data-reify-cse-0.0.3: Common Sub-Expression Elimination for graphs generated by Data.Reify.

MaintainerSebastiaan Visser <>
Safe HaskellNone



This module implements common sub-expression elimination for graphs generated by the Data.Reify package. The algorithm performs a simple fixed point iteration and is not optimized for speed.

As an illustration, take this simple datatype representing an embedded language containing primitives and function application. The datatype abstracts away from the recursive points which is common when using the Reify package. A fixed point combinator can be used to tie the knot.

data Val f = App f f | Prim String
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

newtype Fix f = In { out :: f (Fix f) }

No we can add some useful instances and make the fixed point combinator an instance of the Reify MuRef class.

instance Functor Val      ...
instance Foldable Val     ...
instance Traversable Val  ...

instance Traversable a => MuRef (Fix a) where
  type DeRef (Fix a) = a
  mapDeRef f = traverse f . out

When we now take the following example term in our embedded language we can see that the cse function can eliminate common terms without changing the semantics. Evidently, we assume our language is referential transparent language.

myTerm :: Fix Val
myTerm = In $ clc `mul` clc
  where clc = Prim "2" `add` Prim "5"
        add a b = Prim "+" `app` a `app` b
        mul a b = Prim "*" `app` a `app` b
        app a b = App (In a) (In b)

The term fmap cse $ reifyGraph myTerm yields an optimized graph compared to the normal result of reifyGraph.

with CSE:       without CSE:

(1,App 2 9)     (1,App 2 9)
(2,App 3 9)     (9,App 10 13)
(10,App 6 7)    (13,Prim "5")
(9,App 10 8)    (10,App 11 12)
(3,Prim "*")    (12,Prim "2")
(6,Prim "+")    (11,Prim "+")
(7,Prim "2")    (2,App 3 4)
(8,Prim "5")    (4,App 5 8)
                (8,Prim "5")
                (5,App 6 7)
                (7,Prim "2")
                (6,Prim "+")
                (3,Prim "*")



cse :: (Ord (f Unique), Functor f) => Graph f -> Graph fSource

Perform CSE on the input graph.