darcs-2.18.4: a distributed, interactive, smart revision control system
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




encodeWhite :: FilePath -> String Source #

encodeWhite translates whitespace in filenames to a darcs-specific format (numerical representation according to ord surrounded by backslashes). Note that backslashes are also escaped since they are used in the encoding.

encodeWhite "hello there" == "hello\32\there"
encodeWhite "hello\there" == "hello\92\there"

decodeWhite :: String -> Either String FilePath Source #

decodeWhite interprets the Darcs-specific "encoded" filenames produced by encodeWhite

decodeWhite "hello\32\there"  == Right "hello there"
decodeWhite "hello\92\there"  == Right "hello\there"
decodeWhite "hello\there"   == Left "malformed filename"


makeAbsolute :: AbsolutePath -> FilePath -> AbsolutePath Source #

Take an absolute path and a string representing a (possibly relative) path and combine them into an absolute path. If the second argument is already absolute, then the first argument gets ignored. This function also takes care that the result is converted to Posix convention and normalized. Also, parent directories ("..") at the front of the string argument get canceled out against trailing directory parts of the absolute path argument.

Regarding the last point, someone more familiar with how these functions are used should verify that this is indeed necessary or at least useful.

ioAbsolute :: FilePath -> IO AbsolutePath Source #

Interpret a possibly relative path wrt the current working directory. This also canonicalizes the path, resolving symbolic links etc.


data AbsolutePathOrStd Source #

This is for situations where a string (e.g. a command line argument) may take the value "-" to mean stdin or stdout (which one depends on context) instead of a normal file path.

useAbsoluteOrStd :: (AbsolutePath -> a) -> a -> AbsolutePathOrStd -> a Source #

Execute either the first or the second argument action, depending on whether the given path is an AbsolutePath or stdin/stdout.



data SubPath Source #

Paths which are relative to the local darcs repository and normalized. Note: These are understood not to have the dot in front.


Instances details
Show SubPath Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Darcs.Util.Path

FilePathLike SubPath Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Darcs.Util.Path

FilePathOrURL SubPath Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Darcs.Util.Path

Eq SubPath Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Darcs.Util.Path


(==) :: SubPath -> SubPath -> Bool #

(/=) :: SubPath -> SubPath -> Bool #

Ord SubPath Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Darcs.Util.Path

makeSubPathOf :: AbsolutePath -> AbsolutePath -> Maybe SubPath Source #

Make the second path relative to the first, if possible. Note that this returns an empty SubPath if the inputs are equal.

floatSubPath :: SubPath -> Either String AnchoredPath Source #

Transform a SubPath into an AnchoredPath.

makeRelativeTo :: HasCallStack => AbsolutePath -> AbsolutePath -> IO (Maybe SubPath) Source #

The first argument must be the absolute path of a directory, the second is an arbitrary absolute path. Find the longest prefix of path that points to the same directory; if there is none, return Nothing, else return Just the remainder.


class FilePathOrURL a where Source #


toPath :: a -> String Source #


Instances details
FilePathOrURL FilePath Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Darcs.Util.Path

FilePathOrURL AbsoluteOrRemotePath Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Darcs.Util.Path

FilePathOrURL AbsolutePath Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Darcs.Util.Path

FilePathOrURL SubPath Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Darcs.Util.Path

class FilePathOrURL a => FilePathLike a where Source #


toFilePath :: a -> FilePath Source #


Instances details
FilePathLike FilePath Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Darcs.Util.Path

FilePathLike AbsolutePath Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Darcs.Util.Path

FilePathLike SubPath Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Darcs.Util.Path

getUniquePathName :: Bool -> (FilePath -> String) -> (Int -> FilePath) -> IO FilePath Source #

Iteratively tries find first non-existing path generated by buildName, it feeds to buildName the number starting with -1. When it generates non-existing path and it isn't first, it displays the message created with buildMsg. Usually used for generation of the name like path_number when path already exist (e.g. darcs.net_0).

Tree filtering.

filterPaths :: [AnchoredPath] -> AnchoredPath -> t -> Bool Source #

Construct a filter from a list of AnchoredPaths, that will accept any path that is either a parent or a child of any of the listed paths, and discard everything else.

AnchoredPaths: relative paths within a Tree. All paths are

data Name Source #


Instances details
Show Name Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Darcs.Util.Path


showsPrec :: Int -> Name -> ShowS #

show :: Name -> String #

showList :: [Name] -> ShowS #

Binary Name Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Darcs.Util.Path


put :: Name -> Put #

get :: Get Name #

putList :: [Name] -> Put #

Eq Name Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Darcs.Util.Path


(==) :: Name -> Name -> Bool #

(/=) :: Name -> Name -> Bool #

Ord Name Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Darcs.Util.Path


compare :: Name -> Name -> Ordering #

(<) :: Name -> Name -> Bool #

(<=) :: Name -> Name -> Bool #

(>) :: Name -> Name -> Bool #

(>=) :: Name -> Name -> Bool #

max :: Name -> Name -> Name #

min :: Name -> Name -> Name #

makeName :: String -> Either String Name Source #

Make a Name from a String. May fail if the input String is invalid, that is, "", ".", "..", or contains a /.

newtype AnchoredPath Source #

This is a type of "sane" file paths. These are always canonic in the sense that there are no stray slashes, no ".." components and similar. They are usually used to refer to a location within a Tree, but a relative filesystem path works just as well. These are either constructed from individual name components (using "appendPath", "catPaths" and "makeName"), or converted from a FilePath ("unsafeFloatPath" -- but take care when doing that).


AnchoredPath [Name] 


Instances details
Show AnchoredPath Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Darcs.Util.Path

Binary AnchoredPath Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Darcs.Util.Path

ObjectId AnchoredPath Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Darcs.Patch.Object

Eq AnchoredPath Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Darcs.Util.Path

Ord AnchoredPath Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Darcs.Util.Path

MonadThrow m => ApplyMonad Tree (TreeMonad m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Darcs.Patch.ApplyMonad

MonadThrow m => ApplyMonadTree (TreeMonad m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Darcs.Patch.ApplyMonad

appendPath :: AnchoredPath -> Name -> AnchoredPath Source #

Append an element to the end of a path.

anchorPath :: FilePath -> AnchoredPath -> FilePath Source #

Take a "root" directory and an anchored path and produce a full FilePath. Moreover, you can use anchorPath "" to get a relative FilePath.

isPrefix :: AnchoredPath -> AnchoredPath -> Bool Source #

Check whether a path is a prefix of another path.

movedirfilename :: AnchoredPath -> AnchoredPath -> AnchoredPath -> AnchoredPath Source #

The effect of renaming on paths. The first argument is the old path, the second is the new path, and the third is the possibly affected path we are interested in.

parent :: AnchoredPath -> Maybe AnchoredPath Source #

Get parent (path) of a given path. foobarbaz -> foo/bar

parents :: AnchoredPath -> [AnchoredPath] Source #

List all (proper) parents of a given path. foobarbaz -> [.,foo, foo/bar]

replaceParent :: AnchoredPath -> AnchoredPath -> Maybe AnchoredPath Source #

Replace the second arg's parent with the first arg.

catPaths :: AnchoredPath -> AnchoredPath -> AnchoredPath Source #

Catenate two paths together. Not very safe, but sometimes useful (e.g. when you are representing paths relative to a different point than a Tree root).

inDarcsdir :: AnchoredPath -> Bool Source #

Is the given path in (or equal to) the _darcs metadata directory?

displayPath :: AnchoredPath -> FilePath Source #

For displaying paths to the user. It should never be used for on-disk patch storage. This adds the "./" for consistency with how repo paths are displayed by showPatch and friends, except for the root path which is displayed as plain ".".

realPath :: AnchoredPath -> FilePath Source #

Interpret an AnchoredPath as relative the current working directory. Intended for IO operations in the file system. Use with care!

Unsafe AnchoredPath functions.

unsafeFloatPath :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> AnchoredPath Source #

Take a relative FilePath and turn it into an AnchoredPath. This is a partial function. Basically, by using unsafeFloatPath, you are testifying that the argument is a path relative to some common root -- i.e. the root of the associated Tree object. In particular, the input path may not contain any ocurrences of "." or ".." after normalising. You should sanitize any FilePaths before you declare them "good" by converting into AnchoredPath (using this function), especially if the FilePath come from any external source (command line, file, environment, network, etc)