module Generators.GenTypeAnnotatedFlatCurry (genTypeAnnotatedFlatCurry) where
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Monad ((<=<))
import Control.Monad.Extra (concatMapM)
import qualified Control.Monad.State as S ( State, evalState, get, gets
, modify, put )
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (nub, sortBy)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (Map, empty, insert, lookup)
import qualified Data.Set as Set (Set, empty, insert, member)
import Curry.Base.Ident
import Curry.Base.SpanInfo
import Curry.FlatCurry.Annotated.Goodies (typeName)
import Curry.FlatCurry.Annotated.Type
import qualified Curry.Syntax as CS
import Base.CurryTypes (toType)
import Base.Messages (internalError)
import Base.NestEnv ( NestEnv, emptyEnv, bindNestEnv, lookupNestEnv
, nestEnv, unnestEnv )
import Base.TypeExpansion
import Base.Types
import CompilerEnv
import Env.OpPrec (mkPrec)
import Env.TypeConstructor (TCEnv)
import Env.Value (ValueEnv, ValueInfo (..), qualLookupValue)
import qualified IL
import Transformations (transType)
genTypeAnnotatedFlatCurry :: CompilerEnv -> CS.Module Type -> IL.Module
-> AProg TypeExpr
genTypeAnnotatedFlatCurry env mdl il = patchPrelude $ run env mdl (trModule il)
patchPrelude :: AProg a -> AProg a
patchPrelude p@(AProg n _ ts fs os)
| n == prelude = AProg n [] ts' fs os
| otherwise = p
where ts' = sortBy (compare `on` typeName) pts
pts = primTypes ++ ts
primTypes :: [TypeDecl]
primTypes =
[ Type arrow Public [0, 1] []
, Type unit Public [] [(Cons unit 0 Public [])]
, Type nil Public [0] [ Cons nil 0 Public []
, Cons cons 2 Public [TVar 0, TCons nil [TVar 0]]
] ++ map mkTupleType [2 .. maxTupleArity]
where arrow = mkPreludeQName "(->)"
unit = mkPreludeQName "()"
nil = mkPreludeQName "[]"
cons = mkPreludeQName ":"
mkTupleType :: Int -> TypeDecl
mkTupleType arity = Type tuple Public [0 .. arity - 1]
[Cons tuple arity Public (map TVar [0 .. arity - 1])]
where tuple = mkPreludeQName $ '(' : replicate (arity - 1) ',' ++ ")"
mkPreludeQName :: String -> QName
mkPreludeQName n = (prelude, n)
prelude :: String
prelude = "Prelude"
maxTupleArity :: Int
maxTupleArity = 15
type FlatState a = S.State FlatEnv a
data FlatEnv = FlatEnv
{ modIdent :: ModuleIdent
, tyExports :: Set.Set Ident
, valExports :: Set.Set Ident
, tcEnv :: TCEnv
, tyEnv :: ValueEnv
, fixities :: [CS.IDecl]
, typeSynonyms :: [CS.Decl Type]
, imports :: [ModuleIdent]
, nextVar :: Int
, varMap :: NestEnv VarIndex
run :: CompilerEnv -> CS.Module Type -> FlatState a -> a
run env (CS.Module _ _ mid es is ds) act = S.evalState act env0
es' = case es of Just (CS.Exporting _ e) -> e
_ -> []
env0 = FlatEnv
{ modIdent = mid
, tyExports = foldr (buildTypeExports mid) Set.empty es'
, valExports = foldr (buildValueExports mid) Set.empty es'
, imports = nub [ m | CS.ImportDecl _ m _ _ _ <- is ]
, tyEnv = valueEnv env
, tcEnv = tyConsEnv env
, fixities = [ CS.IInfixDecl (spanInfo2Pos p) fix (mkPrec mPrec) (qualifyWith mid o)
| CS.InfixDecl p fix mPrec os <- ds, o <- os
, typeSynonyms = [ d | d@CS.TypeDecl{} <- ds ]
, nextVar = 0
, varMap = emptyEnv
buildTypeExports :: ModuleIdent -> CS.Export -> Set.Set Ident -> Set.Set Ident
buildTypeExports mid (CS.ExportTypeWith _ tc _)
| isLocalIdent mid tc = Set.insert (unqualify tc)
buildTypeExports _ _ = id
buildValueExports :: ModuleIdent -> CS.Export -> Set.Set Ident -> Set.Set Ident
buildValueExports mid (CS.Export _ q)
| isLocalIdent mid q = Set.insert (unqualify q)
buildValueExports mid (CS.ExportTypeWith _ tc cs)
| isLocalIdent mid tc = flip (foldr Set.insert) cs
buildValueExports _ _ = id
getModuleIdent :: FlatState ModuleIdent
getModuleIdent = S.gets modIdent
getArity :: QualIdent -> FlatState Int
getArity qid = S.gets tyEnv >>= \ env -> return $ case qualLookupValue qid env of
[DataConstructor _ a _ _] -> a
[NewtypeConstructor _ _ _] -> 1
[Value _ _ a _] -> a
[Label _ _ _] -> 1
_ ->
internalError ("GenTypeAnnotatedFlatCurry.getArity: " ++ qualName qid)
getFixities :: FlatState [CS.IDecl]
getFixities = S.gets fixities
getTypeSynonyms :: FlatState [CS.Decl Type]
getTypeSynonyms = S.gets typeSynonyms
getImports :: [ModuleIdent] -> FlatState [String]
getImports imps = (nub . map moduleName . (imps ++)) <$> S.gets imports
withFreshEnv :: FlatState a -> FlatState a
withFreshEnv act = S.modify (\ s -> s { nextVar = 0, varMap = emptyEnv }) >> act
inNestedEnv :: FlatState a -> FlatState a
inNestedEnv act = do
S.modify $ \ s -> s { varMap = nestEnv $ varMap s }
res <- act
S.modify $ \ s -> s { varMap = unnestEnv $ varMap s }
return res
newVar :: IL.Type -> Ident -> FlatState (VarIndex, TypeExpr)
newVar ty i = do
idx <- (+1) <$> S.gets nextVar
S.modify $ \ s -> s { nextVar = idx, varMap = bindNestEnv i idx (varMap s) }
ty' <- trType ty
return (idx, ty')
getVarIndex :: Ident -> FlatState VarIndex
getVarIndex i = S.gets varMap >>= \ varEnv -> case lookupNestEnv i varEnv of
[v] -> return v
_ -> internalError $ "GenTypeAnnotatedFlatCurry.getVarIndex: " ++ escName i
trIOpDecl :: CS.IDecl -> FlatState [OpDecl]
trIOpDecl (CS.IInfixDecl _ fix prec op)
= (\op' -> [Op op' (cvFixity fix) prec]) <$> trQualIdent op
trIOpDecl _ = return []
trModule :: IL.Module -> FlatState (AProg TypeExpr)
trModule (IL.Module mid is ds) = do
is' <- getImports is
sns <- getTypeSynonyms >>= concatMapM trTypeSynonym
tds <- concatMapM trTypeDecl ds
fds <- concatMapM (return . map runNormalization <=< trAFuncDecl) ds
ops <- getFixities >>= concatMapM trIOpDecl
return $ AProg (moduleName mid) is' (sns ++ tds) fds ops
trTypeSynonym :: CS.Decl a -> FlatState [TypeDecl]
trTypeSynonym (CS.TypeDecl _ t tvs ty) = do
m <- getModuleIdent
qid <- flip qualifyWith t <$> getModuleIdent
t' <- trQualIdent qid
vis <- getTypeVisibility qid
tEnv <- S.gets tcEnv
ty' <- trType (transType $ expandType m tEnv $ toType tvs ty)
return [TypeSyn t' vis [0 .. length tvs - 1] ty']
trTypeSynonym _ = return []
trTypeDecl :: IL.Decl -> FlatState [TypeDecl]
trTypeDecl (IL.DataDecl qid a []) = do
q' <- trQualIdent qid
vis <- getTypeVisibility qid
c <- trQualIdent $ qualify (mkIdent $ "_Constr#" ++ idName (unqualify qid))
let tvs = [0 .. a - 1]
return [Type q' vis tvs [Cons c 1 Private [TCons q' $ map TVar tvs]]]
trTypeDecl (IL.DataDecl qid a cs) = do
q' <- trQualIdent qid
vis <- getTypeVisibility qid
cs' <- mapM trConstrDecl cs
return [Type q' vis [0 .. a - 1] cs']
trTypeDecl (IL.ExternalDataDecl qid a) = do
q' <- trQualIdent qid
vis <- getTypeVisibility qid
return [Type q' vis [0 .. a - 1] []]
trTypeDecl _ = return []
trConstrDecl :: IL.ConstrDecl -> FlatState ConsDecl
trConstrDecl (IL.ConstrDecl qid tys) = flip Cons (length tys)
<$> trQualIdent qid
<*> getVisibility qid
<*> mapM trType tys
trType :: IL.Type -> FlatState TypeExpr
trType (IL.TypeConstructor t tys) = TCons <$> trQualIdent t <*> mapM trType tys
trType (IL.TypeVariable idx) = return $ TVar $ abs idx
trType (IL.TypeArrow ty1 ty2) = FuncType <$> trType ty1 <*> trType ty2
trType (IL.TypeForall idxs ty) = ForallType (map abs idxs) <$> trType ty
cvFixity :: CS.Infix -> Fixity
cvFixity CS.InfixL = InfixlOp
cvFixity CS.InfixR = InfixrOp
cvFixity CS.Infix = InfixOp
trAFuncDecl :: IL.Decl -> FlatState [AFuncDecl TypeExpr]
trAFuncDecl (IL.FunctionDecl f vs _ e) = do
f' <- trQualIdent f
a <- getArity f
vis <- getVisibility f
ty' <- trType ty
r' <- trARule ty vs e
return [AFunc f' a vis ty' r']
where ty = foldr IL.TypeArrow (IL.typeOf e) $ map fst vs
trAFuncDecl (IL.ExternalDecl f ty) = do
f' <- trQualIdent f
a <- getArity f
vis <- getVisibility f
ty' <- trType ty
r' <- trAExternal ty f
return [AFunc f' a vis ty' r']
trAFuncDecl _ = return []
trARule :: IL.Type -> [(IL.Type, Ident)] -> IL.Expression
-> FlatState (ARule TypeExpr)
trARule ty vs e = withFreshEnv $ ARule <$> trType ty
<*> mapM (uncurry newVar) vs
<*> trAExpr e
trAExternal :: IL.Type -> QualIdent -> FlatState (ARule TypeExpr)
trAExternal ty f = flip AExternal (qualName f) <$> trType ty
trAExpr :: IL.Expression -> FlatState (AExpr TypeExpr)
trAExpr (IL.Literal ty l) = ALit <$> trType ty <*> trLiteral l
trAExpr (IL.Variable ty v) = AVar <$> trType ty <*> getVarIndex v
trAExpr (IL.Function ty f _) = genCall Fun ty f []
trAExpr (IL.Constructor ty c _) = genCall Con ty c []
trAExpr (IL.Apply e1 e2) = trApply e1 e2
trAExpr c@(IL.Case t e bs) = flip ACase (cvEval t) <$> trType (IL.typeOf c) <*> trAExpr e
<*> mapM (inNestedEnv . trAlt) bs
trAExpr (IL.Or e1 e2) = AOr <$> trType (IL.typeOf e1) <*> trAExpr e1 <*> trAExpr e2
trAExpr (IL.Exist v ty e) = inNestedEnv $ do
v' <- newVar ty v
e' <- trAExpr e
ty' <- trType (IL.typeOf e)
return $ case e' of AFree ty'' vs e'' -> AFree ty'' (v' : vs) e''
_ -> AFree ty' (v' : []) e'
trAExpr (IL.Let (IL.Binding v b) e) = inNestedEnv $ do
v' <- newVar (IL.typeOf b) v
b' <- trAExpr b
e' <- trAExpr e
ty' <- trType $ IL.typeOf e
return $ case e' of ALet ty'' bs e'' -> ALet ty'' ((v', b'):bs) e''
_ -> ALet ty' ((v', b'):[]) e'
trAExpr (IL.Letrec bs e) = inNestedEnv $ do
let (vs, es) = unzip [ ((IL.typeOf b, v), b) | IL.Binding v b <- bs]
ALet <$> trType (IL.typeOf e)
<*> (zip <$> mapM (uncurry newVar) vs <*> mapM trAExpr es)
<*> trAExpr e
trAExpr (IL.Typed e _) = ATyped <$> ty' <*> trAExpr e <*> ty'
where ty' = trType $ IL.typeOf e
trLiteral :: IL.Literal -> FlatState Literal
trLiteral (IL.Char c) = return $ Charc c
trLiteral (IL.Int i) = return $ Intc i
trLiteral (IL.Float f) = return $ Floatc f
trApply :: IL.Expression -> IL.Expression -> FlatState (AExpr TypeExpr)
trApply e1 e2 = genFlatApplic e1 [e2]
genFlatApplic e es = case e of
IL.Apply ea eb -> genFlatApplic ea (eb:es)
IL.Function ty f _ -> genCall Fun ty f es
IL.Constructor ty c _ -> genCall Con ty c es
_ -> do
expr <- trAExpr e
genApply expr es
trAlt :: IL.Alt -> FlatState (ABranchExpr TypeExpr)
trAlt (IL.Alt p e) = ABranch <$> trPat p <*> trAExpr e
trPat :: IL.ConstrTerm -> FlatState (APattern TypeExpr)
trPat (IL.LiteralPattern ty l) = ALPattern <$> trType ty <*> trLiteral l
trPat (IL.ConstructorPattern ty c vs) = do
qty <- trType $ foldr IL.TypeArrow ty $ map fst vs
APattern <$> trType ty <*> ((\q -> (q, qty)) <$> trQualIdent c) <*> mapM (uncurry newVar) vs
trPat (IL.VariablePattern _ _) = internalError "GenTypeAnnotatedFlatCurry.trPat"
cvEval :: IL.Eval -> CaseType
cvEval IL.Rigid = Rigid
cvEval IL.Flex = Flex
data Call = Fun | Con
genCall :: Call -> IL.Type -> QualIdent -> [IL.Expression]
-> FlatState (AExpr TypeExpr)
genCall call ty f es = do
f' <- trQualIdent f
arity <- getArity f
case compare supplied arity of
LT -> genAComb ty f' es (part call (arity - supplied))
EQ -> genAComb ty f' es (full call)
GT -> do
let (es1, es2) = splitAt arity es
funccall <- genAComb ty f' es1 (full call)
genApply funccall es2
supplied = length es
full Fun = FuncCall
full Con = ConsCall
part Fun = FuncPartCall
part Con = ConsPartCall
genAComb :: IL.Type -> QName -> [IL.Expression] -> CombType -> FlatState (AExpr TypeExpr)
genAComb ty qid es ct = do
ty' <- trType ty
let ty'' = defunc ty' (length es)
AComb ty'' ct (qid, ty') <$> mapM trAExpr es
defunc t 0 = t
defunc (FuncType _ t2) n = defunc t2 (n - 1)
defunc _ _ = internalError "GenTypeAnnotatedFlatCurry.genAComb.defunc"
genApply :: AExpr TypeExpr -> [IL.Expression] -> FlatState (AExpr TypeExpr)
genApply e es = do
ap <- trQualIdent $ qApplyId
es' <- mapM trAExpr es
return $ foldl (\e1 e2 -> let FuncType ty1 ty2 = typeOf e1 in AComb ty2 FuncCall (ap, FuncType (FuncType ty1 ty2) (FuncType ty1 ty2)) [e1, e2]) e es'
runNormalization :: Normalize a => a -> a
runNormalization x = S.evalState (normalize x) (0, Map.empty)
type NormState a = S.State (Int, Map.Map Int Int) a
class Normalize a where
normalize :: a -> NormState a
instance Normalize Int where
normalize i = do
(n, m) <- S.get
case Map.lookup i m of
Nothing -> do
S.put (n + 1, Map.insert i n m)
return n
Just n' -> return n'
instance Normalize TypeExpr where
normalize (TVar i) = TVar <$> normalize i
normalize (TCons q tys) = TCons q <$> mapM normalize tys
normalize (FuncType ty1 ty2) = FuncType <$> normalize ty1 <*> normalize ty2
normalize (ForallType is ty) =
ForallType <$> mapM normalize is <*> normalize ty
instance Normalize b => Normalize (a, b) where
normalize (x, y) = ((,) x) <$> normalize y
instance Normalize a => Normalize (AFuncDecl a) where
normalize (AFunc f a v ty r) = AFunc f a v <$> normalize ty <*> normalize r
instance Normalize a => Normalize (ARule a) where
normalize (ARule ty vs e) = ARule <$> normalize ty
<*> mapM normalize vs
<*> normalize e
normalize (AExternal ty s) = flip AExternal s <$> normalize ty
instance Normalize a => Normalize (AExpr a) where
normalize (AVar ty v) = flip AVar v <$> normalize ty
normalize (ALit ty l) = flip ALit l <$> normalize ty
normalize (AComb ty ct f es) = flip AComb ct <$> normalize ty
<*> normalize f
<*> mapM normalize es
normalize (ALet ty ds e) = ALet <$> normalize ty
<*> mapM normalizeBinding ds
<*> normalize e
where normalizeBinding (v, b) = (,) <$> normalize v <*> normalize b
normalize (AOr ty a b) = AOr <$> normalize ty <*> normalize a
<*> normalize b
normalize (ACase ty ct e bs) = flip ACase ct <$> normalize ty <*> normalize e
<*> mapM normalize bs
normalize (AFree ty vs e) = AFree <$> normalize ty <*> mapM normalize vs
<*> normalize e
normalize (ATyped ty e ty') = ATyped <$> normalize ty <*> normalize e
<*> normalize ty'
instance Normalize a => Normalize (ABranchExpr a) where
normalize (ABranch p e) = ABranch <$> normalize p <*> normalize e
instance Normalize a => Normalize (APattern a) where
normalize (APattern ty c vs) = APattern <$> normalize ty <*> normalize c
<*> mapM normalize vs
normalize (ALPattern ty l) = flip ALPattern l <$> normalize ty
trQualIdent :: QualIdent -> FlatState QName
trQualIdent qid = do
mid <- getModuleIdent
return $ (moduleName $ fromMaybe mid mid', idName i)
mid' | i `elem` [listId, consId, nilId, unitId] || isTupleId i
= Just preludeMIdent
| otherwise
= qidModule qid
i = qidIdent qid
getTypeVisibility :: QualIdent -> FlatState Visibility
getTypeVisibility i = S.gets $ \s ->
if Set.member (unqualify i) (tyExports s) then Public else Private
getVisibility :: QualIdent -> FlatState Visibility
getVisibility i = S.gets $ \s ->
if Set.member (unqualify i) (valExports s) then Public else Private