-- |
-- Module  :  ForSyDe.Shallow.Core.AbsentExt
-- Copyright   :  (c) ForSyDe Group, KTH 2007-2008
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  forsyde-dev@ict.kth.se
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- The 'AbstExt' is used to extend existing data types with the value
--  \'absent\', which models the absence of a value.
module ForSyDe.Shallow.Core.AbsentExt ( 
  AbstExt (Abst, Prst), fromAbstExt, abstExt, psi, 
  isAbsent, isPresent, abstExtFunc
  ) where

-- |The data type 'AbstExt' has two constructors. The constructor 'Abst' is used to model the absence of a value, while the constructor 'Prst' is used to model present values.
data AbstExt a =  Abst   
               |  Prst a deriving (Eq)

-- |The function 'fromAbstExt' converts a value from a extended value.
fromAbstExt   :: a -> AbstExt a -> a
-- |The functions 'isPresent' checks for the presence of a value.
isPresent   :: AbstExt a -> Bool
-- |The functions 'isAbsent' checks for the absence of a value.
isAbsent   :: AbstExt a -> Bool
-- |The function 'abstExtFunc' extends a function in order to process absent extended values. If the input is (\"bottom\"), the output will also be  (\"bottom\").
abstExtFunc   :: (a -> b) -> AbstExt a -> AbstExt b
-- | The function 'psi' is identical to 'abstExtFunc' and should be used in future.
psi :: (a -> b) -> AbstExt a -> AbstExt b
-- | The function 'abstExt' converts a usual value to a present value. 
abstExt :: a -> AbstExt a

-- Implementation of Library Functions

-- | The data type 'AbstExt' is defined as an instance of 'Show' and 'Read'. \'_\' represents the value 'Abst' while a present value is represented with its value, e.g.  'Prst' 1 is represented as \'1\'.
instance Show a => Show (AbstExt a) where
  showsPrec _   = showsAbstExt

showsAbstExt :: Show a => AbstExt a -> String -> String
showsAbstExt Abst      = (++) "_"   
showsAbstExt (Prst x)  = (++) (show x)

instance Read a => Read (AbstExt a) where
  readsPrec _ =  readsAbstExt 

readsAbstExt :: (Read a) => ReadS (AbstExt a)
readsAbstExt s = [(Abst, r1)    | ("_", r1) <- lex s]
                 ++ [(Prst x, r2)  | (x, r2) <- reads s]

abstExt =  Prst

fromAbstExt x Abst     =  x   
fromAbstExt _ (Prst y) =  y   

isPresent Abst     = False
isPresent (Prst _) = True

isAbsent =  not . isPresent

abstExtFunc f       = f' 
  where f' Abst     = Abst
        f' (Prst x) = Prst (f x)

psi = abstExtFunc