{-# LANGUAGE CPP                   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications      #-}
#if defined(__HADDOCK__) || defined(__HADDOCK_VERSION__)
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fdefer-type-errors #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-deferred-type-errors #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-methods #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-redundant-constraints #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-simplifiable-class-constraints #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin Data.Constraint.Deriving #-}

module Numeric.DataFrame.Internal.BackendI
  ( I
  , inferEq, inferOrd
  , inferProductOrder, inferPONonTransitive, inferPOPartial
  , inferBounded, inferNum
  , inferFractional, inferFloating
  , inferPrimBytes, inferPrimArray
  ) where

import           Data.Constraint.Deriving             (OverlapMode (..),
                                                       ToInstance (..))
import           Data.Kind                            (Type)
import           Numeric.DataFrame.Internal.PrimArray (PrimArray)
import           Numeric.Dimensions                   (Dict, Dimensions, Nat)
import           Numeric.PrimBytes                    (PrimBytes)
import           Numeric.ProductOrd                   (ProductOrder)
import qualified Numeric.ProductOrd.NonTransitive     as NonTransitive
import qualified Numeric.ProductOrd.Partial           as Partial

import {-# SOURCE #-} Numeric.DataFrame.Internal.Backend        (Backend)
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified Numeric.DataFrame.Internal.Backend        as Backend
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified Numeric.DataFrame.Internal.Backend.Family as Impl

{- | The instance keeper for the `Backend` type.

  Using this data as a tag to the `Backend` type allows to define `Backend` instances
  in two different modules without any orphans.

data I

{-# ANN inferEq (ToInstance Incoherent) #-}
  :: forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) (b :: Type)
   . (Eq t, Impl.KnownBackend t ds b)
  => Dict (Eq (Backend I t ds b))
inferEq = Backend.inferEq @t @ds @b

{-# ANN inferOrd (ToInstance Incoherent) #-}
  :: forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) (b :: Type)
   . (Ord t, Impl.KnownBackend t ds b)
  => Dict (Ord (Backend I t ds b))
inferOrd = Backend.inferOrd @t @ds @b

{-# ANN inferProductOrder (ToInstance Incoherent) #-}
  :: forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) (b :: Type)
   . (Ord t, Impl.KnownBackend t ds b)
  => Dict (ProductOrder (Backend I t ds b))
inferProductOrder = Backend.inferProductOrder @t @ds @b

{-# ANN inferPONonTransitive (ToInstance Incoherent) #-}
  :: forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) (b :: Type)
   . (Ord t, Impl.KnownBackend t ds b)
  => Dict (Ord (NonTransitive.ProductOrd (Backend I t ds b)))
inferPONonTransitive = Backend.inferPONonTransitive @t @ds @b

{-# ANN inferPOPartial (ToInstance Incoherent) #-}
  :: forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) (b :: Type)
   . (Ord t, Impl.KnownBackend t ds b)
  => Dict (Ord (Partial.ProductOrd (Backend I t ds b)))
inferPOPartial = Backend.inferPOPartial @t @ds @b

{-# ANN inferBounded (ToInstance Incoherent) #-}
  :: forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) (b :: Type)
   . (Bounded t, Impl.KnownBackend t ds b)
  => Dict (Bounded (Backend I t ds b))
inferBounded = Backend.inferBounded @t @ds @b

{-# ANN inferNum (ToInstance Incoherent) #-}
  :: forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) (b :: Type)
   . (Num t, Impl.KnownBackend t ds b)
  => Dict (Num (Backend I t ds b))
inferNum = Backend.inferNum @t @ds @b

{-# ANN inferFractional (ToInstance Incoherent) #-}
  :: forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) (b :: Type)
   . (Fractional t, Impl.KnownBackend t ds b)
  => Dict (Fractional (Backend I t ds b))
inferFractional = Backend.inferFractional @t @ds @b

{-# ANN inferFloating (ToInstance Incoherent) #-}
  :: forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) (b :: Type)
   . (Floating t, Impl.KnownBackend t ds b)
  => Dict (Floating (Backend I t ds b))
inferFloating = Backend.inferFloating @t @ds @b

{-# ANN inferPrimBytes (ToInstance Incoherent) #-}
  :: forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) (b :: Type)
   . (PrimBytes t, Dimensions ds, Impl.KnownBackend t ds b)
  => Dict (PrimBytes (Backend I t ds b))
inferPrimBytes = Backend.inferPrimBytes @t @ds @b

{-# ANN inferPrimArray (ToInstance Incoherent) #-}
  :: forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) (b :: Type)
   . (PrimBytes t, Impl.KnownBackend t ds b)
  => Dict (PrimArray t (Backend I t ds b))
inferPrimArray = Backend.inferPrimArray @t @ds @b

-- The instances below are bumb stubs needed only to compile haddock
#if defined(__HADDOCK__) || defined(__HADDOCK_VERSION__)

    forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) (b :: Type)
  . (Eq t, Impl.KnownBackend t ds b)
  => Eq (Backend I t ds b)

    forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) (b :: Type)
  . (Ord t, Impl.KnownBackend t ds b)
  => Ord (Backend I t ds b)

    forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) (b :: Type)
  . (Ord t, Impl.KnownBackend t ds b)
  => ProductOrder (Backend I t ds b)

    forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) (b :: Type)
  . (Ord t, Impl.KnownBackend t ds b)
  => Ord (NonTransitive.ProductOrd (Backend I t ds b))

    forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) (b :: Type)
  . (Ord t, Impl.KnownBackend t ds b)
  => Ord (Partial.ProductOrd (Backend I t ds b))

    forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) (b :: Type)
  . (Bounded t, Impl.KnownBackend t ds b)
  => Bounded (Backend I t ds b)

    forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) (b :: Type)
  . (Num t, Impl.KnownBackend t ds b)
  => Num (Backend I t ds b)

    forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) (b :: Type)
  . (Fractional t, Impl.KnownBackend t ds b)
  => Fractional (Backend I t ds b)

    forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) (b :: Type)
  . (Floating t, Impl.KnownBackend t ds b)
  => Floating (Backend I t ds b)

    forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) (b :: Type)
  . ( PrimBytes t
    , Dimensions ds
    , Impl.KnownBackend t ds b
  => PrimBytes (Backend I t ds b)

    forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) (b :: Type)
  . ( PrimBytes t
    , Impl.KnownBackend t ds b
  => PrimArray t (Backend I t ds b)
