gi-gio-2.0.35: Gio bindings
CopyrightWill Thompson and Iñaki García Etxebarria
MaintainerIñaki García Etxebarria
Safe HaskellNone



GDtlsConnection is the base DTLS connection class type, which wraps a DatagramBased and provides DTLS encryption on top of it. Its subclasses, DtlsClientConnection and DtlsServerConnection, implement client-side and server-side DTLS, respectively.

For TLS support, see TlsConnection.

As DTLS is datagram based, GDtlsConnection implements DatagramBased, presenting a datagram-socket-like API for the encrypted connection. This operates over a base datagram connection, which is also a GDatagramBased (tDtlsConnection:base-socket).

To close a DTLS connection, use dtlsConnectionClose.

Neither DtlsServerConnection or DtlsClientConnection set the peer address on their base DatagramBased if it is a Socket — it is up to the caller to do that if they wish. If they do not, and socketClose is called on the base socket, the GDtlsConnection will not raise a G_IO_ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED error on further I/O.

Since: 2.48


Exported types

class (GObject o, IsDescendantOf DtlsConnection o) => IsDtlsConnection o Source #

Type class for types which can be safely cast to DtlsConnection, for instance with toDtlsConnection.


Instances details
(GObject o, IsDescendantOf DtlsConnection o) => IsDtlsConnection o Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GI.Gio.Interfaces.DtlsConnection

toDtlsConnection :: (MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection o) => o -> m DtlsConnection Source #

Cast to DtlsConnection, for types for which this is known to be safe. For general casts, use castTo.



dtlsConnectionClose Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection a, IsCancellable b) 
=> a

conn: a DtlsConnection

-> Maybe b

cancellable: a Cancellable, or Nothing

-> m ()

(Can throw GError)

Close the DTLS connection. This is equivalent to calling dtlsConnectionShutdown to shut down both sides of the connection.

Closing a DtlsConnection waits for all buffered but untransmitted data to be sent before it completes. It then sends a close_notify DTLS alert to the peer and may wait for a close_notify to be received from the peer. It does not close the underlying DtlsConnection:base-socket; that must be closed separately.

Once conn is closed, all other operations will return IOErrorEnumClosed. Closing a DtlsConnection multiple times will not return an error.

GDtlsConnections will be automatically closed when the last reference is dropped, but you might want to call this function to make sure resources are released as early as possible.

If cancellable is cancelled, the DtlsConnection may be left partially-closed and any pending untransmitted data may be lost. Call dtlsConnectionClose again to complete closing the DtlsConnection.

Since: 2.48


dtlsConnectionCloseAsync Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection a, IsCancellable b) 
=> a

conn: a DtlsConnection

-> Int32

ioPriority: the [I/O priority][io-priority] of the request

-> Maybe b

cancellable: a Cancellable, or Nothing

-> Maybe AsyncReadyCallback

callback: callback to call when the close operation is complete

-> m () 

Asynchronously close the DTLS connection. See dtlsConnectionClose for more information.

Since: 2.48


dtlsConnectionCloseFinish Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection a, IsAsyncResult b) 
=> a

conn: a DtlsConnection

-> b

result: a AsyncResult

-> m ()

(Can throw GError)

Finish an asynchronous TLS close operation. See dtlsConnectionClose for more information.

Since: 2.48


dtlsConnectionEmitAcceptCertificate Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection a, IsTlsCertificate b) 
=> a

conn: a DtlsConnection

-> b

peerCert: the peer's TlsCertificate

-> [TlsCertificateFlags]

errors: the problems with peerCert

-> m Bool

Returns: True if one of the signal handlers has returned True to accept peerCert

Used by DtlsConnection implementations to emit the DtlsConnection::acceptCertificate signal.

Since: 2.48


dtlsConnectionGetCertificate Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection a) 
=> a

conn: a DtlsConnection

-> m (Maybe TlsCertificate)

Returns: conn's certificate, or Nothing

Gets conn's certificate, as set by dtlsConnectionSetCertificate.

Since: 2.48


dtlsConnectionGetChannelBindingData Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection a) 
=> a

conn: a DtlsConnection

-> TlsChannelBindingType

type: TlsChannelBindingType type of data to fetch

-> m ByteString

(Can throw GError)

Query the TLS backend for TLS channel binding data of type for conn.

This call retrieves TLS channel binding data as specified in RFC 5056, RFC 5929, and related RFCs. The binding data is returned in data. The data is resized by the callee using ByteArray buffer management and will be freed when the data is destroyed by byteArrayUnref. If data is Nothing, it will only check whether TLS backend is able to fetch the data (e.g. whether type is supported by the TLS backend). It does not guarantee that the data will be available though. That could happen if TLS connection does not support type or the binding data is not available yet due to additional negotiation or input required.

Since: 2.66


dtlsConnectionGetCiphersuiteName Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection a) 
=> a

conn: a GDTlsConnection

-> m (Maybe Text)

Returns: The name of the current DTLS ciphersuite, or Nothing

Returns the name of the current DTLS ciphersuite, or Nothing if the connection has not handshaked or has been closed. Beware that the TLS backend may use any of multiple different naming conventions, because OpenSSL and GnuTLS have their own ciphersuite naming conventions that are different from each other and different from the standard, IANA- registered ciphersuite names. The ciphersuite name is intended to be displayed to the user for informative purposes only, and parsing it is not recommended.

Since: 2.70


dtlsConnectionGetDatabase Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection a) 
=> a

conn: a DtlsConnection

-> m (Maybe TlsDatabase)

Returns: the certificate database that conn uses or Nothing

Gets the certificate database that conn uses to verify peer certificates. See dtlsConnectionSetDatabase.

Since: 2.48


dtlsConnectionGetInteraction Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection a) 
=> a

conn: a connection

-> m (Maybe TlsInteraction)

Returns: The interaction object.

Get the object that will be used to interact with the user. It will be used for things like prompting the user for passwords. If Nothing is returned, then no user interaction will occur for this connection.

Since: 2.48


dtlsConnectionGetNegotiatedProtocol Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection a) 
=> a

conn: a DtlsConnection

-> m (Maybe Text)

Returns: the negotiated protocol, or Nothing

Gets the name of the application-layer protocol negotiated during the handshake.

If the peer did not use the ALPN extension, or did not advertise a protocol that matched one of conn's protocols, or the TLS backend does not support ALPN, then this will be Nothing. See dtlsConnectionSetAdvertisedProtocols.

Since: 2.60


dtlsConnectionGetPeerCertificate Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection a) 
=> a

conn: a DtlsConnection

-> m (Maybe TlsCertificate)

Returns: conn's peer's certificate, or Nothing

Gets conn's peer's certificate after the handshake has completed or failed. (It is not set during the emission of DtlsConnection::acceptCertificate.)

Since: 2.48


dtlsConnectionGetPeerCertificateErrors Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection a) 
=> a

conn: a DtlsConnection

-> m [TlsCertificateFlags]

Returns: conn's peer's certificate errors

Gets the errors associated with validating conn's peer's certificate, after the handshake has completed or failed. (It is not set during the emission of DtlsConnection::acceptCertificate.)

Since: 2.48


dtlsConnectionGetProtocolVersion Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection a) 
=> a

conn: a GDTlsConnection

-> m TlsProtocolVersion

Returns: The current DTLS protocol version

Returns the current DTLS protocol version, which may be TlsProtocolVersionUnknown if the connection has not handshaked, or has been closed, or if the TLS backend has implemented a protocol version that is not a recognized TlsProtocolVersion.

Since: 2.70


dtlsConnectionGetRehandshakeMode Source #

Deprecated: (Since version 2.64.)Changing the rehandshake mode is no longerrequired for compatibility. Also, rehandshaking has been removedfrom the TLS protocol in TLS 1.3.

Gets conn rehandshaking mode. See dtlsConnectionSetRehandshakeMode for details.

Since: 2.48


dtlsConnectionGetRequireCloseNotify Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection a) 
=> a

conn: a DtlsConnection

-> m Bool

Returns: True if conn requires a proper TLS close notification.

Tests whether or not conn expects a proper TLS close notification when the connection is closed. See dtlsConnectionSetRequireCloseNotify for details.

Since: 2.48


dtlsConnectionHandshake Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection a, IsCancellable b) 
=> a

conn: a DtlsConnection

-> Maybe b

cancellable: a Cancellable, or Nothing

-> m ()

(Can throw GError)

Attempts a TLS handshake on conn.

On the client side, it is never necessary to call this method; although the connection needs to perform a handshake after connecting, DtlsConnection will handle this for you automatically when you try to send or receive data on the connection. You can call dtlsConnectionHandshake manually if you want to know whether the initial handshake succeeded or failed (as opposed to just immediately trying to use conn to read or write, in which case, if it fails, it may not be possible to tell if it failed before or after completing the handshake), but beware that servers may reject client authentication after the handshake has completed, so a successful handshake does not indicate the connection will be usable.

Likewise, on the server side, although a handshake is necessary at the beginning of the communication, you do not need to call this function explicitly unless you want clearer error reporting.

Previously, calling dtlsConnectionHandshake after the initial handshake would trigger a rehandshake; however, this usage was deprecated in GLib 2.60 because rehandshaking was removed from the TLS protocol in TLS 1.3. Since GLib 2.64, calling this function after the initial handshake will no longer do anything.

DtlsConnection::accept_certificate may be emitted during the handshake.

Since: 2.48


dtlsConnectionHandshakeAsync Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection a, IsCancellable b) 
=> a

conn: a DtlsConnection

-> Int32

ioPriority: the [I/O priority][io-priority] of the request

-> Maybe b

cancellable: a Cancellable, or Nothing

-> Maybe AsyncReadyCallback

callback: callback to call when the handshake is complete

-> m () 

Asynchronously performs a TLS handshake on conn. See dtlsConnectionHandshake for more information.

Since: 2.48


dtlsConnectionHandshakeFinish Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection a, IsAsyncResult b) 
=> a

conn: a DtlsConnection

-> b

result: a AsyncResult.

-> m ()

(Can throw GError)

Finish an asynchronous TLS handshake operation. See dtlsConnectionHandshake for more information.

Since: 2.48


dtlsConnectionSetAdvertisedProtocols Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection a) 
=> a

conn: a DtlsConnection

-> Maybe [Text]

protocols: a Nothing-terminated array of ALPN protocol names (eg, "http/1.1", "h2"), or Nothing

-> m () 

Sets the list of application-layer protocols to advertise that the caller is willing to speak on this connection. The Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) extension will be used to negotiate a compatible protocol with the peer; use dtlsConnectionGetNegotiatedProtocol to find the negotiated protocol after the handshake. Specifying Nothing for the the value of protocols will disable ALPN negotiation.

See IANA TLS ALPN Protocol IDs for a list of registered protocol IDs.

Since: 2.60


dtlsConnectionSetCertificate Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection a, IsTlsCertificate b) 
=> a

conn: a DtlsConnection

-> b

certificate: the certificate to use for conn

-> m () 

This sets the certificate that conn will present to its peer during the TLS handshake. For a DtlsServerConnection, it is mandatory to set this, and that will normally be done at construct time.

For a DtlsClientConnection, this is optional. If a handshake fails with TlsErrorCertificateRequired, that means that the server requires a certificate, and if you try connecting again, you should call this method first. You can call dtlsClientConnectionGetAcceptedCas on the failed connection to get a list of Certificate Authorities that the server will accept certificates from.

(It is also possible that a server will allow the connection with or without a certificate; in that case, if you don't provide a certificate, you can tell that the server requested one by the fact that dtlsClientConnectionGetAcceptedCas will return non-Nothing.)

Since: 2.48


dtlsConnectionSetDatabase Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection a, IsTlsDatabase b) 
=> a

conn: a DtlsConnection

-> Maybe b

database: a TlsDatabase

-> m () 

Sets the certificate database that is used to verify peer certificates. This is set to the default database by default. See tlsBackendGetDefaultDatabase. If set to Nothing, then peer certificate validation will always set the TlsCertificateFlagsUnknownCa error (meaning DtlsConnection::acceptCertificate will always be emitted on client-side connections, unless that bit is not set in DtlsClientConnection:validation-flags).

There are nonintuitive security implications when using a non-default database. See DtlsConnection:database for details.

Since: 2.48


dtlsConnectionSetInteraction Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection a, IsTlsInteraction b) 
=> a

conn: a connection

-> Maybe b

interaction: an interaction object, or Nothing

-> m () 

Set the object that will be used to interact with the user. It will be used for things like prompting the user for passwords.

The interaction argument will normally be a derived subclass of TlsInteraction. Nothing can also be provided if no user interaction should occur for this connection.

Since: 2.48


dtlsConnectionSetRehandshakeMode Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection a) 
=> a

conn: a DtlsConnection

-> TlsRehandshakeMode

mode: the rehandshaking mode

-> m () 

Deprecated: (Since version 2.60.)Changing the rehandshake mode is no longerrequired for compatibility. Also, rehandshaking has been removedfrom the TLS protocol in TLS 1.3.

Since GLib 2.64, changing the rehandshake mode is no longer supported and will have no effect. With TLS 1.3, rehandshaking has been removed from the TLS protocol, replaced by separate post-handshake authentication and rekey operations.

Since: 2.48


dtlsConnectionSetRequireCloseNotify Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection a) 
=> a

conn: a DtlsConnection

-> Bool

requireCloseNotify: whether or not to require close notification

-> m () 

Sets whether or not conn expects a proper TLS close notification before the connection is closed. If this is True (the default), then conn will expect to receive a TLS close notification from its peer before the connection is closed, and will return a TlsErrorEof error if the connection is closed without proper notification (since this may indicate a network error, or man-in-the-middle attack).

In some protocols, the application will know whether or not the connection was closed cleanly based on application-level data (because the application-level data includes a length field, or is somehow self-delimiting); in this case, the close notify is redundant and may be omitted. You can use dtlsConnectionSetRequireCloseNotify to tell conn to allow an "unannounced" connection close, in which case the close will show up as a 0-length read, as in a non-TLS DatagramBased, and it is up to the application to check that the data has been fully received.

Note that this only affects the behavior when the peer closes the connection; when the application calls dtlsConnectionCloseAsync on conn itself, this will send a close notification regardless of the setting of this property. If you explicitly want to do an unclean close, you can close conn's DtlsConnection:base-socket rather than closing conn itself.

Since: 2.48


dtlsConnectionShutdown Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection a, IsCancellable b) 
=> a

conn: a DtlsConnection

-> Bool

shutdownRead: True to stop reception of incoming datagrams

-> Bool

shutdownWrite: True to stop sending outgoing datagrams

-> Maybe b

cancellable: a Cancellable, or Nothing

-> m ()

(Can throw GError)

Shut down part or all of a DTLS connection.

If shutdownRead is True then the receiving side of the connection is shut down, and further reading is disallowed. Subsequent calls to datagramBasedReceiveMessages will return IOErrorEnumClosed.

If shutdownWrite is True then the sending side of the connection is shut down, and further writing is disallowed. Subsequent calls to datagramBasedSendMessages will return IOErrorEnumClosed.

It is allowed for both shutdownRead and shutdownWrite to be TRUE — this is equivalent to calling dtlsConnectionClose.

If cancellable is cancelled, the DtlsConnection may be left partially-closed and any pending untransmitted data may be lost. Call dtlsConnectionShutdown again to complete closing the DtlsConnection.

Since: 2.48


dtlsConnectionShutdownAsync Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection a, IsCancellable b) 
=> a

conn: a DtlsConnection

-> Bool

shutdownRead: True to stop reception of incoming datagrams

-> Bool

shutdownWrite: True to stop sending outgoing datagrams

-> Int32

ioPriority: the [I/O priority][io-priority] of the request

-> Maybe b

cancellable: a Cancellable, or Nothing

-> Maybe AsyncReadyCallback

callback: callback to call when the shutdown operation is complete

-> m () 

Asynchronously shut down part or all of the DTLS connection. See dtlsConnectionShutdown for more information.

Since: 2.48


dtlsConnectionShutdownFinish Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection a, IsAsyncResult b) 
=> a

conn: a DtlsConnection

-> b

result: a AsyncResult

-> m ()

(Can throw GError)

Finish an asynchronous TLS shutdown operation. See dtlsConnectionShutdown for more information.

Since: 2.48



The list of application-layer protocols that the connection advertises that it is willing to speak. See dtlsConnectionSetAdvertisedProtocols.

Since: 2.60

clearDtlsConnectionAdvertisedProtocols :: (MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection o) => o -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “advertised-protocols” property to Nothing. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

clear #advertisedProtocols

constructDtlsConnectionAdvertisedProtocols :: (IsDtlsConnection o, MonadIO m) => [Text] -> m (GValueConstruct o) Source #

Construct a GValueConstruct with valid value for the “advertised-protocols” property. This is rarely needed directly, but it is used by new.

getDtlsConnectionAdvertisedProtocols :: (MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection o) => o -> m (Maybe [Text]) Source #

Get the value of the “advertised-protocols” property. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get dtlsConnection #advertisedProtocols

setDtlsConnectionAdvertisedProtocols :: (MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection o) => o -> [Text] -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “advertised-protocols” property. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

set dtlsConnection [ #advertisedProtocols := value ]


The DatagramBased that the connection wraps. Note that this may be any implementation of DatagramBased, not just a Socket.

Since: 2.48

constructDtlsConnectionBaseSocket :: (IsDtlsConnection o, MonadIO m, IsDatagramBased a) => a -> m (GValueConstruct o) Source #

Construct a GValueConstruct with valid value for the “base-socket” property. This is rarely needed directly, but it is used by new.

getDtlsConnectionBaseSocket :: (MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection o) => o -> m (Maybe DatagramBased) Source #

Get the value of the “base-socket” property. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get dtlsConnection #baseSocket


The connection's certificate; see dtlsConnectionSetCertificate.

Since: 2.48

constructDtlsConnectionCertificate :: (IsDtlsConnection o, MonadIO m, IsTlsCertificate a) => a -> m (GValueConstruct o) Source #

Construct a GValueConstruct with valid value for the “certificate” property. This is rarely needed directly, but it is used by new.

getDtlsConnectionCertificate :: (MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection o) => o -> m (Maybe TlsCertificate) Source #

Get the value of the “certificate” property. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get dtlsConnection #certificate

setDtlsConnectionCertificate :: (MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection o, IsTlsCertificate a) => o -> a -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “certificate” property. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

set dtlsConnection [ #certificate := value ]


The name of the DTLS ciphersuite in use. See dtlsConnectionGetCiphersuiteName.

Since: 2.70

getDtlsConnectionCiphersuiteName :: (MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection o) => o -> m (Maybe Text) Source #

Get the value of the “ciphersuite-name” property. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get dtlsConnection #ciphersuiteName


The certificate database to use when verifying this TLS connection. If no certificate database is set, then the default database will be used. See tlsBackendGetDefaultDatabase.

When using a non-default database, DtlsConnection must fall back to using the TlsDatabase to perform certificate verification using tlsDatabaseVerifyChain, which means certificate verification will not be able to make use of TLS session context. This may be less secure. For example, if you create your own TlsDatabase that just wraps the default TlsDatabase, you might expect that you have not changed anything, but this is not true because you may have altered the behavior of DtlsConnection by causing it to use tlsDatabaseVerifyChain. See the documentation of tlsDatabaseVerifyChain for more details on specific security checks that may not be performed. Accordingly, setting a non-default database is discouraged except for specialty applications with unusual security requirements.

Since: 2.48

clearDtlsConnectionDatabase :: (MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection o) => o -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “database” property to Nothing. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

clear #database

constructDtlsConnectionDatabase :: (IsDtlsConnection o, MonadIO m, IsTlsDatabase a) => a -> m (GValueConstruct o) Source #

Construct a GValueConstruct with valid value for the “database” property. This is rarely needed directly, but it is used by new.

getDtlsConnectionDatabase :: (MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection o) => o -> m (Maybe TlsDatabase) Source #

Get the value of the “database” property. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get dtlsConnection #database

setDtlsConnectionDatabase :: (MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection o, IsTlsDatabase a) => o -> a -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “database” property. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

set dtlsConnection [ #database := value ]


A TlsInteraction object to be used when the connection or certificate database need to interact with the user. This will be used to prompt the user for passwords where necessary.

Since: 2.48

clearDtlsConnectionInteraction :: (MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection o) => o -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “interaction” property to Nothing. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

clear #interaction

constructDtlsConnectionInteraction :: (IsDtlsConnection o, MonadIO m, IsTlsInteraction a) => a -> m (GValueConstruct o) Source #

Construct a GValueConstruct with valid value for the “interaction” property. This is rarely needed directly, but it is used by new.

getDtlsConnectionInteraction :: (MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection o) => o -> m (Maybe TlsInteraction) Source #

Get the value of the “interaction” property. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get dtlsConnection #interaction

setDtlsConnectionInteraction :: (MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection o, IsTlsInteraction a) => o -> a -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “interaction” property. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

set dtlsConnection [ #interaction := value ]


The application-layer protocol negotiated during the TLS handshake. See dtlsConnectionGetNegotiatedProtocol.

Since: 2.60

getDtlsConnectionNegotiatedProtocol :: (MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection o) => o -> m (Maybe Text) Source #

Get the value of the “negotiated-protocol” property. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get dtlsConnection #negotiatedProtocol


The connection's peer's certificate, after the TLS handshake has completed or failed. Note in particular that this is not yet set during the emission of DtlsConnection::acceptCertificate.

(You can watch for a Object::notify signal on this property to detect when a handshake has occurred.)

Since: 2.48

getDtlsConnectionPeerCertificate :: (MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection o) => o -> m (Maybe TlsCertificate) Source #

Get the value of the “peer-certificate” property. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get dtlsConnection #peerCertificate


The errors noticed while verifying DtlsConnection:peer-certificate. Normally this should be 0, but it may not be if DtlsClientConnection:validation-flags is not TlsCertificateFlagsValidateAll, or if DtlsConnection::acceptCertificate overrode the default behavior.

GLib guarantees that if certificate verification fails, at least one error will be set, but it does not guarantee that all possible errors will be set. Accordingly, you may not safely decide to ignore any particular type of error. For example, it would be incorrect to mask TlsCertificateFlagsExpired if you want to allow expired certificates, because this could potentially be the only error flag set even if other problems exist with the certificate.

Since: 2.48

getDtlsConnectionPeerCertificateErrors :: (MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection o) => o -> m [TlsCertificateFlags] Source #

Get the value of the “peer-certificate-errors” property. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get dtlsConnection #peerCertificateErrors


The DTLS protocol version in use. See dtlsConnectionGetProtocolVersion.

Since: 2.70

getDtlsConnectionProtocolVersion :: (MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection o) => o -> m TlsProtocolVersion Source #

Get the value of the “protocol-version” property. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get dtlsConnection #protocolVersion


The rehandshaking mode. See dtlsConnectionSetRehandshakeMode.

Since: 2.48

constructDtlsConnectionRehandshakeMode :: (IsDtlsConnection o, MonadIO m) => TlsRehandshakeMode -> m (GValueConstruct o) Source #

Construct a GValueConstruct with valid value for the “rehandshake-mode” property. This is rarely needed directly, but it is used by new.

getDtlsConnectionRehandshakeMode :: (MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection o) => o -> m TlsRehandshakeMode Source #

Get the value of the “rehandshake-mode” property. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get dtlsConnection #rehandshakeMode

setDtlsConnectionRehandshakeMode :: (MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection o) => o -> TlsRehandshakeMode -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “rehandshake-mode” property. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

set dtlsConnection [ #rehandshakeMode := value ]


Whether or not proper TLS close notification is required. See dtlsConnectionSetRequireCloseNotify.

Since: 2.48

constructDtlsConnectionRequireCloseNotify :: (IsDtlsConnection o, MonadIO m) => Bool -> m (GValueConstruct o) Source #

Construct a GValueConstruct with valid value for the “require-close-notify” property. This is rarely needed directly, but it is used by new.

getDtlsConnectionRequireCloseNotify :: (MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection o) => o -> m Bool Source #

Get the value of the “require-close-notify” property. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get dtlsConnection #requireCloseNotify

setDtlsConnectionRequireCloseNotify :: (MonadIO m, IsDtlsConnection o) => o -> Bool -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “require-close-notify” property. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

set dtlsConnection [ #requireCloseNotify := value ]



type DtlsConnectionAcceptCertificateCallback Source #


 = TlsCertificate

peerCert: the peer's TlsCertificate

-> [TlsCertificateFlags]

errors: the problems with peerCert.

-> IO Bool

Returns: True to accept peerCert (which will also immediately end the signal emission). False to allow the signal emission to continue, which will cause the handshake to fail if no one else overrides it.

Emitted during the TLS handshake after the peer certificate has been received. You can examine peerCert's certification path by calling tlsCertificateGetIssuer on it.

For a client-side connection, peerCert is the server's certificate, and the signal will only be emitted if the certificate was not acceptable according to conn's DtlsClientConnection:validation_flags. If you would like the certificate to be accepted despite errors, return True from the signal handler. Otherwise, if no handler accepts the certificate, the handshake will fail with TlsErrorBadCertificate.

GLib guarantees that if certificate verification fails, this signal will be emitted with at least one error will be set in errors, but it does not guarantee that all possible errors will be set. Accordingly, you may not safely decide to ignore any particular type of error. For example, it would be incorrect to ignore TlsCertificateFlagsExpired if you want to allow expired certificates, because this could potentially be the only error flag set even if other problems exist with the certificate.

For a server-side connection, peerCert is the certificate presented by the client, if this was requested via the server's DtlsServerConnection:authentication_mode. On the server side, the signal is always emitted when the client presents a certificate, and the certificate will only be accepted if a handler returns True.

Note that if this signal is emitted as part of asynchronous I/O in the main thread, then you should not attempt to interact with the user before returning from the signal handler. If you want to let the user decide whether or not to accept the certificate, you would have to return False from the signal handler on the first attempt, and then after the connection attempt returns a TlsErrorBadCertificate, you can interact with the user, and if the user decides to accept the certificate, remember that fact, create a new connection, and return True from the signal handler the next time.

If you are doing I/O in another thread, you do not need to worry about this, and can simply block in the signal handler until the UI thread returns an answer.

Since: 2.48

afterDtlsConnectionAcceptCertificate :: (IsDtlsConnection a, MonadIO m) => a -> ((?self :: a) => DtlsConnectionAcceptCertificateCallback) -> m SignalHandlerId Source #

Connect a signal handler for the acceptCertificate signal, to be run after the default handler. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

after dtlsConnection #acceptCertificate callback

By default the object invoking the signal is not passed to the callback. If you need to access it, you can use the implit ?self parameter. Note that this requires activating the ImplicitParams GHC extension.

onDtlsConnectionAcceptCertificate :: (IsDtlsConnection a, MonadIO m) => a -> ((?self :: a) => DtlsConnectionAcceptCertificateCallback) -> m SignalHandlerId Source #

Connect a signal handler for the acceptCertificate signal, to be run before the default handler. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

on dtlsConnection #acceptCertificate callback