distributed-process-client-server-0.2.3: The Cloud Haskell Application Platform

Copyright(c) Tim Watson 2017
LicenseBSD3 (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerTim Watson <watson.timothy@gmail.com>
Portabilitynon-portable (requires concurrency)
Safe HaskellNone



This module provides a wrap around a simple Timer that can be started, stopped, reset, cleared, and read. A convenient function is provided for creating a Match expression for the timer.


The timers defined in this module are based on a TVar Bool. When the client program is -threaded (i.e. rtsSupportsBoundThreads == True), then the timers are set using registerDelay, which is very efficient and relies only no the RTS IO Manager. When we're not -threaded, we fall back to using Control.Distributed.Process.Extras.Timer to set the TVar, which has much the same effect, but requires us to spawn a process to handle setting the TVar - a process which could theoretically die before setting the variable.



data Timer Source #

We hold timers in 2 states, each described by a Delay. isActive = isJust . mtSignal the TimerRef is optional since we only use the Timer module from extras when we're unable to registerDelay (i.e. not running under -threaded)

type TimerKey = Int Source #

A key for storing timers in prioritised process backing state.

delayTimer :: Delay -> Timer Source #

Creates a default Timer which is inactive.

startTimer :: Delay -> Process Timer Source #

Starts a Timer Will use the GHC registerDelay API if rtsSupportsBoundThreads == True

stopTimer :: Timer -> Process Timer Source #

Stops a previously started Timer. Has no effect if the Timer is inactive.

resetTimer :: Timer -> Delay -> Process Timer Source #

Clears and restarts a Timer.

clearTimer :: Maybe TimerRef -> Process () Source #

Clears/cancels a running timer. Has no effect if the Timer is inactive.

matchTimeout :: Timer -> [Match (Either TimedOut Message)] Source #

Creates a Match for a given timer, for use with Cloud Haskell's messaging primitives for selective receives.

matchKey :: TimerKey -> Timer -> [Match (Either TimedOut Message)] Source #

Create a match expression for a given Timer. When the timer expires (i.e. the "TVar Bool" is set to True), the Match will return Yield i, where i is the given TimerKey.

matchRun :: (TimerKey -> Process Message) -> TimerKey -> Timer -> [Match Message] Source #

As "matchKey", but instead of a returning Yield i, the generated Match handler evaluates the first argument - and expression from TimerKey to Process Message - to determine its result.

isActive :: Timer -> Bool Source #

True if a Timer is currently active.

readTimer :: TVar Bool -> STM TimedOut Source #

Reads a given TVar Bool for a timer, and returns STM TimedOut once the variable is set to true. Will retry in the meanwhile.

data TimedOut Source #

Used during STM reads on Timers and to implement blocking. Since timers can be associated with a TimerKey, the second constructor for this type yields a key indicating whic Timer it refers to. Note that the user is responsible for establishing and maintaining the mapping between Timers and their keys.


Yield TimerKey 


Eq TimedOut Source # 
Show TimedOut Source # 
Generic TimedOut Source # 

Associated Types

type Rep TimedOut :: * -> * #


from :: TimedOut -> Rep TimedOut x #

to :: Rep TimedOut x -> TimedOut #

Binary TimedOut Source # 


put :: TimedOut -> Put #

get :: Get TimedOut #

putList :: [TimedOut] -> Put #

type Rep TimedOut Source # 
type Rep TimedOut = D1 (MetaData "TimedOut" "Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess.Timer" "distributed-process-client-server-0.2.3-LAfrB7r6nOtF6faAl4GqV6" False) ((:+:) (C1 (MetaCons "TimedOut" PrefixI False) U1) (C1 (MetaCons "Yield" PrefixI False) (S1 (MetaSel (Nothing Symbol) NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 TimerKey))))