module Transformations.Desugar (desugar) where
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Arrow (first, second)
import Control.Monad (liftM2)
import Control.Monad.Extra (concatMapM)
import qualified Control.Monad.State as S (State, runState, gets, modify)
import Data.Foldable (foldrM)
import Data.List ( (\\), elemIndex, nub, partition
, tails )
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Set as Set (Set, empty, member, insert)
import Curry.Base.Ident
import Curry.Base.SpanInfo
import Curry.Syntax
import Base.Expr
import Base.CurryTypes
import Base.Messages (internalError)
import Base.TypeExpansion
import Base.Types
import Base.TypeSubst
import Base.Typing
import Base.Utils (fst3, mapAccumM)
import Env.TypeConstructor (TCEnv, TypeInfo (..), qualLookupTypeInfo)
import Env.Value (ValueEnv, ValueInfo (..), qualLookupValue)
desugar :: [KnownExtension] -> ValueEnv -> TCEnv -> Module PredType
-> (Module PredType, ValueEnv)
desugar xs vEnv tcEnv (Module spi ps m es is ds)
= (Module spi ps m es is ds', valueEnv s')
where (ds', s') = S.runState (desugarModuleDecls ds)
(DesugarState m xs tcEnv vEnv 1)
data DesugarState = DesugarState
{ moduleIdent :: ModuleIdent
, extensions :: [KnownExtension]
, tyConsEnv :: TCEnv
, valueEnv :: ValueEnv
, nextId :: Integer
type DsM a = S.State DesugarState a
getModuleIdent :: DsM ModuleIdent
getModuleIdent = S.gets moduleIdent
checkNegativeLitsExtension :: DsM Bool
checkNegativeLitsExtension = S.gets (\s -> NegativeLiterals `elem` extensions s)
getTyConsEnv :: DsM TCEnv
getTyConsEnv = S.gets tyConsEnv
getValueEnv :: DsM ValueEnv
getValueEnv = S.gets valueEnv
getNextId :: DsM Integer
getNextId = do
nid <- S.gets nextId
S.modify $ \s -> s { nextId = succ nid }
return nid
freshVar :: Typeable t => String -> t -> DsM (PredType, Ident)
freshVar prefix t = do
v <- (mkIdent . (prefix ++) . show) <$> getNextId
return (predType $ typeOf t, v)
desugarModuleDecls :: [Decl PredType] -> DsM [Decl PredType]
desugarModuleDecls ds = do
ds' <- concatMapM dsRecordDecl ds
ds'' <- mapM dsClassAndInstanceDecl ds'
ds''' <- dsDeclGroup ds''
return $ filter (not . liftM2 (||) isValueDecl isTypeSig) ds'' ++ ds'''
dsClassAndInstanceDecl :: Decl PredType -> DsM (Decl PredType)
dsClassAndInstanceDecl (ClassDecl p cx cls tv ds) =
ClassDecl p cx cls tv . (tds ++) <$> dsDeclGroup vds
where (tds, vds) = partition isTypeSig ds
dsClassAndInstanceDecl (InstanceDecl p cx cls ty ds) =
InstanceDecl p cx cls ty <$> dsDeclGroup ds
dsClassAndInstanceDecl d = return d
dsRecordDecl :: Decl PredType -> DsM [Decl PredType]
dsRecordDecl (DataDecl p tc tvs cs clss) = do
m <- getModuleIdent
let qcs = map (qualifyWith m . constrId) cs
selFuns <- mapM (genSelFun p qcs) (nub $ concatMap recordLabels cs)
return $ DataDecl p tc tvs (map unlabelConstr cs) clss : selFuns
dsRecordDecl (NewtypeDecl p tc tvs nc clss) = do
m <- getModuleIdent
let qc = qualifyWith m (nconstrId nc)
selFun <- mapM (genSelFun p [qc]) (nrecordLabels nc)
return $ NewtypeDecl p tc tvs (unlabelNewConstr nc) clss : selFun
dsRecordDecl d = return [d]
genSelFun :: SpanInfo -> [QualIdent] -> Ident -> DsM (Decl PredType)
genSelFun p qcs l = do
m <- getModuleIdent
vEnv <- getValueEnv
let ForAll _ pty = varType (qualifyWith m l) vEnv
FunctionDecl p pty l <$> concatMapM (genSelEqn p l) qcs
genSelEqn :: SpanInfo -> Ident -> QualIdent -> DsM [Equation PredType]
genSelEqn p l qc = do
vEnv <- getValueEnv
let (ls, ty) = conType qc vEnv
(tys, ty0) = arrowUnapply (instType ty)
case elemIndex l ls of
Just n -> do
vs <- mapM (freshVar "_#rec") tys
let pat = constrPattern (predType ty0) qc vs
return [mkEquation p l [pat] (uncurry mkVar (vs !! n))]
Nothing -> return []
unlabelConstr :: ConstrDecl -> ConstrDecl
unlabelConstr (RecordDecl p c fs) = ConstrDecl p c tys
where tys = [ty | FieldDecl _ ls ty <- fs, _ <- ls]
unlabelConstr c = c
unlabelNewConstr :: NewConstrDecl -> NewConstrDecl
unlabelNewConstr (NewRecordDecl p nc (_, ty)) = NewConstrDecl p nc ty
unlabelNewConstr c = c
dsDeclGroup :: [Decl PredType] -> DsM [Decl PredType]
dsDeclGroup ds = concatMapM dsDeclLhs (filter isValueDecl ds) >>= mapM dsDeclRhs
dsDeclLhs :: Decl PredType -> DsM [Decl PredType]
dsDeclLhs (PatternDecl p t rhs) = do
(ds', t') <- dsPat p [] t
dss' <- mapM dsDeclLhs ds'
return $ PatternDecl p t' rhs : concat dss'
dsDeclLhs d = return [d]
dsDeclRhs :: Decl PredType -> DsM (Decl PredType)
dsDeclRhs (FunctionDecl p pty f eqs) =
FunctionDecl p pty f <$> mapM dsEquation eqs
dsDeclRhs (PatternDecl p t rhs) = PatternDecl p t <$> dsRhs id rhs
dsDeclRhs d@(FreeDecl _ _) = return d
dsDeclRhs d@(ExternalDecl _ _) = return d
dsDeclRhs _ =
error "Desugar.dsDeclRhs: no pattern match"
dsEquation :: Equation PredType -> DsM (Equation PredType)
dsEquation (Equation p lhs rhs) = do
( cs1, ts1) <- dsNonLinearity ts
(ds1, cs2, ts2) <- dsFunctionalPatterns p ts1
(ds2, ts3) <- mapAccumM (dsPat p) [] ts2
rhs' <- dsRhs (constrain cs2 . constrain cs1)
(addDecls (ds1 ++ ds2) rhs)
return $ Equation p (FunLhs NoSpanInfo f ts3) rhs'
where (f, ts) = flatLhs lhs
constrain :: [Expression PredType] -> Expression PredType -> Expression PredType
constrain cs e = if null cs then e else foldr1 (&) cs &> e
dsRhs :: (Expression PredType -> Expression PredType)
-> Rhs PredType -> DsM (Rhs PredType)
dsRhs f rhs = expandRhs (prelFailed (typeOf rhs)) f rhs
>>= dsExpr (getSpanInfo rhs)
>>= return . simpleRhs (getSpanInfo rhs)
expandRhs :: Expression PredType -> (Expression PredType -> Expression PredType)
-> Rhs PredType -> DsM (Expression PredType)
expandRhs _ f (SimpleRhs _ e ds) = return $ Let NoSpanInfo ds (f e)
expandRhs e0 f (GuardedRhs _ es ds) = (Let NoSpanInfo ds . f)
<$> expandGuards e0 es
expandGuards :: Expression PredType -> [CondExpr PredType]
-> DsM (Expression PredType)
expandGuards e0 es =
return $ if boolGuards es then foldr mkIfThenElse e0 es else mkCond es
mkIfThenElse (CondExpr _ g e) = IfThenElse NoSpanInfo g e
mkCond [CondExpr _ g e] = g &> e
mkCond _ = error "Desugar.expandGuards.mkCond: non-unary list"
boolGuards :: [CondExpr PredType] -> Bool
boolGuards [] = False
boolGuards (CondExpr _ g _ : es) = not (null es) || typeOf g == boolType
addDecls :: [Decl PredType] -> Rhs PredType -> Rhs PredType
addDecls ds (SimpleRhs p e ds') = SimpleRhs p e (ds ++ ds')
addDecls ds (GuardedRhs spi es ds') = GuardedRhs spi es (ds ++ ds')
dsNonLinearity :: [Pattern PredType]
-> DsM ([Expression PredType], [Pattern PredType])
dsNonLinearity ts = do
((_, cs), ts') <- mapAccumM dsNonLinear (Set.empty, []) ts
return (reverse cs, ts')
type NonLinearEnv = (Set.Set Ident, [Expression PredType])
dsNonLinear :: NonLinearEnv -> Pattern PredType
-> DsM (NonLinearEnv, Pattern PredType)
dsNonLinear env l@(LiteralPattern _ _ _) = return (env, l)
dsNonLinear env n@(NegativePattern _ _ _) = return (env, n)
dsNonLinear env t@(VariablePattern _ _ v)
| isAnonId v = return (env, t)
| v `Set.member` vis = do
v' <- freshVar "_#nonlinear" t
return ((vis, mkStrictEquality v v' : eqs),
uncurry (VariablePattern NoSpanInfo) v')
| otherwise = return ((Set.insert v vis, eqs), t)
where (vis, eqs) = env
dsNonLinear env (ConstructorPattern _ pty c ts)
= second (ConstructorPattern NoSpanInfo pty c) <$> mapAccumM dsNonLinear env ts
dsNonLinear env (InfixPattern _ pty t1 op t2) = do
(env1, t1') <- dsNonLinear env t1
(env2, t2') <- dsNonLinear env1 t2
return (env2, InfixPattern NoSpanInfo pty t1' op t2')
dsNonLinear env (ParenPattern _ t) =
second (ParenPattern NoSpanInfo) <$> dsNonLinear env t
dsNonLinear env (RecordPattern _ pty c fs) =
second (RecordPattern NoSpanInfo pty c)
<$> mapAccumM (dsField dsNonLinear) env fs
dsNonLinear env (TuplePattern _ ts) =
second (TuplePattern NoSpanInfo) <$> mapAccumM dsNonLinear env ts
dsNonLinear env (ListPattern _ pty ts) =
second (ListPattern NoSpanInfo pty) <$> mapAccumM dsNonLinear env ts
dsNonLinear env (AsPattern _ v t) = do
let pty = predType $ typeOf t
(env1, pat) <- dsNonLinear env (VariablePattern NoSpanInfo pty v)
let VariablePattern _ _ v' = pat
(env2, t') <- dsNonLinear env1 t
return (env2, AsPattern NoSpanInfo v' t')
dsNonLinear env (LazyPattern _ t) =
second (LazyPattern NoSpanInfo) <$> dsNonLinear env t
dsNonLinear env fp@(FunctionPattern _ _ _ _) = dsNonLinearFuncPat env fp
dsNonLinear env fp@(InfixFuncPattern _ _ _ _ _) = dsNonLinearFuncPat env fp
dsNonLinearFuncPat :: NonLinearEnv -> Pattern PredType
-> DsM (NonLinearEnv, Pattern PredType)
dsNonLinearFuncPat (vis, eqs) fp = do
let fpVars = map (\(v, _, pty) -> (pty, v)) $ patternVars fp
vs = filter ((`Set.member` vis) . snd) fpVars
vs' <- mapM (freshVar "_#nonlinear" . uncurry (VariablePattern NoSpanInfo)) vs
let vis' = foldr (Set.insert . snd) vis fpVars
fp' = substPat (zip (map snd vs) (map snd vs')) fp
return ((vis', zipWith mkStrictEquality (map snd vs) vs' ++ eqs), fp')
mkStrictEquality :: Ident -> (PredType, Ident) -> Expression PredType
mkStrictEquality x (pty, y) = mkVar pty x =:= mkVar pty y
substPat :: [(Ident, Ident)] -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
substPat _ l@(LiteralPattern _ _ _) = l
substPat _ n@(NegativePattern _ _ _) = n
substPat s (VariablePattern _ a v) =
VariablePattern NoSpanInfo a $ fromMaybe v (lookup v s)
substPat s (ConstructorPattern _ a c ps) =
ConstructorPattern NoSpanInfo a c $ map (substPat s) ps
substPat s (InfixPattern _ a p1 op p2) =
InfixPattern NoSpanInfo a (substPat s p1) op (substPat s p2)
substPat s (ParenPattern _ p) =
ParenPattern NoSpanInfo (substPat s p)
substPat s (RecordPattern _ a c fs) =
RecordPattern NoSpanInfo a c (map substField fs)
where substField (Field pos l pat) = Field pos l (substPat s pat)
substPat s (TuplePattern _ ps) =
TuplePattern NoSpanInfo $ map (substPat s) ps
substPat s (ListPattern _ a ps) =
ListPattern NoSpanInfo a $ map (substPat s) ps
substPat s (AsPattern _ v p) =
AsPattern NoSpanInfo (fromMaybe v (lookup v s)) (substPat s p)
substPat s (LazyPattern _ p) =
LazyPattern NoSpanInfo (substPat s p)
substPat s (FunctionPattern _ a f ps) =
FunctionPattern NoSpanInfo a f $ map (substPat s) ps
substPat s (InfixFuncPattern _ a p1 op p2) =
InfixFuncPattern NoSpanInfo a (substPat s p1) op (substPat s p2)
:: SpanInfo -> [Pattern PredType]
-> DsM ([Decl PredType], [Expression PredType], [Pattern PredType])
dsFunctionalPatterns p ts = do
(bs, ts') <- mapAccumM elimFP [] ts
let (ds, cs) = genFPExpr p (concatMap patternVars ts') (reverse bs)
return (ds, cs, ts')
type LazyBinding = (Pattern PredType, (PredType, Ident))
elimFP :: [LazyBinding] -> Pattern PredType
-> DsM ([LazyBinding], Pattern PredType)
elimFP bs p@(LiteralPattern _ _ _) = return (bs, p)
elimFP bs p@(NegativePattern _ _ _) = return (bs, p)
elimFP bs p@(VariablePattern _ _ _) = return (bs, p)
elimFP bs (ConstructorPattern _ pty c ts) =
second (ConstructorPattern NoSpanInfo pty c) <$> mapAccumM elimFP bs ts
elimFP bs (InfixPattern _ pty t1 op t2) = do
(bs1, t1') <- elimFP bs t1
(bs2, t2') <- elimFP bs1 t2
return (bs2, InfixPattern NoSpanInfo pty t1' op t2')
elimFP bs (ParenPattern _ t) =
second (ParenPattern NoSpanInfo) <$> elimFP bs t
elimFP bs (RecordPattern _ pty c fs) =
second (RecordPattern NoSpanInfo pty c) <$> mapAccumM (dsField elimFP) bs fs
elimFP bs (TuplePattern _ ts) =
second (TuplePattern NoSpanInfo) <$> mapAccumM elimFP bs ts
elimFP bs (ListPattern _ pty ts) =
second (ListPattern NoSpanInfo pty) <$> mapAccumM elimFP bs ts
elimFP bs (AsPattern _ v t) =
second (AsPattern NoSpanInfo v) <$> elimFP bs t
elimFP bs (LazyPattern _ t) =
second (LazyPattern NoSpanInfo) <$> elimFP bs t
elimFP bs p@(FunctionPattern _ _ _ _) = do
(pty, v) <- freshVar "_#funpatt" p
return ((p, (pty, v)) : bs, VariablePattern NoSpanInfo pty v)
elimFP bs p@(InfixFuncPattern _ _ _ _ _) = do
(pty, v) <- freshVar "_#funpatt" p
return ((p, (pty, v)) : bs, VariablePattern NoSpanInfo pty v)
genFPExpr :: SpanInfo -> [(Ident, Int, PredType)] -> [LazyBinding]
-> ([Decl PredType], [Expression PredType])
genFPExpr p vs bs
| null bs = ([] , [])
| null free = ([] , cs)
| otherwise = ([FreeDecl p (map (\(v, _, pty) -> Var pty v) free)], cs)
mkLB (t, (pty, v)) = let (t', es) = fp2Expr t
in (t' =:<= mkVar pty v) : es
cs = concatMap mkLB bs
free = nub $ filter (not . isAnonId . fst3) $
concatMap patternVars (map fst bs) \\ vs
fp2Expr :: Pattern PredType -> (Expression PredType, [Expression PredType])
fp2Expr (LiteralPattern _ pty l) = (Literal NoSpanInfo pty l, [])
fp2Expr (NegativePattern _ pty l) =
(Literal NoSpanInfo pty (negateLiteral l), [])
fp2Expr (VariablePattern _ pty v) = (mkVar pty v, [])
fp2Expr (ConstructorPattern _ pty c ts) =
let (ts', ess) = unzip $ map fp2Expr ts
pty' = predType $ foldr TypeArrow (unpredType pty) $ map typeOf ts
in (apply (Constructor NoSpanInfo pty' c) ts', concat ess)
fp2Expr (InfixPattern _ pty t1 op t2) =
let (t1', es1) = fp2Expr t1
(t2', es2) = fp2Expr t2
pty' = predType $ foldr TypeArrow (unpredType pty) [typeOf t1, typeOf t2]
in (InfixApply NoSpanInfo t1' (InfixConstr pty' op) t2', es1 ++ es2)
fp2Expr (ParenPattern _ t) = first (Paren NoSpanInfo) (fp2Expr t)
fp2Expr (TuplePattern _ ts) =
let (ts', ess) = unzip $ map fp2Expr ts
in (Tuple NoSpanInfo ts', concat ess)
fp2Expr (ListPattern _ pty ts) =
let (ts', ess) = unzip $ map fp2Expr ts
in (List NoSpanInfo pty ts', concat ess)
fp2Expr (FunctionPattern _ pty f ts) =
let (ts', ess) = unzip $ map fp2Expr ts
pty' = predType $ foldr TypeArrow (unpredType pty) $ map typeOf ts
in (apply (Variable NoSpanInfo pty' f) ts', concat ess)
fp2Expr (InfixFuncPattern _ pty t1 op t2) =
let (t1', es1) = fp2Expr t1
(t2', es2) = fp2Expr t2
pty' = predType $ foldr TypeArrow (unpredType pty) $ map typeOf [t1, t2]
in (InfixApply NoSpanInfo t1' (InfixOp pty' op) t2', es1 ++ es2)
fp2Expr (AsPattern _ v t) =
let (t', es) = fp2Expr t
pty = predType $ typeOf t
in (mkVar pty v, (t' =:<= mkVar pty v) : es)
fp2Expr (RecordPattern _ pty c fs) =
let (fs', ess) = unzip [ (Field p f e, es) | Field p f t <- fs
, let (e, es) = fp2Expr t]
in (Record NoSpanInfo pty c fs', concat ess)
fp2Expr t = internalError $
"Desugar.fp2Expr: Unexpected constructor term: " ++ show t
dsLiteralPat :: PredType -> Literal
-> Either (Pattern PredType) (Pattern PredType)
dsLiteralPat pty c@(Char _) = Right (LiteralPattern NoSpanInfo pty c)
dsLiteralPat pty (Int i) =
Right (LiteralPattern NoSpanInfo pty (fixLiteral (unpredType pty)))
where fixLiteral (TypeConstrained tys _) = fixLiteral (head tys)
fixLiteral ty
| ty == floatType = Float $ fromInteger i
| otherwise = Int i
dsLiteralPat pty f@(Float _) = Right (LiteralPattern NoSpanInfo pty f)
dsLiteralPat pty (String cs) =
Left $ ListPattern NoSpanInfo pty $
map (LiteralPattern NoSpanInfo pty' . Char) cs
where pty' = predType $ elemType $ unpredType pty
dsPat :: SpanInfo -> [Decl PredType] -> Pattern PredType
-> DsM ([Decl PredType], Pattern PredType)
dsPat _ ds v@(VariablePattern _ _ _) = return (ds, v)
dsPat p ds (LiteralPattern _ pty l) =
either (dsPat p ds) (return . (,) ds) (dsLiteralPat pty l)
dsPat p ds (NegativePattern _ pty l) =
dsPat p ds (LiteralPattern NoSpanInfo pty (negateLiteral l))
dsPat p ds (ConstructorPattern _ pty c ts) =
second (ConstructorPattern NoSpanInfo pty c) <$> mapAccumM (dsPat p) ds ts
dsPat p ds (InfixPattern _ pty t1 op t2) =
dsPat p ds (ConstructorPattern NoSpanInfo pty op [t1, t2])
dsPat p ds (ParenPattern _ t) = dsPat p ds t
dsPat p ds (RecordPattern _ pty c fs) = do
vEnv <- getValueEnv
let (ls, tys) = argumentTypes (unpredType pty) c vEnv
tsMap = map field2Tuple fs
anonTs <- mapM ((uncurry (VariablePattern NoSpanInfo) <$>) .
freshVar "_#recpat") tys
let maybeTs = map (flip lookup tsMap) ls
ts = zipWith fromMaybe anonTs maybeTs
dsPat p ds (ConstructorPattern NoSpanInfo pty c ts)
dsPat p ds (TuplePattern _ ts) =
dsPat p ds (ConstructorPattern NoSpanInfo pty (qTupleId $ length ts) ts)
where pty = predType (tupleType (map typeOf ts))
dsPat p ds (ListPattern _ pty ts) =
second (dsList cons nil) <$> mapAccumM (dsPat p) ds ts
where nil = ConstructorPattern NoSpanInfo pty qNilId []
cons t ts' = ConstructorPattern NoSpanInfo pty qConsId [t, ts']
dsPat p ds (AsPattern _ v t) = dsAs p v <$> dsPat p ds t
dsPat p ds (LazyPattern _ t) = dsLazy p ds t
dsPat p ds (FunctionPattern _ pty f ts) =
second (FunctionPattern NoSpanInfo pty f) <$> mapAccumM (dsPat p) ds ts
dsPat p ds (InfixFuncPattern _ pty t1 f t2) =
dsPat p ds (FunctionPattern NoSpanInfo pty f [t1, t2])
dsAs :: SpanInfo -> Ident -> ([Decl PredType], Pattern PredType)
-> ([Decl PredType], Pattern PredType)
dsAs p v (ds, t) = case t of
VariablePattern _ pty v' -> (varDecl p pty v (mkVar pty v') : ds,t)
AsPattern _ v' t' -> (varDecl p pty' v (mkVar pty' v') : ds,t)
where pty' = predType $ typeOf t'
_ -> (ds, AsPattern NoSpanInfo v t)
dsLazy :: SpanInfo -> [Decl PredType] -> Pattern PredType
-> DsM ([Decl PredType], Pattern PredType)
dsLazy p ds t = case t of
VariablePattern _ _ _ -> return (ds, t)
ParenPattern _ t' -> dsLazy p ds t'
AsPattern _ v t' -> dsAs p v <$> dsLazy p ds t'
LazyPattern _ t' -> dsLazy p ds t'
_ -> do
(pty, v') <- freshVar "_#lazy" t
return (patDecl NoSpanInfo t (mkVar pty v') : ds,
VariablePattern NoSpanInfo pty v')
dsExpr :: SpanInfo -> Expression PredType -> DsM (Expression PredType)
dsExpr p (Literal _ pty l) =
either (dsExpr p) return (dsLiteral pty l)
dsExpr _ var@(Variable _ pty v)
| isAnonId (unqualify v) = return $ prelUnknown $ unpredType pty
| otherwise = return var
dsExpr _ c@(Constructor _ _ _) = return c
dsExpr p (Paren _ e) = dsExpr p e
dsExpr p (Typed _ e qty) = Typed NoSpanInfo
<$> dsExpr p e <*> dsQualTypeExpr qty
dsExpr p (Record _ pty c fs) = do
vEnv <- getValueEnv
let (ls, tys) = argumentTypes (unpredType pty) c vEnv
esMap = map field2Tuple fs
unknownEs = map prelUnknown tys
maybeEs = map (flip lookup esMap) ls
es = zipWith fromMaybe unknownEs maybeEs
dsExpr p (applyConstr pty c tys es)
dsExpr p (RecordUpdate _ e fs) = do
alts <- constructors tc >>= concatMapM updateAlt
dsExpr p $ Case NoSpanInfo Flex e (map (uncurry (caseAlt p)) alts)
where ty = typeOf e
pty = predType ty
tc = rootOfType (arrowBase ty)
updateAlt (RecordConstr c ls _)
| all (`elem` qls2) (map fieldLabel fs)= do
let qc = qualifyLike tc c
vEnv <- getValueEnv
let (qls, tys) = argumentTypes ty qc vEnv
vs <- mapM (freshVar "_#rec") tys
let pat = constrPattern pty qc vs
esMap = map field2Tuple fs
originalEs = map (uncurry mkVar) vs
maybeEs = map (flip lookup esMap) qls
es = zipWith fromMaybe originalEs maybeEs
return [(pat, applyConstr pty qc tys es)]
where qls2 = map (qualifyLike tc) ls
updateAlt _ = return []
dsExpr p (Tuple _ es) =
apply (Constructor NoSpanInfo pty $ qTupleId $ length es)
<$> mapM (dsExpr p) es
where pty = predType (foldr TypeArrow (tupleType tys) tys)
tys = map typeOf es
dsExpr p (List _ pty es) = dsList cons nil <$> mapM (dsExpr p) es
where nil = Constructor NoSpanInfo pty qNilId
cons = (Apply NoSpanInfo) . (Apply NoSpanInfo)
(Constructor NoSpanInfo
(predType $ consType $ elemType $ unpredType pty) qConsId)
dsExpr p (ListCompr _ e qs) = dsListComp p e qs
dsExpr p (EnumFrom _ e) =
Apply NoSpanInfo (prelEnumFrom (typeOf e)) <$> dsExpr p e
dsExpr p (EnumFromThen _ e1 e2) =
apply (prelEnumFromThen (typeOf e1)) <$> mapM (dsExpr p) [e1, e2]
dsExpr p (EnumFromTo _ e1 e2) = apply (prelEnumFromTo (typeOf e1))
<$> mapM (dsExpr p) [e1, e2]
dsExpr p (EnumFromThenTo _ e1 e2 e3) = apply (prelEnumFromThenTo (typeOf e1))
<$> mapM (dsExpr p) [e1, e2, e3]
dsExpr p (UnaryMinus _ e) = do
e' <- dsExpr p e
negativeLitsEnabled <- checkNegativeLitsExtension
return $ case e' of
Literal _ pty l | negativeLitsEnabled ->
Literal NoSpanInfo pty $ negateLiteral l
_ ->
Apply NoSpanInfo (prelNegate $ typeOf e') e'
dsExpr p (Apply _ e1 e2) = Apply NoSpanInfo <$> dsExpr p e1 <*> dsExpr p e2
dsExpr p (InfixApply _ e1 op e2) = do
op' <- dsExpr p (infixOp op)
e1' <- dsExpr p e1
e2' <- dsExpr p e2
return $ apply op' [e1', e2']
dsExpr p (LeftSection _ e op) =
Apply NoSpanInfo <$> dsExpr p (infixOp op) <*> dsExpr p e
dsExpr p (RightSection _ op e) = do
op' <- dsExpr p (infixOp op)
e' <- dsExpr p e
return $ apply (prelFlip ty1 ty2 ty3) [op', e']
where TypeArrow ty1 (TypeArrow ty2 ty3) = typeOf (infixOp op)
dsExpr p expr@(Lambda _ ts e) = do
(pty, f) <- freshVar "_#lambda" expr
dsExpr p $ Let NoSpanInfo [funDecl p pty f ts e] $ mkVar pty f
dsExpr p (Let _ ds e) = do
ds' <- dsDeclGroup ds
e' <- dsExpr p e
return (if null ds' then e' else Let NoSpanInfo ds' e')
dsExpr p (Do _ sts e) = dsDo sts e >>= dsExpr p
dsExpr p (IfThenElse _ e1 e2 e3) = do
e1' <- dsExpr p e1
e2' <- dsExpr p e2
e3' <- dsExpr p e3
return $ Case NoSpanInfo Rigid e1'
[caseAlt p truePat e2', caseAlt p falsePat e3']
dsExpr p (Case _ ct e alts) = dsCase p ct e alts
dsQualTypeExpr :: QualTypeExpr -> DsM QualTypeExpr
dsQualTypeExpr (QualTypeExpr _ cx ty) =
QualTypeExpr NoSpanInfo cx <$> dsTypeExpr ty
dsTypeExpr :: TypeExpr -> DsM TypeExpr
dsTypeExpr ty = do
m <- getModuleIdent
tcEnv <- getTyConsEnv
return $ fromType (typeVariables ty) (expandType m tcEnv (toType [] ty))
dsCase :: SpanInfo -> CaseType -> Expression PredType -> [Alt PredType]
-> DsM (Expression PredType)
dsCase p ct e alts
| null alts = internalError "Desugar.dsCase: empty list of alternatives"
| otherwise = do
m <- getModuleIdent
e' <- dsExpr p e
v <- freshVar "_#case" e
alts' <- mapM dsAltLhs alts
alts'' <- mapM (expandAlt v ct) (init (tails alts')) >>= mapM dsAltRhs
return (mkCase m v e' alts'')
mkCase m (pty, v) e' bs
| v `elem` qfv m bs = Let NoSpanInfo [varDecl p pty v e']
(Case NoSpanInfo ct (mkVar pty v) bs)
| otherwise = Case NoSpanInfo ct e' bs
dsAltLhs :: Alt PredType -> DsM (Alt PredType)
dsAltLhs (Alt p t rhs) = do
(ds', t') <- dsPat p [] t
return $ Alt p t' (addDecls ds' rhs)
dsAltRhs :: Alt PredType -> DsM (Alt PredType)
dsAltRhs (Alt p t rhs) = Alt p t <$> dsRhs id rhs
expandAlt :: (PredType, Ident) -> CaseType -> [Alt PredType]
-> DsM (Alt PredType)
expandAlt _ _ [] = error "Desugar.expandAlt: empty list"
expandAlt v ct (Alt p t rhs : alts) = caseAlt p t <$> expandRhs e0 id rhs
e0 | ct == Flex || null compAlts = prelFailed (typeOf rhs)
| otherwise = Case NoSpanInfo ct (uncurry mkVar v) compAlts
compAlts = filter (isCompatible t . altPattern) alts
altPattern (Alt _ t1 _) = t1
isCompatible :: Pattern a -> Pattern a -> Bool
isCompatible (VariablePattern _ _ _) _ = True
isCompatible _ (VariablePattern _ _ _) = True
isCompatible (AsPattern _ _ t1) t2 = isCompatible t1 t2
isCompatible t1 (AsPattern _ _ t2) = isCompatible t1 t2
isCompatible (ConstructorPattern _ _ c1 ts1) (ConstructorPattern _ _ c2 ts2)
= and ((c1 == c2) : zipWith isCompatible ts1 ts2)
isCompatible (LiteralPattern _ _ l1) (LiteralPattern _ _ l2) = l1 == l2
isCompatible _ _ = False
dsDo :: [Statement PredType] -> Expression PredType -> DsM (Expression PredType)
dsDo sts e = foldrM dsStmt e sts
dsStmt :: Statement PredType -> Expression PredType -> DsM (Expression PredType)
dsStmt (StmtExpr _ e1) e' =
return $ apply (prelBind_ (typeOf e1) (typeOf e')) [e1, e']
dsStmt (StmtBind _ t e1) e' = do
v <- freshVar "_#var" t
let func = Lambda NoSpanInfo [uncurry (VariablePattern NoSpanInfo) v] $
Case NoSpanInfo Rigid (uncurry mkVar v)
[ caseAlt NoSpanInfo t e'
, caseAlt NoSpanInfo (uncurry (VariablePattern NoSpanInfo) v)
(failedPatternMatch $ typeOf e')
return $ apply (prelBind (typeOf e1) (typeOf t) (typeOf e')) [e1, func]
where failedPatternMatch ty =
apply (prelFail ty)
[Literal NoSpanInfo predStringType $ String "Pattern match failed!"]
dsStmt (StmtDecl _ ds) e' = return $ Let NoSpanInfo ds e'
dsListComp :: SpanInfo -> Expression PredType -> [Statement PredType]
-> DsM (Expression PredType)
dsListComp p e [] =
dsExpr p (List NoSpanInfo (predType $ listType $ typeOf e) [e])
dsListComp p e (q:qs) = dsQual p q (ListCompr NoSpanInfo e qs)
dsQual :: SpanInfo -> Statement PredType -> Expression PredType
-> DsM (Expression PredType)
dsQual p (StmtExpr _ b) e =
dsExpr p (IfThenElse NoSpanInfo b e (List NoSpanInfo (predType $ typeOf e) []))
dsQual p (StmtDecl _ ds) e = dsExpr p (Let NoSpanInfo ds e)
dsQual p (StmtBind _ t l) e
| isVariablePattern t = dsExpr p (qualExpr t e l)
| otherwise = do
v <- freshVar "_#var" t
l' <- freshVar "_#var" e
dsExpr p (apply (prelFoldr (typeOf t) (typeOf e))
[foldFunct v l' e, List NoSpanInfo (predType $ typeOf e) [], l])
qualExpr v (ListCompr NoSpanInfo e1 []) l1
= apply (prelMap (typeOf v) (typeOf e1)) [Lambda NoSpanInfo [v] e1, l1]
qualExpr v e1 l1
= apply (prelConcatMap (typeOf v) (elemType $ typeOf e1))
[Lambda NoSpanInfo [v] e1, l1]
foldFunct v l1 e1
= Lambda NoSpanInfo (map (uncurry (VariablePattern NoSpanInfo)) [v, l1])
(Case NoSpanInfo Rigid (uncurry mkVar v)
[ caseAlt p t (append e1 (uncurry mkVar l1))
, caseAlt p (uncurry (VariablePattern NoSpanInfo) v)
(uncurry mkVar l1)])
append (ListCompr _ e1 []) l1 = apply (prelCons (typeOf e1)) [e1, l1]
append e1 l1 =
apply (prelAppend (elemType $ typeOf e1)) [e1, l1]
prelCons ty =
Constructor NoSpanInfo (predType $ consType ty) $ qConsId
dsList :: (b -> b -> b) -> b -> [b] -> b
dsList = foldr
dsField :: (a -> b -> DsM (a, b)) -> a -> Field b -> DsM (a, Field b)
dsField ds z (Field p l x) = second (Field p l) <$> ds z x
dsLiteral :: PredType -> Literal
-> Either (Expression PredType) (Expression PredType)
dsLiteral pty (Char c) = Right $ Literal NoSpanInfo pty $ Char c
dsLiteral pty (Int i) = Right $ fixLiteral (unpredType pty)
where fixLiteral (TypeConstrained tys _) = fixLiteral (head tys)
fixLiteral ty
| ty == intType = Literal NoSpanInfo pty $ Int i
| ty == floatType = Literal NoSpanInfo pty $ Float $ fromInteger i
| otherwise = Apply NoSpanInfo (prelFromInt $ unpredType pty) $
Literal NoSpanInfo predIntType $ Int i
dsLiteral pty f@(Float _) = Right $ fixLiteral (unpredType pty)
where fixLiteral (TypeConstrained tys _) = fixLiteral (head tys)
fixLiteral ty
| ty == floatType = Literal NoSpanInfo pty f
| otherwise = Apply NoSpanInfo (prelFromFloat $ unpredType pty) $
Literal NoSpanInfo predFloatType f
dsLiteral pty (String cs) =
Left $ List NoSpanInfo pty $ map (Literal NoSpanInfo pty' . Char) cs
where pty' = predType $ elemType $ unpredType pty
negateLiteral :: Literal -> Literal
negateLiteral (Int i) = Int (-i)
negateLiteral (Float f) = Float (-f)
negateLiteral _ = internalError "Desugar.negateLiteral"
preludeFun :: [Type] -> Type -> String -> Expression PredType
preludeFun tys ty = Variable NoSpanInfo (predType $ foldr TypeArrow ty tys)
. preludeIdent
preludeIdent :: String -> QualIdent
preludeIdent = qualifyWith preludeMIdent . mkIdent
prelBind :: Type -> Type -> Type -> Expression PredType
prelBind ma a mb = preludeFun [ma, TypeArrow a mb] mb ">>="
prelBind_ :: Type -> Type -> Expression PredType
prelBind_ ma mb = preludeFun [ma, mb] mb ">>"
prelFlip :: Type -> Type -> Type -> Expression PredType
prelFlip a b c = preludeFun [TypeArrow a (TypeArrow b c), b, a] c "flip"
prelFromInt :: Type -> Expression PredType
prelFromInt a = preludeFun [intType] a "fromInt"
prelFromFloat :: Type -> Expression PredType
prelFromFloat a = preludeFun [floatType] a "fromFloat"
prelEnumFrom :: Type -> Expression PredType
prelEnumFrom a = preludeFun [a] (listType a) "enumFrom"
prelEnumFromTo :: Type -> Expression PredType
prelEnumFromTo a = preludeFun [a, a] (listType a) "enumFromTo"
prelEnumFromThen :: Type -> Expression PredType
prelEnumFromThen a = preludeFun [a, a] (listType a) "enumFromThen"
prelEnumFromThenTo :: Type -> Expression PredType
prelEnumFromThenTo a = preludeFun [a, a, a] (listType a) "enumFromThenTo"
prelNegate :: Type -> Expression PredType
prelNegate a = preludeFun [a] a "negate"
prelFail :: Type -> Expression PredType
prelFail ma = preludeFun [stringType] ma "fail"
prelFailed :: Type -> Expression PredType
prelFailed a = preludeFun [] a "failed"
prelUnknown :: Type -> Expression PredType
prelUnknown a = preludeFun [] a "unknown"
prelMap :: Type -> Type -> Expression PredType
prelMap a b = preludeFun [TypeArrow a b, listType a] (listType b) "map"
prelFoldr :: Type -> Type -> Expression PredType
prelFoldr a b =
preludeFun [TypeArrow a (TypeArrow b b), b, listType a] b "foldr"
prelAppend :: Type -> Expression PredType
prelAppend a = preludeFun [listType a, listType a] (listType a) "++"
prelConcatMap :: Type -> Type -> Expression PredType
prelConcatMap a b =
preludeFun [TypeArrow a (listType b), listType a] (listType b) "concatMap"
(=:<=) :: Expression PredType -> Expression PredType -> Expression PredType
e1 =:<= e2 = apply (preludeFun [typeOf e1, typeOf e2] boolType "=:<=") [e1, e2]
(=:=) :: Expression PredType -> Expression PredType -> Expression PredType
e1 =:= e2 = apply (preludeFun [typeOf e1, typeOf e2] boolType "=:=") [e1, e2]
(&>) :: Expression PredType -> Expression PredType -> Expression PredType
e1 &> e2 = apply (preludeFun [boolType, typeOf e2] (typeOf e2) "cond") [e1, e2]
(&) :: Expression PredType -> Expression PredType -> Expression PredType
e1 & e2 = apply (preludeFun [boolType, boolType] boolType "&") [e1, e2]
truePat :: Pattern PredType
truePat = ConstructorPattern NoSpanInfo predBoolType qTrueId []
falsePat :: Pattern PredType
falsePat = ConstructorPattern NoSpanInfo predBoolType qFalseId []
conType :: QualIdent -> ValueEnv -> ([Ident], TypeScheme)
conType c vEnv = case qualLookupValue c vEnv of
[DataConstructor _ _ ls ty] -> (ls , ty)
[NewtypeConstructor _ l ty] -> ([l], ty)
_ -> internalError $ "Desguar.conType: " ++ show c
varType :: QualIdent -> ValueEnv -> TypeScheme
varType v vEnv = case qualLookupValue v vEnv of
Value _ _ _ tySc : _ -> tySc
Label _ _ tySc : _ -> tySc
_ -> internalError $ "Desugar.varType: " ++ show v
elemType :: Type -> Type
elemType (TypeApply (TypeConstructor tc) ty) | tc == qListId = ty
elemType ty = internalError $ "Base.Types.elemType " ++ show ty
applyConstr :: PredType -> QualIdent -> [Type] -> [Expression PredType]
-> Expression PredType
applyConstr pty c tys =
apply (Constructor NoSpanInfo
(predType (foldr TypeArrow (unpredType pty) tys)) c)
instType :: TypeScheme -> Type
instType (ForAll _ pty) = inst $ unpredType pty
where inst (TypeConstructor tc) = TypeConstructor tc
inst (TypeApply ty1 ty2) = TypeApply (inst ty1) (inst ty2)
inst (TypeVariable tv) = TypeVariable (-1 - tv)
inst (TypeArrow ty1 ty2) = TypeArrow (inst ty1) (inst ty2)
inst ty = ty
constructors :: QualIdent -> DsM [DataConstr]
constructors tc = getTyConsEnv >>= \tcEnv -> return $
case qualLookupTypeInfo tc tcEnv of
[DataType _ _ cs] -> cs
[RenamingType _ _ nc] -> [nc]
_ ->
internalError $ "Transformations.Desugar.constructors: " ++ show tc
argumentTypes :: Type -> QualIdent -> ValueEnv -> ([QualIdent], [Type])
argumentTypes ty c vEnv =
(map (qualifyLike c) ls, map (subst (matchType ty0 ty idSubst)) tys)
where (ls, ForAll _ (PredType _ ty')) = conType c vEnv
(tys, ty0) = arrowUnapply ty'