domain-auth-0.2.2: Domain authentication library

Safe HaskellNone



Utilities to decide Purported Responsible Domain (



data PRD Source #

Abstract type for context to decide PRD(purported responsible domain) according to RFC 4407.


Show PRD Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> PRD -> ShowS #

show :: PRD -> String #

showList :: [PRD] -> ShowS #

initialPRD :: PRD Source #

Initial context of PRD.

pushPRD :: RawFieldKey -> RawFieldValue -> PRD -> PRD Source #

Pushing a field key and its value in to the PRD context.

decidePRD :: PRD -> Maybe Domain Source #

Deciding PRD from the RPD context.

>>> let maddr1 = ""
>>> let maddr2 = ""
>>> let maddr3 = ""
>>> let maddr4 = ""
>>> decidePRD (pushPRD "from" "" initialPRD)
Just ""
>>> :{
decidePRD (pushPRD "from" maddr1
         $ pushPRD "from" maddr1 initialPRD)
>>> :{
decidePRD (pushPRD "sender" maddr2
         $ pushPRD "from" maddr1
         $ pushPRD "from" maddr1 initialPRD)
Just ""
>>> :{
decidePRD (pushPRD "sender" maddr2
         $ pushPRD "sender" maddr2
         $ pushPRD "from" maddr1
         $ pushPRD "from" maddr1 initialPRD)
>>> :{
decidePRD (pushPRD "resent-from" maddr3
         $ pushPRD "sender" maddr2
         $ pushPRD "sender" maddr2
         $ pushPRD "from" maddr1
         $ pushPRD "from" maddr1 initialPRD)
Just ""
>>> :{
decidePRD (pushPRD "resent-sender" maddr4
          $ pushPRD "resent-from" maddr3
          $ pushPRD "sender" maddr2
          $ pushPRD "sender" maddr2
          $ pushPRD "from" maddr1
          $ pushPRD "from" maddr1 initialPRD)
Just ""
>>> :{
decidePRD (pushPRD "resent-sender" maddr4
         $ pushPRD "resent-from" maddr3
         $ pushPRD "sender" maddr2
         $ pushPRD "received" "dummy"
         $ pushPRD "from" maddr1 initialPRD)
Just ""
>>> :{
decidePRD (pushPRD "resent-sender" maddr4
         $ pushPRD "received" "dummy"
         $ pushPRD "resent-from" maddr3
         $ pushPRD "sender" maddr2
         $ pushPRD "from" maddr1 initialPRD)
Just ""
>>> :{
decidePRD (pushPRD "received" "dummy"
          $ pushPRD "resent-sender" maddr4
          $ pushPRD "resent-from" maddr3
          $ pushPRD "sender" maddr2
          $ pushPRD "from" maddr1 initialPRD)
Just ""

decideFrom :: PRD -> Maybe Domain Source #

Taking the value of From: from the RPD context.

>>> decideFrom (pushPRD "from" "" initialPRD)
Just ""

extractDomain :: RawFieldValue -> Maybe Domain Source #

Extract a domain from a value of a header field.

>>> extractDomain "Alice Brown <>"
Just ""
>>> extractDomain "\"Alice . Brown\" <> (Nickname here)"
Just ""
>>> extractDomain ""
Just ""
>>> extractDomain "Alice Brown <>"