generic-lens- Generic data-structure operations exposed as lenses.

Copyright(C) 2017 Csongor Kiss
MaintainerCsongor Kiss <>
Safe HaskellSafe




Magic product operations using Generics

These classes need not be instantiated manually, as GHC can automatically prove valid instances via Generics. Only the Generic class needs to be derived (see examples).



class HasAny sel a s | s sel k -> a where Source #

Records that have generic lenses.

Minimal complete definition



the :: Lens' s a Source #

A lens that focuses on a part of a product as identified by some selector. Currently supported selectors are field names, positions and unique types. Compatible with the lens package's Lens type.

>>> human ^. the @Int
>>> human ^. the @"name"
>>> human ^. the @3


HasPosition i a s => HasAny Nat i a s Source # 


the :: Lens' s s Source #

HasField field a s => HasAny Symbol field a s Source # 


the :: Lens' s s Source #

HasType a s => HasAny * a a s Source # 


the :: Lens' s s Source #

class HasField field a s | s field -> a where Source #

Records that have a field with a given name.

Minimal complete definition

field | setField, getField


field :: Lens' s a Source #

A lens that focuses on a field with a given name. Compatible with the lens package's Lens type.

>>> human ^. field @"age"
>>> human & field @"name" .~ "Tamas"
Human {name = "Tamas", age = 50, address = "London"}

getField :: s -> a Source #

Get field

>>> getField @"name" human

setField :: a -> s -> s Source #

Set field

>>> setField @"age" (setField @"name" "Tamas" human) 30
Human {name = "Tamas", age = 30, address = "London"}


(Generic s, ErrorUnless field s (HasTotalFieldP field (Rep s)), GHasField field (Rep s) a) => HasField field a s Source # 


field :: Lens' s a Source #

getField :: s -> a Source #

setField :: a -> s -> s Source #

class HasPosition i a s | s i -> a where Source #

Records that have a field at a given position.

Minimal complete definition

position | setPosition, getPosition


position :: Lens' s a Source #

A lens that focuses on a field at a given position. Compatible with the lens package's Lens type.

>>> human ^. position @1
>>> human & position @2 .~ "Berlin"
Human {name = "Tunyasz", age = 50, address = "Berlin"}

getPosition :: s -> a Source #

Get positional field

>>> getPosition @1 human

setPosition :: a -> s -> s Source #

Set positional field

>>> setPosition @2 (setField @1 "Tamas" human) 30
Human "Tamas" 30 "London"


(Generic s, ErrorUnless i s ((&&) ((<?) 0 i) ((<=?) i (Size (Rep s)))), GHasPosition 1 i (Rep s) a) => HasPosition i a s Source # 


position :: Lens' s a Source #

getPosition :: s -> a Source #

setPosition :: a -> s -> s Source #

class HasType a s where Source #

Minimal complete definition

typed | setTyped, getTyped


typed :: Lens' s a Source #

A lens that focuses on a field with a unique type in its parent type. Compatible with the lens package's Lens type.

>>> human ^. typed @Int

getTyped :: s -> a Source #

Get field at type

setTyped :: a -> s -> s Source #

Set field at type


(Generic s, ErrorUnlessOne a s (CountTotalType a (Rep s)), GHasType (Rep s) a) => HasType a s Source # 


typed :: Lens' s a Source #

getTyped :: s -> a Source #

setTyped :: a -> s -> s Source #

Subtype relationships

class Subtype sup sub where Source #

Structural subtype relationship

sub is a (structural) subtype of sup, if its fields are a subset of those of sup.

Minimal complete definition

super | smash, upcast


super :: Lens' sub sup Source #

Structural subtype lens. Given a subtype relationship sub :< sup, we can focus on the sub structure of sup.

>>> human ^. super @Animal
Animal {name = "Tunyasz", age = 50}
>>> set (super @Animal) (Animal "dog" 10) human
Human {name = "dog", age = 10, address = "London"}

upcast :: sub -> sup Source #

Cast the more specific subtype to the more general supertype

>>> upcast human :: Animal
Animal {name = "Tunyasz", age = 50}

smash :: sup -> sub -> sub Source #

Plug a smaller structure into a larger one

>>> smash (Animal "dog" 10) human
Human {name = "dog", age = 10, address = "London"}


(GSmash * (Rep a) (Rep b), GUpcast (Rep a) (Rep b), Generic a, Generic b) => Subtype b a Source #

Instances are created by the compiler


super :: Lens' a b Source #

upcast :: a -> b Source #

smash :: b -> a -> a Source #