{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, TypeSynonymInstances, PatternGuards, CPP, DoAndIfThenElse #-}
module Data.Generics.Geniplate(
    genUniverseBi, genUniverseBi', genUniverseBiT, genUniverseBiT',
    genTransformBi, genTransformBi', genTransformBiT, genTransformBiT',
    genTransformBiM, genTransformBiM', genTransformBiMT, genTransformBiMT',
    UniverseBi(..), universe, instanceUniverseBi, instanceUniverseBiT,
    TransformBi(..), transform, instanceTransformBi, instanceTransformBiT,
    TransformBiM(..), transformM, instanceTransformBiM, instanceTransformBiMT,
    DescendBiM(..), instanceDescendBiM, instanceDescendBiMT,
    DescendM(..), descend, instanceDescendM, instanceDescendMT,
    ) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception(assert)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Data.Maybe
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax hiding (lift)
--import System.IO

---- Overloaded interface, same as Uniplate.

-- | Class for 'universeBi'.
class UniverseBi s t where
    universeBi :: s -> [t]

-- | Class for 'transformBi'.
class TransformBi s t where
    transformBi :: (s -> s) -> t -> t

-- | Class for 'transformBiM'.
class {-(Monad m) => -} TransformBiM m s t where
    transformBiM :: (s -> m s) -> t -> m t

-- | Class for 'descendBiM'.
class {-(Monad m) => -} DescendBiM m s t where
    descendBiM :: (s -> m s) -> t -> m t

-- | Class for 'descendM'.
class {-(Monad m) => -} DescendM m t where
    descendM :: (t -> m t) -> t -> m t

universe :: (UniverseBi a a) => a -> [a]
universe = universeBi

transform :: (TransformBi a a) => (a -> a) -> a -> a
transform = transformBi

transformM :: (TransformBiM m a a) => (a -> m a) -> a -> m a
transformM = transformBiM

descend :: (DescendM Identity a) => (a -> a) -> (a -> a)
descend f = runIdentity . descendM (return . f)


-- | Create a 'UniverseBi' instance.
-- The 'TypeQ' argument should be a pair; the /source/ and /target/ types for 'universeBi'.
instanceUniverseBi :: TypeQ         -- ^(source, target) types
                   -> Q [Dec]
instanceUniverseBi = instanceUniverseBiT []

-- | Create a 'UniverseBi' instance with certain types being abstract.
-- The 'TypeQ' argument should be a pair; the /source/ and /target/ types for 'universeBi'.
instanceUniverseBiT :: [TypeQ]      -- ^types not touched by 'universeBi'
                    -> TypeQ        -- ^(source, target) types
                    -> Q [Dec]
instanceUniverseBiT stops ty = instanceUniverseBiT' stops =<< ty

instanceUniverseBiT' :: [TypeQ] -> Type -> Q [Dec]
instanceUniverseBiT' stops (ForallT _ _ t) = instanceUniverseBiT' stops t
instanceUniverseBiT' stops ty | (TupleT _, [from, to]) <- splitTypeApp ty = do
    (ds, f) <- uniBiQ stops from to
    x <- newName "_x"
    let e = LamE [VarP x] $ LetE ds $ AppE (AppE f (VarE x)) (ListE [])
    return $ instDef ''UniverseBi [from, to] 'universeBi e
instanceUniverseBiT' _ t = genError "instanceUniverseBi: the argument should be of the form [t| (S, T) |]"

funDef :: Name -> Exp -> [Dec]
funDef f e = [FunD f [Clause [] (NormalB e) []]]

instDef :: Name -> [Type] -> Name -> Exp -> [Dec]
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
instDef cls ts met e = [InstanceD [] (foldl AppT (ConT cls) ts) (funDef met e)]
instDef cls ts met e = [InstanceD Nothing [] (foldl AppT (ConT cls) ts) (funDef met e)]

-- | Create a 'TransformBi' instance.
-- The 'TypeQ' argument should be a pair; the /inner/ and /outer/ types for 'transformBi'.
instanceTransformBi :: TypeQ        -- ^(inner, outer) types
                    -> Q [Dec]
instanceTransformBi = instanceTransformBiT []

-- | Create a 'TransformBi' instance with certain types being abstract.
-- The 'TypeQ' argument should be a pair; the /inner/ and /outer/ types for 'transformBi'.
instanceTransformBiT :: [TypeQ]      -- ^types not touched by 'transformBi'
                     -> TypeQ        -- ^(inner, outer) types
                     -> Q [Dec]
instanceTransformBiT stops ty = instanceTransformBiT' MTransformBi stops =<< ty

data Mode = MTransformBi | MDescendBi | MDescend
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

instanceTransformBiT' :: Mode -> [TypeQ] -> Type -> Q [Dec]
instanceTransformBiT' doDescend stops (ForallT _ _ t) = instanceTransformBiT' doDescend stops t
instanceTransformBiT' doDescend stops ty | (TupleT _, [ft, st]) <- splitTypeApp ty = do
    f <- newName "_f"
    x <- newName "_x"
    (ds, tr) <- trBiQ doDescend raNormal stops f ft st
    let e = LamE [VarP f, VarP x] $ LetE ds $ AppE tr (VarE x)

    return $ instDef ''TransformBi [ft, st] 'transformBi e
instanceTransformBiT' _ _ t = genError "instanceTransformBiT: the argument should be of the form [t| (S, T) |]"

-- | Create a 'DescendBiM' instance.
instanceDescendM :: TypeQ
                     -> TypeQ
                     -> Q [Dec]
instanceDescendM = instanceDescendMT []

-- | Create a 'DescendBiM' instance with certain types being abstract.
instanceDescendMT :: [TypeQ]
                      -> TypeQ
                      -> TypeQ
                      -> Q [Dec]
instanceDescendMT stops mndq ty = instanceTransformBiMT' MDescend stops mndq =<< ty

-- | Create a 'DescendBiM' instance.
instanceDescendBiM :: TypeQ
                     -> TypeQ
                     -> Q [Dec]
instanceDescendBiM = instanceDescendBiMT []

-- | Create a 'DescendBiM' instance with certain types being abstract.
instanceDescendBiMT :: [TypeQ]
                      -> TypeQ
                      -> TypeQ
                      -> Q [Dec]
instanceDescendBiMT stops mndq ty = instanceTransformBiMT' MDescendBi stops mndq =<< ty

-- | Create a 'TransformBiM' instance.
instanceTransformBiM :: TypeQ
                     -> TypeQ
                     -> Q [Dec]
instanceTransformBiM = instanceTransformBiMT []

-- | Create a 'TransformBiM' instance with certain types being abstract.
instanceTransformBiMT :: [TypeQ]
                      -> TypeQ
                      -> TypeQ
                      -> Q [Dec]
instanceTransformBiMT stops mndq ty = instanceTransformBiMT' MTransformBi stops mndq =<< ty

instanceTransformBiMT' :: Mode -> [TypeQ] -> TypeQ -> Type -> Q [Dec]
instanceTransformBiMT' doDescend stops mndq (ForallT _ _ t) = instanceTransformBiMT' doDescend stops mndq t
instanceTransformBiMT'  MDescend stops mndq ty = do
    mnd <- mndq

    f <- newName "_f"
    x <- newName "_x"
    (ds, tr) <- trBiQ MDescend raMonad stops f ty ty
    let e = LamE [VarP f, VarP x] $ LetE ds $ AppE tr (VarE x)
    return $ instDef ''DescendM [mnd, ty] 'descendM e
instanceTransformBiMT' doDescend stops mndq ty | (TupleT _, [ft, st]) <- splitTypeApp ty = do
--    qRunIO $ do putStrLn "************"; hFlush stdout
    mnd <- mndq

    f <- newName "_f"
    x <- newName "_x"
    (ds, tr) <- trBiQ doDescend raMonad stops f ft st
    let e = LamE [VarP f, VarP x] $ LetE ds $ AppE tr (VarE x)
        cls = case doDescend of MTransformBi -> ''TransformBiM; MDescendBi -> ''DescendBiM; MDescend -> error "MDescend"
        met = case doDescend of MTransformBi ->  'transformBiM; MDescendBi ->  'descendBiM; MDescend -> error "MDescend"
    return $ instDef cls [mnd, ft, st] met e
instanceTransformBiMT' _ _ _ t = genError "instanceTransformBiMT: the argument should be of the form [t| (S, T) |]"

-- | Generate TH code for a function that extracts all subparts of a certain type.
-- The argument to 'genUniverseBi' is a name with the type @S -> [T]@, for some types
-- @S@ and @T@.  The function will extract all subparts of type @T@ from @S@.
genUniverseBi :: Name             -- ^function of type @S -> [T]@
              -> Q Exp
genUniverseBi = genUniverseBiT []

genUniverseBi' :: TypeQ -> Q Exp
genUniverseBi' = genUniverseBiT' []

-- | Same as 'genUniverseBi', but does not look inside any types mention in the
-- list of types.
genUniverseBiT :: [TypeQ]         -- ^types not touched by 'universeBi'
                -> Name            -- ^function of type @S -> [T]@
                -> Q Exp
genUniverseBiT stops = getNameType >=> genUniverseBiTsplit stops

genUniverseBiT' :: [TypeQ] -> TypeQ -> Q Exp
genUniverseBiT' stops q = q >>= splitType >>= genUniverseBiTsplit stops

genUniverseBiTsplit :: [TypeQ] -> ([TyVarBndr], Type, Type) -> Q Exp
genUniverseBiTsplit stops (_tvs,from,tos) = do
    let to = unList tos
--    qRunIO $ print (from, to)
    (ds, f) <- uniBiQ stops from to
    x <- newName "_x"
    let e = LamE [VarP x] $ LetE ds $ AppE (AppE f (VarE x)) (ListE [])
--    qRunIO $ do putStrLn $ pprint e; hFlush stdout
    return e

type U = StateT (Map Type Dec, Map Type Bool) Q

instance Quasi U where
    qNewName = lift . qNewName
    qReport b = lift . qReport b
    qRecover = error "Data.Generics.Geniplate: qRecover not implemented"
    qReify = lift . qReify
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 704
    qReifyInstances n = lift . qReifyInstances n
#elif __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 702
    qClassInstances n = lift . qClassInstances n
    qLocation = lift qLocation
    qRunIO = lift . qRunIO
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 706
    qLookupName ns = lift . qLookupName ns
    qAddDependentFile = lift . qAddDependentFile
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
    qReifyRoles = lift . qReifyRoles
    qReifyAnnotations = lift . qReifyAnnotations
    qReifyModule = lift . qReifyModule
    qAddTopDecls = lift . qAddTopDecls
    qAddModFinalizer = lift . qAddModFinalizer
    qGetQ = undefined -- lift . qGetQ
    qPutQ = lift . qPutQ

uniBiQ :: [TypeQ] -> Type -> Type -> Q ([Dec], Exp)
uniBiQ stops from ato = do
    ss <- sequence stops
    to <- expandSyn ato
    (f, (m, _)) <- runStateT (uniBi from to) (mEmpty, mFromList $ zip ss (repeat False))
    return (mElems m, f)

uniBi :: Type -> Type -> U Exp
uniBi afrom to = do
    (m, c) <- get
    from <- expandSyn afrom
    case mLookup from m of
        Just (FunD n _) -> return $ VarE n
        _ -> do
            f <- qNewName "_f"
            let mkRec = do
                    put (mInsert from (FunD f [Clause [] (NormalB $ TupE []) []]) m, c)   -- insert something to break recursion, will be replaced below.
                    uniBiCase from to
            cs <- if from == to then do
                      b <- contains' to from
                      if b then do
                          -- Recursive data type, we need the current value and all values inside.
                          g <- qNewName "_g"
                          gcs <- mkRec
                          let dg = FunD g gcs
                          -- Insert with a dummy type, just to get the definition in the map for mElems.
                          modify $ \ (m', c') -> (mInsert (ConT g) dg m', c')
                          unFun [d| f _x _r = _x : $(return (VarE g)) _x _r |]
                          -- Non-recursive type, just use this value.
                          unFun [d| f _x _r = _x : _r |]
                  else do
                      -- Types differ, look inside.
                      b <- contains to from
                      if b then do
                          -- Occurrences inside, recurse.
                          -- No occurrences of to inside from, so add nothing.
                          unFun [d| f _ _r = _r |]
            let d = FunD f cs
            modify $ \ (m', c') -> (mInsert from d m', c')
            return $ VarE f

-- Check if the second type is contained anywhere in the first type.
contains :: Type -> Type -> U Bool
contains to afrom = do
--    qRunIO $ print ("contains", to, from)
    from <- expandSyn afrom
    if from == to then
        return True
     else do
        c <- gets snd
        case mLookupSplits from c of
            Just b  -> return b
            Nothing -> contains' to from

mLookupSplits :: Type -> Map Type a -> Maybe a
mLookupSplits ty m = msum [ mLookup ty' m | ty' <- splits ty ]
    splits t@(AppT u _) = t:splits u
    splits t = [t]

-- Check if the second type is contained somewhere inside the first.
contains' :: Type -> Type -> U Bool
contains' to from = do
--    qRunIO $ print ("contains'", to, from)
    let (con, ts) = splitTypeApp from
    modify $ \ (m, c) -> (m, mInsert from False c)        -- To make the fixpoint of the recursion False.
    b <- case con of
         ConT n    -> containsCon n to ts
         TupleT _  -> fmap or $ mapM (contains to) ts
         ArrowT    -> return False
         ListT     -> if to == from then return True else contains to (head ts)
         VarT _    -> return False
         t         -> genError $ "contains: unexpected type: " ++ pprint from ++ " (" ++ show t ++ ")"
    modify $ \ (m, c) -> (m, mInsert from b c)
    return b

containsCon :: Name -> Type -> [Type] -> U Bool
containsCon con to ts = do
--    qRunIO $ print ("containsCon", con, to, ts)
    (tvs, cons) <- getTyConInfo con
    let conCon (NormalC _ xs) = fmap or $ mapM (field . snd) xs
        conCon (InfixC x1 _ x2) = fmap or $ mapM field [snd x1, snd x2]
        conCon (RecC _ xs) = fmap or $ mapM field [ t | (_,_,t) <- xs ]
        conCon c = genError $ "containsCon: " ++ show c
        s = mkSubst tvs ts
        field t = contains to (subst s t)
    fmap or $ mapM conCon cons

unFunD :: [Dec] -> [Clause]
unFunD [FunD _ cs] = cs
unFunD _ = genError $ "unFunD"

unFun :: Q [Dec] -> U [Clause]
unFun = lift . fmap unFunD

uniBiCase :: Type -> Type -> U [Clause]
uniBiCase from to = do
    let (con, ts) = splitTypeApp from
    case con of
        ConT n    -> uniBiCon n ts to
        TupleT _  -> uniBiTuple ts to
--        ArrowT    -> unFun [d| f _ _r = _r |]           -- Stop at functions
        ListT     -> uniBiList (head ts) to
        t         -> genError $ "uniBiCase: unexpected type: " ++ pprint from ++ " (" ++ show t ++ ")"

uniBiList :: Type -> Type -> U [Clause]
uniBiList t to = do
    uni <- uniBi t to
    rec <- uniBi (AppT ListT t) to
    unFun [d| f [] _r = _r; f (_x:_xs) _r = $(return uni) _x ($(return rec) _xs _r) |]

uniBiTuple :: [Type] -> Type -> U [Clause]
uniBiTuple ts to = fmap (:[]) $ mkArm to [] TupP ts

uniBiCon :: Name -> [Type] -> Type -> U [Clause]
uniBiCon con ts to = do
    (tvs, cons) <- getTyConInfo con
    let genArm (NormalC c xs) = arm (ConP c) xs
        genArm (InfixC x1 c x2) = arm (\ [p1, p2] -> InfixP p1 c p2) [x1, x2]
        genArm (RecC c xs) = arm (ConP c) [ (b,t) | (_,b,t) <- xs ]
        genArm c = genError $ "uniBiCon: " ++ show c
        s = mkSubst tvs ts
        arm c xs = mkArm to s c $ map snd xs

    if null cons then
        -- No constructurs, return nothing
        unFun [d| f _ _r = _r |]
        mapM genArm cons

mkArm :: Type -> Subst -> ([Pat] -> Pat) -> [Type] -> U Clause
mkArm to s c ts = do
    r <- qNewName "_r"
    vs <- mapM (const $ qNewName "_x") ts
    let sub v t = do
            let t' = subst s t
            uni <- uniBi t' to
            return $ AppE (AppE uni (VarE v))
    es <- zipWithM sub vs ts
    let body = foldr ($) (VarE r) es
    return $ Clause [c (map VarP vs), VarP r] (NormalB body) []

type Subst = [(Name, Type)]

mkSubst :: [TyVarBndr] -> [Type] -> Subst
mkSubst vs ts =
   let vs' = map un vs
       un (PlainTV v) = v
       un (KindedTV v _) = v
   in  assert (length vs' == length ts) $ zip vs' ts

subst :: Subst -> Type -> Type
subst s (ForallT v c t) = ForallT v c $ subst s t
subst s t@(VarT n) = fromMaybe t $ lookup n s
subst s (AppT t1 t2) = AppT (subst s t1) (subst s t2)
subst s (SigT t k) = SigT (subst s t) k
subst _ t = t

getTyConInfo :: (Quasi q) => Name -> q ([TyVarBndr], [Con])
getTyConInfo con = do
    info <- qReify con
    case info of
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
        TyConI (DataD _ _ tvs cs _)   -> return (tvs, cs)
        TyConI (NewtypeD _ _ tvs c _) -> return (tvs, [c])
        TyConI (DataD _ _ tvs _ cs _)   -> return (tvs, cs)
        TyConI (NewtypeD _ _ tvs _ c _) -> return (tvs, [c])
        PrimTyConI{} -> return ([], [])
        i -> genError $ "unexpected TyCon: " ++ show i

splitType :: (Quasi q) => Type -> q ([TyVarBndr], Type, Type)
splitType t =
  case t of
    (ForallT tvs _ t) -> do
      (tvs', from, to) <- splitType t
      return (tvs ++ tvs', from, to)
    (AppT (AppT ArrowT from) to) -> return ([], from, to)
    _ -> genError $ "Type is not an arrow: " ++ pprint t

getNameType :: (Quasi q) => Name -> q ([TyVarBndr], Type, Type)
getNameType name = do
    info <- qReify name
    case info of
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
        VarI _ t _ _ -> splitType t
        VarI _ t _  -> splitType t
        _ -> genError $ "Name is not variable: " ++ pprint name

unList :: Type -> Type
unList (AppT (ConT n) t) | n == ''[] = t
unList (AppT ListT t) = t
unList t = genError $ "universeBi: Type is not a list: " ++ pprint t -- ++ " (" ++ show t ++ ")"

splitTypeApp :: Type -> (Type, [Type])
splitTypeApp (AppT a r) = (c, rs ++ [r]) where (c, rs) = splitTypeApp a
splitTypeApp t = (t, [])

expandSyn :: (Quasi q) => Type -> q Type
expandSyn (ForallT tvs ctx t) = liftM (ForallT tvs ctx) $ expandSyn t
expandSyn t@AppT{} = expandSynApp t []
expandSyn t@ConT{} = expandSynApp t []
expandSyn (SigT t k) = expandSyn t   -- Ignore kind synonyms
expandSyn t = return t

expandSynApp :: (Quasi q) => Type -> [Type] -> q Type
expandSynApp (AppT t1 t2) ts = do t2' <- expandSyn t2; expandSynApp t1 (t2':ts)
expandSynApp (ConT n) ts | nameBase n == "[]" = return $ foldl AppT ListT ts
expandSynApp t@(ConT n) ts = do
    info <- qReify n
    case info of
        TyConI (TySynD _ tvs rhs) ->
            let (ts', ts'') = splitAt (length tvs) ts
                s = mkSubst tvs ts'
                rhs' = subst s rhs
            in  expandSynApp rhs' ts''
        _ -> return $ foldl AppT t ts
expandSynApp t ts = do t' <- expandSyn t; return $ foldl AppT t' ts

genError :: String -> a
genError msg = error $ "Data.Generics.Geniplate: " ++ msg


-- Exp has type (S -> S) -> T -> T, for some S and T
-- | Generate TH code for a function that transforms all subparts of a certain type.
-- The argument to 'genTransformBi' is a name with the type @(S->S) -> T -> T@, for some types
-- @S@ and @T@.  The function will transform all subparts of type @S@ inside @T@ using the given function.
genTransformBi :: Name       -- ^function of type @(S->S) -> T -> T@
               -> Q Exp
genTransformBi = genTransformBiT []

genTransformBi' :: TypeQ -> Q Exp
genTransformBi' = genTransformBiT' []

-- | Same as 'genTransformBi', but does not look inside any types mention in the
-- list of types.
genTransformBiT :: [TypeQ] -> Name -> Q Exp
genTransformBiT = transformBiG raNormal

genTransformBiT' :: [TypeQ] -> TypeQ -> Q Exp
genTransformBiT' = transformBiG' raNormal

raNormal :: RetAp
raNormal = (id, AppE, AppE)

genTransformBiM :: Name -> Q Exp
genTransformBiM = genTransformBiMT []

genTransformBiM' :: TypeQ -> Q Exp
genTransformBiM' = genTransformBiMT' []

genTransformBiMT :: [TypeQ] -> Name -> Q Exp
genTransformBiMT = transformBiG raMonad

genTransformBiMT' :: [TypeQ] -> TypeQ -> Q Exp
genTransformBiMT' = transformBiG' raMonad

raMonad :: RetAp
raMonad = (eret, eap, emap)
  where eret e = AppE (VarE 'Control.Monad.return) e
        eap f a = AppE (AppE (VarE 'Control.Monad.ap) f) a
        emap f a = AppE (AppE (VarE '(Control.Monad.=<<)) f) a

type RetAp = (Exp -> Exp, Exp -> Exp -> Exp, Exp -> Exp -> Exp)

transformBiG :: RetAp -> [TypeQ] -> Name -> Q Exp
transformBiG ra stops = getNameType >=> transformBiGsplit MTransformBi ra stops

transformBiG' :: RetAp -> [TypeQ] -> TypeQ -> Q Exp
transformBiG' ra stops q = q >>= splitType >>= transformBiGsplit MTransformBi ra stops

transformBiGsplit :: Mode -> RetAp -> [TypeQ] -> (t, Type, Type) -> Q Exp
transformBiGsplit doDescend ra stops (_tvs,fcn,res) = do
    f <- newName "_f"
    x <- newName "_x"
    (ds, tr) <-
        case (fcn, res) of
            (AppT (AppT ArrowT s) s',          AppT (AppT ArrowT t) t')           | s == s' && t == t'            -> trBiQ doDescend ra stops f s t
            (AppT (AppT ArrowT s) (AppT m s'), AppT (AppT ArrowT t) (AppT m' t')) | s == s' && t == t' && m == m' -> trBiQ doDescend ra stops f s t
            _ -> genError $ "transformBi: malformed type: " ++ pprint (AppT (AppT ArrowT fcn) res) ++ ", should have form (S->S) -> (T->T)"
    let e = LamE [VarP f, VarP x] $ LetE ds $ AppE tr (VarE x)
--    qRunIO $ do putStrLn $ pprint e; hFlush stdout
    return e

trBiQ :: Mode -> RetAp -> [TypeQ] -> Name -> Type -> Type -> Q ([Dec], Exp)
trBiQ doDescend ra stops f aft st = do
    ss <- sequence stops
    ft <- expandSyn aft
    (tr, (m, _)) <- runStateT (trBi False doDescend ra (VarE f) ft st) (mEmpty, mFromList $ zip ss (repeat False))
    return (mElems m, tr)

--arrow :: Type -> Type -> Type
--arrow t1 t2 = AppT (AppT ArrowT t1) t2

trBi :: Bool -> Mode -> RetAp -> Exp -> Type -> Type -> U Exp
--trBi True DescendBiM (ret, _, _) _ _ _ = return ret
trBi seenStop doDescend ra@(ret, _, rbind) f ft ast = do
--    qRunIO $ do print (seenStop, doDescend, ft, ast); hFlush stdout
    (m, c) <- get
    st <- expandSyn ast
--    qRunIO $ print (ft, st)
    if ft == st && seenStop && doDescend == MDescend then
      return f
    case mLookup st m of
        Just (FunD n _) -> do
--            qRunIO $ print ("found", ft == st, seenStop, doDescend == MDescend)
            if doDescend == MDescend && ft == st then
                return f
                return $ VarE n
        _ -> do
            tr <- qNewName "_tr"
            let mkRec same = do
--                    qRunIO $ do putStrLn $ "mkRec " ++ show (same, tr); hFlush stdout
                    put (mInsert st (FunD tr [Clause [] (NormalB $ TupE []) []]) m, c)  -- insert something to break recursion, will be replaced below.
                    trBiCase same doDescend ra f ft st

            cs <- if ft == st then do
                      b <- contains' ft st
--                      qRunIO $ do print ("equal", b, doDescend == MDescend, seenStop); hFlush stdout
                      if b then do
--                          qRunIO $ do putStrLn "create g"; hFlush stdout
                          g <- qNewName "_g"
                          gcs <- mkRec True
                          let dg = FunD g gcs
                          -- Insert with a dummy type, just to get the definition in the map for mElems.
                          modify $ \ (m', c') -> (mInsert (ConT g) dg m', c')
                          x <- qNewName "_x"
                          let f' = if doDescend == MDescend then id else rbind f
                          return [Clause [VarP x] (NormalB $ f' (AppE (VarE g) (VarE x))) []]
                       else do
--                          qRunIO $ do putStrLn "call f"; hFlush stdout
                          x <- qNewName "_x"
                          return [Clause [VarP x] (NormalB $ AppE f (VarE x)) []]
                  else do
                      b <- contains ft st
--                      qRunIO $ print (b, ft, st)
                      if b then do
                          mkRec False
                       else do
                          x <- qNewName "_x"
                          return [Clause [VarP x] (NormalB $ ret $ VarE x) []]
            let d = FunD tr cs
            modify $ \ (m', c') -> (mInsert st d m', c')  -- overwrite dummy binding from mkRec
            return $ VarE tr

trBiCase :: Bool -> Mode -> RetAp -> Exp -> Type -> Type -> U [Clause]
trBiCase seenStop doDescend ra f ft st = do
    let (con, ts) = splitTypeApp st
    case con of
        ConT n    -> trBiCon seenStop doDescend ra f n ft st ts
        TupleT _  -> trBiTuple seenStop doDescend ra f ft st ts
--        ArrowT    -> unFun [d| f _ _r = _r |]           -- Stop at functions
        ListT     -> trBiList seenStop doDescend ra f ft st (head ts)
        _         -> genError $ "trBiCase: unexpected type: " ++ pprint st ++ " (" ++ show st ++ ")"

trBiList :: Bool -> Mode -> RetAp -> Exp -> Type -> Type -> Type -> U [Clause]
trBiList seenStop doDescend ra f ft st et = do
    nil <- trMkArm seenStop doDescend ra f ft st [] (const $ ListP []) (ListE []) []
    cons <- trMkArm seenStop doDescend ra f ft st [] (ConP '(:)) (ConE '(:)) [et, st]
    return [nil, cons]

trBiTuple :: Bool -> Mode -> RetAp -> Exp -> Type -> Type -> [Type] -> U [Clause]
trBiTuple seenStop doDescend ra f ft st ts = do
    vs <- mapM (const $ qNewName "_t") ts
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 810
-- `TupE` handles tuple sections since template-haskell 2.16.
    let tupE = LamE (map VarP vs) $ TupE (map (Just . VarE) vs)
    let tupE = LamE (map VarP vs) $ TupE (map VarE vs)
    c <- trMkArm seenStop doDescend ra f ft st [] TupP tupE ts
    return [c]

trBiCon :: Bool -> Mode -> RetAp -> Exp -> Name -> Type -> Type -> [Type] -> U [Clause]
trBiCon seenStop doDescend ra f con ft st ts = do
    (tvs, cons) <- getTyConInfo con
    let genArm (NormalC c xs) = arm (ConP c) (ConE c) xs
        genArm (InfixC x1 c x2) = arm (\ [p1, p2] -> InfixP p1 c p2) (ConE c) [x1, x2]
        genArm (RecC c xs) = arm (ConP c) (ConE c) [ (b,t) | (_,b,t) <- xs ]
        genArm c = genError $ "trBiCon: " ++ show c
        s = mkSubst tvs ts
        arm c ec xs = trMkArm seenStop doDescend ra f ft st s c ec $ map snd xs
    mapM genArm cons

trMkArm :: Bool -> Mode -> RetAp -> Exp -> Type -> Type -> Subst -> ([Pat] -> Pat) -> Exp -> [Type] -> U Clause
trMkArm seenStop doDescend ra@(ret, apl, _) f ft st s c ec ts = do
    vs <- mapM (const $ qNewName "_x") ts
    let sub v t = do
--            qRunIO $ print ("put", seenStop, doDescend, ft == st)
            if seenStop && doDescend == MDescendBi then do
                return $ ret (VarE v)
            else do
                let t' = subst s t
                tr <- trBi seenStop doDescend ra f ft t'
                return $ AppE tr (VarE v)
--        conTy = foldr arrow st (map (subst s) ts)
    es <- zipWithM sub vs ts
    let body = foldl apl (ret ec) es
    return $ Clause [c (map VarP vs)] (NormalB body) []


-- Can't use Data.Map since TH stuff is not in Ord

newtype Map a b = Map [(a, b)]

mEmpty :: Map a b
mEmpty = Map []

mLookup :: (Eq a) => a -> Map a b -> Maybe b
mLookup a (Map xys) = lookup a xys

mInsert :: (Eq a) => a -> b -> Map a b -> Map a b
mInsert a b (Map xys) = Map $ (a, b) : filter ((/= a) . fst) xys

mElems :: Map a b -> [b]
mElems (Map xys) = map snd xys

mFromList :: [(a, b)] -> Map a b
mFromList xys = Map xys