{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Text.DocLayout (
, cr
, blankline
, blanklines
, space
, literal
, text
, char
, prefixed
, flush
, nest
, hang
, beforeNonBlank
, nowrap
, afterBreak
, lblock
, cblock
, rblock
, vfill
, nestle
, chomp
, inside
, braces
, brackets
, parens
, quotes
, doubleQuotes
, empty
, (<+>)
, ($$)
, ($+$)
, hcat
, hsep
, vcat
, vsep
, isEmpty
, offset
, minOffset
, updateColumn
, height
, charWidth
, realLength
, Doc(..)
, HasChars(..)
import Prelude
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Safe (lastMay, initSafe)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Data (Data, Typeable)
import Data.String
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Data.Text (Text)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
import Data.Semigroup
class (IsString a, Semigroup a, Monoid a, Show a) => HasChars a where
foldrChar :: (Char -> b -> b) -> b -> a -> b
foldlChar :: (b -> Char -> b) -> b -> a -> b
replicateChar :: Int -> Char -> a
replicateChar n c = fromString (replicate n c)
isNull :: a -> Bool
isNull = foldrChar (\_ _ -> False) True
splitLines :: a -> [a]
splitLines s = (fromString firstline : otherlines)
(firstline, otherlines) = foldrChar go ([],[]) s
go '\n' (cur,lns) = ([], fromString cur : lns)
go c (cur,lns) = (c:cur, lns)
instance HasChars Text where
foldrChar = T.foldr
foldlChar = T.foldl'
splitLines = T.splitOn "\n"
replicateChar n c = T.replicate n (T.singleton c)
isNull = T.null
instance HasChars String where
foldrChar = foldr
foldlChar = foldl'
splitLines = lines . (++"\n")
replicateChar = replicate
isNull = null
instance HasChars TL.Text where
foldrChar = TL.foldr
foldlChar = TL.foldl'
splitLines = TL.splitOn "\n"
replicateChar n c = TL.replicate (fromIntegral n) (TL.singleton c)
isNull = TL.null
data Doc a = Text Int a
| Block Int [a]
| VFill Int a
| Prefixed Text (Doc a)
| BeforeNonBlank (Doc a)
| Flush (Doc a)
| BreakingSpace
| AfterBreak Text
| CarriageReturn
| NewLine
| BlankLines Int
| Concat (Doc a) (Doc a)
| Empty
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable,
Data, Typeable, Generic)
instance Semigroup (Doc a) where
x <> Empty = x
Empty <> x = x
x <> y = Concat x y
instance Monoid (Doc a) where
mappend = (<>)
mempty = Empty
instance HasChars a => IsString (Doc a) where
fromString = text
unfoldD :: Doc a -> [Doc a]
unfoldD Empty = []
unfoldD (Concat x@Concat{} y) = unfoldD x <> unfoldD y
unfoldD (Concat x y) = x : unfoldD y
unfoldD x = [x]
isEmpty :: Doc a -> Bool
isEmpty Empty = True
isEmpty _ = False
empty :: Doc a
empty = mempty
hcat :: [Doc a] -> Doc a
hcat = mconcat
infixr 6 <+>
(<+>) :: Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
(<+>) x y
| isEmpty x = y
| isEmpty y = x
| otherwise = x <> space <> y
hsep :: [Doc a] -> Doc a
hsep = foldr (<+>) empty
infixr 5 $$
($$) :: Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
($$) x y
| isEmpty x = y
| isEmpty y = x
| otherwise = x <> cr <> y
infixr 5 $+$
($+$) :: Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
($+$) x y
| isEmpty x = y
| isEmpty y = x
| otherwise = x <> blankline <> y
vcat :: [Doc a] -> Doc a
vcat = foldr ($$) empty
vsep :: [Doc a] -> Doc a
vsep = foldr ($+$) empty
nestle :: Doc a -> Doc a
nestle d =
case d of
BlankLines _ -> Empty
NewLine -> Empty
Concat (Concat x y) z -> nestle (Concat x (Concat y z))
Concat BlankLines{} x -> nestle x
Concat NewLine x -> nestle x
_ -> d
chomp :: Doc a -> Doc a
chomp d =
case d of
BlankLines _ -> Empty
NewLine -> Empty
CarriageReturn -> Empty
BreakingSpace -> Empty
Prefixed s d' -> Prefixed s (chomp d')
Concat (Concat x y) z -> chomp (Concat x (Concat y z))
Concat x y ->
case chomp y of
Empty -> chomp x
z -> x <> z
_ -> d
type DocState a = State (RenderState a) ()
data RenderState a = RenderState{
output :: [a]
, prefix :: Text
, usePrefix :: Bool
, lineLength :: Maybe Int
, column :: Int
, newlines :: Int
newline :: HasChars a => DocState a
newline = do
st' <- get
let rawpref = prefix st'
when (column st' == 0 && usePrefix st' && not (T.null rawpref)) $ do
let pref = fromString $ T.unpack $ T.dropWhileEnd isSpace rawpref
modify $ \st -> st{ output = pref : output st
, column = column st + realLength pref }
modify $ \st -> st { output = "\n" : output st
, column = 0
, newlines = newlines st + 1
outp :: HasChars a => Int -> a -> DocState a
outp off s = do
st' <- get
let pref = fromString $ T.unpack $ prefix st'
when (column st' == 0 && usePrefix st' && not (isNull pref)) $
modify $ \st -> st{ output = pref : output st
, column = column st + realLength pref }
modify $ \st -> st{ output = s : output st
, column = column st + off
, newlines = 0 }
render :: HasChars a => Maybe Int -> Doc a -> a
render linelen doc = mconcat . reverse . output $
execState (renderDoc doc) startingState
where startingState = RenderState{
output = mempty
, prefix = mempty
, usePrefix = True
, lineLength = linelen
, column = 0
, newlines = 2 }
renderDoc :: HasChars a => Doc a -> DocState a
renderDoc = renderList . normalize . unfoldD
normalize :: HasChars a => [Doc a] -> [Doc a]
normalize [] = []
normalize (Concat{} : xs) = normalize xs
normalize (Empty : xs) = normalize xs
normalize [NewLine] = normalize [CarriageReturn]
normalize [BlankLines _] = normalize [CarriageReturn]
normalize [BreakingSpace] = []
normalize (BlankLines m : BlankLines n : xs) =
normalize (BlankLines (max m n) : xs)
normalize (BlankLines num : BreakingSpace : xs) =
normalize (BlankLines num : xs)
normalize (BlankLines m : CarriageReturn : xs) = normalize (BlankLines m : xs)
normalize (BlankLines m : NewLine : xs) = normalize (BlankLines m : xs)
normalize (NewLine : BlankLines m : xs) = normalize (BlankLines m : xs)
normalize (NewLine : BreakingSpace : xs) = normalize (NewLine : xs)
normalize (NewLine : CarriageReturn : xs) = normalize (NewLine : xs)
normalize (CarriageReturn : CarriageReturn : xs) =
normalize (CarriageReturn : xs)
normalize (CarriageReturn : NewLine : xs) = normalize (NewLine : xs)
normalize (CarriageReturn : BlankLines m : xs) = normalize (BlankLines m : xs)
normalize (CarriageReturn : BreakingSpace : xs) =
normalize (CarriageReturn : xs)
normalize (BreakingSpace : CarriageReturn : xs) =
normalize (CarriageReturn:xs)
normalize (BreakingSpace : NewLine : xs) = normalize (NewLine:xs)
normalize (BreakingSpace : BlankLines n : xs) = normalize (BlankLines n:xs)
normalize (BreakingSpace : BreakingSpace : xs) = normalize (BreakingSpace:xs)
normalize (x:xs) = x : normalize xs
mergeBlocks :: HasChars a => Int -> (Int, [a]) -> (Int, [a]) -> (Int, [a])
mergeBlocks h (w1,lns1) (w2,lns2) =
(w, zipWith (\l1 l2 -> pad w1 l1 <> l2) lns1' lns2')
w = w1 + w2
len1 = length $ take h lns1
len2 = length $ take h lns2
lns1' = if len1 < h
then lns1 ++ replicate (h - len1) mempty
else take h lns1
lns2' = if len2 < h
then lns2 ++ replicate (h - len2) mempty
else take h lns2
pad n s = s <> replicateChar (n - realLength s) ' '
renderList :: HasChars a => [Doc a] -> DocState a
renderList [] = return ()
renderList (Text off s : xs) = do
outp off s
renderList xs
renderList (Prefixed pref d : xs) = do
st <- get
let oldPref = prefix st
put st{ prefix = prefix st <> pref }
renderDoc d
modify $ \s -> s{ prefix = oldPref }
renderList xs
renderList (Flush d : xs) = do
st <- get
let oldUsePrefix = usePrefix st
put st{ usePrefix = False }
renderDoc d
modify $ \s -> s{ usePrefix = oldUsePrefix }
renderList xs
renderList (BeforeNonBlank d : xs) =
case xs of
(x:_) | startsBlank x -> renderList xs
| otherwise -> renderDoc d >> renderList xs
[] -> renderList xs
renderList (BlankLines num : xs) = do
st <- get
case output st of
_ | newlines st > num -> return ()
| otherwise -> replicateM_ (1 + num - newlines st) newline
renderList xs
renderList (CarriageReturn : xs) = do
st <- get
if newlines st > 0
then renderList xs
else do
renderList xs
renderList (NewLine : xs) = do
renderList xs
renderList (BreakingSpace : xs) = do
let isBreakingSpace BreakingSpace = True
isBreakingSpace _ = False
let xs' = dropWhile isBreakingSpace xs
let next = takeWhile (not . isBreakable) xs'
st <- get
let off = foldl' (\tot t -> tot + offsetOf t) 0 next
case lineLength st of
Just l | column st + 1 + off > l -> newline
_ -> when (column st > 0) $ outp 1 " "
renderList xs'
renderList (AfterBreak t : xs) = do
st <- get
if newlines st > 0
then renderList (fromString (T.unpack t) : xs)
else renderList xs
renderList (b : xs) | isBlock b = do
let (bs, rest) = span isBlock xs
let heightOf (Block _ ls) = length ls
heightOf _ = 1
let maxheight = maximum $ map heightOf (b:bs)
let toBlockSpec (Block w ls) = (w, ls)
toBlockSpec (VFill w t) = (w, take maxheight $ repeat t)
toBlockSpec _ = (0, [])
let (_, lns') = foldl (mergeBlocks maxheight) (toBlockSpec b)
(map toBlockSpec bs)
st <- get
let oldPref = prefix st
case column st - realLength oldPref of
n | n > 0 -> modify $ \s -> s{ prefix = oldPref <> T.replicate n " " }
_ -> return ()
renderList $ intersperse CarriageReturn (map literal lns')
modify $ \s -> s{ prefix = oldPref }
renderList rest
renderList (x:_) = error $ "renderList encountered " ++ show x
isBreakable :: HasChars a => Doc a -> Bool
isBreakable BreakingSpace = True
isBreakable CarriageReturn = True
isBreakable NewLine = True
isBreakable (BlankLines _) = True
isBreakable (Concat Empty y) = isBreakable y
isBreakable (Concat x _) = isBreakable x
isBreakable _ = False
startsBlank' :: HasChars a => a -> Bool
startsBlank' t = fromMaybe False $ foldlChar go Nothing t
go Nothing c = Just (isSpace c)
go (Just b) _ = Just b
startsBlank :: HasChars a => Doc a -> Bool
startsBlank (Text _ t) = startsBlank' t
startsBlank (Block n ls) = n > 0 && all startsBlank' ls
startsBlank (VFill n t) = n > 0 && startsBlank' t
startsBlank (BeforeNonBlank x) = startsBlank x
startsBlank (Prefixed _ x) = startsBlank x
startsBlank (Flush x) = startsBlank x
startsBlank BreakingSpace = True
startsBlank (AfterBreak t) = startsBlank (Text 0 t)
startsBlank CarriageReturn = True
startsBlank NewLine = True
startsBlank (BlankLines _) = True
startsBlank (Concat Empty y) = startsBlank y
startsBlank (Concat x _) = startsBlank x
startsBlank Empty = True
isBlock :: Doc a -> Bool
isBlock Block{} = True
isBlock VFill{} = True
isBlock _ = False
offsetOf :: Doc a -> Int
offsetOf (Text o _) = o
offsetOf (Block w _) = w
offsetOf (VFill w _) = w
offsetOf BreakingSpace = 1
offsetOf _ = 0
literal :: HasChars a => a -> Doc a
literal x =
mconcat $
intersperse NewLine $
map (\s -> if isNull s
then Empty
else Text (realLength s) s) $
splitLines x
text :: HasChars a => String -> Doc a
text = literal . fromString
char :: HasChars a => Char -> Doc a
char c = text $ fromString [c]
space :: Doc a
space = BreakingSpace
cr :: Doc a
cr = CarriageReturn
blankline :: Doc a
blankline = BlankLines 1
blanklines :: Int -> Doc a
blanklines = BlankLines
prefixed :: IsString a => String -> Doc a -> Doc a
prefixed pref doc
| isEmpty doc = Empty
| otherwise = Prefixed (fromString pref) doc
flush :: Doc a -> Doc a
flush doc
| isEmpty doc = Empty
| otherwise = Flush doc
nest :: IsString a => Int -> Doc a -> Doc a
nest ind = prefixed (replicate ind ' ')
hang :: IsString a => Int -> Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
hang ind start doc = start <> nest ind doc
beforeNonBlank :: Doc a -> Doc a
beforeNonBlank = BeforeNonBlank
nowrap :: IsString a => Doc a -> Doc a
nowrap = mconcat . map replaceSpace . unfoldD
where replaceSpace BreakingSpace = Text 1 $ fromString " "
replaceSpace x = x
afterBreak :: Text -> Doc a
afterBreak = AfterBreak
offset :: (IsString a, HasChars a) => Doc a -> Int
offset (Text n _) = n
offset (Block n _) = n
offset (VFill n _) = n
offset Empty = 0
offset CarriageReturn = 0
offset NewLine = 0
offset (BlankLines _) = 0
offset d = maximum (0 : map realLength (splitLines (render Nothing d)))
minOffset :: HasChars a => Doc a -> Int
minOffset (Text n _) = n
minOffset (Block n _) = n
minOffset (VFill n _) = n
minOffset Empty = 0
minOffset CarriageReturn = 0
minOffset NewLine = 0
minOffset (BlankLines _) = 0
minOffset d = maximum (0 : map realLength (splitLines (render (Just 0) d)))
updateColumn :: HasChars a => Doc a -> Int -> Int
updateColumn (Text !n _) !k = k + n
updateColumn (Block !n _) !k = k + n
updateColumn (VFill !n _) !k = k + n
updateColumn Empty _ = 0
updateColumn CarriageReturn _ = 0
updateColumn NewLine _ = 0
updateColumn (BlankLines _) _ = 0
updateColumn d !k =
case splitLines (render Nothing d) of
[] -> k
[t] -> k + realLength t
ts -> realLength $ last ts
lblock :: HasChars a => Int -> Doc a -> Doc a
lblock = block id
rblock :: HasChars a => Int -> Doc a -> Doc a
rblock w = block (\s -> replicateChar (w - realLength s) ' ' <> s) w
cblock :: HasChars a => Int -> Doc a -> Doc a
cblock w = block (\s -> replicateChar ((w - realLength s) `div` 2) ' ' <> s) w
height :: HasChars a => Doc a -> Int
height = length . splitLines . render Nothing
block :: HasChars a => (a -> a) -> Int -> Doc a -> Doc a
block filler width d
| width < 1 && not (isEmpty d) = block filler 1 d
| otherwise = Block width ls
ls = map filler $ chop width $ render (Just width) d
vfill :: HasChars a => a -> Doc a
vfill t = VFill (realLength t) t
chop :: HasChars a => Int -> a -> [a]
chop n =
concatMap chopLine . removeFinalEmpty . map addRealLength . splitLines
removeFinalEmpty xs = case lastMay xs of
Just (0, _) -> initSafe xs
_ -> xs
addRealLength l = (realLength l, l)
chopLine (len, l)
| len <= n = [l]
| otherwise = map snd $
(\c ls ->
let clen = charWidth c
cs = replicateChar 1 c
in case ls of
(len', l'):rest
| len' + clen > n ->
(clen, cs):(len', l'):rest
| otherwise ->
(len' + clen, cs <> l'):rest
[] -> [(clen, cs)]) [] l
inside :: Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
inside start end contents =
start <> contents <> end
braces :: HasChars a => Doc a -> Doc a
braces = inside (char '{') (char '}')
brackets :: HasChars a => Doc a -> Doc a
brackets = inside (char '[') (char ']')
parens :: HasChars a => Doc a -> Doc a
parens = inside (char '(') (char ')')
quotes :: HasChars a => Doc a -> Doc a
quotes = inside (char '\'') (char '\'')
doubleQuotes :: HasChars a => Doc a -> Doc a
doubleQuotes = inside (char '"') (char '"')
charWidth :: Char -> Int
charWidth c =
case c of
_ | c < '\x0300' -> 1
| c >= '\x0300' && c <= '\x036F' -> 0
| c >= '\x0370' && c <= '\x10FC' -> 1
| c >= '\x1100' && c <= '\x115F' -> 2
| c >= '\x1160' && c <= '\x11A2' -> 1
| c >= '\x11A3' && c <= '\x11A7' -> 2
| c >= '\x11A8' && c <= '\x11F9' -> 1
| c >= '\x11FA' && c <= '\x11FF' -> 2
| c >= '\x1200' && c <= '\x2328' -> 1
| c >= '\x2329' && c <= '\x232A' -> 2
| c >= '\x232B' && c <= '\x2E31' -> 1
| c >= '\x2E80' && c <= '\x303E' -> 2
| c == '\x303F' -> 1
| c >= '\x3041' && c <= '\x3247' -> 2
| c >= '\x3248' && c <= '\x324F' -> 1
| c >= '\x3250' && c <= '\x4DBF' -> 2
| c >= '\x4DC0' && c <= '\x4DFF' -> 1
| c >= '\x4E00' && c <= '\xA4C6' -> 2
| c >= '\xA4D0' && c <= '\xA95F' -> 1
| c >= '\xA960' && c <= '\xA97C' -> 2
| c >= '\xA980' && c <= '\xABF9' -> 1
| c >= '\xAC00' && c <= '\xD7FB' -> 2
| c >= '\xD800' && c <= '\xDFFF' -> 1
| c >= '\xE000' && c <= '\xF8FF' -> 1
| c >= '\xF900' && c <= '\xFAFF' -> 2
| c >= '\xFB00' && c <= '\xFDFD' -> 1
| c >= '\xFE00' && c <= '\xFE0F' -> 1
| c >= '\xFE10' && c <= '\xFE19' -> 2
| c >= '\xFE20' && c <= '\xFE26' -> 1
| c >= '\xFE30' && c <= '\xFE6B' -> 2
| c >= '\xFE70' && c <= '\xFEFF' -> 1
| c >= '\xFF01' && c <= '\xFF60' -> 2
| c >= '\xFF61' && c <= '\x16A38' -> 1
| c >= '\x1B000' && c <= '\x1B001' -> 2
| c >= '\x1D000' && c <= '\x1F1FF' -> 1
| c >= '\x1F200' && c <= '\x1F251' -> 2
| c >= '\x1F300' && c <= '\x1F773' -> 1
| c >= '\x20000' && c <= '\x3FFFD' -> 2
| otherwise -> 1
realLength :: HasChars a => a -> Int
realLength s = fromMaybe 0 $ foldlChar go Nothing s
go Nothing !c =
case charWidth c of
0 -> Just 1
!n -> Just n
go (Just !tot) !c = Just (tot + charWidth c)