{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-| Module: Data.Deriving.Via Copyright: (C) 2015-2017 Ryan Scott License: BSD-style (see the file LICENSE) Maintainer: Ryan Scott Portability: Template Haskell On @template-haskell-2.12@ or later (i.e., GHC 8.2 or later), this module exports functionality which emulates the @GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving@ and @DerivingVia@ GHC extensions (the latter of which was introduced in GHC 8.6). On older versions of @template-haskell@/GHC, this module does not export anything. -} module Data.Deriving.Via ( #if !(MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,12,0)) ) where #else -- * @GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving@ deriveGND -- * @DerivingVia@ , deriveVia , Via -- * Limitations -- $constraints ) where import Data.Deriving.Internal (Via) import Data.Deriving.Via.Internal {- $constraints Be aware of the following potential gotchas: * Unlike every other module in this library, the functions exported by "Data.Deriving.Via" only support GHC 8.2 and later, as they require Template Haskell functionality not present in earlier GHCs. * Additionally, using the functions in "Data.Deriving.Via" will likely require you to enable some language extensions (besides @TemplateHaskell@). These may include: * @ImpredicativeTypes@ (if any class methods contain higher-rank types) * @InstanceSigs@ * @KindSignatures@ * @RankNTypes@ * @ScopedTypeVariables@ * @TypeApplications@ * @UndecidableInstances@ (if deriving an instance of a type class with associated type families) * The functions in "Data.Deriving.Via" are not terribly robust in the presence of @PolyKinds@. Alas, Template Haskell does not make this easy to fix. * The functions in "Data.Deriving.Via" make a best-effort attempt to derive instances for classes with associated type families. This is known not to work in all scenarios, however, especially when the last parameter to a type class appears as a kind variable in an associated type family. (See <https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/14728 Trac #14728>.) -} #endif