gi-gdk-4.0.9: Gdk bindings
CopyrightWill Thompson and Iñaki García Etxebarria
MaintainerIñaki García Etxebarria
Safe HaskellNone



The GdkDrop object represents the target of an ongoing DND operation.

Possible drop sites get informed about the status of the ongoing drag operation with events of type EventTypeDragEnter, EventTypeDragLeave, EventTypeDragMotion and EventTypeDropStart. The GdkDrop object can be obtained from these Event types using dNDEventGetDrop.

The actual data transfer is initiated from the target side via an async read, using one of the GdkDrop methods for this purpose: dropReadAsync or dropReadValueAsync.

GTK provides a higher level abstraction based on top of these functions, and so they are not normally needed in GTK applications. See the "Drag and Drop" section of the GTK documentation for more information.


Exported types

newtype Drop Source #

Memory-managed wrapper type.


Drop (ManagedPtr Drop) 


Instances details
Eq Drop Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GI.Gdk.Objects.Drop


(==) :: Drop -> Drop -> Bool #

(/=) :: Drop -> Drop -> Bool #

GObject Drop Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GI.Gdk.Objects.Drop

ManagedPtrNewtype Drop Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GI.Gdk.Objects.Drop

TypedObject Drop Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GI.Gdk.Objects.Drop


glibType :: IO GType #

HasParentTypes Drop Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GI.Gdk.Objects.Drop

IsGValue (Maybe Drop) Source #

Convert Drop to and from GValue. See toGValue and fromGValue.

Instance details

Defined in GI.Gdk.Objects.Drop

type ParentTypes Drop Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GI.Gdk.Objects.Drop

type ParentTypes Drop = '[Object]

class (GObject o, IsDescendantOf Drop o) => IsDrop o Source #

Type class for types which can be safely cast to Drop, for instance with toDrop.


Instances details
(GObject o, IsDescendantOf Drop o) => IsDrop o Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GI.Gdk.Objects.Drop

toDrop :: (MonadIO m, IsDrop o) => o -> m Drop Source #

Cast to Drop, for types for which this is known to be safe. For general casts, use castTo.



dropFinish Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDrop a) 
=> a

self: a GdkDrop

-> [DragAction]

action: the action performed by the destination or 0 if the drop failed

-> m () 

Ends the drag operation after a drop.

The action must be a single action selected from the actions available via dropGetActions.


dropGetActions Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDrop a) 
=> a

self: a GdkDrop

-> m [DragAction]

Returns: The possible GdkDragActions

Returns the possible actions for this GdkDrop.

If this value contains multiple actions - i.e. [funcgdk.DragAction.is_unique] returns False for the result - dropFinish must choose the action to use when accepting the drop. This will only happen if you passed DragActionAsk as one of the possible actions in dropStatus. DragActionAsk itself will not be included in the actions returned by this function.

This value may change over the lifetime of the Drop both as a response to source side actions as well as to calls to dropStatus or dropFinish. The source side will not change this value anymore once a drop has started.


dropGetDevice Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDrop a) 
=> a

self: a GdkDrop

-> m Device

Returns: The GdkDevice performing the drop.

Returns the GdkDevice performing the drop.


dropGetDisplay Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDrop a) 
=> a

self: a GdkDrop

-> m Display

Returns: a GdkDisplay

Gets the GdkDisplay that self was created for.


dropGetDrag Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDrop a) 
=> a

self: a GdkDrop

-> m (Maybe Drag)

Returns: the corresponding GdkDrag

If this is an in-app drag-and-drop operation, returns the GdkDrag that corresponds to this drop.

If it is not, Nothing is returned.


dropGetFormats Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDrop a) 
=> a

self: a GdkDrop

-> m ContentFormats

Returns: The possible GdkContentFormats

Returns the GdkContentFormats that the drop offers the data to be read in.


dropGetSurface Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDrop a) 
=> a

self: a GdkDrop

-> m Surface

Returns: The GdkSurface performing the drop.

Returns the GdkSurface performing the drop.


dropReadAsync Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDrop a, IsCancellable b) 
=> a

self: a GdkDrop

-> [Text]

mimeTypes: pointer to an array of mime types

-> Int32

ioPriority: the I/O priority for the read operation

-> Maybe b

cancellable: optional GCancellable object

-> Maybe AsyncReadyCallback

callback: a GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied

-> m () 

Asynchronously read the dropped data from a GdkDrop in a format that complies with one of the mime types.


dropReadFinish Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDrop a, IsAsyncResult b) 
=> a

self: a GdkDrop

-> b

result: a GAsyncResult

-> m (Maybe InputStream, Text)

Returns: the GInputStream (Can throw GError)

Finishes an async drop read operation.

Note that you must not use blocking read calls on the returned stream in the GTK thread, since some platforms might require communication with GTK to complete the data transfer. You can use async APIs such as inputStreamReadBytesAsync.

See dropReadAsync.


dropReadValueAsync Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDrop a, IsCancellable b) 
=> a

self: a GdkDrop

-> GType

type: a GType to read

-> Int32

ioPriority: the I/O priority of the request.

-> Maybe b

cancellable: optional GCancellable object, Nothing to ignore.

-> Maybe AsyncReadyCallback

callback: callback to call when the request is satisfied

-> m () 

Asynchronously request the drag operation's contents converted to the given type.

When the operation is finished callback will be called. You must then call dropReadValueFinish to get the resulting GValue.

For local drag-and-drop operations that are available in the given GType, the value will be copied directly. Otherwise, GDK will try to use contentDeserializeAsync to convert the data.


dropReadValueFinish Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDrop a, IsAsyncResult b) 
=> a

self: a GdkDrop

-> b

result: a GAsyncResult

-> m GValue

Returns: a GValue containing the result. (Can throw GError)

Finishes an async drop read.

See dropReadValueAsync.


dropStatus Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDrop a) 
=> a

self: a GdkDrop

-> [DragAction]

actions: Supported actions of the destination, or 0 to indicate that a drop will not be accepted

-> [DragAction]

preferred: A unique action that's a member of actions indicating the preferred action

-> m () 

Selects all actions that are potentially supported by the destination.

When calling this function, do not restrict the passed in actions to the ones provided by dropGetActions. Those actions may change in the future, even depending on the actions you provide here.

The preferred action is a hint to the drag-and-drop mechanism about which action to use when multiple actions are possible.

This function should be called by drag destinations in response to EventTypeDragEnter or EventTypeDragMotion events. If the destination does not yet know the exact actions it supports, it should set any possible actions first and then later call this function again.



The possible actions for this drop

constructDropActions :: (IsDrop o, MonadIO m) => [DragAction] -> m (GValueConstruct o) Source #

Construct a GValueConstruct with valid value for the “actions” property. This is rarely needed directly, but it is used by new.

getDropActions :: (MonadIO m, IsDrop o) => o -> m [DragAction] Source #

Get the value of the “actions” property. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get drop #actions


The GdkDevice performing the drop

constructDropDevice :: (IsDrop o, MonadIO m, IsDevice a) => a -> m (GValueConstruct o) Source #

Construct a GValueConstruct with valid value for the “device” property. This is rarely needed directly, but it is used by new.

getDropDevice :: (MonadIO m, IsDrop o) => o -> m Device Source #

Get the value of the “device” property. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get drop #device


The GdkDisplay that the drop belongs to.

getDropDisplay :: (MonadIO m, IsDrop o) => o -> m Display Source #

Get the value of the “display” property. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get drop #display


The GdkDrag that initiated this drop

constructDropDrag :: (IsDrop o, MonadIO m, IsDrag a) => a -> m (GValueConstruct o) Source #

Construct a GValueConstruct with valid value for the “drag” property. This is rarely needed directly, but it is used by new.

getDropDrag :: (MonadIO m, IsDrop o) => o -> m (Maybe Drag) Source #

Get the value of the “drag” property. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get drop #drag


The possible formats that the drop can provide its data in.

constructDropFormats :: (IsDrop o, MonadIO m) => ContentFormats -> m (GValueConstruct o) Source #

Construct a GValueConstruct with valid value for the “formats” property. This is rarely needed directly, but it is used by new.

getDropFormats :: (MonadIO m, IsDrop o) => o -> m ContentFormats Source #

Get the value of the “formats” property. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get drop #formats


The GdkSurface the drop happens on

constructDropSurface :: (IsDrop o, MonadIO m, IsSurface a) => a -> m (GValueConstruct o) Source #

Construct a GValueConstruct with valid value for the “surface” property. This is rarely needed directly, but it is used by new.

getDropSurface :: (MonadIO m, IsDrop o) => o -> m Surface Source #

Get the value of the “surface” property. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get drop #surface