friday-0.1.2: A functionnal image processing library for Haskell.

Safe HaskellNone



Provides high level functions to do geometric transformations on images.

Every transformation is been declared INLINABLE so new image types could be specialized.



data InterpolMethod Source

Defines the set of possible methods for pixel interpolations when looking for a pixel at floating point coordinates.



Selects the top left pixel (fastest).


Selects the nearest pixel (fast).


Does a double linear interpolation over the four surrounding points (slow).

crop :: (Image i1, FromFunction i2, ImagePixel i1 ~ FromFunctionPixel i2) => Rect -> i1 -> i2Source

Maps the content of the image's rectangle in a new image.

resize :: (Image i1, Interpolable (ImagePixel i1), FromFunction i2, ImagePixel i1 ~ FromFunctionPixel i2, Integral (ImageChannel i1)) => InterpolMethod -> Size -> i1 -> i2Source

Resizes the Image using the given interpolation method.

horizontalFlip :: (Image i1, FromFunction i2, ImagePixel i1 ~ FromFunctionPixel i2) => i1 -> i2Source

Reverses the image horizontally.

verticalFlip :: (Image i1, FromFunction i2, ImagePixel i1 ~ FromFunctionPixel i2) => i1 -> i2Source

Reverses the image vertically.

floodFill :: (PrimMonad m, MutableImage i, Eq (ImagePixel (Freezed i))) => Point -> ImagePixel (Freezed i) -> i (PrimState m) -> m ()Source

Paints with a new value the pixels surrounding the given point of the image which have the same value as the starting point.