Module:      Data.Deriving.Via.Internal
Copyright:   (C) 2015-2017 Ryan Scott
License:     BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
Maintainer:  Ryan Scott
Portability: Template Haskell

On @template-haskell-2.12@ or later (i.e., GHC 8.2 or later), this module
exports functionality which emulates the @GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving@ and
@DerivingVia@ GHC extensions (the latter of which was introduced in GHC 8.6).

On older versions of @template-haskell@/GHC, this module does not export
module Data.Deriving.Via.Internal where

#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,12,0)
import           Control.Monad ((<=<), unless)

import           Data.Deriving.Internal
import qualified Data.Map as M
import           Data.Map (Map)
import           Data.Maybe (catMaybes)

import           Language.Haskell.TH
import           Language.Haskell.TH.Datatype

-- Code generation

{- | Generates an instance for a type class at a newtype by emulating the
behavior of the @GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving@ extension. For example:

newtype Foo a = MkFoo a
$('deriveGND' [t| forall a. 'Eq' a => 'Eq' (Foo a) |])
deriveGND :: Q Type -> Q [Dec]
deriveGND qty = do
  ty <- qty
  let (instanceCxt, instanceTy) = decomposeType ty
  instanceTy' <- (resolveTypeSynonyms <=< resolveInfixT) instanceTy
  decs <- deriveViaDecs instanceTy' Nothing
  (:[]) `fmap` instanceD (return instanceCxt)
                         (return instanceTy)
                         (map return decs)

{- | Generates an instance for a type class by emulating the behavior of the
@DerivingVia@ extension. For example:

newtype Foo a = MkFoo a
$('deriveVia' [t| forall a. 'Ord' a => 'Ord' (Foo a) ``Via`` Down a |])

As shown in the example above, the syntax is a tad strange. One must specify
the type by which to derive the instance using the 'Via' type. This
requirement is in place to ensure that the type variables are scoped
correctly across all the types being used (e.g., to make sure that the same
@a@ is used in @'Ord' a@, @'Ord' (Foo a)@, and @Down a@).
deriveVia :: Q Type -> Q [Dec]
deriveVia qty = do
  ty <- qty
  let (instanceCxt, viaApp) = decomposeType ty
  viaApp' <- (resolveTypeSynonyms <=< resolveInfixT) viaApp
  (instanceTy, viaTy)
    <- case unapplyTy viaApp' of
           | via == ConT viaTypeName
          -> return (instanceTy, viaTy)
         _ -> fail $ unlines
                [ "Failure to meet ‘deriveVia‘ specification"
                , "\tThe ‘Via‘ type must be used, e.g."
                , "\t[t| forall a. C (T a) `Via` V a |]"
  decs <- deriveViaDecs instanceTy (Just viaTy)
  (:[]) `fmap` instanceD (return instanceCxt)
                         (return instanceTy)
                         (map return decs)

deriveViaDecs :: Type       -- ^ The instance head (e.g., @Eq (Foo a)@)
              -> Maybe Type -- ^ If using 'deriveGND', this is 'Nothing.
                            --   If using 'deriveVia', this is 'Just' the @via@ type.
              -> Q [Dec]
deriveViaDecs instanceTy mbViaTy = do
  let (clsTy:clsArgs) = unapplyTy instanceTy
  case clsTy of
    ConT clsName -> do
      clsInfo <- reify clsName
      case clsInfo of
        ClassI (ClassD _ _ clsTvbs _ clsDecs) _ ->
          case (unsnoc clsArgs, unsnoc clsTvbs) of
            (Just (_, dataApp), Just (_, clsLastTvb)) -> do
              let (dataTy:dataArgs)  = unapplyTy dataApp
                  clsLastTvbKind     = tvbKind clsLastTvb
                  (_, kindList)      = uncurryTy clsLastTvbKind
                  numArgsToEtaReduce = length kindList - 1
              repTy <-
                case mbViaTy of
                  Just viaTy -> return viaTy
                  Nothing ->
                    case dataTy of
                      ConT dataName -> do
                        DatatypeInfo { datatypeVars    = dataVars
                                     , datatypeVariant = dv
                                     , datatypeCons    = cons
                                     } <- reifyDatatype dataName
                        case newtypeRepType dv cons of
                          Just newtypeRepTy ->
                            case etaReduce numArgsToEtaReduce newtypeRepTy of
                              Just etaRepTy ->
                                let repTySubst =
                                      M.fromList $
                                      zipWith (\var arg -> (varTToName var, arg))
                                              dataVars dataArgs
                                in return $ applySubstitution repTySubst etaRepTy
                              Nothing -> etaReductionError instanceTy
                          Nothing -> fail $ "Not a newtype: " ++ nameBase dataName
                      _ -> fail $ "Not a data type: " ++ pprint dataTy
              concat . catMaybes <$> traverse (deriveViaDecs' clsName clsTvbs clsArgs repTy) clsDecs
            (_, _) -> fail $ "Cannot derive instance for nullary class " ++ pprint clsTy
        _ -> fail $ "Not a type class: " ++ pprint clsTy
    _ -> fail $ "Malformed instance: " ++ pprint instanceTy

deriveViaDecs' :: Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> [Type] -> Type -> Dec -> Q (Maybe [Dec])
deriveViaDecs' clsName clsTvbs clsArgs repTy dec = do
    let numExpectedArgs = length clsTvbs
        numActualArgs   = length clsArgs
    unless (numExpectedArgs == numActualArgs) $
      fail $ "Mismatched number of class arguments"
          ++ "\n\tThe class " ++ nameBase clsName ++ " expects " ++ show numExpectedArgs ++ " argument(s),"
          ++ "\n\tbut was provided " ++ show numActualArgs ++ " argument(s)."
    go dec
    go :: Dec -> Q (Maybe [Dec])

    go (OpenTypeFamilyD (TypeFamilyHead tfName tfTvbs _ _)) =
      let lhsSubst = zipTvbSubst clsTvbs clsArgs
          rhsSubst = zipTvbSubst clsTvbs $ changeLast clsArgs repTy
          tfTvbTys = map tvbToType tfTvbs
          tfLHSTys = map (applySubstitution lhsSubst) tfTvbTys
          tfRHSTys = map (applySubstitution rhsSubst) tfTvbTys
          tfRHSTy  = applyTy (ConT tfName) tfRHSTys
          tfInst   = TySynInstD tfName (TySynEqn tfLHSTys tfRHSTy)
      in return (Just [tfInst])

    go (SigD methName methTy) =
      let (fromTy, toTy) = mkCoerceClassMethEqn clsTvbs clsArgs repTy $
                           stripOuterForallT methTy
          fromTau = stripOuterForallT fromTy
          toTau   = stripOuterForallT toTy
          rhsExpr = VarE coerceValName `AppTypeE` fromTau
                                       `AppTypeE` toTau
                                       `AppE`     VarE methName
          sig  = SigD methName toTy
          meth = ValD (VarP methName)
                      (NormalB rhsExpr)
      in return (Just [sig, meth])

    go _ = return Nothing

mkCoerceClassMethEqn :: [TyVarBndr] -> [Type] -> Type -> Type -> (Type, Type)
mkCoerceClassMethEqn clsTvbs clsArgs repTy methTy
  = ( applySubstitution rhsSubst methTy
    , applySubstitution lhsSubst methTy
    lhsSubst = zipTvbSubst clsTvbs clsArgs
    rhsSubst = zipTvbSubst clsTvbs $ changeLast clsArgs repTy

zipTvbSubst :: [TyVarBndr] -> [Type] -> Map Name Type
zipTvbSubst tvbs = M.fromList . zipWith (\tvb ty -> (tvName tvb, ty)) tvbs

-- | Replace the last element of a list with another element.
changeLast :: [a] -> a -> [a]
changeLast []     _  = error "changeLast"
changeLast [_]    x  = [x]
changeLast (x:xs) x' = x : changeLast xs x'

stripOuterForallT :: Type -> Type
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 807
-- Before GHC 8.7, TH-reified classes would put a redundant forall/class
-- context in front of each method's type signature, so we have to strip them
-- off here.
stripOuterForallT (ForallT _ _ ty) = ty
stripOuterForallT ty               = ty

decomposeType :: Type -> (Cxt, Type)
decomposeType (ForallT _ ctxt ty) = (ctxt, ty)
decomposeType ty                  = ([],   ty)

newtypeRepType :: DatatypeVariant -> [ConstructorInfo] -> Maybe Type
newtypeRepType dv cons = do
    case cons of
      [ConstructorInfo { constructorVars    = []
                       , constructorContext = []
                       , constructorFields  = [repTy]
                       }] -> Just repTy
      _ -> Nothing
    checkIfNewtype :: Maybe ()
      | Newtype         <- dv = Just ()
      | NewtypeInstance <- dv = Just ()
      | otherwise             = Nothing

etaReduce :: Int -> Type -> Maybe Type
etaReduce num ty =
  let (tyHead:tyArgs) = unapplyTy ty
      (tyArgsRemaining, tyArgsDropped) = splitAt (length tyArgs - num) tyArgs
  in if canEtaReduce tyArgsRemaining tyArgsDropped
        then Just $ applyTy tyHead tyArgsRemaining
        else Nothing