module Dhall.LSP.Backend.Typing (annotateLet, exprAt, srcAt, typeAt) where

import Dhall.Context   (Context, empty, insert)
import Dhall.Core
    ( Binding (..)
    , Expr (..)
    , FunctionBinding (..)
    , Var (..)
    , normalize
    , shift
    , subExpressions
    , subst
import Dhall.Parser    (Src (..))
import Dhall.TypeCheck (TypeError (..), typeWithA)

import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Lens        (toListOf)
import Data.Bifunctor      (first)
import Data.Void           (Void, absurd)

import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Dhall       (WellTyped, fromWellTyped)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Diagnostics (Position, Range (..), rangeFromDhall)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Parsing
    ( getForallIdentifier
    , getLamIdentifier
    , getLetAnnot
    , getLetIdentifier
    , getLetInner

-- | Find the type of the subexpression at the given position. Assumes that the
--   input expression is well-typed. Also returns the Src descriptor containing
--   that subexpression if possible.
typeAt :: Position -> WellTyped -> Either String (Maybe Src, Expr Src Void)
typeAt pos expr = do
  expr' <- case splitMultiLetSrc (fromWellTyped expr) of
             Just e -> return e
             Nothing -> Left "The impossible happened: failed to split let\
                              \ blocks when preprocessing for typeAt'."
  (mSrc, typ) <- first show $ typeAt' pos empty expr'
  case mSrc of
    Just src -> return (Just src, normalize typ)
    Nothing -> return (srcAt pos expr', normalize typ)

typeAt' :: Position -> Context (Expr Src Void) -> Expr Src Void -> Either (TypeError Src Void) (Maybe Src, Expr Src Void)
-- the user hovered over the bound name in a let expression
typeAt' pos ctx (Note src (Let (Binding { value = a }) _)) | pos `inside` getLetIdentifier src = do
  typ <- typeWithA absurd ctx a
  return (Just $ getLetIdentifier src, typ)

-- "..." in a lambda expression
typeAt' pos _ctx (Note src (Lam FunctionBinding { functionBindingAnnotation = _A} _))
  | Just src' <- getLamIdentifier src
  , pos `inside` src' =
  return (Just src', _A)

-- "..." in a forall expression
typeAt' pos _ctx (Note src (Pi _ _A _)) | Just src' <- getForallIdentifier src
                                        , pos `inside` src' =
  return (Just src', _A)

typeAt' pos ctx (Let (Binding { variable = x, value = a }) e@(Note src _)) | pos `inside` src = do
  _ <- typeWithA absurd ctx a
  let a' = shift 1 (V x 0) (normalize a)
  typeAt' pos ctx (shift (-1) (V x 0) (subst (V x 0) a' e))

typeAt' pos ctx (Lam FunctionBinding { functionBindingVariable = x, functionBindingAnnotation = _A} b@(Note src _))
  | pos `inside` src = do
      let _A' = Dhall.Core.normalize _A
          ctx' = fmap (shift 1 (V x 0)) (insert x _A' ctx)
      typeAt' pos ctx' b

typeAt' pos ctx (Pi x _A  _B@(Note src _)) | pos `inside` src = do
  let _A' = Dhall.Core.normalize _A
      ctx' = fmap (shift 1 (V x 0)) (insert x _A' ctx)
  typeAt' pos ctx' _B

-- peel off a single Note constructor
typeAt' pos ctx (Note _ expr) = typeAt' pos ctx expr

-- catch-all
typeAt' pos ctx expr = do
  let subExprs = toListOf subExpressions expr
  case [ (src, e) | (Note src e) <- subExprs, pos `inside` src ] of
    [] -> do typ <- typeWithA absurd ctx expr  -- return type of whole subexpression
             return (Nothing, typ)
    ((src, e):_) -> typeAt' pos ctx (Note src e)  -- continue with leaf-expression

-- | Find the smallest Note-wrapped expression at the given position.
exprAt :: Position -> Expr Src a -> Maybe (Expr Src a)
exprAt pos e = do e' <- splitMultiLetSrc e
                  exprAt' pos e'

exprAt' :: Position -> Expr Src a -> Maybe (Expr Src a)
exprAt' pos e@(Note _ expr) = exprAt pos expr <|> Just e
exprAt' pos expr =
  let subExprs = toListOf subExpressions expr
  in case [ (src, e) | (Note src e) <- subExprs, pos `inside` src ] of
    [] -> Nothing
    ((src,e) : _) -> exprAt' pos e <|> Just (Note src e)

-- | Find the smallest Src annotation containing the given position.
srcAt :: Position -> Expr Src a -> Maybe Src
srcAt pos expr = do Note src _ <- exprAt pos expr
                    return src

-- | Given a well-typed expression and a position find the let binder at that
--   position (if there is one) and return the type annotation to be inserted
--   (potentially replacing the existing one). If something goes wrong returns a
--   textual error message.
annotateLet :: Position -> WellTyped -> Either String (Src, Expr Src Void)
annotateLet pos expr = do
  expr' <- case splitMultiLetSrc (fromWellTyped expr) of
             Just e -> return e
             Nothing -> Left "The impossible happened: failed to split let\
                              \ blocks when preprocessing for annotateLet'."
  annotateLet' pos empty expr'

annotateLet' :: Position -> Context (Expr Src Void) -> Expr Src Void
             -> Either String (Src, Expr Src Void)
-- the input only contains singleton lets
annotateLet' pos ctx (Note src e@(Let (Binding { value = a }) _))
  | not $ any (pos `inside`) [ src' | Note src' _ <- toListOf subExpressions e ]
  = do _A <- first show $ typeWithA absurd ctx a
       srcAnnot <- case getLetAnnot src of
                     Just x -> return x
                     Nothing -> Left "The impossible happened: failed\
                                     \ to re-parse a Let expression."
       return (srcAnnot, normalize _A)

-- binders, see typeAt'
annotateLet' pos ctx (Let (Binding { variable = x, value = a }) e@(Note src _)) | pos `inside` src = do
  _ <- first show $ typeWithA absurd ctx a
  let a' = shift 1 (V x 0) (normalize a)
  annotateLet' pos ctx (shift (-1) (V x 0) (subst (V x 0) a' e))

annotateLet' pos ctx (Lam FunctionBinding{ functionBindingVariable = x, functionBindingAnnotation = _A } b@(Note src _)) | pos `inside` src = do
  let _A' = Dhall.Core.normalize _A
      ctx' = fmap (shift 1 (V x 0)) (insert x _A' ctx)
  annotateLet' pos ctx' b

annotateLet' pos ctx (Pi x _A _B@(Note src _)) | pos `inside` src = do
  let _A' = Dhall.Core.normalize _A
      ctx' = fmap (shift 1 (V x 0)) (insert x _A' ctx)
  annotateLet' pos ctx' _B

-- we need to unfold Notes to make progress
annotateLet' pos ctx (Note _ expr) =
  annotateLet' pos ctx expr

-- catch-all
annotateLet' pos ctx expr = do
  let subExprs = toListOf subExpressions expr
  case [ Note src e | (Note src e) <- subExprs, pos `inside` src ] of
    [e] -> annotateLet' pos ctx e
    _ -> Left "You weren't pointing at a let binder!"

-- Make sure all lets in a multilet are annotated with their source information
splitMultiLetSrc :: Expr Src a -> Maybe (Expr Src a)
splitMultiLetSrc (Note src (Let b (Let b' e))) = do
  src' <- getLetInner src
  splitMultiLetSrc (Note src (Let b (Note src' (Let b' e))))
splitMultiLetSrc expr = subExpressions splitMultiLetSrc expr

-- Check if range lies completely inside a given subexpression.
-- This version takes trailing whitespace into account
-- (c.f. `sanitiseRange` from Backend.Diangostics).
inside :: Position -> Src -> Bool
inside pos src = left <= pos && pos < right
  where Range left right = rangeFromDhall src