{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Eventlog.HtmlTemplate where
import Data.Aeson (Value, encode)
import Data.Aeson.Text (encodeToLazyText)
import Data.String
import Data.Text (Text, append)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
import Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A
import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.String
import Eventlog.Javascript
import Eventlog.Args
import Eventlog.Types (Header(..), HeapProfBreakdown(..))
import Eventlog.VegaTemplate
import Paths_eventlog2html
import Data.Version
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
type VizID = Int
insertJsonData :: Value -> Html
insertJsonData dat = preEscapedToHtml $ T.unlines [
"data_json= " `append` dat' `append` ";"
, "console.log(data_json);" ]
dat' = TL.toStrict (T.decodeUtf8 (encode dat))
insertJsonDesc :: Value -> Html
insertJsonDesc dat = preEscapedToHtml $ T.unlines [
"desc_json= " `append` dat' `append` ";"
, "console.log(desc_json);" ]
dat' = TL.toStrict (T.decodeUtf8 (encode dat))
insertColourScheme :: Text -> Html
insertColourScheme scheme = preEscapedToHtml $ T.unlines [
"colour_scheme= \"" `append` scheme `append` "\";"
, "console.log(colour_scheme);" ]
data_sets :: [Text]
data_sets = [
".insert(\"data_json_samples\", data_json.samples)"
, ".insert(\"data_json_traces\", data_json.traces)" ]
encloseScript :: VizID -> Text -> Html
encloseScript = encloseScriptX True
encloseRawVegaScript :: VizID -> Text -> Html
encloseRawVegaScript = encloseScriptX False
encloseScriptX :: Bool -> VizID -> Text -> Html
encloseScriptX insert_data_sets vid vegaspec = preEscapedToHtml $ T.unlines ([
"var yourVlSpec" `append` vidt `append`"= " `append` vegaspec `append` ";"
, "vegaEmbed('#vis" `append` vidt `append` "', yourVlSpec" `append` vidt `append` ")"
, ".then((res) => "
, "res.view" ]
++ (if insert_data_sets then data_sets else []) ++
[ ".runAsync());" ])
vidt = T.pack $ show vid
htmlHeader :: Value -> Maybe Value -> Args -> Html
htmlHeader dat desc as =
H.head $ do
H.title "eventlog2html - Heap Profile"
meta ! charset "UTF-8"
script $ insertJsonData dat
maybe (return ()) (script . insertJsonDesc) desc
script $ insertColourScheme (userColourScheme as)
if not (noIncludejs as)
then do
script $ preEscapedToHtml vegaLite
script $ preEscapedToHtml vega
script $ preEscapedToHtml vegaEmbed
H.style $ preEscapedToHtml milligram
H.style $ preEscapedToHtml normalizecss
else do
script ! src "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vega@5.4.0" $ ""
script ! src "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vega-lite@3.3.0" $ ""
script ! src "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vega-embed@4.2.0" $ ""
link ! rel "stylesheet" ! href "//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:300,300italic,700,700italic"
link ! rel "stylesheet" ! href "//cdn.rawgit.com/necolas/normalize.css/master/normalize.css"
link ! rel "stylesheet" ! href "//cdn.rawgit.com/milligram/milligram/master/dist/milligram.min.css"
H.style $ preEscapedToHtml stylesheet
template :: Header -> Value -> Maybe Value -> Args -> Html
template header' dat descs as = docTypeHtml $ do
H.stringComment $ "Generated with eventlog2html-" <> showVersion version
htmlHeader dat descs as
body $ H.div ! class_ "container" $ do
H.div ! class_ "row" $ do
H.div ! class_ "column" $ do
h1 $ a ! href "https://mpickering.github.io/eventlog2html" $ "eventlog2html"
H.div ! class_ "row" $ do
H.div ! class_ "column" $ do
"Options: "
code $ toHtml $ hJob header'
H.div ! class_ "row" $ do
H.div ! class_ "column" $ do
"Created at: "
code $ toHtml $ hDate header'
forM_ (hHeapProfileType header') $ \prof_type -> do
H.div ! class_ "row" $ do
H.div ! class_ "column" $ do
"Type of profile: "
code $ toHtml $ ppHeapProfileType prof_type
H.div ! class_ "row" $ do
H.div ! class_ "column" $ do
"Sampling rate in seconds: "
code $ toHtml $ hSamplingRate header'
H.div ! class_ "row" $ do
H.div ! class_ "column" $ do
button ! class_ "tablink button-black" ! onclick "changeTab('areachart', this)" ! A.id "defaultOpen" $ "Area Chart"
button ! class_ "tablink button-black" ! onclick "changeTab('normalizedchart', this)" $ "Normalized"
button ! class_ "tablink button-black" ! onclick "changeTab('streamgraph', this)" $ "Streamgraph"
button ! class_ "tablink button-black" ! onclick "changeTab('linechart', this)" $ "Linechart"
when (isJust descs) $ do
button ! class_ "tablink button-black" ! onclick "changeTab('cost-centres', this)" $ "Cost Centres"
H.div ! class_ "row" $ do
H.div ! class_ "column" $ do
mapM_ (\(vid, chartname, conf) ->
H.div ! A.id chartname ! class_ "tabviz" $ do
renderChart True vid
(TL.toStrict (encodeToLazyText (vegaJson (htmlConf as conf)))))
[(1, "areachart", AreaChart Stacked)
,(2, "normalizedchart", AreaChart Normalized)
,(3, "streamgraph", AreaChart StreamGraph)
,(4, "linechart", LineChart)]
when (isJust descs) $ do
H.div ! A.id "cost-centres" ! class_ "tabviz" $ do
renderChart False 5 treevega
script $ preEscapedToHtml tablogic
htmlConf :: Args -> ChartType -> ChartConfig
htmlConf as ct = ChartConfig 1200 1000 (not (noTraces as)) (userColourScheme as) ct (fromIntegral <$> (fixedYAxis as))
renderChart :: Bool -> VizID -> Text -> Html
renderChart vega_lite vid vegaSpec = do
H.div ! A.id (fromString $ "vis" ++ show vid) ! class_ "chart" $ ""
script ! type_ "text/javascript" $ do
if vega_lite
then encloseScript vid vegaSpec
else encloseRawVegaScript vid vegaSpec
renderChartWithJson :: Int -> Value -> Text -> Html
renderChartWithJson k dat vegaSpec = do
script $ insertJsonData dat
renderChart True k vegaSpec
templateString :: Header -> Value -> Maybe Value -> Args -> String
templateString header' dat descs as =
renderHtml $ template header' dat descs as
ppHeapProfileType :: HeapProfBreakdown -> Text
ppHeapProfileType (HeapProfBreakdownCostCentre) = "Cost centre profiling (implied by -hc)"
ppHeapProfileType (HeapProfBreakdownModule) = "Profiling by module (implied by -hm)"
ppHeapProfileType (HeapProfBreakdownClosureDescr) = "Profiling by closure description (implied by -hd)"
ppHeapProfileType (HeapProfBreakdownTypeDescr) = "Profiling by type (implied by -hy)"
ppHeapProfileType (HeapProfBreakdownRetainer) = "Retainer profiling (implied by -hr)"
ppHeapProfileType (HeapProfBreakdownBiography) = "Biographical profiling (implied by -hb)"
ppHeapProfileType (HeapProfBreakdownClosureType) = "Basic heap profile (implied by -hT)"