{- |
Module      :  ELynx.Data.Tree.Multipartition
Description :  Multipartitions on rose trees
Copyright   :  (c) Dominik Schrempf 2019
License     :  GPL-3

Maintainer  :  dominik.schrempf@gmail.com
Stability   :  unstable
Portability :  portable

Creation date: Thu Dec 12 12:58:49 2019.

A multifurcation induces a 'Multipartition', similar to branches inducing


module ELynx.Data.Tree.Multipartition
  ( -- * The 'Multipartition' data type.
    Multipartition ()
  , mps
  , mp
  , mpmap
  , mphuman
  , fromBipartition
    -- * Working with 'Multipartition's.
  , multipartitions
  , findSubset
  , compatible
  ) where

import           Data.List                   (filter, find, foldl', intercalate)
import           Data.Maybe                  (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Set                    as S
import           Data.Tree

import           ELynx.Data.Tree.Bipartition (Bipartition, bps)
import           ELynx.Data.Tree.Subset
import           ELynx.Data.Tree.Tree

-- | Each branch of a bifurcating tree partitions the leaves of the tree into
-- three 'Subset's, see 'ELynx.Data.Tree.Bipartition'. In a similar way, each
-- internal node induces a tripartition. Tripartitions are not yet implemented
-- (December 2019) because it is usually sufficient to work with bipartitions.
-- If, however, the tree is multifurcating and a specific node has more than two
-- children, the number of subsets induced by this node is larger than three,
-- and a 'Multipartition'. Multipartitions are interesting in that we can use
-- them for calculating incompatible splits, see 'ELynx.Data.Tree.Distance'. The
-- order of the partitions within a multipartition is unimportant, .
newtype Multipartition a = Multipartition { mps :: S.Set (Subset a) -- ^ Set of partitions
  deriving (Show, Read)

-- | Show a multipartition in a human readable form. Use a provided function to
-- extract the valuable information.
mphuman :: (a -> String) -> Multipartition a -> String
mphuman f (Multipartition xs) = "(" ++ intercalate "|" (map (sshow f) (S.toList xs)) ++  ")"

-- | Create a multipartition.
mp :: Ord a => [Subset a] -> Multipartition a
mp = mp' . filter (not . snull)

mp' :: Ord a => [Subset a] -> Multipartition a
-- XXX: For now also allow multipartitions with no, one, or two elements.
-- mp' []     = error "mp': Cannot create multipartition from empty list."
-- mp' [_]    = error "mp': Cannot create multipartition from list with one element."
-- mp' [_, _] = error "mp': Cannot create multipartition from list with two elements."
mp' xs     = Multipartition (S.fromList xs)

-- | Map a function over all elements in the multipartitions.
mpmap :: (Ord a, Ord b) => (a -> b) -> Multipartition a -> Multipartition b
mpmap f (Multipartition xs) = Multipartition $ S.map (smap f) xs

instance (Eq a) => Eq (Multipartition a) where
  Multipartition xs == Multipartition ys = xs == ys

instance (Ord a) => Ord (Multipartition a) where
  Multipartition xs `compare` Multipartition ys = xs `compare` ys

-- | Convert bipartition to multipartition.
fromBipartition :: Ord a => Bipartition a -> Multipartition a
fromBipartition bp = mp [l, r]
  where (l, r) = bps bp

-- | Get all multipartitions of a tree.
multipartitions :: Ord a => Tree a -> S.Set (Multipartition a)
multipartitions t = if S.size (S.fromList lvs) == length lvs
                    then multipartitionsUnsafe sempty (partitionTree t)
                    else error "multipartitions: The tree contains duplicate leaves."
  where lvs = leaves t

-- | See 'multipartitions', but do not check if leaves are unique.
multipartitionsUnsafe :: Ord a => Subset a -> Tree (Subset a) -> S.Set (Multipartition a)
multipartitionsUnsafe _    (Node _ []    ) = S.empty
multipartitionsUnsafe xs   (Node _ [x]   ) = multipartitionsUnsafe xs x
multipartitionsUnsafe xs   (Node _ [x, y]) = S.union l r
  where l = multipartitionsUnsafe (sunion xs (rootLabel x)) y
        r = multipartitionsUnsafe (sunion xs (rootLabel y)) x
multipartitionsUnsafe xs t@(Node _ ys    ) = S.unions $
  S.singleton (mp (xs : map rootLabel ys))
  : zipWith multipartitionsUnsafe lvsOthers ys
  where lvsOthers = subForestGetSubsets xs t

-- | Find the multipartition containing a given element.
findSubset :: Ord a => a -> Multipartition a -> Subset a
findSubset l m = fromMaybe
                 -- Return the empty subset if nothing is found. This corresponds
                 -- to having no information about the leaf in question.
                 (find (smember l) ss)
  where ss = mps m

-- Add the subset of a bipartition which contains a given element.
addSubset :: Ord a => Multipartition a -> S.Set (Subset a) -> a -> S.Set (Subset a)
addSubset m ss l = if not $ snull ss'
                   then ss' `S.insert` ss
                   else ss
  where ss' = findSubset l m

-- Each subset overlaps with a number of subsets of a bipartition which are
-- returned by this function.
overlap :: Ord a => Multipartition a -> Subset a -> S.Set (Subset a)
overlap m = foldl' (addSubset m) S.empty

-- | Multipartitions are compatible if they do not contain conflicting
-- information. This function checks if two multipartitions are compatible with
-- each other. Thereby, following algorithm is used:
-- 1. Take each subset of the first multipartition.
-- 2a. Determine the overlap: For each leaf of the chosen subset, add the subset
-- of the second multipartition containing the leaf. The result is a set of
-- subsets, which is the union of the added subsets.
-- The data type "set of subsets" is actually the same data type as a
-- multipartition. However, it is not a partition, because it may and will not
-- span the whole set of leaves, and so, I use @S.Set (Subset a)@. One could
-- define a multiset data type to improve comprehensibility.
-- 2b. Collect the set of subsets from point 1.
-- 3. Each set of subsets needs to be either equal or disjoint with any other
-- set of subsets in the collection. If so, the first multipartition is
-- compatible with the second.
-- 4. Exchange the first with the second multipartition and go through steps 1
-- to 3.
-- See also 'ELynx.Data.Tree.Bipartition.compatible'.
compatible :: (Ord a, Show a) => Multipartition a -> Multipartition a -> Bool
-- compatible l r = traceShow lOverlaps $ traceShow rOverlaps $ and $
compatible l r = and $
  [x `S.disjoint` y | x <- lOverlaps, y <- lOverlaps, x /= y] ++
  [x `S.disjoint` y | x <- rOverlaps, y <- rOverlaps, x /= y]
  where ls = S.toList $ mps l
        rs = S.toList $ mps r
        -- The subsets on the left multipartition overlap the subsets of the
        -- right multipartition.
        lOverlaps = map (overlap r) ls
        -- The subsets on the left multipartition overlap the subsets of the
        -- right multipartition.
        rOverlaps = map (overlap l) rs