{- |
Module      :  ELynx.Data.Sequence.Alignment
Description :  Multi sequence alignment related types and functions
Copyright   :  (c) Dominik Schrempf 2018
License     :  GPL-3

Maintainer  :  dominik.schrempf@gmail.com
Stability   :  unstable

Portability :  portable

Creation date: Thu Oct  4 18:40:18 2018.

This module is to be imported qualified.


module ELynx.Data.Sequence.Alignment
  ( Alignment (..)
  , length
  , nSequences
  -- | * Input, output
  , fromSequences
  , toSequences
  , summarize
  -- | * Manipulation
  , join
  , concat
  , concatAlignments
  , filterColsOnlyStd
  , filterColsStd
  , filterColsNoGaps
  -- | * Analysis
  , FrequencyData
  , distribution
  , toFrequencyData
  , kEffEntropy
  , kEffHomoplasy
  , countIUPACChars
  , countGaps
  , countUnknowns
  -- | * Sub sample
  , subSample
  , randomSubSample
  ) where

import           Control.Monad                             hiding (join)
import           Control.Monad.Primitive
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8                as L
import           Data.List                                 hiding (concat,
import qualified Data.Matrix.Unboxed                       as M
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed                       as V
import           Prelude                                   hiding (concat,
import           System.Random.MWC

import qualified ELynx.Data.Alphabet.Alphabet              as A
import           ELynx.Data.Alphabet.Character
import qualified ELynx.Data.Alphabet.DistributionDiversity as D
import           ELynx.Data.Sequence.Defaults
import qualified ELynx.Data.Sequence.Sequence              as S
import           ELynx.Tools.Concurrent
import           ELynx.Tools.Definitions
import           ELynx.Tools.Equality
import           ELynx.Tools.Matrix

-- | A collection of sequences.
data Alignment = Alignment
                              { names    :: [S.Name]
                              , alphabet :: A.Alphabet
                              , matrix   :: M.Matrix Character
  deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Number of sites.
length :: Alignment -> Int
length = M.cols . matrix

-- | Number of sequences.
nSequences :: Alignment -> Int
nSequences = M.rows . matrix

-- | Create 'Alignment' from a list of 'S.Sequence's.
fromSequences :: [S.Sequence] -> Either String Alignment
fromSequences ss
  | S.equalLength ss && allEqual (map S.alphabet ss) =
      Right $ Alignment ns a d
  | S.equalLength ss =
      Left "Sequences do not have equal codes."
  | otherwise =
      Left "Sequences do not have equal lengths."
    ns   = map S.name ss
    a    = S.alphabet $ head ss
    bss  = map S.characters ss
    d    = M.fromRows bss

-- | Conversion to list of 'S.Sequence's.
toSequences :: Alignment -> [S.Sequence]
toSequences (Alignment ns a d) = zipWith (\n r -> S.Sequence n a r) ns rows
    rows  = M.toRows d

-- -- | Show a 'Alignment', untrimmed.
-- summarizeSeq :: Alignment -> Int -> L.ByteString
-- summarizeSeq m i =
--   L.unwords [ alignLeft nameWidth $ names m !! i
--             , summarizeByteString summaryLength $
--               L.pack $ V.toList $ V.map toChar $ M.takeRow (matrix m) i ]

header :: Alignment -> L.ByteString
header a = L.unlines $
  [ L.pack "Multi sequence alignment."
  , L.pack $ "Code: " ++ A.description (alphabet a) ++ "."
  , L.pack $ "Length: " ++ show (length a) ++ "." ]
  ++ reportLengthSummary ++ reportNumberSummary
  where reportLengthSummary =
          [ L.pack $ "For each sequence, the "
            ++ show summaryLength ++ " first bases are shown."
          | length a > summaryLength ]
        reportNumberSummary =
          [ L.pack $ show summaryNSequences ++ " out of " ++
            show (nSequences a) ++ " sequences are shown."
          | nSequences a > summaryNSequences ]

-- | Similar to 'S.summarizeSequenceList' but with different Header.
summarize :: Alignment -> L.ByteString
summarize a = header a <> S.body (toSequences a)

-- | Join two 'Alignment's vertically. That is, add more sequences
-- to an alignment. See also 'concat'.
join :: Alignment
     -> Alignment
     -> Alignment
-- top bottom.
join t b
  | length t == length b &&
    al       == alphabet b
  = Alignment ns al (tD === bD)
  | otherwise  = error "join: Multi sequence alignments do not have equal length."
    ns = names t ++ names b
    tD = matrix t
    bD = matrix b
    al = alphabet t

-- | Concatenate two 'Alignment's horizontally. That is, add more
-- sites to an alignment. See also 'join'.
concat :: Alignment
       -> Alignment
       -> Alignment
-- left right.
concat l r
  | nSequences l == nSequences r &&
    al           == alphabet r
  = Alignment (names l) al (lD ||| rD)
  | otherwise = error "concat: Multi sequence alignments do not have equal length."
    lD = matrix l
    rD = matrix r
    al = alphabet l

-- | Concatenate a list of 'Alignment's horizontally. See
-- 'concat'.
concatAlignments :: [Alignment] -> Alignment
concatAlignments []  = error "concatAlignments: Nothing to concatenate."
concatAlignments [a] = a
concatAlignments as  = foldl' concat (head as) (tail as)

-- Only keep columns from alignment that satisfy given predicate.
filterColsWith :: (V.Vector Character -> Bool) -> Alignment -> Alignment
filterColsWith p a =  a {matrix = m'}
  where m' = M.fromColumns . filter p . M.toColumns $ matrix a

-- | Only keep columns with standard characters. Alignment columns with IUPAC
-- characters are removed.
filterColsOnlyStd :: Alignment -> Alignment
filterColsOnlyStd a = filterColsWith (V.all $ A.isStd (alphabet a)) a

-- | Filter columns with proportion of standard character larger than given number.
filterColsStd :: Double -> Alignment -> Alignment
filterColsStd prop a = filterColsWith
  (\col -> prop * n <= fromIntegral (V.length (V.filter (A.isStd al) col))) a
  where al = alphabet a
        n = fromIntegral $ nSequences a

-- | Only keep columns without gaps or unknown characters.
filterColsNoGaps :: Alignment -> Alignment
filterColsNoGaps a = filterColsWith (V.all $ not . A.isGap (alphabet a)) a

-- | Frequency data; do not store the actual characters, but their frequencies.
-- The matrix is of size @N x K@, where @N@ is the number of sites, and @K@ is
-- the number of characters.
type FrequencyData = M.Matrix Double

-- | Calculcate frequency of characters at each site of a multi sequence alignment.
toFrequencyData :: Alignment -> FrequencyData
toFrequencyData a = fMapColParChunk 100 (D.frequencyCharacters spec) (matrix a)
  where spec = A.alphabetSpec (alphabet a)

-- | Calculate the distribution of characters.
distribution :: FrequencyData -> [Double]
distribution fd = map (/ fromIntegral nSites) $ V.toList $
  foldl1 (V.zipWith (+)) (M.toColumns fd)
  where nSites = M.cols fd

-- | Diversity analysis. See 'kEffEntropy'.
kEffEntropy :: FrequencyData -> [Double]
kEffEntropy fd = parMapChunk chunksize D.kEffEntropy (M.toColumns fd)

-- | Diversity analysis. See 'kEffEntropy'.
kEffHomoplasy :: FrequencyData -> [Double]
kEffHomoplasy fd = parMapChunk chunksize D.kEffHomoplasy (M.toColumns fd)

-- | Count the number of standard (i.e., not extended IUPAC) characters in the
-- alignment.
countIUPACChars :: Alignment -> Int
countIUPACChars a = V.length . V.filter (A.isIUPAC (alphabet a)) $ allChars
  where allChars = M.flatten $ matrix a

-- | Count the number of gaps in the alignment.
countGaps :: Alignment -> Int
countGaps a = V.length . V.filter (A.isGap (alphabet a)) $ allChars
  where allChars = M.flatten $ matrix a

-- | Count the number of unknown characters in the alignment.
countUnknowns :: Alignment -> Int
countUnknowns a = V.length . V.filter (A.isUnknown (alphabet a)) $ allChars
  where allChars = M.flatten $ matrix a

-- | Sample the given sites from a multi sequence alignment.
subSample :: [Int] -> Alignment -> Alignment
subSample is a = a {matrix = m'}
  where m' = subSampleMatrix is $ matrix a

-- | Randomly sample a given number of sites of the multi sequence alignment.
randomSubSample :: PrimMonad m
          => Int -> Alignment  -> Gen (PrimState m) -> m Alignment
randomSubSample n a g = do
  let l = length a
  is <- replicateM n $ uniformR (0, l-1) g
  return $ subSample is a