module Language.Futhark.Warnings
  ( Warnings
  , singleWarning
  ) where

import Data.Monoid
import Data.List
import Data.Loc
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Sem

import Prelude

import Language.Futhark.Core (locStr)

-- | The warnings produced by the compiler.  The 'Show' instance
-- produces a human-readable description.
newtype Warnings = Warnings [(SrcLoc, String)] deriving (Eq)

instance Sem.Semigroup Warnings where
  Warnings ws1 <> Warnings ws2 = Warnings $ ws1 <> ws2

instance Monoid Warnings where
  mempty = Warnings mempty
  mappend = (Sem.<>)

instance Show Warnings where
  show (Warnings []) = ""
  show (Warnings ws) =
    intercalate "\n\n" ws' ++ "\n"
    where ws' = map showWarning $ sortOn (off . locOf . fst) ws
          off NoLoc = 0
          off (Loc p _) = posCoff p
          showWarning (loc, w) =
            "Warning at " ++ locStr loc ++ ":\n" ++
            intercalate "\n" (map ("  "<>) $ lines w)

singleWarning :: SrcLoc -> String -> Warnings
singleWarning loc problem = Warnings [(loc, problem)]