{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns                             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric                            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                                    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase                               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards                          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables                      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications                         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType                               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators                            #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.KnownNat.Solver #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.Normalise       #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Numeric.EMD
-- Copyright   : (c) Justin Le 2018
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : justin@jle.im
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
-- Empirical Mode Decomposition in pure Haskell.
-- Main interface is 'emd', with 'defaultEO'.  A tracing version that
-- outputs a log to stdout is also available, as 'emdTrace'.  This can be
-- used to help track down a specific IMF that might be taking more time
-- than desired.
-- This package uses "sized vectors" as its main interface, to ensure:
-- 1.  The resulting 'EMD' contains IMFs that are all the same length as
--     the input vector
-- 2.  We provide a vector of size of at least one.
-- There are many functions to convert unsized vectors to sized vectors in
-- "Data.Vector.Sized" and associated modules, including 'toSized' (for
-- when you know the size at compile-time) and 'withSized' (for when you
-- don't).

module Numeric.EMD (
  -- * Empirical Mode Decomposition
  , emdTrace
  , emd'
  , EMD(..)
  , EMDOpts(..), defaultEO, BoundaryHandler(..), SiftCondition(..), defaultSC, SplineEnd(..)
  -- * Internal
  , sift, SiftResult(..)
  , envelopes
  ) where

import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import           Data.Default.Class
import           Data.Finite
import           Data.Functor.Identity
import           GHC.Generics                 (Generic)
import           GHC.TypeNats
import           Numeric.EMD.Internal.Extrema
import           Numeric.EMD.Internal.Spline
import           Text.Printf
import qualified Data.Binary                  as Bi
import qualified Data.Map                     as M
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic          as VG
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Sized    as SVG

-- | Options for EMD composition.
data EMDOpts a = EO { eoSiftCondition   :: SiftCondition a  -- ^ stop condition for sifting
                    , eoSplineEnd       :: SplineEnd a      -- ^ end conditions for envelope splines
                    , eoBoundaryHandler :: Maybe BoundaryHandler  -- ^ process for handling boundary
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

data BoundaryHandler
    -- | Clamp envelope at end points (Matlab implementation)
    = BHClamp
    -- | Extend boundaries symmetrically
    | BHSymmetric
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

    -- -- | Extend boundaries assuming global periodicity
    -- -- | BHPeriodic

-- | @since
instance Bi.Binary BoundaryHandler

-- | @since
instance Bi.Binary a => Bi.Binary (EMDOpts a)

-- | Default 'EMDOpts'
defaultEO :: Fractional a => EMDOpts a
defaultEO = EO { eoSiftCondition   = defaultSC
               , eoSplineEnd       = SENatural
               , eoBoundaryHandler = Just BHSymmetric

-- | @since
instance Fractional a => Default (EMDOpts a) where
    def = defaultEO

-- | Stop conditions for sifting process
-- Data type is lazy in its fields, so this infinite data type:
-- @
-- nTimes n = SCTimes n `SCOr` nTimes (n + 1)
-- @
-- will be treated identically as:
-- @
-- nTimes = SCTimes
-- @
data SiftCondition a
    -- | Stop using standard SD method
    = SCStdDev !a
    -- | Stop after a fixed number of sifting iterations
    | SCTimes !Int
    -- | One or the other
    | SCOr (SiftCondition a) (SiftCondition a)
    -- | Stop when both conditions are met
    | SCAnd (SiftCondition a) (SiftCondition a)
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

-- | @since
instance Bi.Binary a => Bi.Binary (SiftCondition a)

-- | @since
instance Fractional a => Default (SiftCondition a) where
    def = defaultSC

-- | Default 'SiftCondition'
defaultSC :: Fractional a => SiftCondition a
defaultSC = SCStdDev 0.3 `SCOr` SCTimes 50     -- R package uses SCTimes 20, Matlab uses no limit
-- defaultSC = SCStdDev 0.3

-- | 'True' if stop
    :: (VG.Vector v a, Fractional a, Ord a)
    => SiftCondition a
    -> Int
    -> SVG.Vector v n a
    -> SVG.Vector v n a
    -> Bool
testCondition tc i v v' = go tc
    sd = SVG.sum $ SVG.zipWith (\x x' -> (x-x')^(2::Int) / (x^(2::Int) + eps)) v v'
    go = \case
      SCStdDev t -> sd <= t
      SCTimes l  -> i >= l
      SCOr  f g  -> go f || go g
      SCAnd f g  -> go f && go g
    eps = 0.0000001

-- | An @'EMD' v n a@ is an Empirical Mode Decomposition of a time series
-- with @n@ items of type @a@ stored in a vector @v@.
-- The component-wise sum of 'emdIMFs' and 'emdResidual' should yield
-- exactly the original series.
data EMD v n a = EMD { emdIMFs     :: ![SVG.Vector v n a]
                     , emdResidual :: !(SVG.Vector v n a)
  deriving (Show, Generic, Eq, Ord)

-- | @since
instance (VG.Vector v a, KnownNat n, Bi.Binary (v a)) => Bi.Binary (EMD v n a) where
    put EMD{..} = Bi.put (SVG.fromSized <$> emdIMFs)
               *> Bi.put (SVG.fromSized emdResidual)
    get = do
      Just emdIMFs     <- traverse SVG.toSized <$> Bi.get
      Just emdResidual <- SVG.toSized <$> Bi.get
      pure EMD{..}

-- | EMD decomposition of a given time series with a given sifting stop
-- condition.
-- Takes a sized vector to ensure that:
-- 1.  The resulting 'EMD' contains IMFs that are all the same length as
--     the input vector
-- 2.  We provide a vector of size of at least one.
emd :: (VG.Vector v a, KnownNat n, Fractional a, Ord a)
    => EMDOpts a
    -> SVG.Vector v (n + 1) a
    -> EMD v (n + 1) a
emd eo = runIdentity . emd' (const (pure ())) eo

-- | 'emd', but tracing results to stdout as IMFs are found.  Useful for
-- debugging to see how long each step is taking.
    :: (VG.Vector v a, KnownNat n, Fractional a, Ord a, MonadIO m)
    => EMDOpts a
    -> SVG.Vector v (n + 1) a
    -> m (EMD v (n + 1) a)
emdTrace = emd' $ \case
    SRResidual _ -> liftIO $ putStrLn "Residual found."
    SRIMF _ i    -> liftIO $ printf "IMF found (%d sifts)\n" i

-- | 'emd' with a callback for each found IMF.
    :: (VG.Vector v a, KnownNat n, Fractional a, Ord a, Applicative m)
    => (SiftResult v (n + 1) a -> m r)
    -> EMDOpts a
    -> SVG.Vector v (n + 1) a
    -> m (EMD v (n + 1) a)
emd' cb eo = go id
    go !imfs !v = cb res *> case res of
        SRResidual r -> pure $ EMD (imfs []) r
        SRIMF v' _   -> go (imfs . (v':)) (v - v')
        res = sift eo v

-- | The result of a sifting operation.  Each sift either yields
-- a residual, or a new IMF.
data SiftResult v n a = SRResidual !(SVG.Vector v n a)
                      | SRIMF      !(SVG.Vector v n a) !Int   -- ^ number of sifting iterations

-- | Iterated sifting process, used to produce either an IMF or a residual.
    :: (VG.Vector v a, KnownNat n, Fractional a, Ord a)
    => EMDOpts a
    -> SVG.Vector v (n + 1) a
    -> SiftResult v (n + 1) a
sift EO{..} = go 1
    go !i !v = case sift' eoSplineEnd eoBoundaryHandler v of
      Nothing -> SRResidual v
      Just !v'
        | testCondition eoSiftCondition i v v' -> SRIMF v' i
        | otherwise                            -> go (i + 1) v'

-- | Single sift
    :: (VG.Vector v a, KnownNat n, Fractional a, Ord a)
    => SplineEnd a
    -> Maybe BoundaryHandler
    -> SVG.Vector v (n + 1) a
    -> Maybe (SVG.Vector v (n + 1) a)
sift' se bh v = go <$> envelopes se bh v
    go (mins, maxs) = SVG.zipWith3 (\x mi ma -> x - (mi + ma)/2) v mins maxs

-- | Returns cubic splines of local minimums and maximums.  Returns
-- 'Nothing' if there are not enough local minimum or maximums to create
-- the splines.
    :: (VG.Vector v a, KnownNat n, Fractional a, Ord a)
    => SplineEnd a
    -> Maybe BoundaryHandler
    -> SVG.Vector v (n + 1) a
    -> Maybe (SVG.Vector v (n + 1) a, SVG.Vector v (n + 1) a)
envelopes se bh xs = do
    when (bh == Just BHClamp) $ do
      guard (M.size mins > 1)
      guard (M.size maxs > 1)
    (,) <$> splineAgainst se emin mins
        <*> splineAgainst se emax maxs
    -- minMax = M.fromList [(minBound, SVG.head xs), (maxBound, SVG.last xs)]
    (mins,maxs) = extrema xs
    (emin,emax) = case bh of
      Nothing  -> mempty
      Just bh' -> extendExtrema xs bh' (mins,maxs)
    --   | isJust bh = (mins `M.union` minMax, maxs `M.union` minMax)
    --   | otherwise = (mins, maxs)

    :: forall v n a. (VG.Vector v a, KnownNat n)
    => SVG.Vector v (n + 1) a
    -> BoundaryHandler
    -> (M.Map (Finite (n + 1)) a, M.Map (Finite (n + 1)) a)
    -> (M.Map Int a, M.Map Int a)
    -- (M.Map (Finite (n + 1)) a, M.Map (Finite (n + 1)) a)
extendExtrema xs = \case
    BHClamp     -> const (firstLast, firstLast)
    BHSymmetric -> \(mins, maxs) ->
      let addFirst = case (flippedMin, flippedMax) of
              (Nothing      , Nothing      ) -> mempty
              -- first point is local maximum
              (Just (_,mn)  , Nothing      ) -> (mn        , firstPoint)
              -- first point is local minimum
              (Nothing      , Just (_,mx)  ) -> (firstPoint, mx        )
              (Just (mni,mn), Just (mxi,mx))
                | mni < mxi                  -> (mn        , firstPoint)
                | otherwise                  -> (firstPoint, mx        )
              flippedMin = flip fmap (M.lookupMin mins) $ \(minIx, minVal) ->
                (minIx, M.singleton (negate (fromIntegral minIx)) minVal)
              flippedMax = flip fmap (M.lookupMin maxs) $ \(maxIx, maxVal) ->
                (maxIx, M.singleton (negate (fromIntegral maxIx)) maxVal)
          addLast = case (flippedMin, flippedMax) of
              (Nothing      , Nothing      ) -> mempty
              -- last point is local maximum
              (Just (_,mn)  , Nothing      ) -> (mn        , lastPoint )
              -- last point is local minimum
              (Nothing      , Just (_,mx)  ) -> (lastPoint , mx        )
              (Just (mni,mn), Just (mxi,mx))
                | mni > mxi                  -> (mn        , lastPoint )
                | otherwise                  -> (lastPoint , mx        )
              flippedMin = flip fmap (M.lookupMax mins) $ \(minIx, minVal) ->
                (minIx, M.singleton (extendSym (fromIntegral minIx)) minVal)
              flippedMax = flip fmap (M.lookupMax maxs) $ \(maxIx, maxVal) ->
                (maxIx, M.singleton (extendSym (fromIntegral maxIx)) maxVal)
      in  addFirst `mappend` addLast
    lastIx = fromIntegral $ maxBound @(Finite n)
    firstPoint = M.singleton 0 (SVG.head xs)
    lastPoint  = M.singleton lastIx (SVG.last xs)
    firstLast  = firstPoint `mappend` lastPoint
    extendSym i = 2 * lastIx - i

-- | Build a splined vector against a map of control points.
    :: (VG.Vector v a, KnownNat n, Fractional a, Ord a)
    => SplineEnd a
    -> M.Map Int a              -- ^ extensions
    -> M.Map (Finite n) a
    -> Maybe (SVG.Vector v n a)
splineAgainst se ext = fmap go
                     . makeSpline se
                     . mappend (M.mapKeysMonotonic fromIntegral ext)
                     . M.mapKeysMonotonic fromIntegral
    go spline = SVG.generate (sampleSpline spline . fromIntegral)