forsyde-shallow- ForSyDe's Haskell-embedded Domain Specific Language.

Copyright(c) Ricardo Bonna KTH/ICT/ES ForSyDe-Group
LicenseBSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
Safe HaskellSafe




Experimental lib. Further test needed


Sequential Process Constructors

Sequential process constructors are used for processes that have a state. One of the input parameters is the initial state.

delayCSDF :: [a] -> Signal a -> Signal a Source #

The process constructor delaynCSDF delays the signal n event cycles by introducing n initial values at the beginning of the output signal.

>>> delayCSDF [3,2,1,0] $ signal [1..5]


Based on the process constructors in the CSDF-MoC, the CSDF-library provides CSDF-actors with single or multiple inputs

actor11CSDF :: [(Int, Int, [a] -> [b])] -> Signal a -> Signal b Source #

The process constructor actor11CSDF constructs an CSDF actor with one input and one output signals. For each firing, the actor behaves accordingly to the scenario (a tuple with the number of consumed tokens, produced tokens and the function) defined in the list of tuples, given as argument, in a cyclic fashion. The length of the list of scenarios gives the actor's cycle period.

>>> let c1 = (2,1,\[a,b] -> [a + b])
>>> let c2 = (2,2,\[a,b] -> [max a b, min a b])
>>> let c3 = (2,1,\[a,b] -> [a - b])
>>> let s = signal [1..20]
>>> s
>>> actor11CSDF [c1,c2,c3] s

actor12CSDF :: [(Int, (Int, Int), [a] -> ([b], [c]))] -> Signal a -> (Signal b, Signal c) Source #

The process constructor actor12CSDF constructs an CSDF actor with one input and two output signals. For each firing, the actor behaves accordingly to the scenario (a tuple with the number of consumed tokens, produced tokens and the function) defined in the list of tuples, given as argument, in a cyclic fashion. The length of the list of scenarios gives the actor's cycle period.

actor13CSDF :: [(Int, (Int, Int, Int), [a] -> ([b], [c], [d]))] -> Signal a -> (Signal b, Signal c, Signal d) Source #

The process constructor actor13CSDF constructs an CSDF actor with one input and three output signals. For each firing, the actor behaves accordingly to the scenario (a tuple with the number of consumed tokens, produced tokens and the function) defined in the list of tuples, given as argument, in a cyclic fashion. The length of the list of scenarios gives the actor's cycle period.

actor14CSDF :: [(Int, (Int, Int, Int, Int), [a] -> ([b], [c], [d], [e]))] -> Signal a -> (Signal b, Signal c, Signal d, Signal e) Source #

The process constructor actor14CSDF constructs an CSDF actor with one input and four output signals. For each firing, the actor behaves accordingly to the scenario (a tuple with the number of consumed tokens, produced tokens and the function) defined in the list of tuples, given as argument, in a cyclic fashion. The length of the list of scenarios gives the actor's cycle period.

actor21CSDF :: [((Int, Int), Int, [a] -> [b] -> [c])] -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c Source #

The process constructor actor21CSDF constructs an CSDF actor with two input and one output signals. For each firing, the actor behaves accordingly to the scenario (a tuple with the number of consumed tokens, produced tokens and the function) defined in the list of tuples, given as argument, in a cyclic fashion. The length of the list of scenarios gives the actor's cycle period.

>>> let c1 = ((2,2),1,\[a,b] [c,d]   -> [a+b+c+d])
>>> let c2 = ((1,1),2,\  [a] [b]     -> [max a b, min a b])
>>> let c3 = ((1,3),1,\  [a] [b,c,d] -> [a-b+c-d])
>>> let s1 = signal [1..10]
>>> let s2 = signal [10..]
>>> actor21CSDF [c1,c2,c3] s1 s2

actor22CSDF :: [((Int, Int), (Int, Int), [a] -> [b] -> ([c], [d]))] -> Signal a -> Signal b -> (Signal c, Signal d) Source #

The process constructor actor22CSDF constructs an CSDF actor with two input and two output signals. For each firing, the actor behaves accordingly to the scenario (a tuple with the number of consumed tokens, produced tokens and the function) defined in the list of tuples, given as argument, in a cyclic fashion. The length of the list of scenarios gives the actor's cycle period.

>>> let c1 = ((2,1), (0,1), \[a,b] [c] -> ([], [a+b+c]))
>>> let c2 = ((1,3), (2,3), \[a] [b,c,d] -> ([a,b], [b, c, d]))
>>> actor22CSDF [c1,c2] (signal [1..10]) (signal [11..20])

actor23CSDF :: [((Int, Int), (Int, Int, Int), [a] -> [b] -> ([c], [d], [e]))] -> Signal a -> Signal b -> (Signal c, Signal d, Signal e) Source #

The process constructor actor23CSDF constructs an CSDF actor with two input and three output signals. For each firing, the actor behaves accordingly to the scenario (a tuple with the number of consumed tokens, produced tokens and the function) defined in the list of tuples, given as argument, in a cyclic fashion. The length of the list of scenarios gives the actor's cycle period.

actor24CSDF :: [((Int, Int), (Int, Int, Int, Int), [a] -> [b] -> ([c], [d], [e], [f]))] -> Signal a -> Signal b -> (Signal c, Signal d, Signal e, Signal f) Source #

The process constructor actor24CSDF constructs an CSDF actor with two input and four output signals. For each firing, the actor behaves accordingly to the scenario (a tuple with the number of consumed tokens, produced tokens and the function) defined in the list of tuples, given as argument, in a cyclic fashion. The length of the list of scenarios gives the actor's cycle period.

actor31CSDF :: [((Int, Int, Int), Int, [a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [d])] -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c -> Signal d Source #

The process constructor actor31CSDF constructs an CSDF actor with three input and one output signals. For each firing, the actor behaves accordingly to the scenario (a tuple with the number of consumed tokens, produced tokens and the function) defined in the list of tuples, given as argument, in a cyclic fashion. The length of the list of scenarios gives the actor's cycle period.

actor32CSDF :: [((Int, Int, Int), (Int, Int), [a] -> [b] -> [c] -> ([d], [e]))] -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c -> (Signal d, Signal e) Source #

The process constructor actor32CSDF constructs an CSDF actor with three input and two output signals. For each firing, the actor behaves accordingly to the scenario (a tuple with the number of consumed tokens, produced tokens and the function) defined in the list of tuples, given as argument, in a cyclic fashion. The length of the list of scenarios gives the actor's cycle period.

actor33CSDF :: [((Int, Int, Int), (Int, Int, Int), [a] -> [b] -> [c] -> ([d], [e], [f]))] -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c -> (Signal d, Signal e, Signal f) Source #

The process constructor actor33CSDF constructs an CSDF actor with three input and three output signals. For each firing, the actor behaves accordingly to the scenario (a tuple with the number of consumed tokens, produced tokens and the function) defined in the list of tuples, given as argument, in a cyclic fashion. The length of the list of scenarios gives the actor's cycle period.

actor34CSDF :: [((Int, Int, Int), (Int, Int, Int, Int), [a] -> [b] -> [c] -> ([d], [e], [f], [g]))] -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c -> (Signal d, Signal e, Signal f, Signal g) Source #

The process constructor actor34CSDF constructs an CSDF actor with three input and four output signals. For each firing, the actor behaves accordingly to the scenario (a tuple with the number of consumed tokens, produced tokens and the function) defined in the list of tuples, given as argument, in a cyclic fashion. The length of the list of scenarios gives the actor's cycle period.

>>> let c1 = ((1,0,1), (1,1,3,0), \[a] _ [b] -> ([b], [succ b], [a, 2*a, 3*a], []))
>>> let c2 = ((2,1,1), (0,2,1,1), \[a,b] [c] [d] -> ([], [d, succ d], [a+b], [c]))
>>> actor34CSDF [c1,c2] (signal [1..10]) (signal [11..20]) (signal ['a'..'k'])

actor41CSDF :: [((Int, Int, Int, Int), Int, [a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [d] -> [e])] -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c -> Signal d -> Signal e Source #

The process constructor actor41CSDF constructs an CSDF actor with four input and one output signals. For each firing, the actor behaves accordingly to the scenario (a tuple with the number of consumed tokens, produced tokens and the function) defined in the list of tuples, given as argument, in a cyclic fashion. The length of the list of scenarios gives the actor's cycle period.

actor42CSDF :: [((Int, Int, Int, Int), (Int, Int), [a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [d] -> ([e], [f]))] -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c -> Signal d -> (Signal e, Signal f) Source #

The process constructor actor42CSDF constructs an CSDF actor with four input and two output signals. For each firing, the actor behaves accordingly to the scenario (a tuple with the number of consumed tokens, produced tokens and the function) defined in the list of tuples, given as argument, in a cyclic fashion. The length of the list of scenarios gives the actor's cycle period.

actor43CSDF :: [((Int, Int, Int, Int), (Int, Int, Int), [a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [d] -> ([e], [f], [g]))] -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c -> Signal d -> (Signal e, Signal f, Signal g) Source #

The process constructor actor43CSDF constructs an CSDF actor with four input and three output signals. For each firing, the actor behaves accordingly to the scenario (a tuple with the number of consumed tokens, produced tokens and the function) defined in the list of tuples, given as argument, in a cyclic fashion. The length of the list of scenarios gives the actor's cycle period.

actor44CSDF :: [((Int, Int, Int, Int), (Int, Int, Int, Int), [a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [d] -> ([e], [f], [g], [h]))] -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c -> Signal d -> (Signal e, Signal f, Signal g, Signal h) Source #

The process constructor actor44CSDF constructs an CSDF actor with four input and four output signals. For each firing, the actor behaves accordingly to the scenario (a tuple with the number of consumed tokens, produced tokens and the function) defined in the list of tuples, given as argument, in a cyclic fashion. The length of the list of scenarios gives the actor's cycle period.