gi-soup-3.0.3: Libsoup bindings
CopyrightWill Thompson and Iñaki García Etxebarria
MaintainerIñaki García Etxebarria
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



The HTTP message headers associated with a request or response.


Exported types

newtype MessageHeaders Source #

Memory-managed wrapper type.


MessageHeaders (ManagedPtr MessageHeaders) 


Instances details
Eq MessageHeaders Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GI.Soup.Structs.MessageHeaders

GBoxed MessageHeaders Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GI.Soup.Structs.MessageHeaders

ManagedPtrNewtype MessageHeaders Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GI.Soup.Structs.MessageHeaders

TypedObject MessageHeaders Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GI.Soup.Structs.MessageHeaders


glibType :: IO GType

HasParentTypes MessageHeaders Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GI.Soup.Structs.MessageHeaders

IsGValue (Maybe MessageHeaders) Source #

Convert MessageHeaders to and from GValue. See toGValue and fromGValue.

Instance details

Defined in GI.Soup.Structs.MessageHeaders


gvalueGType_ :: IO GType

gvalueSet_ :: Ptr GValue -> Maybe MessageHeaders -> IO ()

gvalueGet_ :: Ptr GValue -> IO (Maybe MessageHeaders)

type ParentTypes MessageHeaders Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GI.Soup.Structs.MessageHeaders

type ParentTypes MessageHeaders = '[] :: [Type]



messageHeadersAppend Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeaders

hdrs: a MessageHeaders

-> Text

name: the header name to add

-> Text

value: the new value of name

-> m () 

Appends a new header with name name and value value to hdrs.

(If there is an existing header with name name, then this creates a second one, which is only allowed for list-valued headers; see also [methodmessageHeaders.replace].)

The caller is expected to make sure that name and value are syntactically correct.


messageHeadersCleanConnectionHeaders Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeaders

hdrs: a MessageHeaders

-> m () 

Removes all the headers listed in the Connection header.


messageHeadersClear Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeaders

hdrs: a MessageHeaders

-> m () 

Clears hdrs.


messageHeadersForeach Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeaders

hdrs: a MessageHeaders

-> MessageHeadersForeachFunc

func: callback function to run for each header

-> m () 

Calls func once for each header value in hdrs.

Beware that unlike [methodmessageHeaders.get_list], this processes the headers in exactly the way they were added, rather than concatenating multiple same-named headers into a single value. (This is intentional; it ensures that if you call [methodmessageHeaders.append] multiple times with the same name, then the I/O code will output multiple copies of the header when sending the message to the remote implementation, which may be required for interoperability in some cases.)

You may not modify the headers from func.


messageHeadersFreeRanges Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeaders

hdrs: a MessageHeaders

-> Range

ranges: an array of Range

-> m () 

Frees the array of ranges returned from [methodmessageHeaders.get_ranges].


messageHeadersGetContentDisposition Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeaders

hdrs: a MessageHeaders

-> m (Bool, Text, Map Text Text)

Returns: True if hdrs contains a "Content-Disposition" header, False if not (in which case *disposition and *params will be unchanged).

Looks up the "Content-Disposition" header in hdrs, parses it, and returns its value in *disposition and *params.

params can be Nothing if you are only interested in the disposition-type.

In HTTP, the most common use of this header is to set a disposition-type of "attachment", to suggest to the browser that a response should be saved to disk rather than displayed in the browser. If params contains a "filename" parameter, this is a suggestion of a filename to use. (If the parameter value in the header contains an absolute or relative path, libsoup will truncate it down to just the final path component, so you do not need to test this yourself.)

Content-Disposition is also used in "multipart/form-data", however this is handled automatically by [structmultipart] and the associated form methods.


messageHeadersGetContentLength Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeaders

hdrs: a MessageHeaders

-> m Int64

Returns: the message body length declared by hdrs.

Gets the message body length that hdrs declare.

This will only be non-0 if [methodmessageHeaders.get_encoding] returns EncodingContentLength.


messageHeadersGetContentRange Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeaders

hdrs: a MessageHeaders

-> m (Bool, Int64, Int64, Int64)

Returns: True if hdrs contained a "Content-Range" header containing a byte range which could be parsed, False otherwise.

Parses hdrs's Content-Range header and returns it in start, end, and totalLength. If the total length field in the header was specified as "*", then totalLength will be set to -1.


messageHeadersGetContentType Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeaders

hdrs: a MessageHeaders

-> m (Maybe Text, Map Text Text)

Returns: a string with the value of the "Content-Type" header or Nothing if hdrs does not contain that header or it cannot be parsed (in which case *params will be unchanged).

Looks up the "Content-Type" header in hdrs, parses it, and returns its value in *contentType and *params.

params can be Nothing if you are only interested in the content type itself.


messageHeadersGetEncoding Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeaders

hdrs: a MessageHeaders

-> m Encoding

Returns: the encoding declared by hdrs.

Gets the message body encoding that hdrs declare.

This may not always correspond to the encoding used on the wire; eg, a HEAD response may declare a Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding, but it will never actually include a body.


messageHeadersGetExpectations Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeaders

hdrs: a MessageHeaders

-> m [Expectation]

Returns: the contents of hdrs's "Expect" header

Gets the expectations declared by hdrs's "Expect" header.

Currently this will either be ExpectationContinue or ExpectationUnrecognized.


messageHeadersGetHeadersType Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeaders

hdrs: a MessageHeaders

-> m MessageHeadersType

Returns: the header's type.

Gets the type of headers.


messageHeadersGetList Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeaders

hdrs: a MessageHeaders

-> Text

name: header name

-> m (Maybe Text)

Returns: the header's value or Nothing if not found.

Gets the value of header name in hdrs.

Use this for headers whose values are comma-delimited lists, and which are therefore allowed to appear multiple times in the headers. For non-list-valued headers, use [methodmessageHeaders.get_one].

If name appears multiple times in hdrs, [methodmessageHeaders.get_list] will concatenate all of the values together, separated by commas. This is sometimes awkward to parse (eg, WWW-Authenticate, Set-Cookie), but you have to be able to deal with it anyway, because the HTTP spec explicitly states that this transformation is allowed, and so an upstream proxy could do the same thing.


messageHeadersGetOne Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeaders

hdrs: a MessageHeaders

-> Text

name: header name

-> m (Maybe Text)

Returns: the header's value or Nothing if not found.

Gets the value of header name in hdrs.

Use this for headers whose values are *not* comma-delimited lists, and which therefore can only appear at most once in the headers. For list-valued headers, use [methodmessageHeaders.get_list].

If hdrs does erroneously contain multiple copies of the header, it is not defined which one will be returned. (Ideally, it will return whichever one makes libsoup most compatible with other HTTP implementations.)


messageHeadersGetRanges Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeaders

hdrs: a MessageHeaders

-> Int64

totalLength: the total_length of the response body

-> m (Bool, [Range])

Returns: True if hdrs contained a syntactically-valid "Range" header, False otherwise (in which case range and length will not be set).

Parses hdrs's Range header and returns an array of the requested byte ranges.

The returned array must be freed with [methodmessageHeaders.free_ranges].

If totalLength is non-0, its value will be used to adjust the returned ranges to have explicit start and end values, and the returned ranges will be sorted and non-overlapping. If totalLength is 0, then some ranges may have an end value of -1, as described under [structrange], and some of the ranges may be redundant.

Beware that even if given a totalLength, this function does not check that the ranges are satisfiable.

Server has built-in handling for range requests. If your server handler returns a StatusOk response containing the complete response body (rather than pausing the message and returning some of the response body later), and there is a Range header in the request, then libsoup will automatically convert the response to a StatusPartialContent response containing only the range(s) requested by the client.

The only time you need to process the Range header yourself is if either you need to stream the response body rather than returning it all at once, or you do not already have the complete response body available, and only want to generate the parts that were actually requested by the client.


messageHeadersHeaderContains Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeaders

hdrs: a MessageHeaders

-> Text

name: header name

-> Text

token: token to look for

-> m Bool

Returns: True if the header is present and contains token, False otherwise.

Checks whether the list-valued header name is present in hdrs, and contains a case-insensitive match for token.

(If name is present in hdrs, then this is equivalent to calling [funcheaderContains] on its value.)


messageHeadersHeaderEquals Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeaders

hdrs: a MessageHeaders

-> Text

name: header name

-> Text

value: expected value

-> m Bool

Returns: True if the header is present and its value is value, False otherwise.

Checks whether the header name is present in hdrs and is (case-insensitively) equal to value.


messageHeadersNew Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeadersType

type: the type of headers

-> m MessageHeaders

Returns: a new MessageHeaders

Creates a MessageHeaders.

([classmessage] does this automatically for its own headers. You would only need to use this method if you are manually parsing or generating message headers.)


messageHeadersRef Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeaders

hdrs: a MessageHeaders

-> m MessageHeaders

Returns: the passed in MessageHeaders

Atomically increments the reference count of hdrs by one.


messageHeadersRemove Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeaders

hdrs: a MessageHeaders

-> Text

name: the header name to remove

-> m () 

Removes name from hdrs.

If there are multiple values for name, they are all removed.


messageHeadersReplace Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeaders

hdrs: a MessageHeaders

-> Text

name: the header name to replace

-> Text

value: the new value of name

-> m () 

Replaces the value of the header name in hdrs with value.

See also [methodmessageHeaders.append].

The caller is expected to make sure that name and value are syntactically correct.


messageHeadersSetContentDisposition Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeaders

hdrs: a MessageHeaders

-> Text

disposition: the disposition-type

-> Maybe (Map Text Text)

params: additional parameters

-> m () 

Sets the "Content-Disposition" header in hdrs to disposition, optionally with additional parameters specified in params.

See [methodmessageHeaders.get_content_disposition] for a discussion of how Content-Disposition is used in HTTP.


messageHeadersSetContentLength Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeaders

hdrs: a MessageHeaders

-> Int64

contentLength: the message body length

-> m () 

Sets the message body length that hdrs will declare, and sets hdrs's encoding to EncodingContentLength.

You do not normally need to call this; if hdrs is set to use Content-Length encoding, libsoup will automatically set its Content-Length header for you immediately before sending the headers. One situation in which this method is useful is when generating the response to a HEAD request; Calling [methodmessageHeaders.set_content_length] allows you to put the correct content length into the response without needing to waste memory by filling in a response body which won't actually be sent.


messageHeadersSetContentRange Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeaders

hdrs: a MessageHeaders

-> Int64

start: the start of the range

-> Int64

end: the end of the range

-> Int64

totalLength: the total length of the resource, or -1 if unknown

-> m () 

Sets hdrs's Content-Range header according to the given values.

(Note that totalLength is the total length of the entire resource that this is a range of, not simply end - start + 1.)

has built-in handling for range requests, and you do not normally need to call this function youself. See
for more details.


messageHeadersSetContentType Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeaders

hdrs: a MessageHeaders

-> Text

contentType: the MIME type

-> Maybe (Map Text Text)

params: additional parameters

-> m () 

Sets the "Content-Type" header in hdrs to contentType.

Accepts additional parameters specified in params.


messageHeadersSetEncoding Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeaders

hdrs: a MessageHeaders

-> Encoding

encoding: a Encoding

-> m () 

Sets the message body encoding that hdrs will declare.

In particular, you should use this if you are going to send a request or response in chunked encoding.


messageHeadersSetExpectations Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeaders

hdrs: a MessageHeaders

-> [Expectation]

expectations: the expectations to set

-> m () 

Sets hdrs's "Expect" header according to expectations.

Currently ExpectationContinue is the only known expectation value. You should set this value on a request if you are sending a large message body (eg, via POST or PUT), and want to give the server a chance to reject the request after seeing just the headers (eg, because it will require authentication before allowing you to post, or because you're POSTing to a URL that doesn't exist). This saves you from having to transmit the large request body when the server is just going to ignore it anyway.


messageHeadersSetRange Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeaders

hdrs: a MessageHeaders

-> Int64

start: the start of the range to request

-> Int64

end: the end of the range to request

-> m () 

Sets hdrs's Range header to request the indicated range.

start and end are interpreted as in a [structrange].

If you need to request multiple ranges, use [methodmessageHeaders.set_ranges].


messageHeadersSetRanges Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeaders

hdrs: a MessageHeaders

-> Range

ranges: an array of Range

-> Int32

length: the length of range

-> m () 

Sets hdrs's Range header to request the indicated ranges.

If you only want to request a single range, you can use [methodmessageHeaders.set_range].


messageHeadersUnref Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> MessageHeaders

hdrs: a MessageHeaders

-> m () 

Atomically decrements the reference count of hdrs by one.

When the reference count reaches zero, the resources allocated by hdrs are freed