git-remote-ipfs- Git remote helper to store git objects on IPFS

Safe HaskellNone




type family HKD (f :: * -> *) (a :: *) :: * where ... Source #

Eliminates the boring identity functor I


HKD I a = a 
HKD f a = f a 

gvalidate :: (Generic (a f), Generic (a I), Applicative f, AllZip2 (LiftedCoercible I f) (Code (a f)) (Code (a I))) => a f -> f (a I) Source #

Generically lift the applicative functor f out of a structure.


Given a datatype parametrised over the functor Maybe, return Just the value if all Maybe fields are Just, thereby changing the functor to I. Nothing otherwise.

>>> :{
>>> data Person f = Person { name :: f String, age :: f Int }
>>> deriving (Show, Generic, GHC.Generic)
>>> :}
>>> gvalidate $ Person (Just "LeBoeuf") (Just 42)
Just (Person (I "LeBoeuf") (I 42))
>>> gvalidate $ Person Nothing (Just 69)

ginvalidate :: (Generic (a f), Generic (a I), AllZip2 (LiftedCoercible f I) (Code (a I)) (Code (a f))) => (forall b. b -> f b) -> a I -> a f Source #

Generically change the functor of a structure from I to f, given a constructor of f.

Morally the inverse of gvalidate, although the specialisation to the identity functor makes this trivial.

If 'a f' is a Semigroup, this can be used to apply defaults to a partial value.

>>> :{
>>> instance Semigroup (Person Last) where
>>> a <> b = Person { name = on (<>) name a b, age = on (<>) age a b }
>>> -- For convenience, also define 'Monoid'
>>> instance Monoid (Person Last) were
>>> mempty  = Person mempty mempty
>>> mappend = (<>)
>>> :}
>>> defaultPerson :: Person I
>>> defaultPerson = Person "Sandy" 28
>>> gvalidate $ ginvalidate pure defaultPerson <> Person (pure "Maguire") mempty
Just (Person (I "Maguire") (I 28)