cyclotomic-1.0.1: A subfield of the complex numbers for exact calculation.

Copyright(c) Scott N. Walck 2012-2017
LicenseGPL-3 (see LICENSE)
MaintainerScott N. Walck <>
Safe HaskellTrustworthy



The cyclotomic numbers are a subset of the complex numbers with the following properties:

  1. The cyclotomic numbers are represented exactly, enabling exact computations and equality comparisons.
  2. The cyclotomic numbers contain the Gaussian rationals (complex numbers of the form p + q i with p and q rational). As a consequence, the cyclotomic numbers are a dense subset of the complex numbers.
  3. The cyclotomic numbers contain the square roots of all rational numbers.
  4. The cyclotomic numbers form a field: they are closed under addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  5. The cyclotomic numbers contain the sine and cosine of all rational multiples of pi.
  6. The cyclotomic numbers can be thought of as the rational field extended with nth roots of unity for arbitrarily large integers n.

Floating point numbers do not do well with equality comparison:

(sqrt 2 + sqrt 3)^2 == 5 + 2 * sqrt 6
 -> False

Data.Complex.Cyclotomic represents these numbers exactly, allowing equality comparison:

(sqrtRat 2 + sqrtRat 3)^2 == 5 + 2 * sqrtRat 6
 -> True

Cyclotomics can be exported as inexact complex numbers using the toComplex function:

e 6
 -> -e(3)^2
real $ e 6
 -> 1/2
imag $ e 6
 -> -1/2*e(12)^7 + 1/2*e(12)^11
imag (e 6) == sqrtRat 3 / 2
 -> True
toComplex $ e 6
 -> 0.5000000000000003 :+ 0.8660254037844384

The algorithms for cyclotomic numbers are adapted from code by Martin Schoenert and Thomas Breuer in the GAP project (in particular source files gap4r4/src/cyclotom.c and gap4r4/lib/



data Cyclotomic Source #

A cyclotomic number.

Eq Cyclotomic Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Complex.Cyclotomic

Fractional Cyclotomic Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Complex.Cyclotomic

Num Cyclotomic Source #

abs and signum are partial functions. A cyclotomic number is not guaranteed to have a cyclotomic absolute value. When defined, signum c is the complex number with magnitude 1 that has the same argument as c; signum c = c / abs c.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Complex.Cyclotomic

Show Cyclotomic Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Complex.Cyclotomic

i :: Cyclotomic Source #

The square root of -1.

e :: Integer -> Cyclotomic Source #

The primitive nth root of unity. For example, e(4) = i is the primitive 4th root of unity, and e(5) = exp(2*pi*i/5) is the primitive 5th root of unity. In general, e n = exp(2*pi*i/n).

sqrtInteger :: Integer -> Cyclotomic Source #

The square root of an Integer.

sqrtRat :: Rational -> Cyclotomic Source #

The square root of a Rational number.

sinDeg :: Rational -> Cyclotomic Source #

Sine function with argument in degrees.

cosDeg :: Rational -> Cyclotomic Source #

Cosine function with argument in degrees.

sinRev :: Rational -> Cyclotomic Source #

Sine function with argument in revolutions.

cosRev :: Rational -> Cyclotomic Source #

Cosine function with argument in revolutions.

gaussianRat :: Rational -> Rational -> Cyclotomic Source #

Make a Gaussian rational; gaussianRat p q is the same as p + q * i.

polarRat Source #


:: Rational


-> Rational

angle, in revolutions

-> Cyclotomic

cyclotomic number

A complex number in polar form, with rational magnitude r and rational angle s of the form r * exp(2*pi*i*s); polarRat r s is the same as r * e q ^ p, where s = p/q. This function is the same as polarRatRev.

polarRatDeg Source #


:: Rational


-> Rational

angle, in degrees

-> Cyclotomic

cyclotomic number

A complex number in polar form, with rational magnitude and rational angle in degrees.

polarRatRev Source #


:: Rational


-> Rational

angle, in revolutions

-> Cyclotomic

cyclotomic number

A complex number in polar form, with rational magnitude and rational angle in revolutions.

conj :: Cyclotomic -> Cyclotomic Source #

Complex conjugate.

real :: Cyclotomic -> Cyclotomic Source #

Real part of the cyclotomic number.

imag :: Cyclotomic -> Cyclotomic Source #

Imaginary part of the cyclotomic number.

isReal :: Cyclotomic -> Bool Source #

Is the cyclotomic a real number?

isRat :: Cyclotomic -> Bool Source #

Is the cyclotomic a rational?

isGaussianRat :: Cyclotomic -> Bool Source #

Is the cyclotomic a Gaussian rational?

toComplex :: RealFloat a => Cyclotomic -> Complex a Source #

Export as an inexact complex number.

toReal :: RealFloat a => Cyclotomic -> Maybe a Source #

Export as an inexact real number if possible.

toRat :: Cyclotomic -> Maybe Rational Source #

Return an exact rational number if possible.

goldenRatio :: Cyclotomic Source #

The golden ratio, (1 + √5)/2.

dft :: [Cyclotomic] -> [Cyclotomic] Source #

Discrete Fourier transform, X_k = sum_{n=0}^{N-1} x_n cdot e^{-i 2 pi frac{k}{N} n}.

dftInv :: [Cyclotomic] -> [Cyclotomic] Source #

Inverse discrete Fourier transform, x_n = frac{1}{N} sum_{k=0}^{N-1} X_k cdot e^{i 2 pi frac{k}{N} n}.

rootsQuadEq Source #


:: Rational


-> Rational


-> Rational


-> Maybe (Cyclotomic, Cyclotomic)


Solutions to the quadratic equation a x^2 + b x + c = 0. Returns Nothing if a == 0.

heron Source #


:: Rational


-> Rational


-> Rational


-> Cyclotomic

area of triangle

Heron's formula for the area of a triangle with side lengths a, b, c.