ghcide-0.3.0: The core of an IDE

Safe HaskellNone



Utilities and state for the files of interest - those which are currently open in the editor. The useful function is getFilesOfInterest.



ofInterestRules :: Rules () Source #

The rule that initialises the files of interest state.

getFilesOfInterest :: Action (HashSet NormalizedFilePath) Source #

Get the files that are open in the IDE.

setFilesOfInterest :: IdeState -> HashSet NormalizedFilePath -> IO () Source #

Set the files-of-interest - not usually necessary or advisable. The LSP client will keep this information up to date.

modifyFilesOfInterest :: IdeState -> (HashSet NormalizedFilePath -> HashSet NormalizedFilePath) -> IO () Source #

Modify the files-of-interest - not usually necessary or advisable. The LSP client will keep this information up to date.

kick :: DelayedAction () Source #

Typecheck all the files of interest. Could be improved