dropbox-sdk-0.2.0: A library to access the Dropbox HTTP API.







:: Locale 
-> String

Your Dropbox app key

-> String

Your Dropbox app secret

-> AccessType


-> IO Config 

A convenience function that constructs a Config. It's in the IO monad because we read from a file to get the list of trusted SSL certificates, which is used to verify the server over SSL.

data Config Source

The configuration used to make API calls. You typically create one of these via the config helper function.




configHosts :: Hosts

The hosts to connect to (just use hostsDefault).

configUserLocale :: Locale

The locale that the Dropbox service should use when returning user-visible strings.

configAppId :: AppId

Your app's key/secret

configAccessType :: AccessType

The type of folder access your Dropbox application uses.

configCertVerifier :: CertVerifier

The server certificate validation routine.


data CertVerifier Source

How the server's SSL certificate will be verified.




certVerifierName :: String

The human-friendly name of the policy (only for debug prints)

certVerifierFunc :: CertVerifierFunc

The function that implements certificate validation.


certVerifierInsecure :: CertVerifierSource

A dummy implementation that doesn't perform any verification.

certVerifierFromPemFile :: FilePath -> IO (Either ErrorMessage CertVerifier)Source

Reads certificates in PEM format from the given file and uses those as the roots when verifying certificates. This function basically just loads the certificates and delegates to certVerifierFromRootCerts for the actual checking.



:: [X509]

The set of trusted root certificates.

-> Ascii

The remote server's domain name.

-> [X509]

The certificate chain provided by the remote server.

-> IO TLSCertificateUsage 

A certificate validation routine. It's in IO to match what HTTP.Enumerator expects, but we don't actually do any I/O.

data AppId Source

Your application's Dropbox "app key" and "app secret".


AppId String String 


data Hosts Source

The set of hosts that serve the Dropbox API. Just use hostsDefault.




hostsWeb :: String

The Dropbox API web host (for OAuth step 2)

hostsApi :: String

The Dropbox API endpoint for most non-content-transferring calls.

hostsApiContent :: String

The Dropbox API endpoint for most content-transferring calls.


hostsDefault :: HostsSource

The standard set of hosts that serve the Dropbox API. Used to create a Config.

data Locale Source

Specifies a locale (the string is a two-letter locale code)


localeEn :: LocaleSource

English (American) ("en").

localeEs :: LocaleSource

Spanish ("es").

localeFr :: LocaleSource

French ("fr").

localeDe :: LocaleSource

German ("de").

localeJp :: LocaleSource

Japanese ("jp").

data AccessType Source

The type of folder access your Dropbox application uses (https://www.dropbox.com/developers/start/core).



Full access to the user's entire Dropbox


Access to an application-specific "app folder" within the user's Dropbox

HTTP connection manager

type Manager = ManagerSource

The HTTP connection manager. Using the same Manager instance across multiple API calls

withManager :: (Manager -> IO r) -> IO rSource

A bracket around an HTTP connection manager.


data RequestToken Source

An OAuth request token (returned by authStart)


RequestToken String String 



:: Manager

The HTTP connection manager to use.

-> Config 
-> Maybe URL

The callback URL (optional)

-> IO (Either ErrorMessage (RequestToken, URL)) 

OAuth step 1. If successful, returns a RequestToken (to be used with authFinish eventually) and an authorization URL that you should redirect the user to next. If you provide a callback URL (optional), then the authorization URL you send the user to will redirect to your callback URL after the user authorizes your application.

data AccessToken Source

An OAuth request token (returned by authFinish, used to construct a Session)


AccessToken String String 



:: Manager

The HTTP connection manager to use.

-> Config 
-> RequestToken

The RequestToken obtained from authStart

-> IO (Either ErrorMessage (AccessToken, String))

The AccessToken used to make Dropbox API calls and the user's Dropbox user ID.

OAuth step 3. Once you've directed the user to the authorization URL from authStart and the user has authorized your app, call this function to get a RequestToken, which is used to make Dropbox API calls.

data Session Source

Contains a Config and an AccessToken. Every API call (after OAuth is complete) requires this as an argument.

Get user account info



:: Manager

The HTTP connection manager to use.

-> Session 
-> IO (Either ErrorMessage AccountInfo) 

Retrieve information about the user account your AccessToken is connected to.

data AccountInfo Source

Information about a user account.




accountInfoUid :: Word64

Dropbox user ID

accountInfoDisplayName :: String

Full name (when displayed as a single string)

accountInfoCountry :: Maybe String

Two-letter country code, if available

accountInfoReferralUrl :: String

Dropbox referral link

accountInfoQuota :: Quota

Information about the storage quota

Get file/folder metadata



:: Manager

The HTTP connection manager to use.

-> Session 
-> Path

The full path (relative to your DbAccessType root)

-> IO (Either ErrorMessage Meta) 

Get the metadata for the file or folder at the given path.



:: Manager

The HTTP connection manager to use.

-> Session 
-> Path

The full path (relative to your DbAccessType root)

-> Maybe Integer

A limit on folder contents (max: 10,000). If the path refers to a folder and this folder has more than the specified number of immediate children, the entire getMetadataWithChildren call will fail with an HTTP 406 error code. If unspecified, or if set to zero, the server will set this to 10,000.

-> IO (Either ErrorMessage (Meta, Maybe FolderContents)) 

Get the metadata for the file or folder at the given path. If it's a folder, return the metadata for the folder's immediate children as well.



:: Manager

The HTTP connection manager to use.

-> Session 
-> Path 
-> Maybe Integer 
-> FolderHash

For folders, the returned child metadata will include a folderHash field that is a short identifier for the current state of the folder. If the FolderHash for the specified path hasn't change, this call will return Nothing, which indicates that the previously-retrieved metadata is still the latest.

-> IO (Either ErrorMessage (Maybe (Meta, Maybe FolderContents))) 

Same as getMetadataWithChildren except it'll return Nothing if the FolderHash of the folder on Dropbox is the same as the FolderHash passed in.

data Meta Source

The metadata for a file or folder. MetaBase contains the metadata common to files and folders. MetaExtra contains the file-specific or folder-specific data.


Meta MetaBase MetaExtra 


data MetaBase Source

Metadata common to both files and folders.




metaRoot :: AccessType

Matches the AccessType of the app that retrieved the metadata.

metaPath :: String

The full path (starting with a "/") of the file or folder, relative to metaRoot

metaIsDeleted :: Bool

Whether this metadata entry refers to a file that had been deleted when the entry was retrieved.

metaThumbnail :: Bool

Will be True if this file might have a thumbnail, and False if it definitely doesn't.

metaIcon :: String

The name of the icon used to illustrate this file type in Dropbox's icon library (https://www.dropbox.com/static/images/dropbox-api-icons.zip).


data MetaExtra Source

Extra metadata (in addition to the stuff that's common to files and folders).


File FileExtra

Files have additional metadata


Folders do not have any additional metadata

data FolderContents Source

The metadata for the immediate children of a folder.




folderHash :: FolderHash

An identifier for the folder's metadata and children's metadata.

folderChildren :: [Meta]

The metadata for the immediate children of a folder.

data FileExtra Source

Extra metadata specific to files (and not folders)




fileBytes :: Integer

The file size (bytes)

fileHumanSize :: String

A human-readable representation of the file size, for example 15 bytes (localized according to Locale in Config)

fileRevision :: FileRevision

The revision of the file

fileModified :: UTCTime

When this file was added or last updated

newtype FolderHash Source

Represents an identifier for a folder's metadata and children's metadata. Can be used with getMetadataWithChildrenIfChanged to avoid downloading a folder's metadata and children's metadata if it hasn't changed.


FolderHash String 

newtype FileRevision Source

Represents a file's revision (fileRevision).


FileRevision String 

Get files



:: Manager

The HTTP connection manager to use.

-> Session 
-> Path

The full path (relative to your DbAccessType root)

-> Maybe FileRevision

The revision of the file to retrieve.

-> (Meta -> Sink ByteString IO r)

Given the file metadata, yield a Sink to process the response body

-> IO (Either ErrorMessage (Meta, r))

This function returns whatever your Sink returns, paired up with the file metadata.

Gets a file's contents and metadata. If you just want the entire contents of a file as a single ByteString, use getFileBs.



:: Manager

The HTTP connection manager to use.

-> Session 
-> Path

The full path (relative to your DbAccessType root)

-> Maybe FileRevision

The revision of the file to retrieve.

-> IO (Either ErrorMessage (Meta, ByteString)) 

A variant of getFile that just returns a strict ByteString (instead of having you pass in a Sink to process the body.

Upload files



:: Manager

The HTTP connection manager to use.

-> Session 
-> Path

The full path (relative to your DbAccessType root)

-> RequestBody

The file contents.

-> IO (Either ErrorMessage Meta) 

Add a new file. If a file or folder already exists at the given path, your file will be automatically renamed. If successful, you'll get back the metadata for your newly-uploaded file.



:: Manager

The HTTP connection manager to use.

-> Session 
-> Path

The full path (relative to your DbAccessType root)

-> RequestBody

The file contents.

-> IO (Either ErrorMessage Meta) 

Add a file. If a file already exists at the given path, that file will be overwritten. If successful, you'll get back the metadata for your newly-uploaded file.



:: Manager

The HTTP connection manager to use.

-> Session 
-> Path

The full path (relative to your DbAccessType root)

-> RequestBody

The file contents.

-> FileRevision

The revision of the file you expect to be writing to.

-> IO (Either ErrorMessage Meta) 

Overwrite a file with new data if the version on Dropbox matches the version you specify. If the version doesn't match, create a new file with a unique name. Either way, you will be returned the metdata for whichever file was written.

Common data types

type Path = StringSource

Dropbox file and folder paths. Should always start with /.

data RequestBody Source

An HTTP request body: an Int64 for the length and a Source that yields the actual data.

bsSink :: Resource m => Sink ByteString m ByteStringSource

A Sink that reads in ByteString chunks and constructs one concatenated ByteString