{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes        #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess.Server.Priority
-- Copyright   :  (c) Tim Watson 2012 - 2017
-- License     :  BSD3 (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Tim Watson <watson.timothy@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable (requires concurrency)
-- The Prioritised Server portion of the /Managed Process/ API.
module Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess.Server.Priority
  ( -- * Prioritising API Handlers
  , prioritiseCall_
  , prioritiseCast
  , prioritiseCast_
  , prioritiseInfo
  , prioritiseInfo_
  , setPriority
    -- * Creating Filters
  , check
  , raw
  , raw_
  , api
  , api_
  , info
  , info_
  , refuse
  , reject
  , rejectApi
  , store
  , storeM
  , crash
  , ensure
  , ensureM
  , Filter()
  , DispatchFilter()
  , safe
  , apiSafe
  , safely
  , Message()
  , evalAfter
  , currentTimeout
  , processState
  , processDefinition
  , processFilters
  , processUnhandledMsgPolicy
  , setUserTimeout
  , setProcessState
  , GenProcess
  , peek
  , push
  , addUserTimer
  , act
  , runAfter
  ) where

import Control.Distributed.Process hiding (call, Message)
import qualified Control.Distributed.Process as P (Message)
import Control.Distributed.Process.Extras
  ( ExitReason(..)
import Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess.Internal.GenProcess
  ( addUserTimer
  , currentTimeout
  , processState
  , processDefinition
  , processFilters
  , processUnhandledMsgPolicy
  , setUserTimeout
  , setProcessState
  , GenProcess
  , peek
  , push
  , evalAfter
  , act
  , runAfter
import Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess.Internal.Types
import Control.Distributed.Process.Serializable
import Prelude hiding (init)

-- | Sent to a caller in cases where the server is rejecting an API input and
-- a @Recipient@ is available (i.e. a /call/ message handling filter).
data RejectedByServer = RejectedByServer deriving (Show)

-- | Represents a pair of expressions that can be used to define a @DispatchFilter@.
data FilterHandler s =
    forall m . (Serializable m) =>
      pureCheck :: s -> m -> Process Bool
    , handler :: s -> m -> Process (Filter s)
    } -- ^ A pure handler, usable where the target handler is based on @handleInfo@
  | forall m b . (Serializable m, Serializable b) =>
      apiCheck :: s -> m -> Process Bool
    , apiHandler :: s -> Message m b -> Process (Filter s)
    } -- ^ An API handler, usable where the target handler is based on @handle{Call, Cast, RpcChan}@
  | HandleRaw
      rawCheck :: s -> P.Message -> Process Bool
    , rawHandler :: s -> P.Message -> Process (Maybe (Filter s))
    } -- ^ A raw handler, usable where the target handler is based on @handleRaw@
  | HandleState { stateHandler :: s -> Process (Maybe (Filter s)) }
  | HandleSafe
      safeCheck :: s -> P.Message -> Process Bool
    } -- ^ A safe wrapper

check :: forall c s m . (Check c s m)
      => c -> (s -> Process (Filter s)) -> s -> m -> Process (Filter s)

-- | Create a filter from a @FilterHandler@.
check :: forall s . FilterHandler s -> DispatchFilter s
check h
  | HandlePure{..}  <- h = FilterAny $ \s m -> pureCheck s m >>= procUnless s m handler
  | HandleRaw{..}   <- h = FilterRaw $ \s m -> do
      c <- rawCheck s m
      if c then return $ Just $ FilterOk s
           else rawHandler s m
  | HandleState{..} <- h = FilterState stateHandler
  | HandleApi{..}   <- h = FilterApi $ \s m@(CallMessage m' _) -> do
      c <- apiCheck s m'
      if c then return $ FilterOk s
           else apiHandler s m
  | HandleSafe{..}  <- h = FilterRaw $ \s m -> do
      c <- safeCheck s m
      let ctr = if c then FilterSafe else FilterOk
      return $ Just $ ctr s

    procUnless s _ _ True  = return $ FilterOk s
    procUnless s m h' False = h' s m

-- | A raw filter (targetting raw messages).
raw :: forall s .
       (s -> P.Message -> Process Bool)
    -> (s -> P.Message -> Process (Maybe (Filter s)))
    -> FilterHandler s
raw = HandleRaw

-- | A raw filter that ignores the server state in its condition expression.
raw_ :: forall s .
        (P.Message -> Process Bool)
     -> (s -> P.Message -> Process (Maybe (Filter s)))
     -> FilterHandler s
raw_ c h = raw (const $ c) h

-- | An API filter (targetting /call/, /cast/, and /chan/ messages).
api :: forall s m b . (Serializable m, Serializable b)
    => (s -> m -> Process Bool)
    -> (s -> Message m b -> Process (Filter s))
    -> FilterHandler s
api = HandleApi

-- | An API filter that ignores the server state in its condition expression.
api_ :: forall m b s . (Serializable m, Serializable b)
     => (m -> Process Bool)
     -> (s -> Message m b -> Process (Filter s))
     -> FilterHandler s
api_ c h = api (const $ c) h

-- | An info filter (targetting info messages of a specific type)
info :: forall s m . (Serializable m)
        => (s -> m -> Process Bool)
        -> (s -> m -> Process (Filter s))
        -> FilterHandler s
info = HandlePure

-- | An info filter that ignores the server state in its condition expression.
info_ :: forall s m . (Serializable m)
        => (m -> Process Bool)
        -> (s -> m -> Process (Filter s))
        -> FilterHandler s
info_ c h = info (const $ c) h

-- | As 'safe', but as applied to api messages (i.e. those originating from
-- call as cast client interactions).
apiSafe :: forall s m b . (Serializable m, Serializable b)
     => (s -> m -> Maybe b -> Bool)
     -> DispatchFilter s
apiSafe c = check $ HandleSafe (go c)
    go c' s (i :: P.Message) = do
      m <- unwrapMessage i :: Process (Maybe (Message m b))
      case m of
        Just (CallMessage m' _) -> return $ c' s m' Nothing
        Just (CastMessage m')   -> return $ c' s m' Nothing
        Just (ChanMessage m' _) -> return $ c' s m' Nothing
        Nothing                 -> return False

-- | Given a check expression, if it evaluates to @True@ for some input,
-- then do not dequeue the message until after any matching handlers have
-- successfully run, or the the unhandled message policy is chosen if none match.
-- Thus, if an exit signal (async exception) terminates execution of a handler, and we
-- have an installed exit handler which allows the process to continue running,
-- we will retry the input in question since it has not been fully dequeued prior
-- to the exit signal arriving.
safe :: forall s m . (Serializable m)
     => (s -> m -> Bool)
     -> DispatchFilter s
safe c = check $ HandleSafe (go c)
    go c' s (i :: P.Message) = do
      m <- unwrapMessage i :: Process (Maybe m)
      case m of
        Just m' -> return $ c' s m'
        Nothing -> return False

-- | As 'safe', but matches on a raw message.
safely :: forall s . (s -> P.Message -> Bool) -> DispatchFilter s
safely c = check $ HandleSafe $ \s m -> return (c s m)

-- | Create a filter expression that will reject all messages of a specific type.
reject :: forall s m r . (Show r)
       => r -> s -> m -> Process (Filter s)
reject r = \s _ -> do return $ FilterReject (show r) s

-- | Create a filter expression that will crash (i.e. stop) the server.
crash :: forall s . s -> ExitReason -> Process (Filter s)
crash s r = return $ FilterStop s r

-- | A version of @reject@ that deals with API messages (i.e. /call/, /cast/, etc)
-- and in the case of a /call/ interaction, will reject the messages and reply to
-- the sender accordingly (with @CallRejected@).
rejectApi :: forall s m b r . (Show r, Serializable m, Serializable b)
          => r -> s -> Message m b -> Process (Filter s)
rejectApi r = \s m -> do let r' = show r
                         rejectToCaller m r'
                         return $ FilterSkip s

-- | Modify the server state every time a message is recieved.
store :: (s -> s) -> DispatchFilter s
store f = FilterState $ return . Just . FilterOk . f

-- | Motify the server state when messages of a certain type arrive...
storeM :: forall s m . (Serializable m)
       => (s -> m -> Process s)
       -> DispatchFilter s
storeM proc = check $ HandlePure (\_ _ -> return True)
                                 (\s m -> proc s m >>= return . FilterOk)

-- | Refuse messages for which the given expression evaluates to @True@.
refuse :: forall s m . (Serializable m)
       => (m -> Bool)
       -> DispatchFilter s
refuse c = check $ info (const $ \m -> return $ c m) (reject RejectedByServer)

apiCheck :: forall s m r . (Serializable m, Serializable r)
      => (s -> Message m r -> Bool)
      -> (s -> Message m r -> Process (Filter s))
      -> DispatchFilter s
apiCheck c h = checkM (\s m -> return $ c s m) h

-- | Ensure that the server state is consistent with the given expression each
-- time a message arrives/is processed. If the expression evaluates to @True@
-- then the filter will evaluate to "FilterOk", otherwise "FilterStop" (which
-- will cause the server loop to stop with @ExitOther filterFail@).
ensure :: forall s . (s -> Bool) -> DispatchFilter s
ensure c =
  check $ HandleState { stateHandler = (\s -> if c s
                                                then return $ Just $ FilterOk s
                                                else return $ Just $ FilterStop s filterFail)
-- | As @ensure@ but runs in the @Process@ monad, and matches only inputs of type @m@.
ensureM :: forall s m . (Serializable m) => (s -> m -> Process Bool) -> DispatchFilter s
ensureM c =
  check $ HandlePure { pureCheck = c
                     , handler = (\s _ -> return $ FilterStop s filterFail) :: s -> m -> Process (Filter s)

-- TODO: add the type rep for a more descriptive failure message

filterFail :: ExitReason
filterFail = ExitOther "Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess.Priority:FilterFailed"

-- | Sets an explicit priority from 1..100. Values > 100 are rounded to 100,
-- and values < 1 are set to 0.
setPriority :: Int -> Priority m
setPriority n
  | n < 1     = Priority 0
  | n > 100   = Priority 100
  | otherwise = Priority n

-- | Prioritise a call handler, ignoring the server's state
prioritiseCall_ :: forall s a b . (Serializable a, Serializable b)
                => (a -> Priority b)
                -> DispatchPriority s
prioritiseCall_ h = prioritiseCall (const h)

-- | Prioritise a call handler
prioritiseCall :: forall s a b . (Serializable a, Serializable b)
               => (s -> a -> Priority b)
               -> DispatchPriority s
prioritiseCall h = PrioritiseCall (unCall . h)
    unCall :: (a -> Priority b) -> P.Message -> Process (Maybe (Int, P.Message))
    unCall h' m = fmap (matchPrioritise m h') (unwrapMessage m)

    matchPrioritise :: P.Message
                    -> (a -> Priority b)
                    -> Maybe (Message a b)
                    -> Maybe (Int, P.Message)
    matchPrioritise msg p msgIn
      | (Just a@(CallMessage m _)) <- msgIn
      , True  <- isEncoded msg = Just (getPrio $ p m, wrapMessage a)
      | (Just   (CallMessage m _)) <- msgIn
      , False <- isEncoded msg = Just (getPrio $ p m, msg)
      | otherwise              = Nothing

-- | Prioritise a cast handler, ignoring the server's state
prioritiseCast_ :: forall s a . (Serializable a)
                => (a -> Priority ())
                -> DispatchPriority s
prioritiseCast_ h = prioritiseCast (const h)

-- | Prioritise a cast handler
prioritiseCast :: forall s a . (Serializable a)
               => (s -> a -> Priority ())
               -> DispatchPriority s
prioritiseCast h = PrioritiseCast (unCast . h)
    unCast :: (a -> Priority ()) -> P.Message -> Process (Maybe (Int, P.Message))
    unCast h' m = fmap (matchPrioritise m h') (unwrapMessage m)

    matchPrioritise :: P.Message
                    -> (a -> Priority ())
                    -> Maybe (Message a ())
                    -> Maybe (Int, P.Message)
    matchPrioritise msg p msgIn
      | (Just a@(CastMessage m)) <- msgIn
      , True  <- isEncoded msg = Just (getPrio $ p m, wrapMessage a)
      | (Just   (CastMessage m)) <- msgIn
      , False <- isEncoded msg = Just (getPrio $ p m, msg)
      | otherwise              = Nothing

-- | Prioritise an info handler, ignoring the server's state
prioritiseInfo_ :: forall s a . (Serializable a)
                => (a -> Priority ())
                -> DispatchPriority s
prioritiseInfo_ h = prioritiseInfo (const h)

-- | Prioritise an info handler
prioritiseInfo :: forall s a . (Serializable a)
               => (s -> a -> Priority ())
               -> DispatchPriority s
prioritiseInfo h = PrioritiseInfo (unMsg . h)
    unMsg :: (a -> Priority ()) -> P.Message -> Process (Maybe (Int, P.Message))
    unMsg h' m = fmap (matchPrioritise m h') (unwrapMessage m)

    matchPrioritise :: P.Message
                    -> (a -> Priority ())
                    -> Maybe a
                    -> Maybe (Int, P.Message)
    matchPrioritise msg p msgIn
      | (Just m') <- msgIn
      , True <- isEncoded msg  = Just (getPrio $ p m', wrapMessage m')
      | (Just m') <- msgIn
      , False <- isEncoded msg = Just (getPrio $ p m', msg)
      | otherwise              = Nothing