diagrams-lib-0.2: Embedded domain-specific language for declarative graphics





Paths in two dimensions are special since we may stroke them to create a 2D diagram, and (eventually) perform operations such as intersection and union.


Constructing path-based diagrams

stroke :: Renderable (Path R2) b => Path R2 -> Diagram b R2Source

Convert a path into a diagram. The resulting diagram has the names 0, 1, ... assigned to each of the path's vertices.

Note that a bug in GHC 7.0.1 causes a context stack overflow when inferring the type of stroke. The solution is to give a type signature to expressions involving stroke, or (recommended) upgrade GHC (the bug is fixed in 7.0.2 onwards).

strokeT :: Renderable (Path R2) b => Trail R2 -> Diagram b R2Source

A composition of stroke and pathFromTrail for conveniently converting a trail directly into a diagram.

Note that a bug in GHC 7.0.1 causes a context stack overflow when inferring the type of stroke and hence of strokeT as well. The solution is to give a type signature to expressions involving strokeT, or (recommended) upgrade GHC (the bug is fixed in 7.0.2 onwards).


newtype Clip Source

Clip tracks the accumulated clipping paths applied to a diagram. Note that the semigroup structure on Clip is list concatenation, so applying multiple clipping paths is sensible. The clipping region is the intersection of all the applied clipping paths.


Clip [Path R2] 

clipBy :: (HasStyle a, V a ~ R2) => Path R2 -> a -> aSource

Clip a diagram by the given path:

  • Only the parts of the diagram which lie in the interior of the path will be drawn.
  • The bounding function of the diagram is unaffected.