distributed-process-client-server-0.2.3: The Cloud Haskell Application Platform

Copyright(c) Tim Watson 2012 - 2017
LicenseBSD3 (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerTim Watson <watson.timothy@gmail.com>
Portabilitynon-portable (requires concurrency)
Safe HaskellNone




The Server Portion of the Managed Process API.


Server actions

condition :: forall a b. (Serializable a, Serializable b) => (a -> b -> Bool) -> Condition a b Source #

Creates a Condition from a function that takes a process state a and an input message b and returns a Bool indicating whether the associated handler should run.

state :: forall s m. Serializable m => (s -> Bool) -> Condition s m Source #

Create a Condition from a function that takes a process state a and returns a Bool indicating whether the associated handler should run.

input :: forall s m. Serializable m => (m -> Bool) -> Condition s m Source #

Creates a Condition from a function that takes an input message m and returns a Bool indicating whether the associated handler should run.

reply :: Serializable r => r -> s -> Reply r s Source #

Instructs the process to send a reply and continue running.

replyWith :: Serializable r => r -> ProcessAction s -> Reply r s Source #

Instructs the process to send a reply and evaluate the ProcessAction.

noReply :: Serializable r => ProcessAction s -> Reply r s Source #

Instructs the process to skip sending a reply and evaluate a ProcessAction

continue :: s -> Action s Source #

Instructs the process to continue running and receiving messages.

timeoutAfter :: Delay -> s -> Action s Source #

Instructs the process loop to wait for incoming messages until Delay is exceeded. If no messages are handled during this period, the timeout handler will be called. Note that this alters the process timeout permanently such that the given Delay will remain in use until changed.

Note that timeoutAfter NoDelay will cause the timeout handler to execute immediately if no messages are present in the process' mailbox.

hibernate :: TimeInterval -> s -> Process (ProcessAction s) Source #

Instructs the process to hibernate for the given TimeInterval. Note that no messages will be removed from the mailbox until after hibernation has ceased. This is equivalent to calling threadDelay.

stop :: ExitReason -> Action s Source #

Instructs the process to terminate, giving the supplied reason. If a valid shutdownHandler is installed, it will be called with the ExitReason returned from this call, along with the process state.

stopWith :: s -> ExitReason -> Action s Source #

As stop, but provides an updated state for the shutdown handler.

replyTo :: Serializable m => CallRef m -> m -> Process () Source #

Sends a reply explicitly to a caller.

replyTo = sendTo

replyChan :: Serializable m => SendPort m -> m -> Process () Source #

Sends a reply to a SendPort (for use in handleRpcChan et al).

replyChan = sendChan

reject :: forall r s. s -> String -> Reply r s Source #

Reject the message we're currently handling.

rejectWith :: forall r m s. Show r => s -> r -> Reply m s Source #

Reject the message we're currently handling, giving an explicit reason.

become :: forall s. ProcessDefinition s -> s -> Action s Source #

The server loop will execute against the supplied ProcessDefinition, allowing the process to change its behaviour (in terms of message handlers, exit handling, termination, unhandled message policy, etc)

Stateless actions

noReply_ :: forall s r. Serializable r => s -> Reply r s Source #

Continue without giving a reply to the caller - equivalent to continue, but usable in a callback passed to the handleCall family of functions.

haltNoReply_ :: Serializable r => ExitReason -> Reply r s Source #

Halt process execution during a call handler, without paying any attention to the expected return type.

continue_ :: s -> Action s Source #

Version of continue that can be used in handlers that ignore process state.

timeoutAfter_ :: StatelessHandler s Delay Source #

Version of timeoutAfter that can be used in handlers that ignore process state.

action (\(TimeoutPlease duration) -> timeoutAfter_ duration)

hibernate_ :: StatelessHandler s TimeInterval Source #

Version of hibernate that can be used in handlers that ignore process state.

action (\(HibernatePlease delay) -> hibernate_ delay)

stop_ :: StatelessHandler s ExitReason Source #

Version of stop that can be used in handlers that ignore process state.

action (\ClientError -> stop_ ExitNormal)

Server handler/callback creation

handleCall :: (Serializable a, Serializable b) => CallHandler s a b -> Dispatcher s Source #

Constructs a call handler from a function in the Process monad. > handleCall = handleCallIf (const True)

handleCallIf Source #


:: (Serializable a, Serializable b) 
=> Condition s a

predicate that must be satisfied for the handler to run

-> CallHandler s a b

a reply yielding function over the process state and input message

-> Dispatcher s 

Constructs a call handler from an ordinary function in the Process monad. Given a function f :: (s -> a -> Process (ProcessReply b s)), the expression handleCall f will yield a Dispatcher for inclusion in a Behaviour specification for the GenProcess. Messages are only dispatched to the handler if the supplied condition evaluates to True.

handleCallFrom :: forall s a b. (Serializable a, Serializable b) => DeferredCallHandler s a b -> Dispatcher s Source #

As handleCall but passes the CallRef to the handler function. This can be useful if you wish to reply later to the caller by, e.g., spawning a process to do some work and have it replyTo caller response out of band. In this case the callback can pass the CallRef to the worker (or stash it away itself) and return noReply.

handleCallFromIf Source #


:: (Serializable a, Serializable b) 
=> Condition s a

predicate that must be satisfied for the handler to run

-> DeferredCallHandler s a b

a reply yielding function over the process state, sender and input message

-> Dispatcher s 

As handleCallFrom but only runs the handler if the supplied Condition evaluates to True.

handleRpcChan :: forall s a b. (Serializable a, Serializable b) => ChannelHandler s a b -> Dispatcher s Source #

Creates a handler for a typed channel RPC style interaction. The handler takes a SendPort b to reply to, the initial input and evaluates to a ProcessAction. It is the handler code's responsibility to send the reply to the SendPort.

handleRpcChanIf :: forall s a b. (Serializable a, Serializable b) => Condition s a -> ChannelHandler s a b -> Dispatcher s Source #

As handleRpcChan, but only evaluates the handler if the supplied condition is met.

handleCast :: Serializable a => CastHandler s a -> Dispatcher s Source #

Constructs a cast handler from an ordinary function in the Process monad. > handleCast = handleCastIf (const True)

handleCastIf Source #


:: Serializable a 
=> Condition s a

predicate that must be satisfied for the handler to run

-> CastHandler s a

an action yielding function over the process state and input message

-> Dispatcher s 

Constructs a cast handler from an ordinary function in the Process monad. Given a function f :: (s -> a -> Process (ProcessAction s)), the expression handleCall f will yield a Dispatcher for inclusion in a Behaviour specification for the GenProcess.

handleInfo :: forall s a. Serializable a => ActionHandler s a -> DeferredDispatcher s Source #

Creates a generic input handler (i.e., for received messages that are not sent using the cast or call APIs) from an ordinary function in the Process monad.

handleRaw :: forall s. ActionHandler s Message -> DeferredDispatcher s Source #

Handle completely raw input messages.

handleDispatch :: forall s a. Serializable a => ActionHandler s a -> Dispatcher s Source #

Constructs a handler for both call and cast messages. handleDispatch = handleDispatchIf (const True)

handleDispatchIf :: forall s a. Serializable a => Condition s a -> ActionHandler s a -> Dispatcher s Source #

Constructs a handler for both call and cast messages. Messages are only dispatched to the handler if the supplied condition evaluates to True. Handlers defined in this way have no access to the call context (if one exists) and cannot therefore reply to calls.

handleExit :: forall s a. Serializable a => (ProcessId -> ActionHandler s a) -> ExitSignalDispatcher s Source #

Creates an exit handler scoped to the execution of any and all the registered call, cast and info handlers for the process.

handleExitIf :: forall s a. Serializable a => (s -> a -> Bool) -> (ProcessId -> ActionHandler s a) -> ExitSignalDispatcher s Source #

Conditional version of handleExit

Stateless handlers

action Source #


:: Serializable a 
=> StatelessHandler s a

a function from the input message to a stateless action, cf continue_

-> Dispatcher s 

Constructs an action handler. Like handleDispatch this can handle both cast and call messages, but you won't know which you're dealing with. This can be useful where certain inputs require a definite action, such as stopping the server, without concern for the state (e.g., when stopping we need only decide to stop, as the terminate handler can deal with state cleanup etc). For example:

action (MyCriticalSignal -> stop_ ExitNormal)

handleCall_ :: (Serializable a, Serializable b) => (a -> Process b) -> Dispatcher s Source #

Constructs a call handler from a function in the Process monad. The handler expression returns the reply, and the action will be set to continue.

handleCall_ = handleCallIf_ $ input (const True)

handleCallIf_ Source #


:: (Serializable a, Serializable b) 
=> Condition s a

predicate that must be satisfied for the handler to run

-> (a -> Process b)

a function from an input message to a reply

-> Dispatcher s 

Constructs a call handler from an ordinary function in the Process monad. This variant ignores the state argument present in handleCall and handleCallIf and is therefore useful in a stateless server. Messges are only dispatched to the handler if the supplied condition evaluates to True

See handleCall

handleCallFrom_ :: forall s a b. (Serializable a, Serializable b) => StatelessCallHandler s a b -> Dispatcher s Source #

A variant of handleCallFrom_ that ignores the state argument.

handleCallFromIf_ :: forall s a b. (Serializable a, Serializable b) => Condition s a -> StatelessCallHandler s a b -> Dispatcher s Source #

A variant of handleCallFromIf that ignores the state argument.

handleRpcChan_ :: forall s a b. (Serializable a, Serializable b) => StatelessChannelHandler s a b -> Dispatcher s Source #

A variant of handleRpcChan that ignores the state argument.

handleRpcChanIf_ :: forall s a b. (Serializable a, Serializable b) => Condition s a -> StatelessChannelHandler s a b -> Dispatcher s Source #

A variant of handleRpcChanIf that ignores the state argument.

handleCast_ :: Serializable a => StatelessHandler s a -> Dispatcher s Source #

Version of handleCast that ignores the server state.

handleCastIf_ Source #


:: Serializable a 
=> Condition s a

predicate that must be satisfied for the handler to run

-> StatelessHandler s a

a function from the input message to a stateless action, cf continue_

-> Dispatcher s 

Version of handleCastIf that ignores the server state.

Working with Control Channels

handleControlChan Source #


:: Serializable a 
=> ControlChannel a

the receiving end of the control channel

-> ActionHandler s a

an action yielding function over the process state and input message

-> ExternDispatcher s 

Constructs a control channel handler from a function in the Process monad. The handler expression returns no reply, and the control message is treated in the same fashion as a cast.

handleControlChan = handleControlChanIf $ input (const True)

handleControlChan_ :: forall s a. Serializable a => ControlChannel a -> StatelessHandler s a -> ExternDispatcher s Source #

Version of handleControlChan that ignores the server state.

Working with external/STM actions

handleExternal :: forall s a. Serializable a => STM a -> ActionHandler s a -> ExternDispatcher s Source #

Creates a generic input handler for STM actions, from an ordinary function in the Process monad. The STM a action tells the server how to read inputs, which when presented are passed to the handler in the same manner as handleInfo messages would be.

Note that messages sent to the server's mailbox will never match this handler, only data arriving via the STM a action will.

Notably, this kind of handler can be used to pass non-serialisable data to a server process. In such situations, the programmer is responsible for managing the underlying STM infrastructure, and the server simply composes the STM a action with the other reads on its mailbox, using the underlying matchSTM API from distributed-process.

NB: this function cannot be used with a prioristised process definition.

handleExternal_ :: forall s a. Serializable a => STM a -> StatelessHandler s a -> ExternDispatcher s Source #

Version of handleExternal that ignores state.

handleCallExternal :: forall s r w. Serializable r => STM r -> (w -> STM ()) -> CallHandler s r w -> ExternDispatcher s Source #

Handle call style API interactions using arbitrary STM actions.

The usual CallHandler is preceded by an stm action that, when evaluated, yields a value, and a second expression that is used to send a reply back to the caller. The corrolary client API is callSTM.