-- | Flat instances for the text library
module Flat.Instances.Text(
#if! defined(ghcjs_HOST_OS) && ! defined (ETA_VERSION) && ! defined (ETA) 
) where

import           Flat.Instances.Util
import qualified Data.Text             as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy             as TL

-- $setup
-- >>> import Flat.Instances.Base()
-- >>> import Flat.Instances.Test
-- >>> import qualified Data.Text             as T
-- >>> import qualified Data.Text.Lazy             as TL
-- >>> import Data.Word    

Text (and Data.Text.Lazy) is encoded as a byte aligned array of bytes corresponding to its UTF8 encoding.

>>> tst $ T.pack ""

>>> tst $ T.pack "aaa"

>>> tst $ T.pack "¢¢¢"

>>> tst $ T.pack "日日日"

#ifndef ETA
>>> tst $ T.pack "𐍈𐍈𐍈"

Strict and Lazy Text has the same encoding:

>>> tst (T.pack "abc") == tst (TL.pack "abc")
instance Flat T.Text where
  size = sUTF8Max
  encode = eUTF8
  decode = dUTF8

instance Flat TL.Text where
  size = sUTF8Max . TL.toStrict
  encode = eUTF8 . TL.toStrict
  decode = TL.fromStrict <$> dUTF8

The desired text encoding can be explicitly specified using the wrappers UTF8Text and UTF16Text.

The default encoding is UTF8:

>>> tst (UTF8Text $ T.pack "日日日") == tst (T.pack "日日日")
-- |A wrapper to encode/decode Text as UTF8 (slower but more compact)
newtype UTF8Text = UTF8Text {unUTF8::T.Text} deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

instance Flat UTF8Text where
  size (UTF8Text t) = sUTF8Max t
  encode (UTF8Text t) = eUTF8 t
  decode = UTF8Text <$> dUTF8

#if ! defined(ghcjs_HOST_OS) && ! defined (ETA_VERSION) && ! defined (ETA) 
>>> tst (UTF16Text $ T.pack "aaa")

>>> tst (UTF16Text $ T.pack "𐍈𐍈𐍈")

-- |A wrapper to encode/decode Text as UTF16 (faster but bigger)
newtype UTF16Text = UTF16Text {unUTF16::T.Text} deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

instance Flat UTF16Text where
  size (UTF16Text t) = sUTF16 t
  encode (UTF16Text t) = eUTF16 t
  decode = UTF16Text <$> dUTF16
