-- | Implement Erlang style message passing concurrency.
-- This handles the 'MessagePassing' and 'Process' effects, using
-- 'STM.TQueue's and 'forkIO'.
-- This aims to be a pragmatic implementation, so even logging is
-- supported.
-- At the core is a /main process/ that enters 'schedule'
-- and creates all of the internal state stored in 'STM.TVar's
-- to manage processes with message queues.
-- The 'Eff' handler for 'Process' and 'MessagePassing' use
-- are implemented and available through 'spawn'.
module Control.Eff.Concurrent.Process.ForkIOScheduler
  ( schedule
  , defaultMain
  , defaultMainWithLogChannel
  , ProcEff
  , InterruptableProcEff
  , SchedulerIO
  , HasSchedulerIO
  , forkIoScheduler

import           Control.Exception.Safe        as Safe
import qualified Control.Eff.ExceptionExtra    as ExcExtra ()
import           Control.Concurrent.STM        as STM
import           Control.Concurrent             (yield)
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async      as Async
import           Control.Concurrent.Async      (Async(..))
import           Control.Eff
import           Control.Eff.Extend
import           Control.Eff.Concurrent.Process
import           Control.Eff.Lift
import           Control.Eff.Log
import           Control.Eff.Reader.Strict     as Reader
import           Control.Lens
import           Control.Monad                  ( when
                                                , void
                                                , (>=>)
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Control     (MonadBaseControl(..))
import           Data.Default
import           Data.Dynamic
import           Data.Foldable
import           Data.Kind                      ( )
import           Data.Map                       ( Map )
import qualified Data.Map                       as Map
import           Data.Set                       ( Set )
import qualified Data.Set                       as Set
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Sequence                  ( Seq(..) )
import qualified Data.Sequence                 as Seq
import           GHC.Stack
import           Text.Printf
import           System.Timeout

-- * Process Types

-- | A message queue of a process, contains the actual queue and maybe an
-- exit reason.
data MessageQ = MessageQ { _incomingMessages :: Seq Dynamic
                         , _shutdownRequests :: Maybe SomeExitReason

instance Default MessageQ where def = MessageQ def def

makeLenses ''MessageQ

-- | Return any '_shutdownRequests' from a 'MessageQ' in a 'TVar' and
-- reset the '_shutdownRequests' field to 'Nothing' in the 'TVar'.
  :: TVar MessageQ -> STM (Maybe SomeExitReason)
tryTakeNextShutdownRequestSTM mqVar = do
  mq <- readTVar mqVar
  when (isJust (mq^.shutdownRequests))
    (writeTVar mqVar (mq & shutdownRequests .~ Nothing))
  return (mq^.shutdownRequests)

-- | Information about a process, needed to implement 'MessagePassing' and
-- 'Process' handlers. The message queue is backed by a 'STM.TQueue' and contains
-- 'MessageQEntry' values.
data ProcessInfo =
                 ProcessInfo { _processId         :: ProcessId
                             , _processState      :: TVar ProcessState
                             , _messageQ          :: TVar MessageQ
                             , _processLinks      :: TVar (Set ProcessId)

makeLenses ''ProcessInfo

-- * Scheduler Types

-- | Contains all process info'elements, as well as the state needed to
-- implement inter process communication. It contains also a 'LogChannel' to
-- which the logs of all processes are forwarded to.
data SchedulerState =
               SchedulerState { _nextPid :: TVar ProcessId
                              , _processTable :: TVar (Map ProcessId ProcessInfo)
                              , _processCancellationTable
                                :: TVar (Map ProcessId
                                    (Async (ExitReason 'NoRecovery)))
                              , _processMonitors :: TVar (Set (MonitorReference, ProcessId))
                              , _nextMonitorIndex :: TVar Int
                              -- Set of monitors and monitor owners

makeLenses ''SchedulerState

-- | Add monitor: If the process is dead, enqueue a ProcessDown message into the
-- owners message queue
addMonitoring :: ProcessId -> ProcessId -> SchedulerState -> STM MonitorReference
addMonitoring target owner schedulerState = do
  mi <- readTVar (schedulerState ^. nextMonitorIndex)
  modifyTVar' (schedulerState ^. nextMonitorIndex) (+1)
  let mref = MonitorReference mi target
  when (target /= owner) $ do
    pt <- readTVar (schedulerState ^. processTable)
    if Map.member target pt then
      modifyTVar' (schedulerState ^. processMonitors) (Set.insert (mref, owner))
      let pdown = (ProcessDown mref (SomeExitReason (ProcessNotRunning target)))
      in enqueueMessageOtherProcess owner (toDyn pdown) schedulerState
  return mref

removeMonitoring :: MonitorReference -> SchedulerState -> STM ()
removeMonitoring mref schedulerState =
  modifyTVar' (schedulerState ^. processMonitors)
    (Set.filter (\(ref,_) -> ref /= mref))

triggerAndRemoveMonitor :: ProcessId -> SomeExitReason -> SchedulerState -> STM ()
triggerAndRemoveMonitor downPid reason schedulerState = do
  monRefs <- readTVar (schedulerState ^. processMonitors)
  traverse_ go monRefs
    go (mr, owner) =
        when (monitoredProcess mr == downPid) (do
          let pdown = ProcessDown mr reason
          enqueueMessageOtherProcess owner (toDyn pdown) schedulerState
          removeMonitoring mr schedulerState)

-- * Process Implementation

instance Show ProcessInfo where
  show p =  "process info: " ++ show (p ^. processId)

-- | Create a new 'ProcessInfo'
newProcessInfo :: HasCallStack => ProcessId -> STM ProcessInfo
newProcessInfo a =
  ProcessInfo a
    <$> newTVar ProcessBooting
    <*> newTVar def
    <*> newTVar def

-- * Scheduler Implementation

-- | Create a new 'SchedulerState'
newSchedulerState :: HasCallStack => STM SchedulerState
newSchedulerState =
    <$> newTVar 1
    <*> newTVar def
    <*> newTVar def
    <*> newTVar def
    <*> newTVar def

-- | Create a new 'SchedulerState' run an IO action, catching all exceptions,
-- and when the actions returns, clean up and kill all processes.
  :: (HasLogging IO SchedulerIO, HasCallStack)
  => Eff SchedulerIO ()
  -> Eff LoggingAndIO ()
withNewSchedulerState mainProcessAction =
    (lift (atomically newSchedulerState))
    (\exceptions schedulerState -> do
        (logError . ("scheduler setup crashed with: " ++) . Safe.displayException)
      logDebug "scheduler cleanup begin"
      runReader schedulerState tearDownScheduler
    (\schedulerState  -> do
      logDebug "scheduler loop entered"
      x <- runReader schedulerState mainProcessAction
      logDebug "scheduler loop returned"
      return x

    tearDownScheduler = do
      schedulerState <- getSchedulerState
      let cancelTableVar = schedulerState ^. processCancellationTable
      -- cancel all processes
      allProcesses <- lift (atomically (readTVar cancelTableVar <* writeTVar cancelTableVar def))
      logNotice ("cancelling processes: " ++ show (toListOf (ifolded.asIndex) allProcesses))
          (\runS -> timeout 5000000
              (\a -> do
                Async.cancel a
                runS (logNotice ("process cancelled: "++ show (asyncThreadId a)))
             >> runS (logNotice "all processes cancelled"))))

-- | The concrete list of 'Eff'ects of processes compatible with this scheduler.
-- This builds upon 'SchedulerIO'.
type ProcEff = ConsProcess SchedulerIO

-- | The concrete list of the effects, that the 'Process' uses
type InterruptableProcEff = InterruptableProcess SchedulerIO

-- | Type class constraint to indicate that an effect union contains the
-- effects required by every process and the scheduler implementation itself.
type HasSchedulerIO r = ( HasCallStack
                        , Lifted IO r
                        , SchedulerIO <:: r

-- | The concrete list of 'Eff'ects for this scheduler implementation.
type SchedulerIO = ( Reader SchedulerState : LoggingAndIO)

-- | Basic effects: 'Logs' 'LogMessage' and 'Lift' IO
type LoggingAndIO =
              '[ Logs LogMessage
               , LogWriterReader LogMessage IO
               , Lift IO

-- | Start the message passing concurrency system then execute a 'Process' on
-- top of 'SchedulerIO' effect. All logging is sent to standard output.
defaultMain :: HasCallStack => Eff InterruptableProcEff () -> IO ()
defaultMain c =
  withAsyncLogChannel 1024
    (multiMessageLogWriter ($ printLogMessage))
    (handleLoggingAndIO_ (schedule c))

-- | Start the message passing concurrency system then execute a 'Process' on
-- top of 'SchedulerIO' effect. All logging is sent to standard output.
  :: HasCallStack => Eff InterruptableProcEff () -> LogChannel LogMessage -> IO ()
defaultMainWithLogChannel = handleLoggingAndIO_ . schedule

-- | A 'SchedulerProxy' for 'SchedulerIO'
forkIoScheduler :: SchedulerProxy SchedulerIO
forkIoScheduler = SchedulerProxy

-- ** MessagePassing execution

  :: (HasLogging IO SchedulerIO, HasCallStack)
  => ProcessInfo
  -> Eff ProcEff (ExitReason 'NoRecovery)
  -> Eff SchedulerIO (ExitReason 'NoRecovery)
handleProcess myProcessInfo =
    (const return)
    (\ !nextRef !request k ->
       stepProcessInterpreter nextRef request k return
  myPid = myProcessInfo ^. processId
  myProcessStateVar = myProcessInfo ^. processState
  setMyProcessState = lift . atomically . setMyProcessStateSTM
  -- DEBUG variant:
  -- setMyProcessState st = do
  --  oldSt <- lift (atomically (readTVar myProcessStateVar <* setMyProcessStateSTM st))
  --  logDebug ("state change: "++ show oldSt ++ " -> " ++ show st)

  setMyProcessStateSTM = writeTVar myProcessStateVar
  myMessageQVar = myProcessInfo ^. messageQ

    :: forall s v a
    .  HasCallStack
    => (s -> Arr SchedulerIO v a)
    -> s
    -> Arr SchedulerIO v a
  kontinueWith kontinue !nextRef !result = do
    setMyProcessState ProcessIdle
    lift yield
    kontinue nextRef result

    :: forall a
    .  HasCallStack
    => Arr SchedulerIO (ExitReason 'NoRecovery) a
    -> Arr SchedulerIO (ExitReason 'NoRecovery) a
  diskontinueWith diskontinue !reason = do
    setMyProcessState ProcessShuttingDown
    diskontinue reason

    :: forall v a
     . HasCallStack
    => Int
    -> Process SchedulerIO v
    -> (Int -> Arr SchedulerIO v a)
    -> Arr SchedulerIO (ExitReason 'NoRecovery) a
    -> Eff SchedulerIO a
  stepProcessInterpreter !nextRef !request kontinue diskontinue =

      -- handle process shutdown requests:
      --   1. take process exit reason
      --   2. set process state to ProcessShuttingDown
      --   3. apply kontinue to (Right Interrupted)
        >>= maybe noShutdownRequested
            (either onShutdownRequested onInterruptRequested
              . fromSomeExitReason)
        tryTakeNextShutdownRequest =
          lift (atomically (tryTakeNextShutdownRequestSTM myMessageQVar))

        onShutdownRequested shutdownRequest = do
           logDebug ("shutdown requested: " ++ show shutdownRequest)
           setMyProcessState ProcessShuttingDown
             (diskontinueWith diskontinue)

        onInterruptRequested interruptRequest = do
           logDebug ("interrupt requested: " ++ show interruptRequest)
           setMyProcessState ProcessShuttingDown
             (kontinueWith kontinue nextRef)
             (diskontinueWith diskontinue)

        noShutdownRequested = do
           setMyProcessState ProcessBusy
             (kontinueWith kontinue)
             (diskontinueWith diskontinue)

  -- This gets no nextRef and may not pass a Left value to the continuation.
  -- This forces the caller to defer the process exit to the next request
  -- and hence ensures that the scheduler code cannot forget to allow the
  -- client code to react to a shutdown request.
    :: forall v a
     . HasCallStack
    => Arr SchedulerIO (ExitReason 'NoRecovery) a
    -> (ExitReason 'NoRecovery)
    -> Process SchedulerIO v
    -> Eff SchedulerIO a
  interpretRequestAfterShutdownRequest diskontinue shutdownRequest =
      SendMessage _ _          -> diskontinue shutdownRequest
      SendInterrupt _ _        -> diskontinue shutdownRequest
      SendShutdown toPid r     ->
        if toPid == myPid
          then diskontinue r
          else diskontinue shutdownRequest
      Spawn _                  -> diskontinue shutdownRequest
      SpawnLink _              -> diskontinue shutdownRequest
      ReceiveSelectedMessage _ -> diskontinue shutdownRequest
      FlushMessages            -> diskontinue shutdownRequest
      SelfPid                  -> diskontinue shutdownRequest
      MakeReference            -> diskontinue shutdownRequest
      YieldProcess             -> diskontinue shutdownRequest
      Shutdown r               -> diskontinue r
      GetProcessState _        -> diskontinue shutdownRequest
      Monitor _                -> diskontinue shutdownRequest
      Demonitor _              -> diskontinue shutdownRequest
      Link _                   -> diskontinue shutdownRequest
      Unlink _                 -> diskontinue shutdownRequest

    :: forall v a
     . HasCallStack
    => Arr SchedulerIO v a
    -> Arr SchedulerIO (ExitReason 'NoRecovery) a
    -> (ExitReason 'Recoverable)
    -> Process SchedulerIO v
    -> Eff SchedulerIO a
  interpretRequestAfterInterruptRequest kontinue diskontinue interruptRequest =
      SendMessage _ _          -> kontinue (Interrupted interruptRequest)
      SendInterrupt _ _        -> kontinue (Interrupted interruptRequest)
      SendShutdown toPid r     ->
        if toPid == myPid
          then diskontinue r
          else kontinue (Interrupted interruptRequest)
      Spawn _                  -> kontinue (Interrupted interruptRequest)
      SpawnLink _              -> kontinue (Interrupted interruptRequest)
      ReceiveSelectedMessage _ -> kontinue (Interrupted interruptRequest)
      FlushMessages            -> kontinue (Interrupted interruptRequest)
      SelfPid                  -> kontinue (Interrupted interruptRequest)
      MakeReference            -> kontinue (Interrupted interruptRequest)
      YieldProcess             -> kontinue (Interrupted interruptRequest)
      Shutdown r               -> diskontinue r
      GetProcessState _        -> kontinue (Interrupted interruptRequest)
      Monitor _                -> kontinue (Interrupted interruptRequest)
      Demonitor _              -> kontinue (Interrupted interruptRequest)
      Link _                   -> kontinue (Interrupted interruptRequest)
      Unlink _                 -> kontinue (Interrupted interruptRequest)

    :: forall v a
     . HasCallStack
    => (Int -> Arr SchedulerIO v a)
    -> Arr SchedulerIO (ExitReason 'NoRecovery) a
    -> Int
    -> Process SchedulerIO v
    -> Eff SchedulerIO a
  interpretRequest kontinue diskontinue nextRef =
      SendMessage toPid msg     -> interpretSend toPid msg >>= kontinue nextRef . ResumeWith
      SendInterrupt toPid msg   ->
        if toPid == myPid
          then kontinue nextRef (Interrupted msg)
          else interpretSendShutdownOrInterrupt toPid (SomeExitReason msg)
                 >>= kontinue nextRef . ResumeWith
      SendShutdown toPid msg   ->
        if toPid == myPid
          then diskontinue msg
          else interpretSendShutdownOrInterrupt toPid (SomeExitReason msg)
                 >>= kontinue nextRef . ResumeWith
      Spawn child              -> spawnNewProcess Nothing child
                                    >>= kontinue nextRef . ResumeWith . fst
      SpawnLink child          -> spawnNewProcess (Just myProcessInfo) child
                                    >>= kontinue nextRef . ResumeWith . fst
      ReceiveSelectedMessage f -> interpretReceive f >>= either diskontinue (kontinue nextRef)
      FlushMessages            -> interpretFlush >>= kontinue nextRef
      SelfPid                  -> kontinue nextRef (ResumeWith myPid)
      MakeReference            -> kontinue (nextRef + 1) (ResumeWith nextRef)
      YieldProcess             -> kontinue nextRef (ResumeWith  ())
      Shutdown r               -> diskontinue r
      GetProcessState toPid    -> interpretGetProcessState toPid >>= kontinue nextRef . ResumeWith
      Monitor target           -> interpretMonitor target >>= kontinue nextRef . ResumeWith
      Demonitor ref            -> interpretDemonitor ref >>= kontinue nextRef . ResumeWith
      Link toPid               -> interpretLink toPid
                                    >>= kontinue nextRef . either Interrupted ResumeWith
      Unlink toPid             -> interpretUnlink toPid >>= kontinue nextRef . ResumeWith
      interpretMonitor !target = do
        setMyProcessState ProcessBusyMonitoring
        schedulerState <- getSchedulerState
        lift (atomically (addMonitoring target myPid schedulerState))

      interpretDemonitor !ref = do
        setMyProcessState ProcessBusyMonitoring
        schedulerState <- getSchedulerState
        lift (atomically (removeMonitoring ref schedulerState))

      interpretUnlink !toPid = do
        setMyProcessState ProcessBusyUnlinking
        schedulerState <- getSchedulerState
        let procInfosVar = schedulerState^.processTable
        lift $ atomically $ do
          procInfos <- readTVar procInfosVar
            (\toProcInfo ->
              modifyTVar' (toProcInfo ^. processLinks) (Set.delete myPid))
            (procInfos ^. at toPid)
          modifyTVar' (myProcessInfo ^. processLinks) (Set.delete toPid)

      interpretGetProcessState !toPid = do
        setMyProcessState ProcessBusy
        schedulerState <- getSchedulerState
        let procInfosVar = schedulerState^.processTable
        lift $ atomically $ do
          procInfos <- readTVar procInfosVar
          traverse (\toProcInfo -> readTVar (toProcInfo ^. processState))
                   (procInfos ^. at toPid)

      interpretLink !toPid = do
        setMyProcessState ProcessBusyLinking
        schedulerState <- getSchedulerState
        let procInfosVar = schedulerState^.processTable
        lift $ atomically $ do
          procInfos <- readTVar procInfosVar
          case procInfos ^. at toPid of
            Just toProcInfo -> do
              modifyTVar' (toProcInfo ^. processLinks) (Set.insert myPid)
              modifyTVar' (myProcessInfo ^. processLinks) (Set.insert toPid)
              return (Right ())
            Nothing ->
              return (Left (LinkedProcessCrashed toPid))

      interpretSend !toPid msg =
        setMyProcessState ProcessBusySending *>
          >>= lift
          . atomically
          . enqueueMessageOtherProcess toPid msg

      interpretSendShutdownOrInterrupt !toPid !msg =
            (const ProcessBusySendingShutdown)
            (const ProcessBusySendingInterrupt)
            (fromSomeExitReason msg))
        *> getSchedulerState
           >>= lift
           . atomically
           . enqueueShutdownRequest toPid msg

      interpretFlush :: Eff SchedulerIO (ResumeProcess [Dynamic])
      interpretFlush = do
        setMyProcessState ProcessBusyReceiving
        lift $ atomically $ do
          myMessageQ <- readTVar myMessageQVar
          modifyTVar' myMessageQVar (incomingMessages .~ Seq.Empty)
          return (ResumeWith (toList (myMessageQ ^. incomingMessages)))

        :: MessageSelector b
        -> Eff SchedulerIO (Either (ExitReason 'NoRecovery) (ResumeProcess b))
      interpretReceive f = do
        setMyProcessState ProcessBusyReceiving
        lift $ atomically $ do
          myMessageQ <- readTVar myMessageQVar
          case myMessageQ ^. shutdownRequests of
            Nothing ->
              case partitionMessages (myMessageQ ^. incomingMessages) Seq.Empty of
                Nothing -> retry
                Just (selectedMessage, otherMessages) -> do
                  modifyTVar' myMessageQVar (incomingMessages .~ otherMessages)
                  return (Right (ResumeWith selectedMessage))
            Just shutdownRequest -> do
              modifyTVar' myMessageQVar (shutdownRequests .~ Nothing)
              case fromSomeExitReason shutdownRequest of
                Left sr ->
                  return (Left sr)
                Right ir ->
                  return (Right (Interrupted ir))

         partitionMessages Seq.Empty       _acc = Nothing
         partitionMessages (m :<| msgRest) acc  = maybe
           (partitionMessages msgRest (acc :|> m))
           (\res -> Just (res, acc Seq.>< msgRest))
           (runMessageSelector f m)

-- | This is the main entry point to running a message passing concurrency
-- application. This function takes a 'Process' on top of the 'SchedulerIO'
-- effect and a 'LogChannel' for concurrent logging.
  :: (HasLogging IO SchedulerIO, HasCallStack)
  => Eff InterruptableProcEff ()
  -> Eff LoggingAndIO ()
schedule procEff =
  liftBaseWith (\runS ->
    Async.withAsync (runS $ withNewSchedulerState $ do
        (_, mainProcAsync) <- spawnNewProcess Nothing $ do
          logNotice "++++++++ main process started ++++++++"
          provideInterruptsShutdown procEff
          logNotice "++++++++ main process returned ++++++++"
        lift (void (Async.wait mainProcAsync))
      (\ast -> runS $ do
        a <- restoreM ast
        void $ lift (Async.wait a)
  ) >>= restoreM

  :: (HasLogging IO SchedulerIO, HasCallStack)
  => Maybe ProcessInfo
  -> Eff ProcEff ()
  -> Eff SchedulerIO (ProcessId, Async (ExitReason 'NoRecovery))
spawnNewProcess mlinkedParent mfa = do
  schedulerState <- getSchedulerState
  procInfo <- allocateProcInfo schedulerState
  traverse_ (linkToParent procInfo) mlinkedParent
  procAsync <- doForkProc procInfo schedulerState
  return (procInfo ^. processId, procAsync)
    linkToParent toProcInfo parent = do
      let toPid = toProcInfo ^. processId
          parentPid = parent ^. processId
      lift $ atomically $ do
        modifyTVar' (toProcInfo ^. processLinks) (Set.insert parentPid)
        modifyTVar' (parent ^. processLinks) (Set.insert toPid)

    allocateProcInfo schedulerState =
      lift (atomically (do
          let nextPidVar = schedulerState ^. nextPid
              processInfosVar = schedulerState ^. processTable
          pid <- readTVar nextPidVar
          modifyTVar' nextPidVar (+1)
          procInfo <- newProcessInfo pid
          modifyTVar' processInfosVar (at pid ?~ procInfo)
          return procInfo

    logAppendProcInfo pid =
      let addProcessId = over lmProcessId
            (maybe (Just (printf "% 9s" (show pid))) Just)
      in traverseLogMessages
         (traverse setLogMessageThreadId
          >=> traverse (return . addProcessId))

    triggerProcessLinksAndMonitors !pid !reason !linkSetVar = do
      schedulerState <- getSchedulerState
      lift $ atomically $
        triggerAndRemoveMonitor pid (SomeExitReason reason) schedulerState
      let exitSeverity = toExitSeverity reason
          sendIt !linkedPid = do
            let msg = SomeExitReason (LinkedProcessCrashed pid)
            lift $ atomically $ do
              procInfos <- readTVar (schedulerState ^. processTable)
              let mLinkedProcInfo = procInfos ^? at linkedPid . _Just
              case mLinkedProcInfo of
                Nothing ->
                  return (Left linkedPid)
                Just linkedProcInfo ->
                  let linkedMsgQVar    = linkedProcInfo ^. messageQ
                      linkedLinkSetVar = linkedProcInfo ^. processLinks
                  in do linkedLinkSet <- readTVar linkedLinkSetVar
                        if Set.member pid linkedLinkSet
                          then do
                            writeTVar   linkedLinkSetVar
                                        (Set.delete pid linkedLinkSet)
                            when (exitSeverity == Crash)
                              (modifyTVar' linkedMsgQVar
                                          (shutdownRequests ?~ msg))
                            return (Right linkedPid)
                            return (Left linkedPid)
      linkedPids <- lift (atomically (do linkSet <- readTVar linkSetVar
                                         writeTVar linkSetVar def
                                         return linkSet))
      res <- traverse sendIt (toList linkedPids)
      traverse_ (logDebug . either (("linked process no found: " ++) . show)
                (("sent shutdown to linked process: " ++) . show))

    doForkProc :: ProcessInfo -> SchedulerState -> Eff SchedulerIO (Async (ExitReason 'NoRecovery))
    doForkProc procInfo schedulerState =
      restoreM =<< liftBaseWith
        (\inScheduler -> do
          let cancellationsVar = schedulerState ^. processCancellationTable
              processInfosVar = schedulerState ^. processTable
              pid = procInfo ^. processId
          procAsync <- Async.async (
            inScheduler (logAppendProcInfo pid
                  (logDebug "enter process")
                  (\mExc () -> do
                         lift (atomically
                           (do modifyTVar' processInfosVar (at pid .~ Nothing)
                               modifyTVar' cancellationsVar (at pid .~ Nothing)))
                           (\exc -> logExitAndTriggerLinksAndMonitors
                                      (exitReasonFromException exc)
                    (do res <- handleProcess procInfo (mfa >> return ExitNormally)
                        logExitAndTriggerLinksAndMonitors res pid))
          atomically (modifyTVar' cancellationsVar (at pid ?~ procAsync))
          return procAsync)
        exitReasonFromException exc =
            case Safe.fromException exc of
              Just Async.AsyncCancelled ->

              Nothing ->
                    (prettyCallStack callStack)
                    (Safe.displayException exc)

        logExitAndTriggerLinksAndMonitors reason pid =
          do triggerProcessLinksAndMonitors pid reason (procInfo ^. processLinks)
             logProcessExit reason
             return reason

-- * Scheduler Accessor

getSchedulerState :: HasSchedulerIO r => Eff r SchedulerState
getSchedulerState = ask

enqueueMessageOtherProcess ::
  HasCallStack => ProcessId -> Dynamic -> SchedulerState -> STM ()
enqueueMessageOtherProcess toPid msg schedulerState =
  view (at toPid) <$> readTVar (schedulerState ^. processTable)
   >>= maybe (return ())
             (\toProcessTable -> do
                modifyTVar' (toProcessTable ^. messageQ ) (incomingMessages %~ (:|> msg))
                return ())

enqueueShutdownRequest ::
  HasCallStack => ProcessId -> SomeExitReason -> SchedulerState -> STM ()
enqueueShutdownRequest toPid msg schedulerState =
  view (at toPid) <$> readTVar (schedulerState ^. processTable)
   >>= maybe (return ())
             (\toProcessTable -> do
                modifyTVar' (toProcessTable ^. messageQ ) (shutdownRequests ?~ msg)
                return ())