{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Dhall.Normalize (
, normalize
, normalizeWith
, normalizeWithM
, Normalizer
, NormalizerM
, ReifiedNormalizer (..)
, judgmentallyEqual
, subst
, shift
, isNormalized
, isNormalizedWith
, freeIn
) where
import Control.Applicative (empty)
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
import Data.Sequence (ViewL(..), ViewR(..))
import Data.Traversable
import Instances.TH.Lift ()
import Prelude hiding (succ)
import Dhall.Syntax
( Expr(..)
, Var(..)
, Binding(Binding)
, Chunks(..)
, DhallDouble(..)
, Const(..)
, PreferAnnotation(..)
import qualified Data.Sequence
import qualified Data.Set
import qualified Data.Text
import qualified Dhall.Eval as Eval
import qualified Dhall.Map
import qualified Dhall.Set
import qualified Dhall.Syntax as Syntax
import qualified Lens.Family as Lens
judgmentallyEqual :: Eq a => Expr s a -> Expr t a -> Bool
judgmentallyEqual = Eval.judgmentallyEqual
{-# INLINE judgmentallyEqual #-}
shift :: Int -> Var -> Expr s a -> Expr s a
shift d (V x n) (Var (V x' n')) = Var (V x' n'')
n'' = if x == x' && n <= n' then n' + d else n'
shift d (V x n) (Lam x' _A b) = Lam x' _A' b'
_A' = shift d (V x n ) _A
b' = shift d (V x n') b
n' = if x == x' then n + 1 else n
shift d (V x n) (Pi x' _A _B) = Pi x' _A' _B'
_A' = shift d (V x n ) _A
_B' = shift d (V x n') _B
n' = if x == x' then n + 1 else n
shift d (V x n) (Let (Binding src0 f src1 mt src2 r) e) =
Let (Binding src0 f src1 mt' src2 r') e'
e' = shift d (V x n') e
n' = if x == f then n + 1 else n
mt' = fmap (fmap (shift d (V x n))) mt
r' = shift d (V x n) r
shift d v expression = Lens.over Syntax.subExpressions (shift d v) expression
subst :: Var -> Expr s a -> Expr s a -> Expr s a
subst _ _ (Const a) = Const a
subst (V x n) e (Lam y _A b) = Lam y _A' b'
_A' = subst (V x n ) e _A
b' = subst (V x n') (shift 1 (V y 0) e) b
n' = if x == y then n + 1 else n
subst (V x n) e (Pi y _A _B) = Pi y _A' _B'
_A' = subst (V x n ) e _A
_B' = subst (V x n') (shift 1 (V y 0) e) _B
n' = if x == y then n + 1 else n
subst v e (Var v') = if v == v' then e else Var v'
subst (V x n) e (Let (Binding src0 f src1 mt src2 r) b) =
Let (Binding src0 f src1 mt' src2 r') b'
b' = subst (V x n') (shift 1 (V f 0) e) b
n' = if x == f then n + 1 else n
mt' = fmap (fmap (subst (V x n) e)) mt
r' = subst (V x n) e r
subst x e expression = Lens.over Syntax.subExpressions (subst x e) expression
boundedType :: Expr s a -> Bool
boundedType Bool = True
boundedType Natural = True
boundedType Integer = True
boundedType Double = True
boundedType Text = True
boundedType (App List _) = False
boundedType (App Optional t) = boundedType t
boundedType (Record kvs) = all boundedType kvs
boundedType (Union kvs) = all (all boundedType) kvs
boundedType _ = False
alphaNormalize :: Expr s a -> Expr s a
alphaNormalize = Eval.alphaNormalize
{-# INLINE alphaNormalize #-}
normalize :: Eq a => Expr s a -> Expr t a
normalize = Eval.normalize
{-# INLINE normalize #-}
normalizeWith :: Eq a => Maybe (ReifiedNormalizer a) -> Expr s a -> Expr t a
normalizeWith (Just ctx) t = runIdentity (normalizeWithM (getReifiedNormalizer ctx) t)
normalizeWith _ t = Eval.normalize t
:: (Monad m, Eq a) => NormalizerM m a -> Expr s a -> m (Expr t a)
normalizeWithM ctx e0 = loop (Syntax.denote e0)
loop e = case e of
Const k -> pure (Const k)
Var v -> pure (Var v)
Lam x _A b -> Lam x <$> _A' <*> b'
_A' = loop _A
b' = loop b
Pi x _A _B -> Pi x <$> _A' <*> _B'
_A' = loop _A
_B' = loop _B
App f a -> do
res <- ctx (App f a)
case res of
Just e1 -> loop e1
Nothing -> do
f' <- loop f
a' <- loop a
case f' of
Lam x _A b₀ -> do
let a₂ = shift 1 (V x 0) a'
let b₁ = subst (V x 0) a₂ b₀
let b₂ = shift (-1) (V x 0) b₁
loop b₂
_ -> do
case App f' a' of
App (App (App (App NaturalFold (NaturalLit n0)) t) succ') zero -> do
t' <- loop t
if boundedType t' then strict else lazy
strict = strictLoop (fromIntegral n0 :: Integer)
lazy = loop ( lazyLoop (fromIntegral n0 :: Integer))
strictLoop !0 = loop zero
strictLoop !n = App succ' <$> strictLoop (n - 1) >>= loop
lazyLoop !0 = zero
lazyLoop !n = App succ' (lazyLoop (n - 1))
App NaturalBuild g -> loop (App (App (App g Natural) succ) zero)
succ = Lam "n" Natural (NaturalPlus "n" (NaturalLit 1))
zero = NaturalLit 0
App NaturalIsZero (NaturalLit n) -> pure (BoolLit (n == 0))
App NaturalEven (NaturalLit n) -> pure (BoolLit (even n))
App NaturalOdd (NaturalLit n) -> pure (BoolLit (odd n))
App NaturalToInteger (NaturalLit n) -> pure (IntegerLit (toInteger n))
App NaturalShow (NaturalLit n) ->
pure (TextLit (Chunks [] (Data.Text.pack (show n))))
App (App NaturalSubtract (NaturalLit x)) (NaturalLit y)
| y >= x ->
pure (NaturalLit (fromIntegral (subtract (fromIntegral x :: Integer) (fromIntegral y :: Integer))))
| otherwise ->
pure (NaturalLit 0)
App (App NaturalSubtract (NaturalLit 0)) y -> pure y
App (App NaturalSubtract _) (NaturalLit 0) -> pure (NaturalLit 0)
App (App NaturalSubtract x) y | Eval.judgmentallyEqual x y -> pure (NaturalLit 0)
App IntegerClamp (IntegerLit n)
| 0 <= n -> pure (NaturalLit (fromInteger n))
| otherwise -> pure (NaturalLit 0)
App IntegerNegate (IntegerLit n) ->
pure (IntegerLit (negate n))
App IntegerShow (IntegerLit n)
| 0 <= n -> pure (TextLit (Chunks [] ("+" <> Data.Text.pack (show n))))
| otherwise -> pure (TextLit (Chunks [] (Data.Text.pack (show n))))
App IntegerToDouble (IntegerLit n) -> pure (DoubleLit ((DhallDouble . read . show) n))
App DoubleShow (DoubleLit (DhallDouble n)) ->
pure (TextLit (Chunks [] (Data.Text.pack (show n))))
App (App OptionalBuild _A₀) g ->
loop (App (App (App g optional) just) nothing)
optional = App Optional _A₀
just = Lam "a" _A₀ (Some "a")
nothing = App None _A₀
App (App ListBuild _A₀) g -> loop (App (App (App g list) cons) nil)
_A₁ = shift 1 "a" _A₀
list = App List _A₀
cons =
Lam "a" _A₀
(Lam "as"
(App List _A₁)
(ListAppend (ListLit Nothing (pure "a")) "as")
nil = ListLit (Just (App List _A₀)) empty
App (App (App (App (App ListFold _) (ListLit _ xs)) t) cons) nil -> do
t' <- loop t
if boundedType t' then strict else lazy
strict = foldr strictCons strictNil xs
lazy = loop (foldr lazyCons lazyNil xs)
strictNil = loop nil
lazyNil = nil
strictCons y ys = do
App (App cons y) <$> ys >>= loop
lazyCons y ys = App (App cons y) ys
App (App ListLength _) (ListLit _ ys) ->
pure (NaturalLit (fromIntegral (Data.Sequence.length ys)))
App (App ListHead t) (ListLit _ ys) -> loop o
o = case Data.Sequence.viewl ys of
y :< _ -> Some y
_ -> App None t
App (App ListLast t) (ListLit _ ys) -> loop o
o = case Data.Sequence.viewr ys of
_ :> y -> Some y
_ -> App None t
App (App ListIndexed _A₀) (ListLit _ as₀) -> loop (ListLit t as₁)
as₁ = Data.Sequence.mapWithIndex adapt as₀
_A₂ = Record (Dhall.Map.fromList kts)
kts = [ ("index", Natural)
, ("value", _A₀)
t | null as₀ = Just (App List _A₂)
| otherwise = Nothing
adapt n a_ =
RecordLit (Dhall.Map.fromList kvs)
kvs = [ ("index", NaturalLit (fromIntegral n))
, ("value", a_)
App (App ListReverse _) (ListLit t xs) ->
loop (ListLit t (Data.Sequence.reverse xs))
App (App OptionalFold t0) x0 -> do
t1 <- loop t0
let optional = Var (V "optional" 0)
let lam term = (Lam "optional"
(Const Type)
(Lam "some"
(Pi "_" t1 optional)
(Lam "none" optional term)))
x1 <- loop x0
pure $ case x1 of
App None _ -> lam (Var (V "none" 0))
Some x' -> lam (App (Var (V "some" 0)) x')
_ -> App (App OptionalFold t1) x1
App TextShow (TextLit (Chunks [] oldText)) ->
loop (TextLit (Chunks [] newText))
newText = Eval.textShow oldText
_ -> do
res2 <- ctx (App f' a')
case res2 of
Nothing -> pure (App f' a')
Just app' -> loop app'
Let (Binding _ f _ _ _ r) b -> loop b''
r' = shift 1 (V f 0) r
b' = subst (V f 0) r' b
b'' = shift (-1) (V f 0) b'
Annot x _ -> loop x
Bool -> pure Bool
BoolLit b -> pure (BoolLit b)
BoolAnd x y -> decide <$> loop x <*> loop y
decide (BoolLit True ) r = r
decide (BoolLit False) _ = BoolLit False
decide l (BoolLit True ) = l
decide _ (BoolLit False) = BoolLit False
decide l r
| Eval.judgmentallyEqual l r = l
| otherwise = BoolAnd l r
BoolOr x y -> decide <$> loop x <*> loop y
decide (BoolLit False) r = r
decide (BoolLit True ) _ = BoolLit True
decide l (BoolLit False) = l
decide _ (BoolLit True ) = BoolLit True
decide l r
| Eval.judgmentallyEqual l r = l
| otherwise = BoolOr l r
BoolEQ x y -> decide <$> loop x <*> loop y
decide (BoolLit True ) r = r
decide l (BoolLit True ) = l
decide l r
| Eval.judgmentallyEqual l r = BoolLit True
| otherwise = BoolEQ l r
BoolNE x y -> decide <$> loop x <*> loop y
decide (BoolLit False) r = r
decide l (BoolLit False) = l
decide l r
| Eval.judgmentallyEqual l r = BoolLit False
| otherwise = BoolNE l r
BoolIf bool true false -> decide <$> loop bool <*> loop true <*> loop false
decide (BoolLit True ) l _ = l
decide (BoolLit False) _ r = r
decide b (BoolLit True) (BoolLit False) = b
decide b l r
| Eval.judgmentallyEqual l r = l
| otherwise = BoolIf b l r
Natural -> pure Natural
NaturalLit n -> pure (NaturalLit n)
NaturalFold -> pure NaturalFold
NaturalBuild -> pure NaturalBuild
NaturalIsZero -> pure NaturalIsZero
NaturalEven -> pure NaturalEven
NaturalOdd -> pure NaturalOdd
NaturalToInteger -> pure NaturalToInteger
NaturalShow -> pure NaturalShow
NaturalSubtract -> pure NaturalSubtract
NaturalPlus x y -> decide <$> loop x <*> loop y
decide (NaturalLit 0) r = r
decide l (NaturalLit 0) = l
decide (NaturalLit m) (NaturalLit n) = NaturalLit (m + n)
decide l r = NaturalPlus l r
NaturalTimes x y -> decide <$> loop x <*> loop y
decide (NaturalLit 1) r = r
decide l (NaturalLit 1) = l
decide (NaturalLit 0) _ = NaturalLit 0
decide _ (NaturalLit 0) = NaturalLit 0
decide (NaturalLit m) (NaturalLit n) = NaturalLit (m * n)
decide l r = NaturalTimes l r
Integer -> pure Integer
IntegerLit n -> pure (IntegerLit n)
IntegerClamp -> pure IntegerClamp
IntegerNegate -> pure IntegerNegate
IntegerShow -> pure IntegerShow
IntegerToDouble -> pure IntegerToDouble
Double -> pure Double
DoubleLit n -> pure (DoubleLit n)
DoubleShow -> pure DoubleShow
Text -> pure Text
TextLit (Chunks xys z) -> do
chunks' <- mconcat <$> chunks
case chunks' of
Chunks [("", x)] "" -> pure x
c -> pure (TextLit c)
chunks =
((++ [Chunks [] z]) . concat) <$> traverse process xys
process (x, y) = do
y' <- loop y
case y' of
TextLit c -> pure [Chunks [] x, c]
_ -> pure [Chunks [(x, y')] mempty]
TextAppend x y -> loop (TextLit (Chunks [("", x), ("", y)] ""))
TextShow -> pure TextShow
List -> pure List
ListLit t es
| Data.Sequence.null es -> ListLit <$> t' <*> pure Data.Sequence.empty
| otherwise -> ListLit Nothing <$> es'
t' = traverse loop t
es' = traverse loop es
ListAppend x y -> decide <$> loop x <*> loop y
decide (ListLit _ m) r | Data.Sequence.null m = r
decide l (ListLit _ n) | Data.Sequence.null n = l
decide (ListLit t m) (ListLit _ n) = ListLit t (m <> n)
decide l r = ListAppend l r
ListBuild -> pure ListBuild
ListFold -> pure ListFold
ListLength -> pure ListLength
ListHead -> pure ListHead
ListLast -> pure ListLast
ListIndexed -> pure ListIndexed
ListReverse -> pure ListReverse
Optional -> pure Optional
Some a -> Some <$> a'
a' = loop a
None -> pure None
OptionalFold -> pure OptionalFold
OptionalBuild -> pure OptionalBuild
Record kts -> Record . Dhall.Map.sort <$> kts'
kts' = traverse loop kts
RecordLit kvs -> RecordLit . Dhall.Map.sort <$> kvs'
kvs' = traverse loop kvs
Union kts -> Union . Dhall.Map.sort <$> kts'
kts' = traverse (traverse loop) kts
Combine mk x y -> decide <$> loop x <*> loop y
decide (RecordLit m) r | Data.Foldable.null m =
decide l (RecordLit n) | Data.Foldable.null n =
decide (RecordLit m) (RecordLit n) =
RecordLit (Dhall.Map.unionWith decide m n)
decide l r =
Combine mk l r
CombineTypes x y -> decide <$> loop x <*> loop y
decide (Record m) r | Data.Foldable.null m =
decide l (Record n) | Data.Foldable.null n =
decide (Record m) (Record n) =
Record (Dhall.Map.unionWith decide m n)
decide l r =
CombineTypes l r
Prefer _ x y -> decide <$> loop x <*> loop y
decide (RecordLit m) r | Data.Foldable.null m =
decide l (RecordLit n) | Data.Foldable.null n =
decide (RecordLit m) (RecordLit n) =
RecordLit (Dhall.Map.union n m)
decide l r | Eval.judgmentallyEqual l r =
decide l r =
Prefer PreferFromSource l r
RecordCompletion x y -> do
loop (Annot (Prefer PreferFromCompletion (Field x "default") y) (Field x "Type"))
Merge x y t -> do
x' <- loop x
y' <- loop y
case x' of
RecordLit kvsX ->
case y' of
Field (Union ktsY) kY ->
case Dhall.Map.lookup kY ktsY of
Just Nothing ->
case Dhall.Map.lookup kY kvsX of
Just vX -> return vX
Nothing -> Merge x' y' <$> t'
_ ->
Merge x' y' <$> t'
App (Field (Union ktsY) kY) vY ->
case Dhall.Map.lookup kY ktsY of
Just (Just _) ->
case Dhall.Map.lookup kY kvsX of
Just vX -> loop (App vX vY)
Nothing -> Merge x' y' <$> t'
_ ->
Merge x' y' <$> t'
Some a ->
case Dhall.Map.lookup "Some" kvsX of
Just vX -> loop (App vX a)
Nothing -> Merge x' y' <$> t'
App None _ ->
case Dhall.Map.lookup "None" kvsX of
Just vX -> return vX
Nothing -> Merge x' y' <$> t'
_ -> Merge x' y' <$> t'
_ -> Merge x' y' <$> t'
t' = traverse loop t
ToMap x t -> do
x' <- loop x
t' <- traverse loop t
case x' of
RecordLit kvsX -> do
let entry (key, value) =
[ ("mapKey" , TextLit (Chunks [] key))
, ("mapValue", value )
let keyValues = Data.Sequence.fromList (map entry (Dhall.Map.toList kvsX))
let listType = case t' of
Just _ | null keyValues ->
_ ->
return (ListLit listType keyValues)
_ -> do
return (ToMap x' t')
Field r x -> do
let singletonRecordLit v = RecordLit (Dhall.Map.singleton x v)
r' <- loop r
case r' of
RecordLit kvs ->
case Dhall.Map.lookup x kvs of
Just v -> pure v
Nothing -> Field <$> (RecordLit <$> traverse loop kvs) <*> pure x
Project r_ _ -> loop (Field r_ x)
Prefer _ (RecordLit kvs) r_ -> case Dhall.Map.lookup x kvs of
Just v -> pure (Field (Prefer PreferFromSource (singletonRecordLit v) r_) x)
Nothing -> loop (Field r_ x)
Prefer _ l (RecordLit kvs) -> case Dhall.Map.lookup x kvs of
Just v -> pure v
Nothing -> loop (Field l x)
Combine m (RecordLit kvs) r_ -> case Dhall.Map.lookup x kvs of
Just v -> pure (Field (Combine m (singletonRecordLit v) r_) x)
Nothing -> loop (Field r_ x)
Combine m l (RecordLit kvs) -> case Dhall.Map.lookup x kvs of
Just v -> pure (Field (Combine m l (singletonRecordLit v)) x)
Nothing -> loop (Field l x)
_ -> pure (Field r' x)
Project x (Left fields)-> do
x' <- loop x
let fieldsSet = Dhall.Set.toSet fields
case x' of
RecordLit kvs ->
pure (RecordLit (Dhall.Map.restrictKeys kvs fieldsSet))
Project y _ ->
loop (Project y (Left fields))
Prefer _ l (RecordLit rKvs) -> do
let rKs = Dhall.Map.keysSet rKvs
let l' = Project l (Left (Dhall.Set.fromSet (Data.Set.difference fieldsSet rKs)))
let r' = RecordLit (Dhall.Map.restrictKeys rKvs fieldsSet)
loop (Prefer PreferFromSource l' r')
_ | null fields -> pure (RecordLit mempty)
| otherwise -> pure (Project x' (Left (Dhall.Set.sort fields)))
Project r (Right e1) -> do
e2 <- loop e1
case e2 of
Record kts -> do
loop (Project r (Left (Dhall.Set.fromSet (Dhall.Map.keysSet kts))))
_ -> do
r' <- loop r
pure (Project r' (Right e2))
Assert t -> do
t' <- loop t
pure (Assert t')
Equivalent l r -> do
l' <- loop l
r' <- loop r
pure (Equivalent l' r')
With e' k v -> do
loop (Syntax.desugarWith (With e' k v))
Note _ e' -> loop e'
ImportAlt l _r -> loop l
Embed a -> pure (Embed a)
type NormalizerM m a = forall s. Expr s a -> m (Maybe (Expr s a))
type Normalizer a = NormalizerM Identity a
newtype ReifiedNormalizer a = ReifiedNormalizer
{ getReifiedNormalizer :: Normalizer a }
isNormalizedWith :: (Eq s, Eq a) => Normalizer a -> Expr s a -> Bool
isNormalizedWith ctx e = e == normalizeWith (Just (ReifiedNormalizer ctx)) e
isNormalized :: Eq a => Expr s a -> Bool
isNormalized e0 = loop (Syntax.denote e0)
loop e = case e of
Const _ -> True
Var _ -> True
Lam _ a b -> loop a && loop b
Pi _ a b -> loop a && loop b
App f a -> loop f && loop a && case App f a of
App (Lam _ _ _) _ -> False
App (App (App (App NaturalFold (NaturalLit _)) _) _) _ -> False
App NaturalBuild _ -> False
App NaturalIsZero (NaturalLit _) -> False
App NaturalEven (NaturalLit _) -> False
App NaturalOdd (NaturalLit _) -> False
App NaturalShow (NaturalLit _) -> False
App (App NaturalSubtract (NaturalLit _)) (NaturalLit _) -> False
App (App NaturalSubtract (NaturalLit 0)) _ -> False
App (App NaturalSubtract _) (NaturalLit 0) -> False
App (App NaturalSubtract x) y -> not (Eval.judgmentallyEqual x y)
App NaturalToInteger (NaturalLit _) -> False
App IntegerNegate (IntegerLit _) -> False
App IntegerClamp (IntegerLit _) -> False
App IntegerShow (IntegerLit _) -> False
App IntegerToDouble (IntegerLit _) -> False
App DoubleShow (DoubleLit _) -> False
App (App OptionalBuild _) _ -> False
App (App ListBuild _) _ -> False
App (App (App (App (App (App ListFold _) (ListLit _ _)) _) _) _) _ -> False
App (App ListLength _) (ListLit _ _) -> False
App (App ListHead _) (ListLit _ _) -> False
App (App ListLast _) (ListLit _ _) -> False
App (App ListIndexed _) (ListLit _ _) -> False
App (App ListReverse _) (ListLit _ _) -> False
App (App OptionalFold _) (Some _) -> False
App (App OptionalFold _) (App None _) -> False
App TextShow (TextLit (Chunks [] _)) ->
_ -> True
Let _ _ -> False
Annot _ _ -> False
Bool -> True
BoolLit _ -> True
BoolAnd x y -> loop x && loop y && decide x y
decide (BoolLit _) _ = False
decide _ (BoolLit _) = False
decide l r = not (Eval.judgmentallyEqual l r)
BoolOr x y -> loop x && loop y && decide x y
decide (BoolLit _) _ = False
decide _ (BoolLit _) = False
decide l r = not (Eval.judgmentallyEqual l r)
BoolEQ x y -> loop x && loop y && decide x y
decide (BoolLit True) _ = False
decide _ (BoolLit True) = False
decide l r = not (Eval.judgmentallyEqual l r)
BoolNE x y -> loop x && loop y && decide x y
decide (BoolLit False) _ = False
decide _ (BoolLit False ) = False
decide l r = not (Eval.judgmentallyEqual l r)
BoolIf x y z ->
loop x && loop y && loop z && decide x y z
decide (BoolLit _) _ _ = False
decide _ (BoolLit True) (BoolLit False) = False
decide _ l r = not (Eval.judgmentallyEqual l r)
Natural -> True
NaturalLit _ -> True
NaturalFold -> True
NaturalBuild -> True
NaturalIsZero -> True
NaturalEven -> True
NaturalOdd -> True
NaturalShow -> True
NaturalSubtract -> True
NaturalToInteger -> True
NaturalPlus x y -> loop x && loop y && decide x y
decide (NaturalLit 0) _ = False
decide _ (NaturalLit 0) = False
decide (NaturalLit _) (NaturalLit _) = False
decide _ _ = True
NaturalTimes x y -> loop x && loop y && decide x y
decide (NaturalLit 0) _ = False
decide _ (NaturalLit 0) = False
decide (NaturalLit 1) _ = False
decide _ (NaturalLit 1) = False
decide (NaturalLit _) (NaturalLit _) = False
decide _ _ = True
Integer -> True
IntegerLit _ -> True
IntegerClamp -> True
IntegerNegate -> True
IntegerShow -> True
IntegerToDouble -> True
Double -> True
DoubleLit _ -> True
DoubleShow -> True
Text -> True
TextLit (Chunks [("", _)] "") -> False
TextLit (Chunks xys _) -> all (all check) xys
check y = loop y && case y of
TextLit _ -> False
_ -> True
TextAppend _ _ -> False
TextShow -> True
List -> True
ListLit t es -> all loop t && all loop es
ListAppend x y -> loop x && loop y && decide x y
decide (ListLit _ m) _ | Data.Sequence.null m = False
decide _ (ListLit _ n) | Data.Sequence.null n = False
decide (ListLit _ _) (ListLit _ _) = False
decide _ _ = True
ListBuild -> True
ListFold -> True
ListLength -> True
ListHead -> True
ListLast -> True
ListIndexed -> True
ListReverse -> True
Optional -> True
Some a -> loop a
None -> True
OptionalFold -> True
OptionalBuild -> True
Record kts -> Dhall.Map.isSorted kts && all loop kts
RecordLit kvs -> Dhall.Map.isSorted kvs && all loop kvs
Union kts -> Dhall.Map.isSorted kts && all (all loop) kts
Combine _ x y -> loop x && loop y && decide x y
decide (RecordLit m) _ | Data.Foldable.null m = False
decide _ (RecordLit n) | Data.Foldable.null n = False
decide (RecordLit _) (RecordLit _) = False
decide _ _ = True
CombineTypes x y -> loop x && loop y && decide x y
decide (Record m) _ | Data.Foldable.null m = False
decide _ (Record n) | Data.Foldable.null n = False
decide (Record _) (Record _) = False
decide _ _ = True
Prefer _ x y -> loop x && loop y && decide x y
decide (RecordLit m) _ | Data.Foldable.null m = False
decide _ (RecordLit n) | Data.Foldable.null n = False
decide (RecordLit _) (RecordLit _) = False
decide l r = not (Eval.judgmentallyEqual l r)
RecordCompletion _ _ -> False
Merge x y t -> loop x && loop y && all loop t && case x of
RecordLit _ -> case y of
Field (Union _) _ -> False
App (Field (Union _) _) _ -> False
Some _ -> False
App None _ -> False
_ -> True
_ -> True
ToMap x t -> case x of
RecordLit _ -> False
_ -> loop x && all loop t
Field r k -> case r of
RecordLit _ -> False
Project _ _ -> False
Prefer _ (RecordLit m) _ -> Dhall.Map.keys m == [k] && loop r
Prefer _ _ (RecordLit _) -> False
Combine _ (RecordLit m) _ -> Dhall.Map.keys m == [k] && loop r
Combine _ _ (RecordLit m) -> Dhall.Map.keys m == [k] && loop r
_ -> loop r
Project r p -> loop r &&
case p of
Left s -> case r of
RecordLit _ -> False
Project _ _ -> False
Prefer _ _ (RecordLit _) -> False
_ -> not (Dhall.Set.null s) && Dhall.Set.isSorted s
Right e' -> case e' of
Record _ -> False
_ -> loop e'
Assert t -> loop t
Equivalent l r -> loop l && loop r
With{} -> False
Note _ e' -> loop e'
ImportAlt _ _ -> False
Embed _ -> True
freeIn :: Eq a => Var -> Expr s a -> Bool
variable@(V var i) `freeIn` expression =
subst variable (Var (V var (i + 1))) strippedExpression
/= strippedExpression
denote' :: Expr t b -> Expr () b
denote' = Syntax.denote
strippedExpression = denote' expression