("originalRequest" .=) <$> _ucmOriginalRequest,
                  ("finishTime" .=) <$> _ucmFinishTime])

-- | Request message for \`SetIamPolicy\` method.
-- /See:/ 'setIAMPolicyRequest' smart constructor.
data SetIAMPolicyRequest =
    { _siprUpdateMask :: !(Maybe GFieldMask)
    , _siprPolicy     :: !(Maybe Policy)
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'SetIAMPolicyRequest' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'siprUpdateMask'
-- * 'siprPolicy'
    :: SetIAMPolicyRequest
setIAMPolicyRequest =
  SetIAMPolicyRequest' {_siprUpdateMask = Nothing, _siprPolicy = Nothing}

-- | OPTIONAL: A FieldMask specifying which fields of the policy to modify.
-- Only the fields in the mask will be modified. If no mask is provided,
-- the following default mask is used: paths: \"bindings, etag\" This field
-- is only used by Cloud IAM.
siprUpdateMask :: Lens' SetIAMPolicyRequest (Maybe GFieldMask)
  = lens _siprUpdateMask
      (\ s a -> s{_siprUpdateMask = a})

-- | REQUIRED: The complete policy to be applied to the \`resource\`. The
-- size of the policy is limited to a few 10s of KB. An empty policy is a
-- valid policy but certain Cloud Platform services (such as Projects)
-- might reject them.
siprPolicy :: Lens' SetIAMPolicyRequest (Maybe Policy)
  = lens _siprPolicy (\ s a -> s{_siprPolicy = a})

instance FromJSON SetIAMPolicyRequest where
          = withObject "SetIAMPolicyRequest"
              (\ o ->
                 SetIAMPolicyRequest' <$>
                   (o .:? "updateMask") <*> (o .:? "policy"))

instance ToJSON SetIAMPolicyRequest where
        toJSON SetIAMPolicyRequest'{..}
          = object
                 [("updateMask" .=) <$> _siprUpdateMask,
                  ("policy" .=) <$> _siprPolicy])

-- | Request message for
-- google.bigtable.admin.v2.BigtableTableAdmin.CheckConsistency
-- /See:/ 'checkConsistencyRequest' smart constructor.
newtype CheckConsistencyRequest =
    { _ccrConsistencyToken :: Maybe Text
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'CheckConsistencyRequest' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'ccrConsistencyToken'
    :: CheckConsistencyRequest
checkConsistencyRequest =
  CheckConsistencyRequest' {_ccrConsistencyToken = Nothing}

-- | The token created using GenerateConsistencyToken for the Table.
ccrConsistencyToken :: Lens' CheckConsistencyRequest (Maybe Text)
  = lens _ccrConsistencyToken
      (\ s a -> s{_ccrConsistencyToken = a})

instance FromJSON CheckConsistencyRequest where
          = withObject "CheckConsistencyRequest"
              (\ o ->
                 CheckConsistencyRequest' <$>
                   (o .:? "consistencyToken"))

instance ToJSON CheckConsistencyRequest where
        toJSON CheckConsistencyRequest'{..}
          = object
                 [("consistencyToken" .=) <$> _ccrConsistencyToken])

-- | Response message for
-- google.bigtable.admin.v2.BigtableTableAdmin.ListTables
-- /See:/ 'listTablesResponse' smart constructor.
data ListTablesResponse =
    { _ltrNextPageToken :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _ltrTables        :: !(Maybe [Table])
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'ListTablesResponse' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'ltrNextPageToken'
-- * 'ltrTables'
    :: ListTablesResponse
listTablesResponse =
  ListTablesResponse' {_ltrNextPageToken = Nothing, _ltrTables = Nothing}

-- | Set if not all tables could be returned in a single response. Pass this
-- value to \`page_token\` in another request to get the next page of
-- results.
ltrNextPageToken :: Lens' ListTablesResponse (Maybe Text)
  = lens _ltrNextPageToken
      (\ s a -> s{_ltrNextPageToken = a})

-- | The tables present in the requested instance.
ltrTables :: Lens' ListTablesResponse [Table]
  = lens _ltrTables (\ s a -> s{_ltrTables = a}) .
      . _Coerce

instance FromJSON ListTablesResponse where
          = withObject "ListTablesResponse"
              (\ o ->
                 ListTablesResponse' <$>
                   (o .:? "nextPageToken") <*>
                     (o .:? "tables" .!= mempty))

instance ToJSON ListTablesResponse where
        toJSON ListTablesResponse'{..}
          = object
                 [("nextPageToken" .=) <$> _ltrNextPageToken,
                  ("tables" .=) <$> _ltrTables])

-- | Request message for BigtableInstanceAdmin.PartialUpdateInstance.
-- /See:/ 'partialUpdateInstanceRequest' smart constructor.
data PartialUpdateInstanceRequest =
    { _puirUpdateMask :: !(Maybe GFieldMask)
    , _puirInstance   :: !(Maybe Instance)
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'PartialUpdateInstanceRequest' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'puirUpdateMask'
-- * 'puirInstance'
    :: PartialUpdateInstanceRequest
partialUpdateInstanceRequest =
    {_puirUpdateMask = Nothing, _puirInstance = Nothing}

-- | The subset of Instance fields which should be replaced. Must be
-- explicitly set.
puirUpdateMask :: Lens' PartialUpdateInstanceRequest (Maybe GFieldMask)
  = lens _puirUpdateMask
      (\ s a -> s{_puirUpdateMask = a})

-- | The Instance which will (partially) replace the current value.
puirInstance :: Lens' PartialUpdateInstanceRequest (Maybe Instance)
  = lens _puirInstance (\ s a -> s{_puirInstance = a})

instance FromJSON PartialUpdateInstanceRequest where
          = withObject "PartialUpdateInstanceRequest"
              (\ o ->
                 PartialUpdateInstanceRequest' <$>
                   (o .:? "updateMask") <*> (o .:? "instance"))

instance ToJSON PartialUpdateInstanceRequest where
        toJSON PartialUpdateInstanceRequest'{..}
          = object
                 [("updateMask" .=) <$> _puirUpdateMask,
                  ("instance" .=) <$> _puirInstance])

-- | Rule for determining which cells to delete during garbage collection.
-- /See:/ 'gcRule' smart constructor.
data GcRule =
    { _grMaxAge         :: !(Maybe GDuration)
    , _grUnion          :: !(Maybe Union)
    , _grIntersection   :: !(Maybe Intersection)
    , _grMaxNumVersions :: !(Maybe (Textual Int32))
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'GcRule' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'grMaxAge'
-- * 'grUnion'
-- * 'grIntersection'
-- * 'grMaxNumVersions'
    :: GcRule
gcRule =
    { _grMaxAge = Nothing
    , _grUnion = Nothing
    , _grIntersection = Nothing
    , _grMaxNumVersions = Nothing

-- | Delete cells in a column older than the given age. Values must be at
-- least one millisecond, and will be truncated to microsecond granularity.
grMaxAge :: Lens' GcRule (Maybe Scientific)
  = lens _grMaxAge (\ s a -> s{_grMaxAge = a}) .
      mapping _GDuration

-- | Delete cells that would be deleted by any nested rule.
grUnion :: Lens' GcRule (Maybe Union)
grUnion = lens _grUnion (\ s a -> s{_grUnion = a})

-- | Delete cells that would be deleted by every nested rule.
grIntersection :: Lens' GcRule (Maybe Intersection)
  = lens _grIntersection
      (\ s a -> s{_grIntersection = a})

-- | Delete all cells in a column except the most recent N.
grMaxNumVersions :: Lens' GcRule (Maybe Int32)
  = lens _grMaxNumVersions
      (\ s a -> s{_grMaxNumVersions = a})
      . mapping _Coerce

instance FromJSON GcRule where
          = withObject "GcRule"
              (\ o ->
                 GcRule' <$>
                   (o .:? "maxAge") <*> (o .:? "union") <*>
                     (o .:? "intersection")
                     <*> (o .:? "maxNumVersions"))

instance ToJSON GcRule where
        toJSON GcRule'{..}
          = object
                 [("maxAge" .=) <$> _grMaxAge,
                  ("union" .=) <$> _grUnion,
                  ("intersection" .=) <$> _grIntersection,
                  ("maxNumVersions" .=) <$> _grMaxNumVersions])

-- | Request message for \`TestIamPermissions\` method.
-- /See:/ 'testIAMPermissionsRequest' smart constructor.
newtype TestIAMPermissionsRequest =
    { _tiprPermissions :: Maybe [Text]
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'TestIAMPermissionsRequest' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'tiprPermissions'
    :: TestIAMPermissionsRequest
testIAMPermissionsRequest =
  TestIAMPermissionsRequest' {_tiprPermissions = Nothing}

-- | The set of permissions to check for the \`resource\`. Permissions with
-- wildcards (such as \'*\' or \'storage.*\') are not allowed. For more
-- information see [IAM
-- Overview](https:\/\/cloud.google.com\/iam\/docs\/overview#permissions).
tiprPermissions :: Lens' TestIAMPermissionsRequest [Text]
  = lens _tiprPermissions
      (\ s a -> s{_tiprPermissions = a})
      . _Default
      . _Coerce

instance FromJSON TestIAMPermissionsRequest where
          = withObject "TestIAMPermissionsRequest"
              (\ o ->
                 TestIAMPermissionsRequest' <$>
                   (o .:? "permissions" .!= mempty))

instance ToJSON TestIAMPermissionsRequest where
        toJSON TestIAMPermissionsRequest'{..}
          = object
              (catMaybes [("permissions" .=) <$> _tiprPermissions])

-- | A configuration object describing how Cloud Bigtable should treat
-- traffic from a particular end user application.
-- /See:/ 'appProFile' smart constructor.
data AppProFile =
    { _apfSingleClusterRouting      :: !(Maybe SingleClusterRouting)
    , _apfEtag                      :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _apfMultiClusterRoutingUseAny :: !(Maybe MultiClusterRoutingUseAny)
    , _apfName                      :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _apfDescription               :: !(Maybe Text)
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'AppProFile' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'apfSingleClusterRouting'
-- * 'apfEtag'
-- * 'apfMultiClusterRoutingUseAny'
-- * 'apfName'
-- * 'apfDescription'
    :: AppProFile
appProFile =
    { _apfSingleClusterRouting = Nothing
    , _apfEtag = Nothing
    , _apfMultiClusterRoutingUseAny = Nothing
    , _apfName = Nothing
    , _apfDescription = Nothing

-- | Use a single-cluster routing policy.
apfSingleClusterRouting :: Lens' AppProFile (Maybe SingleClusterRouting)
  = lens _apfSingleClusterRouting
      (\ s a -> s{_apfSingleClusterRouting = a})

-- | Strongly validated etag for optimistic concurrency control. Preserve the
-- value returned from \`GetAppProfile\` when calling \`UpdateAppProfile\`
-- to fail the request if there has been a modification in the mean time.
-- The \`update_mask\` of the request need not include \`etag\` for this
-- protection to apply. See
-- [Wikipedia](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/HTTP_ETag) and [RFC
-- 7232](https:\/\/tools.ietf.org\/html\/rfc7232#section-2.3) for more
-- details.
apfEtag :: Lens' AppProFile (Maybe Text)
apfEtag = lens _apfEtag (\ s a -> s{_apfEtag = a})

-- | Use a multi-cluster routing policy that may pick any cluster.
apfMultiClusterRoutingUseAny :: Lens' AppProFile (Maybe MultiClusterRoutingUseAny)
  = lens _apfMultiClusterRoutingUseAny
      (\ s a -> s{_apfMultiClusterRoutingUseAny = a})

-- | (\`OutputOnly\`) The unique name of the app profile. Values are of the
-- form \`projects\/\/instances\/\/appProfiles\/_a-zA-Z0-9*\`.
apfName :: Lens' AppProFile (Maybe Text)
apfName = lens _apfName (\ s a -> s{_apfName = a})

-- | Optional long form description of the use case for this AppProfile.
apfDescription :: Lens' AppProFile (Maybe Text)
  = lens _apfDescription
      (\ s a -> s{_apfDescription = a})

instance FromJSON AppProFile where
          = withObject "AppProFile"
              (\ o ->
                 AppProFile' <$>
                   (o .:? "singleClusterRouting") <*> (o .:? "etag") <*>
                     (o .:? "multiClusterRoutingUseAny")
                     <*> (o .:? "name")
                     <*> (o .:? "description"))

instance ToJSON AppProFile where
        toJSON AppProFile'{..}
          = object
                 [("singleClusterRouting" .=) <$>
                  ("etag" .=) <$> _apfEtag,
                  ("multiClusterRoutingUseAny" .=) <$>
                  ("name" .=) <$> _apfName,
                  ("description" .=) <$> _apfDescription])

-- | The clusters to be created within the instance, mapped by desired
-- cluster ID, e.g., just \`mycluster\` rather than
-- \`projects\/myproject\/instances\/myinstance\/clusters\/mycluster\`.
-- Fields marked \`OutputOnly\` must be left blank. Currently, at most two
-- clusters can be specified.
-- /See:/ 'createInstanceRequestClusters' smart constructor.
newtype CreateInstanceRequestClusters =
    { _circAddtional :: HashMap Text Cluster
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'CreateInstanceRequestClusters' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'circAddtional'
    :: HashMap Text Cluster -- ^ 'circAddtional'
    -> CreateInstanceRequestClusters
createInstanceRequestClusters pCircAddtional_ =
  CreateInstanceRequestClusters' {_circAddtional = _Coerce # pCircAddtional_}

circAddtional :: Lens' CreateInstanceRequestClusters (HashMap Text Cluster)
  = lens _circAddtional
      (\ s a -> s{_circAddtional = a})
      . _Coerce

instance FromJSON CreateInstanceRequestClusters where
          = withObject "CreateInstanceRequestClusters"
              (\ o ->
                 CreateInstanceRequestClusters' <$>
                   (parseJSONObject o))

instance ToJSON CreateInstanceRequestClusters where
        toJSON = toJSON . _circAddtional

-- | Response message for
-- google.bigtable.admin.v2.BigtableTableAdmin.GenerateConsistencyToken
-- /See:/ 'generateConsistencyTokenResponse' smart constructor.
newtype GenerateConsistencyTokenResponse =
    { _gctrConsistencyToken :: Maybe Text
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'GenerateConsistencyTokenResponse' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'gctrConsistencyToken'
    :: GenerateConsistencyTokenResponse
generateConsistencyTokenResponse =
  GenerateConsistencyTokenResponse' {_gctrConsistencyToken = Nothing}

-- | The generated consistency token.
gctrConsistencyToken :: Lens' GenerateConsistencyTokenResponse (Maybe Text)
  = lens _gctrConsistencyToken
      (\ s a -> s{_gctrConsistencyToken = a})

instance FromJSON GenerateConsistencyTokenResponse
          = withObject "GenerateConsistencyTokenResponse"
              (\ o ->
                 GenerateConsistencyTokenResponse' <$>
                   (o .:? "consistencyToken"))

instance ToJSON GenerateConsistencyTokenResponse
        toJSON GenerateConsistencyTokenResponse'{..}
          = object
                 [("consistencyToken" .=) <$> _gctrConsistencyToken])

-- | Request message for
-- google.bigtable.admin.v2.BigtableTableAdmin.DropRowRange
-- /See:/ 'dropRowRangeRequest' smart constructor.
data DropRowRangeRequest =
    { _drrrRowKeyPrefix           :: !(Maybe Bytes)
    , _drrrDeleteAllDataFromTable :: !(Maybe Bool)
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'DropRowRangeRequest' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'drrrRowKeyPrefix'
-- * 'drrrDeleteAllDataFromTable'
    :: DropRowRangeRequest
dropRowRangeRequest =
    {_drrrRowKeyPrefix = Nothing, _drrrDeleteAllDataFromTable = Nothing}

-- | Delete all rows that start with this row key prefix. Prefix cannot be
-- zero length.
drrrRowKeyPrefix :: Lens' DropRowRangeRequest (Maybe ByteString)
  = lens _drrrRowKeyPrefix
      (\ s a -> s{_drrrRowKeyPrefix = a})
      . mapping _Bytes

-- | Delete all rows in the table. Setting this to false is a no-op.
drrrDeleteAllDataFromTable :: Lens' DropRowRangeRequest (Maybe Bool)
  = lens _drrrDeleteAllDataFromTable
      (\ s a -> s{_drrrDeleteAllDataFromTable = a})

instance FromJSON DropRowRangeRequest where
          = withObject "DropRowRangeRequest"
              (\ o ->
                 DropRowRangeRequest' <$>
                   (o .:? "rowKeyPrefix") <*>
                     (o .:? "deleteAllDataFromTable"))

instance ToJSON DropRowRangeRequest where
        toJSON DropRowRangeRequest'{..}
          = object
                 [("rowKeyPrefix" .=) <$> _drrrRowKeyPrefix,
                  ("deleteAllDataFromTable" .=) <$>

-- | The metadata for the Operation returned by UpdateInstance.
-- /See:/ 'updateInstanceMetadata' smart constructor.
data UpdateInstanceMetadata =
    { _uimRequestTime     :: !(Maybe DateTime')
    , _uimOriginalRequest :: !(Maybe PartialUpdateInstanceRequest)
    , _uimFinishTime      :: !(Maybe DateTime')
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'UpdateInstanceMetadata' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'uimRequestTime'
-- * 'uimOriginalRequest'
-- * 'uimFinishTime'
    :: UpdateInstanceMetadata
updateInstanceMetadata =
    { _uimRequestTime = Nothing
    , _uimOriginalRequest = Nothing
    , _uimFinishTime = Nothing

-- | The time at which the original request was received.
uimRequestTime :: Lens' UpdateInstanceMetadata (Maybe UTCTime)
  = lens _uimRequestTime
      (\ s a -> s{_uimRequestTime = a})
      . mapping _DateTime

-- | The request that prompted the initiation of this UpdateInstance
-- operation.
uimOriginalRequest :: Lens' UpdateInstanceMetadata (Maybe PartialUpdateInstanceRequest)
  = lens _uimOriginalRequest
      (\ s a -> s{_uimOriginalRequest = a})

-- | The time at which the operation failed or was completed successfully.
uimFinishTime :: Lens' UpdateInstanceMetadata (Maybe UTCTime)
  = lens _uimFinishTime
      (\ s a -> s{_uimFinishTime = a})
      . mapping _DateTime

instance FromJSON UpdateInstanceMetadata where
          = withObject "UpdateInstanceMetadata"
              (\ o ->
                 UpdateInstanceMetadata' <$>
                   (o .:? "requestTime") <*> (o .:? "originalRequest")
                     <*> (o .:? "finishTime"))

instance ToJSON UpdateInstanceMetadata where
        toJSON UpdateInstanceMetadata'{..}
          = object
                 [("requestTime" .=) <$> _uimRequestTime,
                  ("originalRequest" .=) <$> _uimOriginalRequest,
                  ("finishTime" .=) <$> _uimFinishTime])

-- | A GcRule which deletes cells matching all of the given rules.
-- /See:/ 'intersection' smart constructor.
newtype Intersection =
    { _iRules :: Maybe [GcRule]
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'Intersection' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'iRules'
    :: Intersection
intersection = Intersection' {_iRules = Nothing}

-- | Only delete cells which would be deleted by every element of \`rules\`.
iRules :: Lens' Intersection [GcRule]
  = lens _iRules (\ s a -> s{_iRules = a}) . _Default .

instance FromJSON Intersection where
          = withObject "Intersection"
              (\ o -> Intersection' <$> (o .:? "rules" .!= mempty))

instance ToJSON Intersection where
        toJSON Intersection'{..}
          = object (catMaybes [("rules" .=) <$> _iRules])

-- | A set of columns within a table which share a common configuration.
-- /See:/ 'columnFamily' smart constructor.
newtype ColumnFamily =
    { _cfGcRule :: Maybe GcRule
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'ColumnFamily' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'cfGcRule'
    :: ColumnFamily
columnFamily = ColumnFamily' {_cfGcRule = Nothing}

-- | Garbage collection rule specified as a protobuf. Must serialize to at
-- most 500 bytes. NOTE: Garbage collection executes opportunistically in
-- the background, and so it\'s possible for reads to return a cell even if
-- it matches the active GC expression for its family.
cfGcRule :: Lens' ColumnFamily (Maybe GcRule)
cfGcRule = lens _cfGcRule (\ s a -> s{_cfGcRule = a})

instance FromJSON ColumnFamily where
          = withObject "ColumnFamily"
              (\ o -> ColumnFamily' <$> (o .:? "gcRule"))

instance ToJSON ColumnFamily where
        toJSON ColumnFamily'{..}
          = object (catMaybes [("gcRule" .=) <$> _cfGcRule])

-- | Response message for \`TestIamPermissions\` method.
-- /See:/ 'testIAMPermissionsResponse' smart constructor.
newtype TestIAMPermissionsResponse =
    { _tiamprPermissions :: Maybe [Text]
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'TestIAMPermissionsResponse' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'tiamprPermissions'
    :: TestIAMPermissionsResponse
testIAMPermissionsResponse =
  TestIAMPermissionsResponse' {_tiamprPermissions = Nothing}

-- | A subset of \`TestPermissionsRequest.permissions\` that the caller is
-- allowed.
tiamprPermissions :: Lens' TestIAMPermissionsResponse [Text]
  = lens _tiamprPermissions
      (\ s a -> s{_tiamprPermissions = a})
      . _Default
      . _Coerce

instance FromJSON TestIAMPermissionsResponse where
          = withObject "TestIAMPermissionsResponse"
              (\ o ->
                 TestIAMPermissionsResponse' <$>
                   (o .:? "permissions" .!= mempty))

instance ToJSON TestIAMPermissionsResponse where
        toJSON TestIAMPermissionsResponse'{..}
          = object
                 [("permissions" .=) <$> _tiamprPermissions])

-- | Response message for BigtableInstanceAdmin.ListClusters.
-- /See:/ 'listClustersResponse' smart constructor.
data ListClustersResponse =
    { _lcrNextPageToken   :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _lcrFailedLocations :: !(Maybe [Text])
    , _lcrClusters        :: !(Maybe [Cluster])
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'ListClustersResponse' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'lcrNextPageToken'
-- * 'lcrFailedLocations'
-- * 'lcrClusters'
    :: ListClustersResponse
listClustersResponse =
    { _lcrNextPageToken = Nothing
    , _lcrFailedLocations = Nothing
    , _lcrClusters = Nothing

-- | DEPRECATED: This field is unused and ignored.
lcrNextPageToken :: Lens' ListClustersResponse (Maybe Text)
  = lens _lcrNextPageToken
      (\ s a -> s{_lcrNextPageToken = a})

-- | Locations from which Cluster information could not be retrieved, due to
-- an outage or some other transient condition. Clusters from these
-- locations may be missing from \`clusters\`, or may only have partial
-- information returned. Values are of the form \`projects\/\/locations\/\`
lcrFailedLocations :: Lens' ListClustersResponse [Text]
  = lens _lcrFailedLocations
      (\ s a -> s{_lcrFailedLocations = a})
      . _Default
      . _Coerce

-- | The list of requested clusters.
lcrClusters :: Lens' ListClustersResponse [Cluster]
  = lens _lcrClusters (\ s a -> s{_lcrClusters = a}) .
      . _Coerce

instance FromJSON ListClustersResponse where
          = withObject "ListClustersResponse"
              (\ o ->
                 ListClustersResponse' <$>
                   (o .:? "nextPageToken") <*>
                     (o .:? "failedLocations" .!= mempty)
                     <*> (o .:? "clusters" .!= mempty))

instance ToJSON ListClustersResponse where
        toJSON ListClustersResponse'{..}
          = object
                 [("nextPageToken" .=) <$> _lcrNextPageToken,
                  ("failedLocations" .=) <$> _lcrFailedLocations,
                  ("clusters" .=) <$> _lcrClusters])

-- | Defines an Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy. It is used to
-- specify access control policies for Cloud Platform resources. A
-- \`Policy\` consists of a list of \`bindings\`. A \`binding\` binds a
-- list of \`members\` to a \`role\`, where the members can be user
-- accounts, Google groups, Google domains, and service accounts. A
-- \`role\` is a named list of permissions defined by IAM. **JSON Example**
-- { \"bindings\": [ { \"role\": \"roles\/owner\", \"members\": [
-- \"user:mike\'example.com\", \"group:admins\'example.com\",
-- \"domain:google.com\",
-- \"serviceAccount:my-other-app\'appspot.gserviceaccount.com\" ] }, {
-- \"role\": \"roles\/viewer\", \"members\": [\"user:sean\'example.com\"] }
-- ] } **YAML Example** bindings: - members: - user:mike\'example.com -
-- group:admins\'example.com - domain:google.com -
-- serviceAccount:my-other-app\'appspot.gserviceaccount.com role:
-- roles\/owner - members: - user:sean\'example.com role: roles\/viewer For
-- a description of IAM and its features, see the [IAM developer\'s
-- guide](https:\/\/cloud.google.com\/iam\/docs).
-- /See:/ 'policy' smart constructor.
data Policy =
    { _pAuditConfigs :: !(Maybe [AuditConfig])
    , _pEtag         :: !(Maybe Bytes)
    , _pVersion      :: !(Maybe (Textual Int32))
    , _pBindings     :: !(Maybe [Binding])
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'Policy' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'pAuditConfigs'
-- * 'pEtag'
-- * 'pVersion'
-- * 'pBindings'
    :: Policy
policy =
    { _pAuditConfigs = Nothing
    , _pEtag = Nothing
    , _pVersion = Nothing
    , _pBindings = Nothing

-- | Specifies cloud audit logging configuration for this policy.
pAuditConfigs :: Lens' Policy [AuditConfig]
  = lens _pAuditConfigs
      (\ s a -> s{_pAuditConfigs = a})
      . _Default
      . _Coerce

-- | \`etag\` is used for optimistic concurrency control as a way to help
-- prevent simultaneous updates of a policy from overwriting each other. It
-- is strongly suggested that systems make use of the \`etag\` in the
-- read-modify-write cycle to perform policy updates in order to avoid race
-- conditions: An \`etag\` is returned in the response to \`getIamPolicy\`,
-- and systems are expected to put that etag in the request to
-- \`setIamPolicy\` to ensure that their change will be applied to the same
-- version of the policy. If no \`etag\` is provided in the call to
-- \`setIamPolicy\`, then the existing policy is overwritten blindly.
pEtag :: Lens' Policy (Maybe ByteString)
  = lens _pEtag (\ s a -> s{_pEtag = a}) .
      mapping _Bytes

-- | Deprecated.
pVersion :: Lens' Policy (Maybe Int32)
  = lens _pVersion (\ s a -> s{_pVersion = a}) .
      mapping _Coerce

-- | Associates a list of \`members\` to a \`role\`. \`bindings\` with no
-- members will result in an error.
pBindings :: Lens' Policy [Binding]
  = lens _pBindings (\ s a -> s{_pBindings = a}) .
      . _Coerce

instance FromJSON Policy where
          = withObject "Policy"
              (\ o ->
                 Policy' <$>
                   (o .:? "auditConfigs" .!= mempty) <*> (o .:? "etag")
                     <*> (o .:? "version")
                     <*> (o .:? "bindings" .!= mempty))

instance ToJSON Policy where
        toJSON Policy'{..}
          = object
                 [("auditConfigs" .=) <$> _pAuditConfigs,
                  ("etag" .=) <$> _pEtag, ("version" .=) <$> _pVersion,
                  ("bindings" .=) <$> _pBindings])

-- | The metadata for the Operation returned by CreateInstance.
-- /See:/ 'createInstanceMetadata' smart constructor.
data CreateInstanceMetadata =
    { _cimRequestTime     :: !(Maybe DateTime')
    , _cimOriginalRequest :: !(Maybe CreateInstanceRequest)
    , _cimFinishTime      :: !(Maybe DateTime')
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'CreateInstanceMetadata' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'cimRequestTime'
-- * 'cimOriginalRequest'
-- * 'cimFinishTime'
    :: CreateInstanceMetadata
createInstanceMetadata =
    { _cimRequestTime = Nothing
    , _cimOriginalRequest = Nothing
    , _cimFinishTime = Nothing

-- | The time at which the original request was received.
cimRequestTime :: Lens' CreateInstanceMetadata (Maybe UTCTime)
  = lens _cimRequestTime
      (\ s a -> s{_cimRequestTime = a})
      . mapping _DateTime

-- | The request that prompted the initiation of this CreateInstance
-- operation.
cimOriginalRequest :: Lens' CreateInstanceMetadata (Maybe CreateInstanceRequest)
  = lens _cimOriginalRequest
      (\ s a -> s{_cimOriginalRequest = a})

-- | The time at which the operation failed or was completed successfully.
cimFinishTime :: Lens' CreateInstanceMetadata (Maybe UTCTime)
  = lens _cimFinishTime
      (\ s a -> s{_cimFinishTime = a})
      . mapping _DateTime

instance FromJSON CreateInstanceMetadata where
          = withObject "CreateInstanceMetadata"
              (\ o ->
                 CreateInstanceMetadata' <$>
                   (o .:? "requestTime") <*> (o .:? "originalRequest")
                     <*> (o .:? "finishTime"))

instance ToJSON CreateInstanceMetadata where
        toJSON CreateInstanceMetadata'{..}
          = object
                 [("requestTime" .=) <$> _cimRequestTime,
                  ("originalRequest" .=) <$> _cimOriginalRequest,
                  ("finishTime" .=) <$> _cimFinishTime])

-- | Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically
-- contains progress information and common metadata such as create time.
-- Some services might not provide such metadata. Any method that returns a
-- long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any.
-- /See:/ 'operationMetadata' smart constructor.
newtype OperationMetadata =
    { _omAddtional :: HashMap Text JSONValue
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'OperationMetadata' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'omAddtional'
    :: HashMap Text JSONValue -- ^ 'omAddtional'
    -> OperationMetadata
operationMetadata pOmAddtional_ =
  OperationMetadata' {_omAddtional = _Coerce # pOmAddtional_}

-- | Properties of the object. Contains field \'type with type URL.
omAddtional :: Lens' OperationMetadata (HashMap Text JSONValue)
  = lens _omAddtional (\ s a -> s{_omAddtional = a}) .

instance FromJSON OperationMetadata where
          = withObject "OperationMetadata"
              (\ o -> OperationMetadata' <$> (parseJSONObject o))

instance ToJSON OperationMetadata where
        toJSON = toJSON . _omAddtional

-- | Provides the configuration for logging a type of permissions. Example: {
-- \"audit_log_configs\": [ { \"log_type\": \"DATA_READ\",
-- \"exempted_members\": [ \"user:foo\'gmail.com\" ] }, { \"log_type\":
-- \"DATA_WRITE\", } ] } This enables \'DATA_READ\' and \'DATA_WRITE\'
-- logging, while exempting foo\'gmail.com from DATA_READ logging.
-- /See:/ 'auditLogConfig' smart constructor.
data AuditLogConfig =
    { _alcLogType         :: !(Maybe AuditLogConfigLogType)
    , _alcExemptedMembers :: !(Maybe [Text])
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'AuditLogConfig' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'alcLogType'
-- * 'alcExemptedMembers'
    :: AuditLogConfig
auditLogConfig =
  AuditLogConfig' {_alcLogType = Nothing, _alcExemptedMembers = Nothing}

-- | The log type that this config enables.
alcLogType :: Lens' AuditLogConfig (Maybe AuditLogConfigLogType)
  = lens _alcLogType (\ s a -> s{_alcLogType = a})

-- | Specifies the identities that do not cause logging for this type of
-- permission. Follows the same format of Binding.members.
alcExemptedMembers :: Lens' AuditLogConfig [Text]
  = lens _alcExemptedMembers
      (\ s a -> s{_alcExemptedMembers = a})
      . _Default
      . _Coerce

instance FromJSON AuditLogConfig where
          = withObject "AuditLogConfig"
              (\ o ->
                 AuditLogConfig' <$>
                   (o .:? "logType") <*>
                     (o .:? "exemptedMembers" .!= mempty))

instance ToJSON AuditLogConfig where
        toJSON AuditLogConfig'{..}
          = object
                 [("logType" .=) <$> _alcLogType,
                  ("exemptedMembers" .=) <$> _alcExemptedMembers])

-- | Response message for BigtableInstanceAdmin.ListInstances.
-- /See:/ 'listInstancesResponse' smart constructor.
data ListInstancesResponse =
    { _lirNextPageToken   :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _lirFailedLocations :: !(Maybe [Text])
    , _lirInstances       :: !(Maybe [Instance])
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'ListInstancesResponse' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'lirNextPageToken'
-- * 'lirFailedLocations'
-- * 'lirInstances'
    :: ListInstancesResponse
listInstancesResponse =
    { _lirNextPageToken = Nothing
    , _lirFailedLocations = Nothing
    , _lirInstances = Nothing

-- | DEPRECATED: This field is unused and ignored.
lirNextPageToken :: Lens' ListInstancesResponse (Maybe Text)
  = lens _lirNextPageToken
      (\ s a -> s{_lirNextPageToken = a})

-- | Locations from which Instance information could not be retrieved, due to
-- an outage or some other transient condition. Instances whose Clusters
-- are all in one of the failed locations may be missing from
-- \`instances\`, and Instances with at least one Cluster in a failed
-- location may only have partial information returned. Values are of the
-- form \`projects\/\/locations\/\`
lirFailedLocations :: Lens' ListInstancesResponse [Text]
  = lens _lirFailedLocations
      (\ s a -> s{_lirFailedLocations = a})
      . _Default
      . _Coerce

-- | The list of requested instances.
lirInstances :: Lens' ListInstancesResponse [Instance]
  = lens _lirInstances (\ s a -> s{_lirInstances = a})
      . _Default
      . _Coerce

instance FromJSON ListInstancesResponse where
          = withObject "ListInstancesResponse"
              (\ o ->
                 ListInstancesResponse' <$>
                   (o .:? "nextPageToken") <*>
                     (o .:? "failedLocations" .!= mempty)
                     <*> (o .:? "instances" .!= mempty))

instance ToJSON ListInstancesResponse where
        toJSON ListInstancesResponse'{..}
          = object
                 [("nextPageToken" .=) <$> _lirNextPageToken,
                  ("failedLocations" .=) <$> _lirFailedLocations,
                  ("instances" .=) <$> _lirInstances])

-- | Response message for
-- google.bigtable.admin.v2.BigtableTableAdmin.CheckConsistency
-- /See:/ 'checkConsistencyResponse' smart constructor.
newtype CheckConsistencyResponse =
    { _ccrConsistent :: Maybe Bool
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'CheckConsistencyResponse' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'ccrConsistent'
    :: CheckConsistencyResponse
checkConsistencyResponse = CheckConsistencyResponse' {_ccrConsistent = Nothing}

-- | True only if the token is consistent. A token is consistent if
-- replication has caught up with the restrictions specified in the
-- request.
ccrConsistent :: Lens' CheckConsistencyResponse (Maybe Bool)
  = lens _ccrConsistent
      (\ s a -> s{_ccrConsistent = a})

instance FromJSON CheckConsistencyResponse where
          = withObject "CheckConsistencyResponse"
              (\ o ->
                 CheckConsistencyResponse' <$> (o .:? "consistent"))

instance ToJSON CheckConsistencyResponse where
        toJSON CheckConsistencyResponse'{..}
          = object
              (catMaybes [("consistent" .=) <$> _ccrConsistent])

-- | A create, update, or delete of a particular column family.
-- /See:/ 'modification' smart constructor.
data Modification =
    { _mDrop   :: !(Maybe Bool)
    , _mCreate :: !(Maybe ColumnFamily)
    , _mId     :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _mUpdate :: !(Maybe ColumnFamily)
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'Modification' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'mDrop'
-- * 'mCreate'
-- * 'mId'
-- * 'mUpdate'
    :: Modification
modification =
    {_mDrop = Nothing, _mCreate = Nothing, _mId = Nothing, _mUpdate = Nothing}

-- | Drop (delete) the column family with the given ID, or fail if no such
-- family exists.
mDrop :: Lens' Modification (Maybe Bool)
mDrop = lens _mDrop (\ s a -> s{_mDrop = a})

-- | Create a new column family with the specified schema, or fail if one
-- already exists with the given ID.
mCreate :: Lens' Modification (Maybe ColumnFamily)
mCreate = lens _mCreate (\ s a -> s{_mCreate = a})

-- | The ID of the column family to be modified.
mId :: Lens' Modification (Maybe Text)
mId = lens _mId (\ s a -> s{_mId = a})

-- | Update an existing column family to the specified schema, or fail if no
-- column family exists with the given ID.
mUpdate :: Lens' Modification (Maybe ColumnFamily)
mUpdate = lens _mUpdate (\ s a -> s{_mUpdate = a})

instance FromJSON Modification where
          = withObject "Modification"
              (\ o ->
                 Modification' <$>
                   (o .:? "drop") <*> (o .:? "create") <*> (o .:? "id")
                     <*> (o .:? "update"))

instance ToJSON Modification where
        toJSON Modification'{..}
          = object
                 [("drop" .=) <$> _mDrop, ("create" .=) <$> _mCreate,
                  ("id" .=) <$> _mId, ("update" .=) <$> _mUpdate])

-- | A collection of user data indexed by row, column, and timestamp. Each
-- table is served using the resources of its parent cluster.
-- /See:/ 'table' smart constructor.
data Table =
    { _tGranularity    :: !(Maybe TableGranularity)
    , _tName           :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _tClusterStates  :: !(Maybe TableClusterStates)
    , _tColumnFamilies :: !(Maybe TableColumnFamilies)
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'Table' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'tGranularity'
-- * 'tName'
-- * 'tClusterStates'
-- * 'tColumnFamilies'
    :: Table
table =
    { _tGranularity = Nothing
    , _tName = Nothing
    , _tClusterStates = Nothing
    , _tColumnFamilies = Nothing

-- | (\`CreationOnly\`) The granularity (i.e. \`MILLIS\`) at which timestamps
-- are stored in this table. Timestamps not matching the granularity will
-- be rejected. If unspecified at creation time, the value will be set to
-- \`MILLIS\`. Views: \`SCHEMA_VIEW\`, \`FULL\`.
tGranularity :: Lens' Table (Maybe TableGranularity)
  = lens _tGranularity (\ s a -> s{_tGranularity = a})

-- | Output only. The unique name of the table. Values are of the form
-- \`projects\/\/instances\/\/tables\/_a-zA-Z0-9*\`. Views: \`NAME_ONLY\`,
tName :: Lens' Table (Maybe Text)
tName = lens _tName (\ s a -> s{_tName = a})

-- | Output only. Map from cluster ID to per-cluster table state. If it could
-- not be determined whether or not the table has data in a particular
-- cluster (for example, if its zone is unavailable), then there will be an
-- entry for the cluster with UNKNOWN \`replication_status\`. Views:
tClusterStates :: Lens' Table (Maybe TableClusterStates)
  = lens _tClusterStates
      (\ s a -> s{_tClusterStates = a})

-- | (\`CreationOnly\`) The column families configured for this table, mapped
-- by column family ID. Views: \`SCHEMA_VIEW\`, \`FULL\`
tColumnFamilies :: Lens' Table (Maybe TableColumnFamilies)
  = lens _tColumnFamilies
      (\ s a -> s{_tColumnFamilies = a})

instance FromJSON Table where
          = withObject "Table"
              (\ o ->
                 Table' <$>
                   (o .:? "granularity") <*> (o .:? "name") <*>
                     (o .:? "clusterStates")
                     <*> (o .:? "columnFamilies"))

instance ToJSON Table where
        toJSON Table'{..}
          = object
                 [("granularity" .=) <$> _tGranularity,
                  ("name" .=) <$> _tName,
                  ("clusterStates" .=) <$> _tClusterStates,
                  ("columnFamilies" .=) <$> _tColumnFamilies])

-- | The normal response of the operation in case of success. If the original
-- method returns no data on success, such as \`Delete\`, the response is
-- \`google.protobuf.Empty\`. If the original method is standard
-- \`Get\`\/\`Create\`\/\`Update\`, the response should be the resource.
-- For other methods, the response should have the type \`XxxResponse\`,
-- where \`Xxx\` is the original method name. For example, if the original
-- method name is \`TakeSnapshot()\`, the inferred response type is
-- \`TakeSnapshotResponse\`.
-- /See:/ 'operationResponse' smart constructor.
newtype OperationResponse =
    { _orAddtional :: HashMap Text JSONValue
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'OperationResponse' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'orAddtional'
    :: HashMap Text JSONValue -- ^ 'orAddtional'
    -> OperationResponse
operationResponse pOrAddtional_ =
  OperationResponse' {_orAddtional = _Coerce # pOrAddtional_}

-- | Properties of the object. Contains field \'type with type URL.
orAddtional :: Lens' OperationResponse (HashMap Text JSONValue)
  = lens _orAddtional (\ s a -> s{_orAddtional = a}) .

instance FromJSON OperationResponse where
          = withObject "OperationResponse"
              (\ o -> OperationResponse' <$> (parseJSONObject o))

instance ToJSON OperationResponse where
        toJSON = toJSON . _orAddtional

-- | Associates \`members\` with a \`role\`.
-- /See:/ 'binding' smart constructor.
data Binding =
    { _bMembers   :: !(Maybe [Text])
    , _bRole      :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _bCondition :: !(Maybe Expr)
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'Binding' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'bMembers'
-- * 'bRole'
-- * 'bCondition'
    :: Binding
binding =
  Binding' {_bMembers = Nothing, _bRole = Nothing, _bCondition = Nothing}

-- | Specifies the identities requesting access for a Cloud Platform
-- resource. \`members\` can have the following values: * \`allUsers\`: A
-- special identifier that represents anyone who is on the internet; with
-- or without a Google account. * \`allAuthenticatedUsers\`: A special
-- identifier that represents anyone who is authenticated with a Google
-- account or a service account. * \`user:{emailid}\`: An email address
-- that represents a specific Google account. For example,
-- \`alice\'gmail.com\` . * \`serviceAccount:{emailid}\`: An email address
-- that represents a service account. For example,
-- \`my-other-app\'appspot.gserviceaccount.com\`. * \`group:{emailid}\`: An
-- email address that represents a Google group. For example,
-- \`admins\'example.com\`. * \`domain:{domain}\`: The G Suite domain
-- (primary) that represents all the users of that domain. For example,
-- \`google.com\` or \`example.com\`.
bMembers :: Lens' Binding [Text]
  = lens _bMembers (\ s a -> s{_bMembers = a}) .
      . _Coerce

-- | Role that is assigned to \`members\`. For example, \`roles\/viewer\`,
-- \`roles\/editor\`, or \`roles\/owner\`.
bRole :: Lens' Binding (Maybe Text)
bRole = lens _bRole (\ s a -> s{_bRole = a})

-- | The condition that is associated with this binding. NOTE: An unsatisfied
-- condition will not allow user access via current binding. Different
-- bindings, including their conditions, are examined independently.
bCondition :: Lens' Binding (Maybe Expr)
  = lens _bCondition (\ s a -> s{_bCondition = a})

instance FromJSON Binding where
          = withObject "Binding"
              (\ o ->
                 Binding' <$>
                   (o .:? "members" .!= mempty) <*> (o .:? "role") <*>
                     (o .:? "condition"))

instance ToJSON Binding where
        toJSON Binding'{..}
          = object
                 [("members" .=) <$> _bMembers,
                  ("role" .=) <$> _bRole,
                  ("condition" .=) <$> _bCondition])

-- | A collection of Bigtable Tables and the resources that serve them. All
-- tables in an instance are served from all Clusters in the instance.
-- /See:/ 'instance'' smart constructor.
data Instance =
    { _iState       :: !(Maybe InstanceState)
    , _iName        :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _iDisplayName :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _iLabels      :: !(Maybe InstanceLabels)
    , _iType        :: !(Maybe InstanceType)
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'Instance' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'iState'
-- * 'iName'
-- * 'iDisplayName'
-- * 'iLabels'
-- * 'iType'
    :: Instance
instance' =
    { _iState = Nothing
    , _iName = Nothing
    , _iDisplayName = Nothing
    , _iLabels = Nothing
    , _iType = Nothing

-- | (\`OutputOnly\`) The current state of the instance.
iState :: Lens' Instance (Maybe InstanceState)
iState = lens _iState (\ s a -> s{_iState = a})

-- | (\`OutputOnly\`) The unique name of the instance. Values are of the form
-- \`projects\/\/instances\/a-z+[a-z0-9]\`.
iName :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
iName = lens _iName (\ s a -> s{_iName = a})

-- | The descriptive name for this instance as it appears in UIs. Can be
-- changed at any time, but should be kept globally unique to avoid
-- confusion.
iDisplayName :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
  = lens _iDisplayName (\ s a -> s{_iDisplayName = a})

-- | Labels are a flexible and lightweight mechanism for organizing cloud
-- resources into groups that reflect a customer\'s organizational needs
-- and deployment strategies. They can be used to filter resources and
-- aggregate metrics. * Label keys must be between 1 and 63 characters long
-- and must conform to the regular expression: \`\\p{Ll}\\p{Lo}{0,62}\`. *
-- Label values must be between 0 and 63 characters long and must conform
-- to the regular expression: \`[\\p{Ll}\\p{Lo}\\p{N}_-]{0,63}\`. * No more
-- than 64 labels can be associated with a given resource. * Keys and
-- values must both be under 128 bytes.
iLabels :: Lens' Instance (Maybe InstanceLabels)
iLabels = lens _iLabels (\ s a -> s{_iLabels = a})

-- | The type of the instance. Defaults to \`PRODUCTION\`.
iType :: Lens' Instance (Maybe InstanceType)
iType = lens _iType (\ s a -> s{_iType = a})

instance FromJSON Instance where
          = withObject "Instance"
              (\ o ->
                 Instance' <$>
                   (o .:? "state") <*> (o .:? "name") <*>
                     (o .:? "displayName")
                     <*> (o .:? "labels")
                     <*> (o .:? "type"))

instance ToJSON Instance where
        toJSON Instance'{..}
          = object
                 [("state" .=) <$> _iState, ("name" .=) <$> _iName,
                  ("displayName" .=) <$> _iDisplayName,
                  ("labels" .=) <$> _iLabels, ("type" .=) <$> _iType])