-- GENERATED by C->Haskell Compiler, version 0.28.1 Switcheroo, 1 April 2016 (Haskell)
-- Edit the ORIGNAL .chs file instead!

{-# LINE 1 "src/Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ExistentialQuantification, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Graphics.UI.FLTK.LowLevel.ColorChooser
     -- * Constructor
     -- * Hierarchy
     -- $hierarchy

     -- *  Functions
     -- $functions
import qualified Foreign.C.String as C2HSImp
import qualified Foreign.C.Types as C2HSImp
import qualified Foreign.Ptr as C2HSImp

import C2HS hiding (cFromEnum, cFromBool, cToBool,cToEnum)
import Foreign.C.Types
import Graphics.UI.FLTK.LowLevel.Fl_Types
import Graphics.UI.FLTK.LowLevel.Utils
import Graphics.UI.FLTK.LowLevel.Hierarchy
import Graphics.UI.FLTK.LowLevel.Dispatch
import Data.List

colorchooserNew' :: (Int) -> (Int) -> (Int) -> (Int) -> IO ((Ptr ()))
colorchooserNew' a1 a2 a3 a4 =
  let {a1' = fromIntegral a1} in 
  let {a2' = fromIntegral a2} in 
  let {a3' = fromIntegral a3} in 
  let {a4' = fromIntegral a4} in 
  colorchooserNew''_ a1' a2' a3' a4' >>= \res ->
  let {res' = id res} in
  return (res')

{-# LINE 30 "src/Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs" #-}

colorchooserNewWithLabel' :: (Int) -> (Int) -> (Int) -> (Int) -> (String) -> IO ((Ptr ()))
colorchooserNewWithLabel' a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 =
  let {a1' = fromIntegral a1} in 
  let {a2' = fromIntegral a2} in 
  let {a3' = fromIntegral a3} in 
  let {a4' = fromIntegral a4} in 
  let {a5' = unsafeToCString a5} in 
  colorchooserNewWithLabel''_ a1' a2' a3' a4' a5' >>= \res ->
  let {res' = id res} in
  return (res')

{-# LINE 31 "src/Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs" #-}

colorChooserNew :: Rectangle -> Maybe String -> IO (Ref ColorChooser)
colorChooserNew rectangle l'=
    let (x_pos, y_pos, width, height) = fromRectangle rectangle
    in case l' of
        Nothing -> colorchooserNew' x_pos y_pos width height >>=
        Just l -> colorchooserNewWithLabel' x_pos y_pos width height l >>=

mode' :: (Ptr ()) -> IO ((Int))
mode' a1 =
  let {a1' = id a1} in 
  mode''_ a1' >>= \res ->
  let {res' = fromIntegral res} in
  return (res')

{-# LINE 41 "src/Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs" #-}

instance (impl ~ ( IO (ColorChooserMode))) => Op (GetMode ()) ColorChooser orig impl where
  runOp _ _ color_chooser = withRef color_chooser $ \color_chooserPtr -> mode' color_chooserPtr >>= return . toEnum

setMode' :: (Ptr ()) -> (Int) -> IO ()
setMode' a1 a2 =
  let {a1' = id a1} in 
  let {a2' = fromIntegral a2} in 
  setMode''_ a1' a2' >>
  return ()

{-# LINE 45 "src/Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs" #-}

instance (impl ~ (ColorChooserMode ->  IO ())) => Op (SetMode ()) ColorChooser orig impl where
  runOp _ _ color_chooser mode = withRef color_chooser $ \color_chooserPtr -> setMode' color_chooserPtr (fromEnum mode)

hue' :: (Ptr ()) -> IO ((Double))
hue' a1 =
  let {a1' = id a1} in 
  hue''_ a1' >>= \res ->
  let {res' = realToFrac res} in
  return (res')

{-# LINE 49 "src/Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs" #-}

instance (impl ~ ( IO (Either OutOfRange Between0And6))) => Op (GetHue ()) ColorChooser orig impl where
  runOp _ _ color_chooser = withRef color_chooser $ \color_chooserPtr -> do
    h'' <- hue' color_chooserPtr
    if ((h'' < 0.0) || (h'' >= 6.0))
     then return (Left OutOfRange)
     else return (Right (Between0And6 h''))

saturation' :: (Ptr ()) -> IO ((Double))
saturation' a1 =
  let {a1' = id a1} in 
  saturation''_ a1' >>= \res ->
  let {res' = realToFrac res} in
  return (res')

{-# LINE 58 "src/Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs" #-}

instance (impl ~ ( IO (Either OutOfRange Between0And1))) => Op (GetSaturation ()) ColorChooser orig impl where
  runOp _ _ color_chooser = withRef color_chooser $ \color_chooserPtr -> do
    s'' <- saturation' color_chooserPtr
    if ((s'' < 0.0) || (s'' > 1.0))
     then return (Left OutOfRange)
     else return (Right (Between0And1 s''))

value' :: (Ptr ()) -> IO ((Double))
value' a1 =
  let {a1' = id a1} in 
  value''_ a1' >>= \res ->
  let {res' = realToFrac res} in
  return (res')

{-# LINE 66 "src/Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs" #-}

instance (impl ~ ( IO (Either OutOfRange Between0And1))) => Op (GetValue ()) ColorChooser orig impl where
  runOp _ _ color_chooser = withRef color_chooser $ \color_chooserPtr -> do
    v'' <- value' color_chooserPtr
    if ((v'' < 0.0) || (v'' > 1.0))
     then return (Left OutOfRange)
     else return (Right (Between0And1 v''))

r' :: (Ptr ()) -> IO ((Double))
r' a1 =
  let {a1' = id a1} in 
  r''_ a1' >>= \res ->
  let {res' = realToFrac res} in
  return (res')

{-# LINE 74 "src/Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs" #-}

instance (impl ~ ( IO (Either OutOfRange Between0And1))) => Op (GetR ()) ColorChooser orig impl where
  runOp _ _ color_chooser = withRef color_chooser $ \color_chooserPtr -> do
    r'' <- r' color_chooserPtr
    if ((r'' < 0.0) || (r'' > 1.0))
     then return (Left OutOfRange)
     else return (Right (Between0And1 r''))

g' :: (Ptr ()) -> IO ((Double))
g' a1 =
  let {a1' = id a1} in 
  g''_ a1' >>= \res ->
  let {res' = realToFrac res} in
  return (res')

{-# LINE 82 "src/Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs" #-}

instance (impl ~ ( IO (Either OutOfRange Between0And1))) => Op (GetG ()) ColorChooser orig impl where
  runOp _ _ color_chooser = withRef color_chooser $ \color_chooserPtr -> do
    g'' <- g' color_chooserPtr
    if ((g'' < 0.0) || (g'' > 1.0))
     then return (Left OutOfRange)
     else return (Right (Between0And1 g''))

b' :: (Ptr ()) -> IO ((Double))
b' a1 =
  let {a1' = id a1} in 
  b''_ a1' >>= \res ->
  let {res' = realToFrac res} in
  return (res')

{-# LINE 90 "src/Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs" #-}

instance (impl ~ ( IO (Either OutOfRange Between0And1))) => Op (GetB ()) ColorChooser orig impl where
  runOp _ _ color_chooser = withRef color_chooser $ \color_chooserPtr -> do
    b'' <- b' color_chooserPtr
    if ((b'' < 0.0) || (b'' > 1.0))
     then return (Left OutOfRange)
     else return (Right (Between0And1 b''))

hsv' :: (Ptr ()) -> (Double) -> (Double) -> (Double) -> IO ((Int))
hsv' a1 a2 a3 a4 =
  let {a1' = id a1} in 
  let {a2' = realToFrac a2} in 
  let {a3' = realToFrac a3} in 
  let {a4' = realToFrac a4} in 
  hsv''_ a1' a2' a3' a4' >>= \res ->
  let {res' = fromIntegral res} in
  return (res')

{-# LINE 98 "src/Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs" #-}

instance (impl ~ ((Between0And6, Between0And1, Between0And1) ->  IO (Either NoChange ()))) => Op (SetHsv ()) ColorChooser orig impl where
  runOp _ _ color_chooser (Between0And6 h'', Between0And1 s'', Between0And1 v'') =
    withRef color_chooser $ \color_chooserPtr -> do
      ret <- hsv' color_chooserPtr h'' s'' v''
      if (ret == 0) then return (Left NoChange) else return (Right ())

rgb' :: (Ptr ()) -> (Double) -> (Double) -> (Double) -> IO ((Int))
rgb' a1 a2 a3 a4 =
  let {a1' = id a1} in 
  let {a2' = realToFrac a2} in 
  let {a3' = realToFrac a3} in 
  let {a4' = realToFrac a4} in 
  rgb''_ a1' a2' a3' a4' >>= \res ->
  let {res' = fromIntegral res} in
  return (res')

{-# LINE 105 "src/Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs" #-}

instance (impl ~ ((Between0And1, Between0And1, Between0And1) ->  IO (Either NoChange ()))) => Op (SetRgb ()) ColorChooser orig impl where
  runOp _ _ color_chooser (Between0And1 r'', Between0And1 g'', Between0And1 b'') =
    withRef color_chooser $ \color_chooserPtr -> do
      ret <- rgb' color_chooserPtr r'' g'' b''
      if (ret == 0) then return (Left NoChange) else return (Right ())

hsv2rgb' :: (Double) -> (Double) -> (Double) -> (Ptr CDouble) -> (Ptr CDouble) -> (Ptr CDouble) -> IO ()
hsv2rgb' a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 =
  let {a1' = realToFrac a1} in 
  let {a2' = realToFrac a2} in 
  let {a3' = realToFrac a3} in 
  let {a4' = id a4} in 
  let {a5' = id a5} in 
  let {a6' = id a6} in 
  hsv2rgb''_ a1' a2' a3' a4' a5' a6' >>
  return ()

{-# LINE 112 "src/Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs" #-}

hsv2Rgb :: (Between0And6, Between0And1, Between0And1) ->  IO (Maybe (Between0And1, Between0And1, Between0And1))
hsv2Rgb (Between0And6 h'', Between0And1 s'', Between0And1 v'') =
  alloca $ \rPtr ->
  alloca $ \gPtr ->
  alloca $ \bPtr -> do
    hsv2rgb' h'' s'' v'' rPtr gPtr bPtr
    let (nullPtrs, nonNullPtrs) = partition ((==) nullPtr) [rPtr, gPtr, bPtr]
    if (not (null nullPtrs))
     then mapM_ free nonNullPtrs >> return Nothing
     else do
       r'' <- peek rPtr
       g'' <- peek gPtr
       b'' <- peek bPtr
       return (Just (Between0And1 (realToFrac r''),Between0And1 (realToFrac g''),Between0And1 (realToFrac b'')))

rgb2hsv' :: (Double) -> (Double) -> (Double) -> (Ptr CDouble) -> (Ptr CDouble) -> (Ptr CDouble) -> IO ()
rgb2hsv' a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 =
  let {a1' = realToFrac a1} in 
  let {a2' = realToFrac a2} in 
  let {a3' = realToFrac a3} in 
  let {a4' = id a4} in 
  let {a5' = id a5} in 
  let {a6' = id a6} in 
  rgb2hsv''_ a1' a2' a3' a4' a5' a6' >>
  return ()

{-# LINE 128 "src/Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs" #-}

rgb2Hsv :: (Between0And1, Between0And1, Between0And1) ->  IO (Maybe (Between0And6, Between0And1, Between0And1))
rgb2Hsv (Between0And1 h'', Between0And1 s'', Between0And1 v'') =
  alloca $ \hPtr ->
  alloca $ \sPtr ->
  alloca $ \vPtr -> do
    rgb2hsv' h'' s'' v'' hPtr sPtr vPtr
    let (nullPtrs, nonNullPtrs) = partition ((==) nullPtr) [hPtr, sPtr, vPtr]
    if (not (null nullPtrs))
     then mapM_ free nonNullPtrs >> return Nothing
     else do
       h''' <- peek hPtr
       s''' <- peek sPtr
       v''' <- peek vPtr
       return (Just (Between0And6 (realToFrac h'''),Between0And1 (realToFrac s'''),Between0And1 (realToFrac v''')))

flc_color_chooser_with_m' :: (String) -> (Ptr CDouble) -> (Ptr CDouble) -> (Ptr CDouble) -> (Int) -> IO ((Int))
flc_color_chooser_with_m' a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 =
  C2HSImp.withCString a1 $ \a1' -> 
  let {a2' = id a2} in 
  let {a3' = id a3} in 
  let {a4' = id a4} in 
  let {a5' = fromIntegral a5} in 
  flc_color_chooser_with_m''_ a1' a2' a3' a4' a5' >>= \res ->
  let {res' = fromIntegral res} in
  return (res')

{-# LINE 144 "src/Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs" #-}

flc_color_chooser_with_uchar_m' :: (String) -> (Ptr CUChar) -> (Ptr CUChar) -> (Ptr CUChar) -> (Int) -> IO ((Int))
flc_color_chooser_with_uchar_m' a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 =
  C2HSImp.withCString a1 $ \a1' -> 
  let {a2' = id a2} in 
  let {a3' = id a3} in 
  let {a4' = id a4} in 
  let {a5' = fromIntegral a5} in 
  flc_color_chooser_with_uchar_m''_ a1' a2' a3' a4' a5' >>= \res ->
  let {res' = fromIntegral res} in
  return (res')

{-# LINE 145 "src/Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs" #-}

flcColorChooser :: String ->
                   ColorChooserRGB ->
                   Maybe ColorChooserMode ->
                   IO (Maybe ColorChooserRGB)
flcColorChooser name (Decimals (Between0And1 r'', Between0And1 g'', Between0And1 b'')) mode =
  alloca $ \r''Ptr ->
  alloca $ \g''Ptr ->
  alloca $ \b''Ptr -> do
    poke r''Ptr $ realToFrac r''
    poke g''Ptr $ realToFrac g''
    poke b''Ptr $ realToFrac b''
    ret <- flc_color_chooser_with_m' name r''Ptr g''Ptr b''Ptr (maybe (-1) fromEnum mode)
    if (ret == 0)
     then return Nothing
     else do
      newR <- peek r''Ptr
      newG <- peek g''Ptr
      newB <- peek b''Ptr
      return (Just (Decimals
                     (Between0And1 (realToFrac newR),
                      Between0And1 (realToFrac newG),
                      Between0And1 (realToFrac newB))))
flcColorChooser name (Words (r,g,b)) mode =
  alloca $ \r''Ptr ->
  alloca $ \g''Ptr ->
  alloca $ \b''Ptr -> do
    poke r''Ptr (fromIntegral r)
    poke g''Ptr (fromIntegral g)
    poke b''Ptr (fromIntegral b)
    ret <- flc_color_chooser_with_uchar_m' name r''Ptr g''Ptr b''Ptr (maybe (-1) fromEnum mode)
    if (ret == 0)
     then return Nothing
     else do
      newR <- peek r''Ptr
      newG <- peek g''Ptr
      newB <- peek b''Ptr
      return (Just (Words ((fromIntegral newR), (fromIntegral newG), (fromIntegral newB))))

-- $hierarchy
-- @
-- "Graphics.UI.FLTK.LowLevel.Widget"
--  |
--  v
-- "Graphics.UI.FLTK.LowLevel.Group"
--  |
--  v
-- "Graphics.UI.FLTK.LowLevel.ColorChooser"
-- @

-- $functions
-- @
-- getB :: 'Ref' 'ColorChooser' -> 'IO' ('Either' 'OutOfRange' 'Between0And1')
-- getG :: 'Ref' 'ColorChooser' -> 'IO' ('Either' 'OutOfRange' 'Between0And1')
-- getHue :: 'Ref' 'ColorChooser' -> 'IO' ('Either' 'OutOfRange' 'Between0And6')
-- getMode :: 'Ref' 'ColorChooser' -> 'IO' ('ColorChooserMode')
-- getR :: 'Ref' 'ColorChooser' -> 'IO' ('Either' 'OutOfRange' 'Between0And1')
-- getSaturation :: 'Ref' 'ColorChooser' -> 'IO' ('Either' 'OutOfRange' 'Between0And1')
-- getValue :: 'Ref' 'ColorChooser' -> 'IO' ('Either' 'OutOfRange' 'Between0And1')
-- setHsv :: 'Ref' 'ColorChooser' -> ('Between0And6', 'Between0And1', 'Between0And1') -> 'IO' ('Either' 'NoChange' ())
-- setMode :: 'Ref' 'ColorChooser' -> 'ColorChooserMode' -> 'IO' ()
-- setRgb :: 'Ref' 'ColorChooser' -> ('Between0And1', 'Between0And1', 'Between0And1') -> 'IO' ('Either' 'NoChange' ())
-- @
foreign import ccall safe "Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs.h Fl_Color_Chooser_New"
  colorchooserNew''_ :: (C2HSImp.CInt -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> (IO (C2HSImp.Ptr ()))))))

foreign import ccall safe "Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs.h Fl_Color_Chooser_New_WithLabel"
  colorchooserNewWithLabel''_ :: (C2HSImp.CInt -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CChar) -> (IO (C2HSImp.Ptr ())))))))

foreign import ccall safe "Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs.h Fl_Color_Chooser_mode"
  mode''_ :: ((C2HSImp.Ptr ()) -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))

foreign import ccall safe "Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs.h Fl_Color_Chooser_set_mode"
  setMode''_ :: ((C2HSImp.Ptr ()) -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> (IO ())))

foreign import ccall safe "Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs.h Fl_Color_Chooser_hue"
  hue''_ :: ((C2HSImp.Ptr ()) -> (IO C2HSImp.CDouble))

foreign import ccall safe "Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs.h Fl_Color_Chooser_saturation"
  saturation''_ :: ((C2HSImp.Ptr ()) -> (IO C2HSImp.CDouble))

foreign import ccall safe "Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs.h Fl_Color_Chooser_value"
  value''_ :: ((C2HSImp.Ptr ()) -> (IO C2HSImp.CDouble))

foreign import ccall safe "Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs.h Fl_Color_Chooser_r"
  r''_ :: ((C2HSImp.Ptr ()) -> (IO C2HSImp.CDouble))

foreign import ccall safe "Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs.h Fl_Color_Chooser_g"
  g''_ :: ((C2HSImp.Ptr ()) -> (IO C2HSImp.CDouble))

foreign import ccall safe "Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs.h Fl_Color_Chooser_b"
  b''_ :: ((C2HSImp.Ptr ()) -> (IO C2HSImp.CDouble))

foreign import ccall safe "Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs.h Fl_Color_Chooser_hsv"
  hsv''_ :: ((C2HSImp.Ptr ()) -> (C2HSImp.CDouble -> (C2HSImp.CDouble -> (C2HSImp.CDouble -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt)))))

foreign import ccall safe "Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs.h Fl_Color_Chooser_rgb"
  rgb''_ :: ((C2HSImp.Ptr ()) -> (C2HSImp.CDouble -> (C2HSImp.CDouble -> (C2HSImp.CDouble -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt)))))

foreign import ccall safe "Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs.h Fl_Color_Chooser_hsv2rgb"
  hsv2rgb''_ :: (C2HSImp.CDouble -> (C2HSImp.CDouble -> (C2HSImp.CDouble -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CDouble) -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CDouble) -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CDouble) -> (IO ())))))))

foreign import ccall safe "Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs.h Fl_Color_Chooser_rgb2hsv"
  rgb2hsv''_ :: (C2HSImp.CDouble -> (C2HSImp.CDouble -> (C2HSImp.CDouble -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CDouble) -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CDouble) -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CDouble) -> (IO ())))))))

foreign import ccall safe "Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs.h flc_color_chooser_with_m"
  flc_color_chooser_with_m''_ :: ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CChar) -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CDouble) -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CDouble) -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CDouble) -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))))))

foreign import ccall safe "Graphics/UI/FLTK/LowLevel/ColorChooser.chs.h flc_color_chooser_with_uchar_m"
  flc_color_chooser_with_uchar_m''_ :: ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CChar) -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CUChar) -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CUChar) -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CUChar) -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))))))