module Language.Floorplan.Core.Compiler where
import Language.Floorplan.Core.Syntax hiding (accum)
import Language.Floorplan.Syntax
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.List (sort)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust)
buildMap :: Demarc -> M.Map String Demarc
buildMap (Enum{}) = M.empty
buildMap (Bits{}) = M.empty
buildMap (Union ds) = M.unions $ map buildMap ds
buildMap (Seq ds) = M.unions $ map buildMap ds
buildMap (PtrF{}) = M.empty
buildMap (PtrL{}) = M.empty
buildMap (Blob{}) = M.empty
buildMap (Graft{}) = M.empty
buildMap f@(Field name d) = M.insert name d (buildMap d)
buildMap (Pound d) = buildMap d
buildMap (Repetition _ d) = buildMap d
buildMap l@(Layer{}) = M.insert (name l) l (buildMap $ rhs l)
getNames :: Demarc -> [String]
getNames = let
gN (Field n _) = Just n
gN (Layer { name = n }) = Just n
gN _ = Nothing
in accum gN
grafting' :: M.Map String Demarc -> Demarc -> Demarc
grafting' ds demarc = let
lookup lid =
case M.lookup lid ds of
Nothing -> error $ "Undefined symbol '" ++ lid ++ "' during graft pre-processing phase."
Just d -> d
gr (Graft (lid, args)) =
case lookup lid of
(Field _ d) -> (d, True)
l@(Layer{}) -> (l, True)
gr d = (d, False)
in case fmapD gr demarc of
(d, True) -> grafting' ds d
(d, False) -> d
grafting :: [Demarc] -> Demarc -> Demarc
grafting ds demarc = grafting' (M.unions $ map buildMap ds) demarc
checkUniqNames :: [Demarc] -> [String]
checkUniqNames ds =
let ns = foldr (\a b -> getNames a ++ b) [] ds
getDups [] = []
getDups (x:[]) = []
getDups (x:y:ys)
| x == y = y : getDups (dropWhile (== y) ys)
| otherwise = getDups (y:ys)
in getDups $ sort ns
countGrafting :: [Demarc] -> Int
countGrafting = let
fn (Graft{}) = True
fn _ = False
in sum . map (countMatches fn)
enumBytes :: [FlagID] -> Int
enumBytes fs
| len == 1 = 1
| otherwise = (bytes 1)
where len = length fs
bytes acc
| len <= acc = 0
| otherwise = 1 + (bytes (acc * 256))
delta_prim :: Primitive -> Int
delta_prim Bit = 1
delta_prim Byte = 8
delta_prim Word = 8 * (delta_prim Byte)
delta_prim Page = 4096 * (delta_prim Byte)
pow :: Int -> Int -> Int
pow b e
| e < 0 = error "exponentiation with negative exponent"
| e == 0 && b == 0 = error "indeterminate exponent"
| e == 0 = 1
| e > 0 = b * (pow b (e - 1))
delta_lit :: LitArith -> Int
delta_lit (Plus l r) = (+) (delta_lit l) (delta_lit r)
delta_lit (Minus l r) = (-) (delta_lit l) (delta_lit r)
delta_lit (Times l r) = (*) (delta_lit l) (delta_lit r)
delta_lit (Div l r) = quot (delta_lit l) (delta_lit r)
delta_lit (Exponent b e) = pow (delta_lit b) (delta_lit e)
delta_lit (Lit l) = l
delta :: SizeArith -> Int
delta (SizePlus l r) = (+) (delta l) (delta r)
delta (SizeMinus l r) = (-) (delta l) (delta r)
delta (SizeLit Nothing p) = delta_prim p
delta (SizeLit (Just lit) p) = (delta_lit lit) * (delta_prim p)
delta_bits = delta
bits2bytesUP v
| v == 0 = 0
| v <= 8 = 1
| otherwise = 1 + bits2bytesUP (v - 8)
delta_bytes :: SizeArith -> Int
delta_bytes sz = bits2bytesUP (delta sz)
fresh :: Demarc -> FormalID
fresh d = head (dropWhile (flip elem $ free_vars d) $ map (("var_" ++) . show) [0..])
compile :: Demarc -> BaseExp
compile (Enum fs) = Attr (BaseType $ EnumBT fs) (Prim $ enumBytes fs)
compile (Bits fs) = let fs' = zip (map fst fs) $ map (delta_bits . snd) fs
in Attr (BaseType $ BitsBT fs') (Prim $ bits2bytesUP $ sum $ map snd fs')
compile (Union []) = Prim 0
compile (Union (d:ds)) = foldl (:||) (compile d) $ map compile ds
compile (Seq []) = Prim 0
compile (Seq (d:ds)) = foldl (:+) (compile d) $ map compile ds
compile (PtrF field) = Attr (BaseType $ PtrBT field) $ compile (Blob $ SizeLit Nothing Word)
compile (PtrL layer) = Attr (BaseType $ PtrBT layer) $ compile (Blob $ SizeLit Nothing Word)
compile (Blob sz) = Attr (BaseType $ SizeBT sz) $ Prim $ delta_bytes sz
compile (Field f d) = (:::) f (compile d)
compile (Pound d) = let f = fresh d
in Exists f $ f :# (compile d)
compile (Repetition f d) = f :# (compile d)
compile l@(Layer
{ name = n
, formals = fs
, magnitude = m
, alignment = a
, magAlign = ma
, contains = cs
, rhs = d
}) = n ::: (exists $ mag $ align $ contains $ compile d)
where exists :: BaseExp -> BaseExp
exists e
| null fs = e
| otherwise = foldr Exists (Exists (head fs) e) (tail fs)
| isJust m = Con (delta_bytes $ fromJust m)
| isJust ma = Con (delta_bytes $ fromJust ma)
| otherwise = id
| isJust a = (flip (:@)) (delta_bytes $ fromJust a)
| isJust ma = (flip (:@)) (delta_bytes $ fromJust ma)
| otherwise = id
contains :: BaseExp -> BaseExp
contains e
| null cs = e
| otherwise = foldr Attr (Attr (Contains $ head cs) e) (map Contains $ tail cs)
compile (Graft _) = error "Grafting is illegal during the compile phase."