-- This file is part of Goatee.
-- Copyright 2014-2018 Bryan Gardiner
-- Goatee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- Goatee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-- along with Goatee.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


-- | A list widget that displays the current node's properties for viewing and editing.
module Game.Goatee.Ui.Gtk.NodePropertiesPanel (
  ) where

import Control.Arrow ((+++))
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*), (*>))
import Control.Monad (forM_, unless, when)
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Game.Goatee.Lib.Board
import Game.Goatee.Lib.Monad hiding (on)
import Game.Goatee.Lib.Parser
import Game.Goatee.Lib.Property
import Game.Goatee.Lib.Renderer
import Game.Goatee.Lib.Renderer.Tree
import Game.Goatee.Ui.Gtk.Common
import Graphics.UI.Gtk (
  AttrOp ((:=)),
  Packing (PackGrow, PackNatural),
  PolicyType (PolicyAutomatic),
  ResponseId (ResponseCancel, ResponseOk),
  TreeViewColumnSizing (TreeViewColumnAutosize),
  WrapMode (WrapWord),
  buttonActivated, buttonNewWithLabel,
  cellLayoutSetAttributes, cellRendererTextNew, cellText,
  dialogAddButton, dialogGetUpper, dialogNew, dialogRun, dialogSetDefaultResponse,
  labelNew, labelText,
  listStoreAppend, listStoreClear, listStoreNew, listStoreToList,
  scrolledWindowNew, scrolledWindowSetPolicy,
  stockAdd, stockCancel, stockEdit,
  textViewGetBuffer, textViewNew, textViewSetWrapMode,
  treeViewAppendColumn, treeViewColumnNew, treeViewColumnSizing, treeViewColumnPackStart,
  treeViewColumnTitle, treeViewGetSelection, treeViewNewWithModel,
  widgetDestroy, widgetSetSensitive, widgetShowAll,
  windowSetDefaultSize, windowSetTitle,
import System.Glib (glibToString)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (eof, parse, spaces)

data NodePropertiesPanel ui = NodePropertiesPanel
  { myUi :: ui
  , myState :: ViewState
  , myWidget :: Widget
  , myModel :: ListStore Property
  , myModelProperties :: IORef [Property]
    -- ^ A list of properties in the same order as the rows in 'myModel'.

instance UiCtrl go ui => UiView go ui (NodePropertiesPanel ui) where
  viewName = const "NodePropertiesPanel"
  viewCtrl = myUi
  viewState = myState
  viewUpdate = update

create :: UiCtrl go ui => ui -> IO (NodePropertiesPanel ui)
create ui = do
  vBox <- vBoxNew False 0

  buttonBox <- hBoxNew True 0
  boxPackStart vBox buttonBox PackNatural 0
  addButton <- buttonNewWithLabel "Add"
  editButton <- buttonNewWithLabel "Edit"
  deleteButton <- buttonNewWithLabel "Del"
  mapM_ (containerAdd buttonBox) [addButton, editButton, deleteButton]

  model <- listStoreNew []
  modelProperties <- newIORef []
  column <- treeViewColumnNew
  set column [treeViewColumnSizing := TreeViewColumnAutosize,
              treeViewColumnTitle := "Property"]
  renderer <- cellRendererTextNew
  treeViewColumnPackStart column renderer True
  cellLayoutSetAttributes column renderer model $ \property ->
    let name = propertyName property
        value = case runRender $ propertyValueRendererPretty property property of
          Left _ -> "(render error)" -- TODO Better error handling.
          Right result -> result
    in [cellText := name ++ " " ++ value]
  view <- treeViewNewWithModel model
  treeViewAppendColumn view column
  selection <- treeViewGetSelection view
  viewScroll <- scrolledWindowNew Nothing Nothing
  scrolledWindowSetPolicy viewScroll PolicyAutomatic PolicyAutomatic
  containerAdd viewScroll view
  boxPackStart vBox viewScroll PackGrow 0

  state <- viewStateNew

  let me = NodePropertiesPanel { myUi = ui
                               , myState = state
                               , myWidget = toWidget vBox
                               , myModel = model
                               , myModelProperties = modelProperties

  on addButton buttonActivated $ do
    maybeProperty <- runPropertyEditDialog "Add property" (glibToString stockAdd) Nothing
    Foldable.forM_ maybeProperty $ doUiGo ui . putProperty

  on editButton buttonActivated $ do
    rows <- map head <$> treeSelectionGetSelectedRows selection
    case rows of
      [] -> return ()
      row:_ -> do
        oldProperty <- (!! row) <$> readIORef modelProperties
        maybeNewProperty <- runPropertyEditDialog "Edit property" (glibToString stockEdit) $
                            Just oldProperty
        case maybeNewProperty of
          Nothing -> return ()
          Just newProperty -> doUiGo ui $ do
            -- Need to delete the old property when the property type has
            -- changed.
            deleteProperty oldProperty
            putProperty newProperty

  on deleteButton buttonActivated $ do
    rows <- map head <$> treeSelectionGetSelectedRows selection
    properties <- readIORef modelProperties
    unless (null rows) $
      doUiGo ui $ forM_ rows $ deleteProperty . (properties !!)

  register me
    [ AnyEvent navigationEvent
    , AnyEvent propertiesModifiedEvent

  viewUpdate me
  return me

destroy :: UiCtrl go ui => NodePropertiesPanel ui -> IO ()
destroy = viewDestroy

-- | Updates the 'ListStore' backing the view from the properties on the cursor.
update :: UiCtrl go ui => NodePropertiesPanel ui -> IO ()
update me = do
  cursor <- readCursor $ myUi me
  let model = myModel me
      modelProperties = myModelProperties me
      newProperties = sortBy (comparing propertyName) $ cursorProperties cursor
  oldProperties <- listStoreToList model
  when (newProperties /= oldProperties) $ do
    listStoreClear model
    forM_ newProperties $ listStoreAppend model
    writeIORef modelProperties newProperties

-- | Opens a dialog for editing a property in serialized SGF format.  The
-- initial property may be absent, in which case the input box will start empty.
-- This function will eiter return 'Nothing' if the edit was cancelled, or
-- 'Just' a property if the user entered a valid property and chose to accept.
runPropertyEditDialog :: String -- ^ Dialog title.
                      -> String -- ^ Accept button label.
                      -> Maybe Property -- ^ Initial property value.
                      -> IO (Maybe Property)
runPropertyEditDialog dialogTitle acceptButtonLabel initialProperty = do
  dialog <- dialogNew
  windowSetTitle dialog dialogTitle
  windowSetDefaultSize dialog 500 225
  upper <- dialogGetUpper dialog

  helpLabel <- labelNew $ Just "Enter a property in SGF notation."
  boxPackStart upper helpLabel PackNatural 0

  textView <- textViewNew
  textViewSetWrapMode textView WrapWord
  textScroll <- scrolledWindowNew Nothing Nothing
  scrolledWindowSetPolicy textScroll PolicyAutomatic PolicyAutomatic
  containerAdd textScroll textView
  boxPackStart upper textScroll PackGrow 0
  textBuffer <- textViewGetBuffer textView

  errorLabel <- labelNew (Nothing :: Maybe String)
  boxPackStart upper errorLabel PackNatural 0

  dialogAddButton dialog stockCancel ResponseCancel
  acceptButton <- dialogAddButton dialog acceptButtonLabel ResponseOk
  dialogSetDefaultResponse dialog ResponseOk

  -- Either a parse error (an empty string if the input box is empty) or a
  -- parsed property.
  currentState <- newIORef (Left "" :: Either String Property)

  let setState errorOrProperty =
        case errorOrProperty of
          Left errorMsg -> do
            set errorLabel [labelText := errorMsg]
            writeIORef currentState $ Left errorMsg
            widgetSetSensitive acceptButton False
          Right property -> do
            set errorLabel [labelText := ""]
            writeIORef currentState $ Right property
            widgetSetSensitive acceptButton True
      parseInput = do
        text <- get textBuffer textBufferText
        setState $
          if null text
          then Left ""
          else (show +++ id) $
               parse (spaces *> propertyParser <* spaces <* eof) "<property>" text

  set textBuffer [textBufferText :=
                  maybe "" (either (const "") id . runRender . renderProperty) initialProperty]
  on textBuffer bufferChanged parseInput

  widgetShowAll dialog
  response <- dialogRun dialog
  widgetDestroy dialog
  case response of
    ResponseOk -> do
      finalState <- readIORef currentState
      case finalState of
        Left _ -> return Nothing
        Right property -> return $ Just property
    _ -> return Nothing