-- | This helps to setup logging to a /file/.
module Control.Eff.LogWriter.File
  ( withFileLogging
  , withFileLogWriter

import           Control.Eff                   as Eff
import           Control.Eff.Log
import           Control.Eff.LogWriter.IO
import           GHC.Stack
import           Data.Text                     as T
import qualified System.IO                     as IO
import           System.Directory               ( canonicalizePath
                                                , createDirectoryIfMissing
import           System.FilePath                ( takeDirectory )
import qualified Control.Exception.Safe        as Safe
import qualified Control.Monad.Catch           as Catch
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Control    ( MonadBaseControl
                                                , liftBaseOp

-- | Enable logging to a file, with some 'LogMessage' fields preset
-- as described in 'withIoLogging'.
-- If the file or its directory does not exist, it will be created.
-- Example:
-- > exampleWithFileLogging :: IO ()
-- > exampleWithFileLogging =
-- >     runLift
-- >   $ withFileLogging "/var/log/my-app.log" "my-app" local7 allLogMessages
-- >   $ logInfo "Oh, hi there"
-- To vary the 'LogWriter' use 'withIoLogging'.
  :: (Lifted IO e, MonadBaseControl IO (Eff e))
  => FilePath -- ^ Path to the log-file.
  -> Text -- ^ The default application name to put into the 'lmAppName' field.
  -> Facility -- ^ The default RFC-5424 facility to put into the 'lmFacility' field.
  -> LogPredicate -- ^ The inital predicate for log messages, there are some pre-defined in "Control.Eff.Log.Message#PredefinedPredicates"
  -> Eff (Logs : LogWriterReader (Lift IO) : e) a
  -> Eff e a
withFileLogging fnIn a f p e =
  liftBaseOp (withOpenedLogFile fnIn) (\lw -> withIoLogging lw a f p e)

-- | Enable logging to a file.
-- If the file or its directory does not exist, it will be created.
-- Example:
-- > exampleWithFileLogWriter :: IO ()
-- > exampleWithFileLogWriter =
-- >     runLift
-- >   $ withSomeLogging @IO
-- >   $ withFileLogWriter "test.log"
-- >   $ logInfo "Oh, hi there"
  :: (LogIo e, MonadBaseControl IO (Eff e))
  => FilePath -- ^ Path to the log-file.
  -> Eff e b
  -> Eff e b
withFileLogWriter fnIn e =
  liftBaseOp (withOpenedLogFile fnIn) (`addLogWriter` e)

withOpenedLogFile :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> (LogWriter (Lift IO) -> IO a) -> IO a
withOpenedLogFile fnIn ioE = Safe.bracket
    fnCanon <- canonicalizePath fnIn
    createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory fnCanon)
    h <- IO.openFile fnCanon IO.AppendMode
    IO.hSetBuffering h (IO.BlockBuffering (Just 1024))
    return h
  (\h -> Safe.try @IO @Catch.SomeException (IO.hFlush h) >> IO.hClose h)
  (\h -> ioE (ioHandleLogWriter h))