dependent-sum- Dependent sum type

Safe HaskellSafe




data DSum tag Source

A basic dependent sum type; the first component is a tag that specifies the type of the second; for example, think of a GADT such as:

 data Tag a where
    AString :: Tag String
    AnInt   :: Tag Int

Then, we have the following valid expressions of type DSum Tag:

 AString :=> "hello!"
 AnInt   :=> 42

And we can write functions that consume DSum Tag values by matching, such as:

 toString :: DSum Tag -> String
 toString (AString :=> str) = str
 toString (AnInt   :=> int) = show int

By analogy to the (key => value) construction for dictionary entries in many dynamic languages, we use (key :=> value) as the constructor for dependent sums. The :=> operator has very low precedence and binds to the right, so if the Tag GADT is extended with an additional constructor Rec :: Tag (DSum Tag), then Rec :=> AnInt :=> 3 + 4 is parsed as would be expected (Rec :=> (AnInt :=> (3 + 4))) and has type DSum Tag. Its precedence is just above that of $, so foo bar $ AString :=> eep is equivalent to foo bar (AString :=> eep).


forall a . !(tag a) :=> a 


EqTag tag => Eq (DSum tag) 
OrdTag tag => Ord (DSum tag) 
ReadTag tag => Read (DSum tag) 
ShowTag tag => Show (DSum tag) 
Typeable1 t => Typeable (DSum t) 

class GShow tag => ShowTag tag whereSource

In order to make a Show instance for DSum tag, tag must be able to show itself as well as any value of the tagged type. GShow together with this class provides the interface by which it can do so.

ShowTag tag => t is conceptually equivalent to something like this imaginary syntax: (forall a. Inhabited (tag a) => Show a) => t, where Inhabited is an imaginary predicate that characterizes non-empty types, and a does not occur free in t.

The Tag example type introduced in the DSum section could be given the following instances:

 instance GShow Tag where
     gshowsPrec _p AString = showString "AString"
     gshowsPrec _p AnInt   = showString "AnInt"
 instance ShowTag Tag where
     showTaggedPrec AString = showsPrec
     showTaggedPrec AnInt   = showsPrec


showTaggedPrec :: tag a -> Int -> a -> ShowSSource

Given a value of type tag a, return the showsPrec function for the type parameter a.


Show a => ShowTag (GOrdering a) 
Show a => ShowTag (:= a) 

class GRead tag => ReadTag tag whereSource


readTaggedPrec :: tag a -> Int -> ReadS aSource


Read a => ReadTag (:= a)

In order to make a Read instance for DSum tag, tag must be able to parse itself as well as any value of the tagged type. GRead together with this class provides the interface by which it can do so.

ReadTag tag => t is conceptually equivalent to something like this imaginary syntax: (forall a. Inhabited (tag a) => Read a) => t, where Inhabited is an imaginary predicate that characterizes non-empty types, and a does not occur free in t.

The Tag example type introduced in the DSum section could be given the following instances:

 instance GRead Tag where
     greadsPrec _p str = case tag of
        "AString"   -> [(\k -> k AString, rest)]
        "AnInt"     -> [(\k -> k AnInt,   rest)]
        _           -> []
        where (tag, rest) = break isSpace str
 instance ReadTag Tag where
     readTaggedPrec AString = readsPrec
     readTaggedPrec AnInt   = readsPrec

class GEq tag => EqTag tag whereSource

In order to test DSum tag for equality, tag must know how to test both itself and its tagged values for equality. EqTag defines the interface by which they are expected to do so.

Continuing the Tag example from the DSum section, we can define:

 instance GEq Tag where
     geq AString AString = Just Refl
     geq AnInt   AnInt   = Just Refl
     geq _       _       = Nothing
 instance EqTag Tag where
     eqTagged AString AString = (==)
     eqTagged AnInt   AnInt   = (==)

Note that eqTagged is not called until after the tags have been compared, so it only needs to consider the cases where gcompare returns GEQ.


eqTagged :: tag a -> tag a -> a -> a -> BoolSource

Given two values of type tag a (for which gcompare returns GEQ), return the == function for the type a.


Eq a => EqTag (:= a) 

class (EqTag tag, GCompare tag) => OrdTag tag whereSource

In order to compare DSum tag values, tag must know how to compare both itself and its tagged values. OrdTag defines the interface by which they are expected to do so.

Continuing the Tag example from the EqTag section, we can define:

 instance GCompare Tag where
     gcompare AString AString = GEQ
     gcompare AString AnInt   = GLT
     gcompare AnInt   AString = GGT
     gcompare AnInt   AnInt   = GEQ
 instance OrdTag Tag where
     compareTagged AString AString = compare
     compareTagged AnInt   AnInt   = compare

As with eqTagged, compareTagged only needs to consider cases where gcompare returns GEQ.


compareTagged :: tag a -> tag a -> a -> a -> OrderingSource

Given two values of type tag a (for which gcompare returns GEQ), return the compare function for the type a.


Ord a => OrdTag (:= a)