dns-1.4.5: DNS library in Haskell

Safe HaskellNone




DNS Resolver and generic (lower-level) lookup functions.



Configuration for resolver

data FileOrNumericHost Source

Union type for FilePath and HostName. Specify FilePath to "resolv.conf" or numeric IP address in String form.

Warning: Only numeric IP addresses are valid RCHostNames.

Example (using Google's public DNS cache):

>>> let cache = RCHostName ""


RCFilePath FilePath

A path for "resolv.conf"

RCHostName HostName

A numeric IP address

RCHostPort HostName PortNumber

A numeric IP address and port number

data ResolvConf Source

Type for resolver configuration. The easiest way to construct a ResolvConf object is to modify the defaultResolvConf.




resolvInfo :: FileOrNumericHost
resolvTimeout :: Int

Timeout in micro seconds.

resolvRetry :: Int

The number of retries including the first try.

resolvBufsize :: Integer

This field was obsoleted.

defaultResolvConf :: ResolvConf Source

Return a default ResolvConf:

Example (use Google's public DNS cache instead of resolv.conf):

>>> let cache = RCHostName ""
>>> let rc = defaultResolvConf { resolvInfo = cache }

Intermediate data type for resolver

data ResolvSeed Source

Abstract data type of DNS Resolver seed. When implementing a DNS cache, this should be re-used.

makeResolvSeed :: ResolvConf -> IO ResolvSeed Source

Make a ResolvSeed from a ResolvConf.


>>> rs <- makeResolvSeed defaultResolvConf

Type and function for resolver

data Resolver Source

Abstract data type of DNS Resolver When implementing a DNS cache, this MUST NOT be re-used.



withResolver :: ResolvSeed -> (Resolver -> IO a) -> IO a Source

Giving a thread-safe Resolver to the function of the second argument. A socket for UDP is opened inside and is surely closed.

withResolvers :: [ResolvSeed] -> ([Resolver] -> IO a) -> IO a Source

Giving thread-safe Resolvers to the function of the second argument. Sockets for UDP are opened inside and are surely closed.

Looking up functions

lookup :: Resolver -> Domain -> TYPE -> IO (Either DNSError [RDATA]) Source

Look up resource records for a domain, collecting the results from the ANSWER section of the response.

We repeat an example from Network.DNS.Lookup:

>>> let hostname = Data.ByteString.Char8.pack "www.example.com"
>>> rs <- makeResolvSeed defaultResolvConf
>>> withResolver rs $ \resolver -> lookup resolver hostname A
Right []

lookupAuth :: Resolver -> Domain -> TYPE -> IO (Either DNSError [RDATA]) Source

Look up resource records for a domain, collecting the results from the AUTHORITY section of the response.

Raw looking up function

lookupRaw :: Resolver -> Domain -> TYPE -> IO (Either DNSError DNSFormat) Source

Look up a name and return the entire DNS Response. Sample output is included below, however it is not tested -- the sequence number is unpredictable (it has to be!).

The example code:

  let hostname = Data.ByteString.Char8.pack "www.example.com"
  rs <- makeResolvSeed defaultResolvConf
  withResolver rs $ resolver -> lookupRaw resolver hostname A

And the (formatted) expected output:

  Right (DNSFormat
          { header = DNSHeader
                       { identifier = 1,
                         flags = DNSFlags
                                   { qOrR = QR_Response,
                                     opcode = OP_STD,
                                     authAnswer = False,
                                     trunCation = False,
                                     recDesired = True,
                                     recAvailable = True,
                                     rcode = NoErr },
                         qdCount = 1,
                         anCount = 1,
                         nsCount = 0,
                         arCount = 0},
            question = [Question { qname = "www.example.com.",
                                   qtype = A}],
            answer = [ResourceRecord {rrname = "www.example.com.",
                                      rrtype = A,
                                      rrttl = 800,
                                      rdlen = 4,
                                      rdata =}],
            authority = [],
            additional = []})

lookupRaw' :: Resolver -> Domain -> TYPE -> IO (Either DNSError (DNSMessage (RD ByteString))) Source

Like lookupRaw except that no unknown RDATA records are not split up into Ints.

fromDNSFormat :: DNSFormat -> (DNSFormat -> a) -> Either DNSError a Source

Extract necessary information from DNSFormat