Dependencies for freckle-app-
- aeson (>= && <2.0)
- ansi-terminal (>=0.8.2)
- base (>= && <5)
- bytestring (>=
- case-insensitive (>=
- conduit (>=1.3.1)
- containers (>=
- data-default (>=
- datadog (>=
- doctest (>=
- ekg-core (>=
- errors (>=2.3.0)
- exceptions (>=0.10.0)
- fast-logger (>=2.4.11)
- filepath (>=1.4.2)
- Glob (>=0.9.3)
- hashable (>=
- hspec (>=2.8.1)
- hspec-core (>=2.8.1)
- hspec-expectations-lifted (>=0.10.0)
- hspec-junit-formatter (>=
- http-client (>=0.5.14)
- http-conduit (>=2.3.5)
- http-link-header (>=
- http-types (>=0.12.2)
- immortal (>=0.3)
- iproute (>=1.7.7)
- lens (>=4.16.1)
- load-env (>=
- monad-control (>=
- monad-logger (>=0.3.31)
- MonadRandom (>=
- mtl (>=2.2.2)
- network (>=
- network-uri (>=
- persistent (>=2.8.2)
- persistent-postgresql (>=
- postgresql-simple (>=
- primitive (>=
- process (>=
- resource-pool (>=
- retry (>=
- rio (>=
- safe (>=0.3.17)
- semigroupoids (>=5.2.2)
- template-haskell (>=
- text (>=
- time (>=
- transformers (>=
- transformers-base (>=
- unliftio (>=
- unliftio-core (>=
- unordered-containers (>=
- vector (>=
- wai (>=
- wai-extra (>=
- yaml (>=0.8.32)
- yesod (>=1.6.0)
- yesod-core (>=1.6.9)
Manual Flags
Name | Description | Default |
test-git | Run tests that run git commands | Enabled |
Use -f <flag> to enable a flag, or -f -<flag> to disable that flag. More info