-- Wildcards are tricky, they deserve a module of their own
{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections  #-}
module Language.Haskell.Names.RecordWildcards
  ( patWcNames
  , wcFieldName
  , WcNames
  , expWcNames
  , wcFieldOrigName
  ) where

import qualified Language.Haskell.Names.GlobalSymbolTable as Global
import qualified Language.Haskell.Names.LocalSymbolTable  as Local
import           Language.Haskell.Names.SyntaxUtils
import           Language.Haskell.Names.Types

import           Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Map                                 as Map
import           Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set                                 as Set
import           Language.Haskell.Exts

-- | Information about the names being introduced by a record wildcard
-- During resolving traversal, we always (lazily) construct this list when
-- we process PRec or RecConstr, even if it doesn't contain a wildcard.
-- Then, if the pattern or construction actually contains a wildcard, we use the computed value.
type WcNames = [WcField]

-- | Information about a field in the wildcard
data WcField = WcField
  { wcFieldName         :: Name ()
    -- ^ the field's simple name
  , wcFieldOrigName     :: OrigName
    -- ^ the field's original name
  , wcExistsGlobalValue :: Bool
    -- ^ whether there is a global value in scope with the same name as
    -- the field but different from the field selector

  :: Global.Table
  -> QName l
  -> [Name l] -- mentioned field names
  -> WcNames
getElidedFields gt con fields =
    givenFieldNames :: Map.Map (Name ()) ()
    givenFieldNames =
      Map.fromList . map ((, ()) . void) $ fields

    -- FIXME must report error when the constructor cannot be
    -- resolved
    (mbConOrigName, mbTypeOrigName) =
      case Global.lookupValue con gt of
        Global.Result info@SymConstructor{} ->
          (Just $ sv_origName info, Just $ sv_typeName info)
        _ -> (Nothing, Nothing)

    allValueInfos :: Set.Set (SymValueInfo OrigName)
    allValueInfos = Set.unions $ Map.elems $ Global.values gt

    ourFieldInfos :: Set.Set (SymValueInfo OrigName)
    ourFieldInfos =
      case mbConOrigName of
        Nothing -> Set.empty
        Just conOrigName ->
          flip Set.filter allValueInfos $ \v ->
            case v of
              SymSelector { sv_constructors }
                | conOrigName `elem` sv_constructors -> True
              _ -> False

    existsGlobalValue :: Name () -> Bool
    existsGlobalValue name =
      case Global.lookupValue (UnQual () name) gt of
        Global.Result info
          | Just typeOrigName <- mbTypeOrigName
          , SymSelector {} <- info
          , sv_typeName info == typeOrigName
            -> False -- this is the field selector
          | otherwise -> True -- exists, but not this field's selector
        _ -> False -- doesn't exist or ambiguous

    ourFieldNames :: Map.Map (Name ()) WcField
    ourFieldNames =
      Map.fromList $
          (\orig ->
            let name = stringToName . gName . origGName $ orig in
            (name, ) $
              { wcFieldName = name
              , wcFieldOrigName = orig
              , wcExistsGlobalValue = existsGlobalValue name
          ) . sv_origName
        $ Set.toList ourFieldInfos

  in Map.elems $ ourFieldNames `Map.difference` givenFieldNames

nameOfPatField :: PatField l -> Maybe (Name l)
nameOfPatField pf =
  case pf of
    PFieldPat _ qn _ -> Just $ qNameToName qn
    PFieldPun _ qn -> Just $ qNameToName qn
    PFieldWildcard {} -> Nothing

nameOfUpdField :: FieldUpdate l -> Maybe (Name l)
nameOfUpdField pf =
  case pf of
    FieldUpdate _ qn _ -> Just $ qNameToName qn
    FieldPun _ qn -> Just $ qNameToName qn
    FieldWildcard {} -> Nothing

  :: Global.Table
  -> QName l
  -> [PatField l]
  -> WcNames
patWcNames gt con patfs =
  getElidedFields gt con $
  mapMaybe nameOfPatField patfs

  :: Global.Table
  -> Local.Table
  -> QName l
  -> [FieldUpdate l]
  -> WcNames
expWcNames gt lt con patfs =
  filter isInScope $
  getElidedFields gt con $
  mapMaybe nameOfUpdField patfs
    isInScope field
      | Right {} <- Local.lookupValue qn lt = True
      | otherwise = wcExistsGlobalValue field
        qn = UnQual () $ wcFieldName field