-- This file is part of Goatee.
-- Copyright 2014-2018 Bryan Gardiner
-- Goatee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- Goatee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-- along with Goatee.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


module Game.Goatee.Ui.Gtk.Tool.Visibility (VisibilityTool, create) where

import Control.Applicative (
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Monad (void, when)
import Data.Foldable (forM_)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Game.Goatee.Lib.Board
import Game.Goatee.Lib.Monad (
  AnyEvent (AnyEvent),
import Game.Goatee.Lib.Property
import Game.Goatee.Lib.Tree
import Game.Goatee.Lib.Types
import Game.Goatee.Ui.Gtk.Common
import Game.Goatee.Ui.Gtk.Latch
import Graphics.UI.Gtk (
  AttrOp ((:=)),
  ButtonsType (ButtonsOk),
  DialogFlags (DialogDestroyWithParent, DialogModal),
  MessageType (MessageInfo),
  Packing (PackGrow, PackNatural),
  buttonActivated, buttonNewWithLabel,
  cellLayoutAddColumnAttribute, cellLayoutPackStart,
  cellRendererTextNew, cellText,
  comboBoxActive, comboBoxNewWithModel,
  listStoreAppend, listStoreGetSize, listStoreNew, listStoreRemove,
  widgetDestroy, widgetSetSensitive, widgetTooltipText,

-- | A 'UiTool' that toggles visibility properties in rectangles on the board.
data VisibilityTool ui = VisibilityTool
  { myUi :: ui
  , myViewState :: ViewState
  , myToolState :: ToolState
  , myDescriptor :: ValuedPropertyInfo CoordList
  , myBoardHasPointsPredicate :: BoardState -> Bool

    -- Widgets:
  , myBox :: HBox
  , myCombo :: ComboBox
  , myModel :: ListStore Mode
  , myCopyButton :: Button
  , myViewUpdateLatch :: Latch
    -- ^ This latch should be held on whenever updating the radio buttons above.

-- | Describes the state of this tool's property on the current node.  The
-- 'Show' instance is used in UI text.
data Mode =
  -- ^ The property is not present on the current node, so the current value is
  -- inherited from the closest ancestor node to have the property.
  | ModeReset
    -- ^ The property is present on the current node, resetting all points back
    -- to default (visible or undimmed, depending on the property).
  | ModeAssigned
    -- ^ The property is present on the current node, with a new set of points.
    -- The set of points from the closest ancestor is abandoned.
  deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Ord)

instance Show Mode where
  show mode = case mode of
    ModeInherited -> "Inherited"
    ModeReset -> "Reset"
    ModeAssigned -> "Assigned"

instance UiCtrl go ui => UiView go ui (VisibilityTool ui) where
  viewName me = "VisibilityTool(" ++ propertyName (myDescriptor me) ++ ")"

  viewCtrl = myUi

  viewState = myViewState

  viewUpdate = update

instance UiCtrl go ui => UiTool go ui (VisibilityTool ui) where
  toolState = myToolState

  toolPanelWidget = Just . toWidget . myBox

  toolGobanClickComplete me (Just from) (Just to) = do
    modifier <- getModifierForRegion me from to
    doUiGo (myUi me) $ modifyPropertyCoords (myDescriptor me) modifier

  toolGobanClickComplete _ _ _ = return ()

  toolGobanRenderGetBoard me cursor = do
    state <- toolGetGobanState me
    case (toolGobanStateStartCoord state, toolGobanStateCurrentCoord state) of
      (Just startCoord, Just endCoord) -> do
        modifier <- getModifierForRegion me startCoord endCoord
        return $ cursorBoard $ flip execGo cursor $
          modifyPropertyCoords (myDescriptor me) modifier
      _ -> return $ cursorBoard cursor

-- | Creates a 'VisibilityTool' that will modify regions of a type of visibility
-- on the board.
create :: UiCtrl go ui
       => ui
       -> ValuedPropertyInfo CoordList
       -> (BoardState -> Bool)
       -> String
       -> ToolState
       -> IO (VisibilityTool ui)
create ui descriptor boardHasPointsPrediate nounPlural toolState = do
  viewState <- viewStateNew

  box <- hBoxNew False 0
  latch <- newLatch

  -- Create a dropdown that will allow selecting between the different modes.
  -- Assigned mode may not be selected directly; it is activated by drawing on
  -- the board or clicking Copy, and will be added to the ListStore when (and
  -- only as long as) it is active.
  model <- listStoreNew [ModeInherited, ModeReset]
  combo <- comboBoxNewWithModel model
  let column = makeColumnIdString 0
  treeModelSetColumn model column show
  renderer <- cellRendererTextNew
  cellLayoutPackStart combo renderer True
  cellLayoutAddColumnAttribute combo renderer cellText column
  boxPackStart box combo PackGrow 0

  copyButton <- buttonNewWithLabel "Copy"
  boxPackStart box copyButton PackNatural 0

  helpButton <- buttonNewWithLabel "?"
  boxPackStart box helpButton PackNatural 0

  let me = VisibilityTool
        { myUi = ui
        , myViewState = viewState
        , myToolState = toolState
        , myDescriptor = descriptor
        , myBoardHasPointsPredicate = boardHasPointsPrediate

        , myBox = box
        , myCombo = combo
        , myModel = model
        , myCopyButton = copyButton
        , myViewUpdateLatch = latch

  on combo changed $ whenLatchOff latch $ do
    mode <- toEnum <$> get combo comboBoxActive
    let descriptor = myDescriptor me
    case mode of
      ModeInherited -> doUiGo ui $ deleteProperty descriptor
      ModeReset -> doUiGo ui $ putProperty $ propertyBuilder descriptor emptyCoordList
      -- Shouldn't get here, since we only programatically give access to
      -- Assigned in the dropdown.
      ModeAssigned -> return ()

  on copyButton buttonActivated $ do
    let findAncestorProperty cursor =
          findProperty descriptor (cursorNode cursor) <|>
          (findAncestorProperty =<< cursorParent cursor)
    cursor <- readCursor ui
    forM_ (findAncestorProperty =<< cursorParent cursor) $ doUiGo ui . putProperty

  on helpButton buttonActivated $ showHelp ui nounPlural

  register me
    [ AnyEvent navigationEvent
    , AnyEvent propertiesModifiedEvent

  viewUpdate me
  return me

-- | Displays a help dialog explaining this tool's controls in the side panel.
showHelp :: UiCtrl go ui => ui -> String -> IO ()
showHelp ui nounPlural = do
  let message =
        intercalate "\n"
        [ "The dropdown displays the " ++ nounPlural ++ " of points on the current node."
        , ""
        , "<b>" ++ show ModeInherited ++ ":</b> Points inherit their values from the parent " ++
          "node.  This is the default for all nodes."
        , "<b>" ++ show ModeReset ++ ":</b> This node resets all points to their default values."
        , "<b>" ++ show ModeAssigned ++ ":</b> There is a custom set of points for this node " ++
          "and its descendents."
        , ""
        , "Drawing on the board with this tool will change the mode to " ++ show ModeAssigned ++
          ".  If there is an ancestor node with " ++ show ModeAssigned ++ " then you can click " ++
          "<b>Copy</b> to copy those values to the current node."
  window <- getMainWindow ui
  dialog <- messageDialogNewWithMarkup
            (Just window)
            [DialogModal, DialogDestroyWithParent]
  dialogRun dialog
  widgetDestroy dialog

update :: UiCtrl go ui => VisibilityTool ui -> IO ()
update me = do
  let ui = myUi me
  cursor <- readCursor ui

  -- Set the combo box to reflect the state of VW/DD on the current node.
  withLatchOn (myViewUpdateLatch me) $ setCombo me $
    case findPropertyValue (myDescriptor me) $ cursorNode cursor of
      Nothing -> ModeInherited
      Just coords | coords == emptyCoordList -> ModeReset
                  | otherwise -> ModeAssigned

  -- Enable the Copy button only if the parent has a non-empty VW/DD[...] that
  -- we can copy.  Copying reset properties isn't super important.
  let hasParentWithPoints =
        maybe False (myBoardHasPointsPredicate me . cursorBoard) $ cursorParent cursor
  setCopyButtonEnabled me hasParentWithPoints

-- | Sets the combo box to display the given 'Mode'.
setCombo :: UiCtrl go ui => VisibilityTool ui -> Mode -> IO ()
setCombo me mode = do
  let combo = myCombo me
      model = myModel me
  modelSize <- listStoreGetSize model
  let modelHasAssigned = modelSize == fromEnum (maxBound :: Mode) + 1
  when (mode == ModeAssigned && not modelHasAssigned) $
    void $ listStoreAppend model ModeAssigned
  set combo [comboBoxActive := fromEnum mode]
  when (mode /= ModeAssigned && modelHasAssigned) $
    listStoreRemove model $ fromEnum ModeAssigned

-- | Sets the Copy button's sensitivity and tooltip text.
setCopyButtonEnabled :: UiCtrl go ui => VisibilityTool ui -> Bool -> IO ()
setCopyButtonEnabled me enabled = do
  let button = myCopyButton me
  widgetSetSensitive button enabled
  set button [widgetTooltipText :=
              if enabled
              then Nothing
              else Just "The parent has no assigned points to copy."]

-- | @getModifierForRegion me from to@ can be called when a drag has happened
-- over the rectangle with corners @from@ and @to@ to get a function suitable
-- for passing into 'modifyPropertyCoords' that will make the drag take effect.
getModifierForRegion :: UiCtrl go ui
                     => VisibilityTool ui
                     -> Coord
                     -> Coord
                     -> IO ([Coord] -> [Coord])
getModifierForRegion me from to = do
  currentlySet <- cursorHasPointSet me from
  return $
    Set.toList .
    (if currentlySet then flip Set.difference else Set.union) (Set.fromList $ coordRange from to) .

-- | Determines whether the tool's property is set on the current node, and the
-- given point is contained in the property's coord list.
cursorHasPointSet :: UiCtrl go ui => VisibilityTool ui -> Coord -> IO Bool
cursorHasPointSet me coord =
  maybe False ((coord `elem`) . expandCoordList) .
  findPropertyValue (myDescriptor me) .
  cursorNode <$>
  readCursor (myUi me)