-- |
-- Module  :  ForSyDe.DFT
-- Copyright   :  (c) ForSyDe Group, KTH 2007-2008
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  forsyde-dev@ict.kth.se
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- This module includes the standard Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
-- function, and a fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm, for
-- computing the DFT, when the input vectors' length is a power of 2.
module ForSyDe.Shallow.Utility.DFT(dft, fft) where

import ForSyDe.Shallow.Core.Vector
import Data.Complex

-- | The function 'dft' performs a standard Discrete Fourier Transformation
dft :: Int -> Vector (Complex Double) -> Vector (Complex Double)
dft bigN x | bigN == (lengthV x) = mapV (bigX_k bigN x) (nVector x)
           | otherwise = error "DFT: Vector has not the right size!"
    nVector x'        = iterateV (lengthV x') (+1) 0
    bigX_k bigN' x' k = sumV (zipWithV (*) x' (bigW' k bigN'))
    bigW' k' bigN'    = mapV (** k') (mapV cis (fullcircle bigN'))
    sumV              = foldlV (+) (0:+ 0)

fullcircle :: Int -> Vector Double
fullcircle n = fullcircle1 0 (fromIntegral n) n
    fullcircle1 l m n'
      | l == m    = NullV
      | otherwise = -2*pi*l/(fromIntegral n')
                    :> fullcircle1 (l+1) m n'

-- | The function 'fft' implements a fast Fourier transform (FFT)
-- algorithm, for computing the DFT, when the size N is a power of 2.
fft :: Int -> Vector (Complex Double) -> Vector (Complex Double)
fft bigN xv | bigN == (lengthV xv) = mapV (bigX xv) (kVector bigN)
            | otherwise = error "FFT: Vector has not the right size!"

kVector :: (Num b, Num a, Eq a) => a -> Vector b
kVector bigN = iterateV bigN (+1) 0

bigX :: Vector (Complex Double) -> Int -> Complex Double
bigX (x0:>x1:>NullV) k | even k = x0 + x1 * bigW 2 0
                       | odd k  = x0 - x1 * bigW 2 0
bigX xv k = bigF_even k + bigF_odd k * bigW bigN (fromIntegral k)
  where bigF_even k' = bigX (evens xv) k'
        bigF_odd k' = bigX (odds xv) k'
        bigN = lengthV xv

bigW :: Int -> Int -> Complex Double
bigW bigN k = cis (-2 * pi * (fromIntegral k) / (fromIntegral bigN))

evens :: Vector a -> Vector a
evens NullV   = NullV
evens (v1:>NullV) = v1 :> NullV
evens (v1:>_:>v)  = v1 :> evens v

odds :: Vector a -> Vector a
odds NullV    = NullV
odds (_:>NullV)   = NullV
odds (_:>v2:>v)   = v2 :> odds v