module Data.Functor.Deriving.Internal (
, deriveFoldableOptions
, makeFoldMap
, makeFoldMapOptions
, makeFoldr
, makeFoldrOptions
, makeFold
, makeFoldOptions
, makeFoldl
, makeFoldlOptions
, deriveFunctor
, deriveFunctorOptions
, makeFmap
, makeFmapOptions
, deriveTraversable
, deriveTraversableOptions
, makeTraverse
, makeTraverseOptions
, makeSequenceA
, makeSequenceAOptions
, makeMapM
, makeMapMOptions
, makeSequence
, makeSequenceOptions
, FFTOptions(..)
, defaultFFTOptions
) where
import Control.Monad (guard, zipWithM)
import Data.Deriving.Internal
import Data.Either (rights)
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map (keys, lookup, singleton)
import Data.Maybe
import Language.Haskell.TH.Datatype
import Language.Haskell.TH.Lib
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
newtype FFTOptions = FFTOptions
{ fftEmptyCaseBehavior :: Bool
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
defaultFFTOptions :: FFTOptions
defaultFFTOptions = FFTOptions { fftEmptyCaseBehavior = False }
deriveFoldable :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveFoldable = deriveFoldableOptions defaultFFTOptions
deriveFoldableOptions :: FFTOptions -> Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveFoldableOptions = deriveFunctorClass Foldable
makeFoldMap :: Name -> Q Exp
makeFoldMap = makeFoldMapOptions defaultFFTOptions
makeFoldMapOptions :: FFTOptions -> Name -> Q Exp
makeFoldMapOptions = makeFunctorFun FoldMap
makeFoldr :: Name -> Q Exp
makeFoldr = makeFoldrOptions defaultFFTOptions
makeFoldrOptions :: FFTOptions -> Name -> Q Exp
makeFoldrOptions = makeFunctorFun Foldr
makeFold :: Name -> Q Exp
makeFold = makeFoldOptions defaultFFTOptions
makeFoldOptions :: FFTOptions -> Name -> Q Exp
makeFoldOptions opts name = makeFoldMapOptions opts name `appE` varE idValName
makeFoldl :: Name -> Q Exp
makeFoldl = makeFoldlOptions defaultFFTOptions
makeFoldlOptions :: FFTOptions -> Name -> Q Exp
makeFoldlOptions opts name = do
f <- newName "f"
z <- newName "z"
t <- newName "t"
lamE [varP f, varP z, varP t] $
appsE [ varE appEndoValName
, appsE [ varE getDualValName
, appsE [ makeFoldMapOptions opts name, foldFun f, varE t]
, varE z
foldFun :: Name -> Q Exp
foldFun n = infixApp (conE dualDataName)
(varE composeValName)
(infixApp (conE endoDataName)
(varE composeValName)
(varE flipValName `appE` varE n)
deriveFunctor :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveFunctor = deriveFunctorOptions defaultFFTOptions
deriveFunctorOptions :: FFTOptions -> Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveFunctorOptions = deriveFunctorClass Functor
makeFmap :: Name -> Q Exp
makeFmap = makeFmapOptions defaultFFTOptions
makeFmapOptions :: FFTOptions -> Name -> Q Exp
makeFmapOptions = makeFunctorFun Fmap
deriveTraversable :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveTraversable = deriveTraversableOptions defaultFFTOptions
deriveTraversableOptions :: FFTOptions -> Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveTraversableOptions = deriveFunctorClass Traversable
makeTraverse :: Name -> Q Exp
makeTraverse = makeTraverseOptions defaultFFTOptions
makeTraverseOptions :: FFTOptions -> Name -> Q Exp
makeTraverseOptions = makeFunctorFun Traverse
makeSequenceA :: Name -> Q Exp
makeSequenceA = makeSequenceAOptions defaultFFTOptions
makeSequenceAOptions :: FFTOptions -> Name -> Q Exp
makeSequenceAOptions opts name = makeTraverseOptions opts name `appE` varE idValName
makeMapM :: Name -> Q Exp
makeMapM = makeMapMOptions defaultFFTOptions
makeMapMOptions :: FFTOptions -> Name -> Q Exp
makeMapMOptions opts name = do
f <- newName "f"
lam1E (varP f) . infixApp (varE unwrapMonadValName) (varE composeValName) $
makeTraverseOptions opts name `appE` wrapMonadExp f
wrapMonadExp :: Name -> Q Exp
wrapMonadExp n = infixApp (conE wrapMonadDataName) (varE composeValName) (varE n)
makeSequence :: Name -> Q Exp
makeSequence = makeSequenceOptions defaultFFTOptions
makeSequenceOptions :: FFTOptions -> Name -> Q Exp
makeSequenceOptions opts name = makeMapMOptions opts name `appE` varE idValName
deriveFunctorClass :: FunctorClass -> FFTOptions -> Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveFunctorClass fc opts name = do
info <- reifyDatatype name
case info of
DatatypeInfo { datatypeContext = ctxt
, datatypeName = parentName
, datatypeVars = vars
, datatypeVariant = variant
, datatypeCons = cons
} -> do
(instanceCxt, instanceType)
<- buildTypeInstance fc parentName ctxt vars variant
(:[]) `fmap` instanceD (return instanceCxt)
(return instanceType)
(functorFunDecs fc opts parentName vars cons)
:: FunctorClass -> FFTOptions -> Name -> [Type] -> [ConstructorInfo]
-> [Q Dec]
functorFunDecs fc opts parentName vars cons =
map makeFunD $ functorClassToFuns fc
makeFunD :: FunctorFun -> Q Dec
makeFunD ff =
funD (functorFunName ff)
[ clause []
(normalB $ makeFunctorFunForCons ff opts parentName vars cons)
makeFunctorFun :: FunctorFun -> FFTOptions -> Name -> Q Exp
makeFunctorFun ff opts name = do
info <- reifyDatatype name
case info of
DatatypeInfo { datatypeContext = ctxt
, datatypeName = parentName
, datatypeVars = vars
, datatypeVariant = variant
, datatypeCons = cons
} -> do
buildTypeInstance (functorFunToClass ff) parentName ctxt vars variant
>> makeFunctorFunForCons ff opts parentName vars cons
:: FunctorFun -> FFTOptions -> Name -> [Type] -> [ConstructorInfo]
-> Q Exp
makeFunctorFunForCons ff opts _parentName vars cons = do
argNames <- mapM newName $ catMaybes [ Just "f"
, guard (ff == Foldr) >> Just "z"
, Just "value"
let mapFun:others = argNames
z = head others
value = last others
lastTyVar = varTToName $ last vars
tvMap = Map.singleton lastTyVar $ OneName mapFun
lamE (map varP argNames)
. appsE
$ [ varE $ functorFunConstName ff
, makeFun z value tvMap
] ++ map varE argNames
makeFun :: Name -> Name -> TyVarMap1 -> Q Exp
makeFun z value tvMap = do
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,9,0)
roles <- reifyRoles _parentName
case () of
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,9,0)
| Just (_, PhantomR) <- unsnoc roles
-> functorFunPhantom z value
| null cons && fftEmptyCaseBehavior opts && ghc7'8OrLater
-> functorFunEmptyCase ff z value
| null cons
-> functorFunNoCons ff z value
| otherwise
-> caseE (varE value)
(map (makeFunctorFunForCon ff z tvMap) cons)
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,9,0)
functorFunPhantom :: Name -> Name -> Q Exp
functorFunPhantom z value =
functorFunTrivial coerce
(varE pureValName `appE` coerce)
ff z
coerce :: Q Exp
coerce = varE coerceValName `appE` varE value
makeFunctorFunForCon :: FunctorFun -> Name -> TyVarMap1 -> ConstructorInfo -> Q Match
makeFunctorFunForCon ff z tvMap
(ConstructorInfo { constructorName = conName
, constructorContext = ctxt
, constructorFields = ts }) = do
ts' <- mapM resolveTypeSynonyms ts
argNames <- newNameList "_arg" $ length ts'
checkExistentialContext (functorFunToClass ff) tvMap ctxt conName $
makeFunctorFunForArgs ff z tvMap conName ts' argNames
makeFunctorFunForArgs :: FunctorFun
-> Name
-> TyVarMap1
-> Name
-> [Type]
-> [Name]
-> Q Match
makeFunctorFunForArgs ff z tvMap conName tys args =
match (conP conName $ map varP args)
(normalB $ functorFunCombine ff conName z args mappedArgs)
mappedArgs :: Q [Either Exp Exp]
mappedArgs = zipWithM (makeFunctorFunForArg ff tvMap conName) tys args
makeFunctorFunForArg :: FunctorFun
-> TyVarMap1
-> Name
-> Type
-> Name
-> Q (Either Exp Exp)
makeFunctorFunForArg ff tvMap conName ty tyExpName =
makeFunctorFunForType ff tvMap conName True ty `appEitherE` varE tyExpName
makeFunctorFunForType :: FunctorFun
-> TyVarMap1
-> Name
-> Bool
-> Type
-> Q (Either Exp Exp)
makeFunctorFunForType ff tvMap conName covariant (VarT tyName) =
case Map.lookup tyName tvMap of
Just (OneName mapName) ->
fmap Right $ if covariant
then varE mapName
else contravarianceError conName
Nothing -> fmap Left $ functorFunTriv ff
makeFunctorFunForType ff tvMap conName covariant (SigT ty _) =
makeFunctorFunForType ff tvMap conName covariant ty
makeFunctorFunForType ff tvMap conName covariant (ForallT _ _ ty) =
makeFunctorFunForType ff tvMap conName covariant ty
makeFunctorFunForType ff tvMap conName covariant ty =
let tyCon :: Type
tyArgs :: [Type]
tyCon:tyArgs = unapplyTy ty
numLastArgs :: Int
numLastArgs = min 1 $ length tyArgs
lhsArgs, rhsArgs :: [Type]
(lhsArgs, rhsArgs) = splitAt (length tyArgs - numLastArgs) tyArgs
tyVarNames :: [Name]
tyVarNames = Map.keys tvMap
mentionsTyArgs :: Bool
mentionsTyArgs = any (`mentionsName` tyVarNames) tyArgs
makeFunctorFunTuple :: ([Q Pat] -> Q Pat) -> (Int -> Name) -> Int
-> Q (Either Exp Exp)
makeFunctorFunTuple mkTupP mkTupleDataName n = do
args <- mapM newName $ catMaybes [ Just "x"
, guard (ff == Foldr) >> Just "z"
xs <- newNameList "_tup" n
let x = head args
z = last args
fmap Right $ lamE (map varP args) $ caseE (varE x)
[ match (mkTupP $ map varP xs)
(normalB $ functorFunCombine ff
(mkTupleDataName n)
(zipWithM makeFunctorFunTupleField tyArgs xs)
makeFunctorFunTupleField :: Type -> Name -> Q (Either Exp Exp)
makeFunctorFunTupleField fieldTy fieldName =
makeFunctorFunForType ff tvMap conName covariant fieldTy
`appEitherE` varE fieldName
fc :: FunctorClass
fc = functorFunToClass ff
in case tyCon of
| not (allowFunTys fc) -> noFunctionsError conName
| mentionsTyArgs, [argTy, resTy] <- tyArgs ->
do x <- newName "x"
b <- newName "b"
fmap Right . lamE [varP x, varP b] $
covFunctorFun covariant resTy `appE` (varE x `appE`
(covFunctorFun (not covariant) argTy `appE` varE b))
covFunctorFun :: Bool -> Type -> Q Exp
covFunctorFun cov = fmap fromEither . makeFunctorFunForType ff tvMap conName cov
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,6,0)
UnboxedTupleT n
| n > 0 && mentionsTyArgs -> makeFunctorFunTuple unboxedTupP unboxedTupleDataName n
TupleT n
| n > 0 && mentionsTyArgs -> makeFunctorFunTuple tupP tupleDataName n
_ -> do
itf <- isTyFamily tyCon
if any (`mentionsName` tyVarNames) lhsArgs || (itf && mentionsTyArgs)
then outOfPlaceTyVarError fc conName
else if any (`mentionsName` tyVarNames) rhsArgs
then fmap Right . functorFunApp ff . appsE $
( varE (functorFunName ff)
: map (fmap fromEither . makeFunctorFunForType ff tvMap conName covariant)
else fmap Left $ functorFunTriv ff
data FunctorClass = Functor | Foldable | Traversable
instance ClassRep FunctorClass where
arity _ = 1
allowExQuant Foldable = True
allowExQuant _ = False
fullClassName Functor = functorTypeName
fullClassName Foldable = foldableTypeName
fullClassName Traversable = traversableTypeName
classConstraint fClass 1 = Just $ fullClassName fClass
classConstraint _ _ = Nothing
data FunctorFun = Fmap | Foldr | FoldMap | Traverse
deriving Eq
instance Show FunctorFun where
showsPrec _ Fmap = showString "fmap"
showsPrec _ Foldr = showString "foldr"
showsPrec _ FoldMap = showString "foldMap"
showsPrec _ Traverse = showString "traverse"
functorFunConstName :: FunctorFun -> Name
functorFunConstName Fmap = fmapConstValName
functorFunConstName Foldr = foldrConstValName
functorFunConstName FoldMap = foldMapConstValName
functorFunConstName Traverse = traverseConstValName
functorFunName :: FunctorFun -> Name
functorFunName Fmap = fmapValName
functorFunName Foldr = foldrValName
functorFunName FoldMap = foldMapValName
functorFunName Traverse = traverseValName
functorClassToFuns :: FunctorClass -> [FunctorFun]
functorClassToFuns Functor = [Fmap]
functorClassToFuns Foldable = [Foldr, FoldMap]
functorClassToFuns Traversable = [Traverse]
functorFunToClass :: FunctorFun -> FunctorClass
functorFunToClass Fmap = Functor
functorFunToClass Foldr = Foldable
functorFunToClass FoldMap = Foldable
functorFunToClass Traverse = Traversable
allowFunTys :: FunctorClass -> Bool
allowFunTys Functor = True
allowFunTys _ = False
functorFunTriv :: FunctorFun -> Q Exp
functorFunTriv Fmap = do
x <- newName "x"
lam1E (varP x) $ varE x
functorFunTriv ff = return . error $ "functorFunTriv: " ++ show ff
functorFunApp :: FunctorFun -> Q Exp -> Q Exp
functorFunApp Foldr e = do
x <- newName "x"
z <- newName "z"
lamE [varP x, varP z] $ appsE [e, varE z, varE x]
functorFunApp _ e = e
functorFunCombine :: FunctorFun
-> Name
-> Name
-> [Name]
-> Q [Either Exp Exp]
-> Q Exp
functorFunCombine Fmap = fmapCombine
functorFunCombine Foldr = foldrCombine
functorFunCombine FoldMap = foldMapCombine
functorFunCombine Traverse = traverseCombine
fmapCombine :: Name
-> Name
-> [Name]
-> Q [Either Exp Exp]
-> Q Exp
fmapCombine conName _ _ = fmap (foldl' AppE (ConE conName) . fmap fromEither)
foldrCombine :: Name
-> Name
-> [Name]
-> Q [Either Exp Exp]
-> Q Exp
foldrCombine _ zName _ = fmap (foldr AppE (VarE zName) . rights)
foldMapCombine :: Name
-> Name
-> [Name]
-> Q [Either Exp Exp]
-> Q Exp
foldMapCombine _ _ _ = fmap (go . rights)
go :: [Exp] -> Exp
go [] = VarE memptyValName
go es = foldr1 (AppE . AppE (VarE mappendValName)) es
traverseCombine :: Name
-> Name
-> [Name]
-> Q [Either Exp Exp]
-> Q Exp
traverseCombine conName _ args essQ = do
ess <- essQ
let argTysTyVarInfo :: [Bool]
argTysTyVarInfo = map isRight ess
argsWithTyVar, argsWithoutTyVar :: [Name]
(argsWithTyVar, argsWithoutTyVar) = partitionByList argTysTyVarInfo args
conExpQ :: Q Exp
| null argsWithTyVar
= appsE (conE conName:map varE argsWithoutTyVar)
| otherwise = do
bs <- newNameList "b" $ length args
let bs' = filterByList argTysTyVarInfo bs
vars = filterByLists argTysTyVarInfo
(map varE bs) (map varE args)
lamE (map varP bs') (appsE (conE conName:vars))
conExp <- conExpQ
let go :: [Exp] -> Exp
go [] = VarE pureValName `AppE` conExp
go [e] = VarE fmapValName `AppE` conExp `AppE` e
go (e1:e2:es) = foldl' (\se1 se2 -> InfixE (Just se1) (VarE apValName) (Just se2))
(VarE liftA2ValName `AppE` conExp `AppE` e1 `AppE` e2) es
return . go . rights $ ess
functorFunEmptyCase :: FunctorFun -> Name -> Name -> Q Exp
functorFunEmptyCase ff z value =
functorFunTrivial emptyCase
(varE pureValName `appE` emptyCase)
ff z
emptyCase :: Q Exp
emptyCase = caseE (varE value) []
functorFunNoCons :: FunctorFun -> Name -> Name -> Q Exp
functorFunNoCons ff z value =
functorFunTrivial seqAndError
(varE pureValName `appE` seqAndError)
ff z
seqAndError :: Q Exp
seqAndError = appE (varE seqValName) (varE value) `appE`
appE (varE errorValName)
(stringE $ "Void " ++ nameBase (functorFunName ff))
functorFunTrivial :: Q Exp -> Q Exp -> FunctorFun -> Name -> Q Exp
functorFunTrivial fmapE traverseE ff z = go ff
go :: FunctorFun -> Q Exp
go Fmap = fmapE
go Foldr = varE z
go FoldMap = varE memptyValName
go Traverse = traverseE