module Checks.SyntaxCheck (syntaxCheck) where
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 804
import Prelude hiding ((<>))
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Monad (unless, when)
import qualified Control.Monad.State as S ( State, runState, gets, modify
, withState )
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (insertBy, intersect, nub, nubBy)
import qualified Data.Map as Map ( Map, empty, findWithDefault
, fromList, insertWith, keys )
import Data.Maybe (isJust, isNothing)
import qualified Data.Set as Set ( Set, empty, insert, member
, singleton, toList, union)
import Curry.Base.Ident
import Curry.Base.Position
import Curry.Base.Pretty
import Curry.Base.Span
import Curry.Base.SpanInfo
import Curry.Syntax
import Curry.Syntax.Pretty (ppPattern)
import Base.Expr
import Base.Messages (Message, posMessage, internalError)
import Base.NestEnv
import Base.SCC (scc)
import Base.Utils ((++!), findDouble, findMultiples)
import Env.TypeConstructor (TCEnv, clsMethods)
import Env.Value (ValueEnv, ValueInfo (..))
syntaxCheck :: [KnownExtension] -> TCEnv -> ValueEnv -> Module ()
-> ((Module (), [KnownExtension]), [Message])
syntaxCheck exts tcEnv vEnv mdl@(Module _ _ m _ _ ds) =
case findMultiples cons of
[] -> case findMultiples (ls ++ fs ++ cons ++ cs) of
[] -> runSC (checkModule mdl) state
iss -> ((mdl, exts), map (errMultipleDeclarations m) iss)
css -> ((mdl, exts), map errMultipleDataConstructor css)
tds = filter isTypeDecl ds
vds = filter isValueDecl ds
cds = filter isClassDecl ds
cons = concatMap constrs tds
ls = nub $ concatMap recLabels tds
fs = nub $ concatMap vars vds
cs = concatMap (concatMap methods) [ds' | ClassDecl _ _ _ _ ds' <- cds]
rEnv = globalEnv $ fmap renameInfo vEnv
state = initState exts m tcEnv rEnv
type SCM = S.State SCState
data SCState = SCState
{ extensions :: [KnownExtension]
, moduleIdent :: ModuleIdent
, tyConsEnv :: TCEnv
, renameEnv :: RenameEnv
, scopeId :: Integer
, nextId :: Integer
, funcDeps :: FuncDeps
, typeClassesCheck :: Bool
, errors :: [Message]
initState :: [KnownExtension] -> ModuleIdent -> TCEnv -> RenameEnv -> SCState
initState exts m tcEnv rEnv =
SCState exts m tcEnv rEnv globalScopeId 1 noFuncDeps False []
globalScopeId :: Integer
globalScopeId = idUnique (mkIdent "")
runSC :: SCM a -> SCState -> (a, [Message])
runSC scm s = let (a, s') = S.runState scm s in (a, reverse $ errors s')
hasExtension :: KnownExtension -> SCM Bool
hasExtension ext = S.gets (elem ext . extensions)
enableExtension :: KnownExtension -> SCM ()
enableExtension e = S.modify $ \s -> s { extensions = e : extensions s }
getExtensions :: SCM [KnownExtension]
getExtensions = S.gets extensions
getModuleIdent :: SCM ModuleIdent
getModuleIdent = S.gets moduleIdent
getTyConsEnv :: SCM TCEnv
getTyConsEnv = S.gets tyConsEnv
getRenameEnv :: SCM RenameEnv
getRenameEnv = S.gets renameEnv
modifyRenameEnv :: (RenameEnv -> RenameEnv) -> SCM ()
modifyRenameEnv f = S.modify $ \s -> s { renameEnv = f $ renameEnv s }
getScopeId :: SCM Integer
getScopeId = S.gets scopeId
newId :: SCM Integer
newId = do
curId <- S.gets nextId
S.modify $ \s -> s { nextId = succ curId }
return curId
isTypeClassesCheck :: SCM Bool
isTypeClassesCheck = S.gets typeClassesCheck
performTypeClassesCheck :: SCM a -> SCM a
performTypeClassesCheck = inNestedScope .
S.withState (\s -> s { typeClassesCheck = True })
incNesting :: SCM ()
incNesting = do
newScopeId <- newId
S.modify $ \s -> s { scopeId = newScopeId }
modifyRenameEnv nestEnv
withLocalEnv :: SCM a -> SCM a
withLocalEnv act = do
oldEnv <- getRenameEnv
res <- act
modifyRenameEnv $ const oldEnv
return res
inNestedScope :: SCM a -> SCM a
inNestedScope act = withLocalEnv (incNesting >> act)
modifyFuncDeps :: (FuncDeps -> FuncDeps) -> SCM ()
modifyFuncDeps f = S.modify $ \ s -> s { funcDeps = f $ funcDeps s }
report :: Message -> SCM ()
report msg = S.modify $ \s -> s { errors = msg : errors s }
ok :: SCM ()
ok = return ()
data FuncDeps = FuncDeps
{ curGlobalFunc :: Maybe QualIdent
, globalDeps :: GlobalDeps
, funcPats :: [(QualIdent, QualIdent)]
type GlobalDeps = Map.Map QualIdent (Set.Set QualIdent)
noFuncDeps :: FuncDeps
noFuncDeps = FuncDeps Nothing Map.empty []
inFunc :: Ident -> SCM a -> SCM a
inFunc i scm = do
m <- getModuleIdent
global <- isNothing <$> S.gets (curGlobalFunc . funcDeps)
when global $ modifyFuncDeps $ \ fd -> fd { curGlobalFunc = Just (qualifyWith m i) }
res <- scm
when global $ modifyFuncDeps $ \ fd -> fd { curGlobalFunc = Nothing }
return res
addGlobalDep :: QualIdent -> SCM ()
addGlobalDep dep = do
maybeF <- S.gets (curGlobalFunc . funcDeps)
case maybeF of
Nothing -> internalError "SyntaxCheck.addFuncPat: no global function set"
Just f -> modifyFuncDeps $ \ fd -> fd
{ globalDeps = Map.insertWith Set.union f
(Set.singleton dep) (globalDeps fd) }
addFuncPat :: QualIdent -> SCM ()
addFuncPat fp = do
maybeF <- S.gets (curGlobalFunc . funcDeps)
case maybeF of
Nothing -> internalError "SyntaxCheck.addFuncPat: no global function set"
Just f -> modifyFuncDeps $ \ fd -> fd { funcPats = (fp, f) : funcPats fd }
getGlobalDeps :: SCM GlobalDeps
getGlobalDeps = globalDeps <$> S.gets funcDeps
getFuncPats :: SCM [(QualIdent, QualIdent)]
getFuncPats = funcPats <$> S.gets funcDeps
type RenameEnv = NestEnv RenameInfo
data RenameInfo
= Constr QualIdent Int
| RecordLabel QualIdent [QualIdent]
| GlobalVar QualIdent Int
| LocalVar Ident Int
deriving (Eq, Show)
ppRenameInfo :: RenameInfo -> Doc
ppRenameInfo (Constr qn _) = text (escQualName qn)
ppRenameInfo (RecordLabel qn _) = text (escQualName qn)
ppRenameInfo (GlobalVar qn _) = text (escQualName qn)
ppRenameInfo (LocalVar n _) = text (escName n)
renameInfo :: ValueInfo -> RenameInfo
renameInfo (DataConstructor qid a _ _) = Constr qid a
renameInfo (NewtypeConstructor qid _ _) = Constr qid 1
renameInfo (Value qid _ a _) = GlobalVar qid a
renameInfo (Label qid cs _) = RecordLabel qid cs
bindGlobal :: Bool -> ModuleIdent -> Ident -> RenameInfo -> RenameEnv
-> RenameEnv
bindGlobal tcc m c r
| not tcc = bindNestEnv c r . qualBindNestEnv (qualifyWith m c) r
| otherwise = id
bindLocal :: Ident -> RenameInfo -> RenameEnv -> RenameEnv
bindLocal = bindNestEnv
bindTypeDecl :: Decl a -> SCM ()
bindTypeDecl (DataDecl _ _ _ cs _) =
mapM_ bindConstr cs >> bindRecordLabels cs
bindTypeDecl (NewtypeDecl _ _ _ nc _) = bindNewConstr nc
bindTypeDecl _ = ok
bindConstr :: ConstrDecl -> SCM ()
bindConstr (ConstrDecl _ c tys) = do
m <- getModuleIdent
modifyRenameEnv $ bindGlobal False m c (Constr (qualifyWith m c) $ length tys)
bindConstr (ConOpDecl _ _ op _) = do
m <- getModuleIdent
modifyRenameEnv $ bindGlobal False m op (Constr (qualifyWith m op) 2)
bindConstr (RecordDecl _ c fs) = do
m <- getModuleIdent
modifyRenameEnv $ bindGlobal False m c (Constr (qualifyWith m c) (length labels))
where labels = [l | FieldDecl _ ls _ <- fs, l <- ls]
bindNewConstr :: NewConstrDecl -> SCM ()
bindNewConstr (NewConstrDecl _ c _) = do
m <- getModuleIdent
modifyRenameEnv $ bindGlobal False m c (Constr (qualifyWith m c) 1)
bindNewConstr (NewRecordDecl _ c (l, _)) = do
m <- getModuleIdent
bindRecordLabel (l, [c])
modifyRenameEnv $ bindGlobal False m c (Constr (qualifyWith m c) 1)
bindRecordLabels :: [ConstrDecl] -> SCM ()
bindRecordLabels cs =
mapM_ bindRecordLabel [(l, constr l) | l <- nub (concatMap recordLabels cs)]
where constr l = [constrId c | c <- cs, l `elem` recordLabels c]
bindRecordLabel :: (Ident, [Ident]) -> SCM ()
bindRecordLabel (l, cs) = do
m <- getModuleIdent
new <- (null . lookupVar l) <$> getRenameEnv
unless new $ report $ errDuplicateDefinition l
modifyRenameEnv $ bindGlobal False m l $
RecordLabel (qualifyWith m l) (map (qualifyWith m) cs)
bindFuncDecl :: Bool -> ModuleIdent -> Decl a -> RenameEnv -> RenameEnv
bindFuncDecl _ _ (FunctionDecl _ _ _ []) _
= internalError "SyntaxCheck.bindFuncDecl: no equations"
bindFuncDecl tcc m (FunctionDecl _ _ f (eq:_)) env
= let arty = length $ snd $ getFlatLhs eq
in bindGlobal tcc m f (GlobalVar (qualifyWith m f) arty) env
bindFuncDecl tcc m (TypeSig _ fs (QualTypeExpr _ _ ty)) env
= foldr bindTS env $ map (qualifyWith m) fs
bindTS qf env'
| null $ qualLookupVar qf env'
= bindGlobal tcc m (unqualify qf) (GlobalVar qf (typeArity ty)) env'
| otherwise = env'
bindFuncDecl _ _ _ env = env
bindClassDecl :: Decl a -> SCM ()
bindClassDecl (ClassDecl _ _ _ _ ds) = mapM_ bindClassMethod ds
bindClassDecl _ = ok
bindClassMethod :: Decl a -> SCM ()
bindClassMethod ts@(TypeSig _ _ _) = do
m <- getModuleIdent
modifyRenameEnv $ bindFuncDecl False m ts
bindClassMethod _ = ok
bindVarDecl :: Decl a -> RenameEnv -> RenameEnv
bindVarDecl (FunctionDecl _ _ f eqs) env
| null eqs = internalError "SyntaxCheck.bindVarDecl: no equations"
| otherwise = let arty = length $ snd $ getFlatLhs $ head eqs
in bindLocal (unRenameIdent f) (LocalVar f arty) env
bindVarDecl (PatternDecl _ t _) env = foldr bindVar env (bv t)
bindVarDecl (FreeDecl _ vs) env =
foldr bindVar env (map varIdent vs)
bindVarDecl _ env = env
bindVar :: Ident -> RenameEnv -> RenameEnv
bindVar v | isAnonId v = id
| otherwise = bindLocal (unRenameIdent v) (LocalVar v 0)
lookupVar :: Ident -> RenameEnv -> [RenameInfo]
lookupVar v env = lookupNestEnv v env ++! lookupTupleConstr v
qualLookupVar :: QualIdent -> RenameEnv -> [RenameInfo]
qualLookupVar v env = qualLookupNestEnv v env
++! qualLookupListCons v env
++! lookupTupleConstr (unqualify v)
lookupTupleConstr :: Ident -> [RenameInfo]
lookupTupleConstr v
| isTupleId v = let a = tupleArity v
in [Constr (qualifyWith preludeMIdent $ tupleId a) a]
| otherwise = []
qualLookupListCons :: QualIdent -> RenameEnv -> [RenameInfo]
qualLookupListCons v env
| v == qualifyWith preludeMIdent consId
= qualLookupNestEnv (qualify $ qidIdent v) env
| otherwise
= []
checkModule :: Module () -> SCM (Module (), [KnownExtension])
checkModule (Module spi ps m es is ds) = do
mapM_ bindTypeDecl tds
mapM_ bindClassDecl cds
ds' <- checkTopDecls ds
cds' <- mapM (performTypeClassesCheck . checkClassDecl) cds
ids' <- mapM (performTypeClassesCheck . checkInstanceDecl) ids
let ds'' = updateClassAndInstanceDecls cds' ids' ds'
exts <- getExtensions
return (Module spi ps m es is ds'', exts)
where tds = filter isTypeDecl ds
cds = filter isClassDecl ds
ids = filter isInstanceDecl ds
checkFuncPatDeps :: SCM ()
checkFuncPatDeps = do
fps <- getFuncPats
deps <- getGlobalDeps
let levels = scc (:[])
(\k -> Set.toList (Map.findWithDefault (Set.empty) k deps))
(Map.keys deps)
levelMap = Map.fromList [ (f, l) | (fs, l) <- zip levels [1 ..], f <- fs ]
level f = Map.findWithDefault (0 :: Int) f levelMap
mapM_ (checkFuncPatDep level) fps
checkFuncPatDep :: Ord a => (QualIdent -> a) -> (QualIdent, QualIdent) -> SCM ()
checkFuncPatDep level (fp, f) = unless (level fp < level f) $
report $ errFuncPatCyclic fp f
checkTopDecls :: [Decl ()] -> SCM [Decl ()]
checkTopDecls ds = do
m <- getModuleIdent
tcc <- isTypeClassesCheck
checkDeclGroup (bindFuncDecl tcc m) ds
checkClassDecl :: Decl () -> SCM (Decl ())
checkClassDecl (ClassDecl p cx cls tv ds) = do
checkMethods (qualify cls) (concatMap methods ds) ds
ClassDecl p cx cls tv <$> checkTopDecls ds
checkClassDecl _ =
internalError "SyntaxCheck.checkClassDecl: no class declaration"
checkInstanceDecl :: Decl () -> SCM (Decl ())
checkInstanceDecl (InstanceDecl p cx qcls ty ds) = do
m <- getModuleIdent
tcEnv <- getTyConsEnv
checkMethods qcls (clsMethods m qcls tcEnv) ds
InstanceDecl p cx qcls ty <$> checkTopDecls ds
checkInstanceDecl _ =
internalError "SyntaxCheck.checkInstanceDecl: no instance declaration"
checkMethods :: QualIdent -> [Ident] -> [Decl a] -> SCM ()
checkMethods qcls ms ds =
mapM_ (report . errUndefinedMethod qcls) $ filter (`notElem` ms) fs
where fs = [f | FunctionDecl _ _ f _ <- ds]
updateClassAndInstanceDecls :: [Decl a] -> [Decl a] -> [Decl a] -> [Decl a]
updateClassAndInstanceDecls [] [] ds = ds
updateClassAndInstanceDecls (c:cs) is (ClassDecl _ _ _ _ _:ds) =
c : updateClassAndInstanceDecls cs is ds
updateClassAndInstanceDecls cs (i:is) (InstanceDecl _ _ _ _ _:ds) =
i : updateClassAndInstanceDecls cs is ds
updateClassAndInstanceDecls cs is (d:ds) =
d : updateClassAndInstanceDecls cs is ds
updateClassAndInstanceDecls _ _ _ =
internalError "SyntaxCheck.updateClassAndInstanceDecls"
checkDeclGroup :: (Decl () -> RenameEnv -> RenameEnv) -> [Decl ()] -> SCM [Decl ()]
checkDeclGroup bindDecl ds = do
checkedLhs <- mapM checkDeclLhs $ sortFuncDecls ds
joinEquations checkedLhs >>= checkDecls bindDecl
checkDeclLhs :: Decl () -> SCM (Decl ())
checkDeclLhs (InfixDecl p fix' pr ops) =
InfixDecl p fix' <$> checkPrecedence p pr <*> mapM renameVar ops
checkDeclLhs (TypeSig p vs ty) =
(\vs' -> TypeSig p vs' ty) <$> mapM (checkVar "type signature") vs
checkDeclLhs (FunctionDecl p _ f eqs) =
inFunc f $ checkEquationsLhs p eqs
checkDeclLhs (ExternalDecl p vs) =
ExternalDecl p <$> mapM (checkVar' "external declaration") vs
checkDeclLhs (PatternDecl p t rhs) =
(\t' -> PatternDecl p t' rhs) <$> checkPattern p t
checkDeclLhs (FreeDecl p vs) =
FreeDecl p <$> mapM (checkVar' "free variables declaration") vs
checkDeclLhs d = return d
checkPrecedence :: SpanInfo -> Maybe Precedence -> SCM (Maybe Precedence)
checkPrecedence _ Nothing = return Nothing
checkPrecedence p (Just i) = do
unless (0 <= i && i <= 9) $ report
$ errPrecedenceOutOfRange (spanInfo2Pos p) i
return $ Just i
checkVar' :: String -> Var a -> SCM (Var a)
checkVar' what (Var a v) = Var a <$> checkVar what v
checkVar :: String -> Ident -> SCM Ident
checkVar _what v = do
renameVar v
renameVar :: Ident -> SCM Ident
renameVar v = renameIdent v <$> getScopeId
checkEquationsLhs :: SpanInfo -> [Equation ()] -> SCM (Decl ())
checkEquationsLhs p [Equation p' lhs rhs] = do
lhs' <- checkEqLhs p' lhs
case lhs' of
Left l -> return $ funDecl' l
Right r -> checkDeclLhs (PatternDecl p' r rhs)
where funDecl' (f, lhs') = FunctionDecl p () f [Equation p' lhs' rhs]
checkEquationsLhs _ _ = internalError "SyntaxCheck.checkEquationsLhs"
checkEqLhs :: SpanInfo -> Lhs () -> SCM (Either (Ident, Lhs ()) (Pattern ()))
checkEqLhs pspi toplhs = do
m <- getModuleIdent
k <- getScopeId
env <- getRenameEnv
case toplhs of
FunLhs spi f ts
| not $ isDataConstr f env -> return left
| k /= globalScopeId -> return right
| null infos -> return left
| otherwise -> do report $ errToplevelPattern p
return right
where f' = renameIdent f k
infos = qualLookupVar (qualifyWith m f) env
left = Left (f', FunLhs spi f' ts)
right = Right $
updateEndPos $ ConstructorPattern spi () (qualify f) ts
OpLhs spi t1 op t2
| not $ isDataConstr op env -> return left
| k /= globalScopeId -> return right
| null infos -> return left
| otherwise -> do report $ errToplevelPattern p
return right
where op' = renameIdent op k
infos = qualLookupVar (qualifyWith m op) env
left = Left (op', OpLhs spi t1 op' t2)
right = checkOpLhs k env (infixPattern t1 (qualify op)) t2
infixPattern (InfixPattern _ a' t1' op1 t2') op2 t3 =
let t2'' = infixPattern t2' op2 t3
sp = combineSpans (getSrcSpan t1') (getSrcSpan t2'')
in InfixPattern (fromSrcSpan sp) a' t1' op1 t2''
infixPattern t1' op1 t2' =
let sp = combineSpans (getSrcSpan t1') (getSrcSpan t2')
in InfixPattern (fromSrcSpan sp) () t1' op1 t2'
ApLhs spi lhs ts -> do
checked <- checkEqLhs pspi lhs
case checked of
Left (f', lhs') -> return $ Left (f', updateEndPos $ ApLhs spi lhs' ts)
r -> do report $ errNonVariable "curried definition" f
return $ r
where (f, _) = flatLhs lhs
where p = spanInfo2Pos pspi
checkOpLhs :: Integer -> RenameEnv -> (Pattern a -> Pattern a)
-> Pattern a -> Either (Ident, Lhs a) (Pattern a)
checkOpLhs k env f (InfixPattern spi a t1 op t2)
| isJust m || isDataConstr op' env
= checkOpLhs k env (f . InfixPattern spi a t1 op) t2
| otherwise
= Left (op'', OpLhs (getSpanInfo t1') t1' op'' t2)
where (m,op') = (qidModule op, qidIdent op)
op'' = renameIdent op' k
t1' = f t1
checkOpLhs _ _ f t = Right (f t)
joinEquations :: [Decl a] -> SCM [Decl a]
joinEquations [] = return []
joinEquations (FunctionDecl a p f eqs : FunctionDecl _ _ f' [eq] : ds)
| f == f' = do
when (getArity (head eqs) /= getArity eq) $ report $ errDifferentArity [f, f']
joinEquations (updateEndPos (FunctionDecl a p f (eqs ++ [eq])) : ds)
where getArity = length . snd . getFlatLhs
joinEquations (d : ds) = (d :) <$> joinEquations ds
checkDecls :: (Decl () -> RenameEnv -> RenameEnv) -> [Decl ()] -> SCM [Decl ()]
checkDecls bindDecl ds = do
let dblVar = findDouble bvs
onJust (report . errDuplicateDefinition) dblVar
let mulTys = findMultiples tys
mapM_ (report . errDuplicateTypeSig) mulTys
let missingTys = [v | ExternalDecl _ vs <- ds, Var _ v <- vs, v `notElem` tys]
mapM_ (report . errNoTypeSig) missingTys
if isNothing dblVar && null mulTys && null missingTys
then do
modifyRenameEnv $ \env -> foldr bindDecl env (tds ++ vds)
mapM (checkDeclRhs bvs) ds
else return ds
where vds = filter isValueDecl ds
tds = filter isTypeSig ds
bvs = concatMap vars vds
tys = concatMap vars tds
onJust = maybe ok
checkDeclRhs :: [Ident] -> Decl () -> SCM (Decl ())
checkDeclRhs _ (DataDecl p tc tvs cs clss) =
flip (DataDecl p tc tvs) clss <$> mapM checkDeclLabels cs
checkDeclRhs bvs (TypeSig p vs ty) =
(\vs' -> TypeSig p vs' ty) <$> mapM (checkLocalVar bvs) vs
checkDeclRhs _ (FunctionDecl a p f eqs) =
FunctionDecl a p f <$> inFunc f (mapM checkEquation eqs)
checkDeclRhs _ (PatternDecl p t rhs) =
PatternDecl p t <$> checkRhs rhs
checkDeclRhs _ d = return d
checkDeclLabels :: ConstrDecl -> SCM ConstrDecl
checkDeclLabels rd@(RecordDecl _ _ fs) = do
onJust (report . errDuplicateLabel "declaration")
(findDouble $ map qualify labels)
return rd
onJust = maybe ok
labels = [l | FieldDecl _ ls _ <- fs, l <- ls]
checkDeclLabels d = return d
checkLocalVar :: [Ident] -> Ident -> SCM Ident
checkLocalVar bvs v = do
tcc <- isTypeClassesCheck
when (v `notElem` bvs && not tcc) $ report $ errNoBody v
return v
checkEquation :: Equation () -> SCM (Equation ())
checkEquation (Equation p lhs rhs) = inNestedScope $ do
lhs' <- checkLhs p lhs >>= addBoundVariables False
rhs' <- checkRhs rhs
return $ Equation p lhs' rhs'
checkLhs :: SpanInfo -> Lhs () -> SCM (Lhs ())
checkLhs p (FunLhs spi f ts) = FunLhs spi f <$> mapM (checkPattern p) ts
checkLhs p (OpLhs spi t1 op t2) = do
let wrongCalls = concatMap (checkParenPattern (Just $ qualify op)) [t1,t2]
unless (null wrongCalls) $ report $ errInfixWithoutParens
(getPosition op) wrongCalls
flip (OpLhs spi) op <$> checkPattern p t1 <*> checkPattern p t2
checkLhs p (ApLhs spi lhs ts) =
ApLhs spi <$> checkLhs p lhs <*> mapM (checkPattern p) ts
checkParenPattern :: Maybe QualIdent -> Pattern a -> [(QualIdent, QualIdent)]
checkParenPattern _ (LiteralPattern _ _ _) = []
checkParenPattern _ (NegativePattern _ _ _) = []
checkParenPattern _ (VariablePattern _ _ _) = []
checkParenPattern _ (ConstructorPattern _ _ _ cs) =
concatMap (checkParenPattern Nothing) cs
checkParenPattern o (InfixPattern _ _ t1 op t2) =
maybe [] (\c -> [(c, op)]) o
++ checkParenPattern Nothing t1 ++ checkParenPattern Nothing t2
checkParenPattern _ (ParenPattern _ t) =
checkParenPattern Nothing t
checkParenPattern _ (RecordPattern _ _ _ fs) =
concatMap (\(Field _ _ t) -> checkParenPattern Nothing t) fs
checkParenPattern _ (TuplePattern _ ts) =
concatMap (checkParenPattern Nothing) ts
checkParenPattern _ (ListPattern _ _ ts) =
concatMap (checkParenPattern Nothing) ts
checkParenPattern o (AsPattern _ _ t) =
checkParenPattern o t
checkParenPattern o (LazyPattern _ t) =
checkParenPattern o t
checkParenPattern _ (FunctionPattern _ _ _ ts) =
concatMap (checkParenPattern Nothing) ts
checkParenPattern o (InfixFuncPattern _ _ t1 op t2) =
maybe [] (\c -> [(c, op)]) o
++ checkParenPattern Nothing t1 ++ checkParenPattern Nothing t2
checkPattern :: SpanInfo -> Pattern () -> SCM (Pattern ())
checkPattern _ (LiteralPattern spi a l) =
return $ LiteralPattern spi a l
checkPattern _ (NegativePattern spi a l) =
return $ NegativePattern spi a l
checkPattern p (VariablePattern spi a v)
| isAnonId v = (VariablePattern spi a . renameIdent v) <$> newId
| otherwise = checkConstructorPattern p spi (qualify v) []
checkPattern p (ConstructorPattern spi _ c ts) =
checkConstructorPattern p spi c ts
checkPattern p (InfixPattern spi _ t1 op t2) =
checkInfixPattern p spi t1 op t2
checkPattern p (ParenPattern spi t) =
ParenPattern spi <$> checkPattern p t
checkPattern p (RecordPattern spi _ c fs) =
checkRecordPattern p spi c fs
checkPattern p (TuplePattern spi ts) =
TuplePattern spi <$> mapM (checkPattern p) ts
checkPattern p (ListPattern spi a ts) =
ListPattern spi a <$> mapM (checkPattern p) ts
checkPattern p (AsPattern spi v t) =
AsPattern spi <$> checkVar "@ pattern" v <*> checkPattern p t
checkPattern p (LazyPattern spi t) = do
t' <- checkPattern p t
banFPTerm "lazy pattern" p t'
return (LazyPattern spi t')
checkPattern _ (FunctionPattern _ _ _ _) = internalError $
"SyntaxCheck.checkPattern: function pattern not defined"
checkPattern _ (InfixFuncPattern _ _ _ _ _) = internalError $
"SyntaxCheck.checkPattern: infix function pattern not defined"
checkConstructorPattern :: SpanInfo -> SpanInfo -> QualIdent -> [Pattern ()]
-> SCM (Pattern ())
checkConstructorPattern p spi c ts = do
env <- getRenameEnv
m <- getModuleIdent
k <- getScopeId
case qualLookupVar c env of
[Constr _ n] -> processCons c n
[r] -> processVarFun r k
rs -> case qualLookupVar (qualQualify m c) env of
[Constr _ n] -> processCons (qualQualify m c) n
[r] -> processVarFun r k
| null ts && not (isQualified c) ->
return $ VariablePattern spi () $ renameIdent (unqualify c) k
| null rs -> do
ts' <- mapM (checkPattern p) ts
report $ errUndefinedData c
return $ ConstructorPattern spi () c ts'
_ -> do ts' <- mapM (checkPattern p) ts
report $ errAmbiguousData rs c
return $ ConstructorPattern spi () c ts'
n' = length ts
processCons qc n = do
when (n /= n') $ report $ errWrongArity c n n'
ConstructorPattern spi () qc <$> mapM (checkPattern p) ts
processVarFun r k
| null ts && not (isQualified c)
= return $ VariablePattern spi () $ renameIdent (unqualify c) k
| otherwise = do
let n = arity r
checkFuncPatsExtension (spanInfo2Pos p)
checkFuncPatCall r c
ts' <- mapM (checkPattern p) ts
mapM_ (checkFPTerm p) ts'
return $ if n' > n
then let (ts1, ts2) = splitAt n ts'
in genFuncPattAppl
(FunctionPattern spi () (qualVarIdent r) ts1) ts2
else FunctionPattern spi () (qualVarIdent r) ts'
checkInfixPattern :: SpanInfo -> SpanInfo -> Pattern () -> QualIdent -> Pattern ()
-> SCM (Pattern ())
checkInfixPattern p spi t1 op t2 = do
m <- getModuleIdent
env <- getRenameEnv
case qualLookupVar op env of
[Constr _ n] -> infixPattern op n
[r] -> funcPattern r op
rs -> case qualLookupVar (qualQualify m op) env of
[Constr _ n] -> infixPattern (qualQualify m op) n
[r] -> funcPattern r (qualQualify m op)
rs' -> do if null rs && null rs'
then report $ errUndefinedData op
else report $ errAmbiguousData rs op
flip (InfixPattern spi ()) op <$> checkPattern p t1
<*> checkPattern p t2
infixPattern qop n = do
when (n /= 2) $ report $ errWrongArity op n 2
flip (InfixPattern spi ()) qop <$> checkPattern p t1 <*> checkPattern p t2
funcPattern r qop = do
checkFuncPatsExtension (spanInfo2Pos p)
checkFuncPatCall r qop
ts' <- mapM (checkPattern p) [t1,t2]
let [t1',t2'] = ts'
mapM_ (checkFPTerm p) ts'
return $ InfixFuncPattern spi () t1' qop t2'
checkRecordPattern :: SpanInfo -> SpanInfo -> QualIdent -> [Field (Pattern ())]
-> SCM (Pattern ())
checkRecordPattern p spi c fs = do
env <- getRenameEnv
m <- getModuleIdent
case qualLookupVar c env of
[Constr c' _] -> processRecPat (Just c') fs
rs -> case qualLookupVar (qualQualify m c) env of
[Constr c' _] -> processRecPat (Just c') fs
rs' -> if null rs && null rs'
then do report $ errUndefinedData c
processRecPat Nothing fs
else do report $ errAmbiguousData rs c
processRecPat Nothing fs
processRecPat mcon fields = do
fs' <- mapM (checkField (checkPattern p)) fields
checkFieldLabels "pattern" p mcon fs'
return $ RecordPattern spi () c fs'
checkFuncPatCall :: RenameInfo -> QualIdent -> SCM ()
checkFuncPatCall r f = case r of
GlobalVar dep _ -> do
addGlobalDep dep
addFuncPat (dep @> f)
_ -> report $ errFuncPatNotGlobal f
checkRhs :: Rhs () -> SCM (Rhs ())
checkRhs (SimpleRhs spi e ds) = inNestedScope $
flip (SimpleRhs spi) <$> checkDeclGroup bindVarDecl ds <*> checkExpr spi e
checkRhs (GuardedRhs spi es ds) = inNestedScope $
flip (GuardedRhs spi) <$> checkDeclGroup bindVarDecl ds <*> mapM checkCondExpr es
checkCondExpr :: CondExpr () -> SCM (CondExpr ())
checkCondExpr (CondExpr spi g e) = CondExpr spi <$> checkExpr spi g <*> checkExpr spi e
checkExpr :: SpanInfo -> Expression () -> SCM (Expression ())
checkExpr _ (Literal spi a l) = return $ Literal spi a l
checkExpr _ (Variable spi a v) = checkVariable spi a v
checkExpr _ (Constructor spi a c) = checkVariable spi a c
checkExpr p (Paren spi e) = Paren spi <$> checkExpr p e
checkExpr p (Typed spi e ty) = flip (Typed spi) ty <$> checkExpr p e
checkExpr p (Record spi _ c fs) = checkRecordExpr p spi c fs
checkExpr p (RecordUpdate spi e fs) = checkRecordUpdExpr p spi e fs
checkExpr p (Tuple spi es) = Tuple spi <$> mapM (checkExpr p) es
checkExpr p (List spi a es) = List spi a <$> mapM (checkExpr p) es
checkExpr p (ListCompr spi e qs) = withLocalEnv $ flip (ListCompr spi) <$>
mapM (checkStatement "list comprehension" p) qs <*> checkExpr p e
checkExpr p (EnumFrom spi e) = EnumFrom spi <$> checkExpr p e
checkExpr p (EnumFromThen spi e1 e2) =
EnumFromThen spi <$> checkExpr p e1 <*> checkExpr p e2
checkExpr p (EnumFromTo spi e1 e2) =
EnumFromTo spi <$> checkExpr p e1 <*> checkExpr p e2
checkExpr p (EnumFromThenTo spi e1 e2 e3) =
EnumFromThenTo spi <$> checkExpr p e1 <*> checkExpr p e2 <*> checkExpr p e3
checkExpr p (UnaryMinus spi e) = UnaryMinus spi <$> checkExpr p e
checkExpr p (Apply spi e1 e2) =
Apply spi <$> checkExpr p e1 <*> checkExpr p e2
checkExpr p (InfixApply spi e1 op e2) =
InfixApply spi <$> checkExpr p e1 <*> checkOp op <*> checkExpr p e2
checkExpr p (LeftSection spi e op) =
LeftSection spi <$> checkExpr p e <*> checkOp op
checkExpr p (RightSection spi op e) =
RightSection spi <$> checkOp op <*> checkExpr p e
checkExpr p (Lambda spi ts e) = inNestedScope $ checkLambda p spi ts e
checkExpr p (Let spi ds e) = inNestedScope $
Let spi <$> checkDeclGroup bindVarDecl ds <*> checkExpr p e
checkExpr p (Do spi sts e) = withLocalEnv $
Do spi <$> mapM (checkStatement "do sequence" p) sts <*> checkExpr p e
checkExpr p (IfThenElse spi e1 e2 e3) =
IfThenElse spi <$> checkExpr p e1 <*> checkExpr p e2 <*> checkExpr p e3
checkExpr p (Case spi ct e alts) =
Case spi ct <$> checkExpr p e <*> mapM checkAlt alts
checkLambda :: SpanInfo -> SpanInfo -> [Pattern ()] -> Expression ()
-> SCM (Expression ())
checkLambda p spi ts e = case findMultiples (bvNoAnon ts) of
[] -> do
ts' <- mapM (bindPattern "lambda expression" p) ts
Lambda spi ts' <$> checkExpr p e
errVars -> do
mapM_ (report . errDuplicateVariables) errVars
let nubTs = nubBy (\t1 t2 -> (not . null) (on intersect bvNoAnon t1 t2)) ts
mapM_ (bindPattern "lambda expression" p) nubTs
Lambda spi ts <$> checkExpr p e
bvNoAnon t = filter (not . isAnonId) $ bv t
checkVariable :: SpanInfo -> a -> QualIdent -> SCM (Expression a)
checkVariable spi a v
| isAnonId (unqualify v) = do
checkAnonFreeVarsExtension $ getPosition v
(\n -> Variable spi a $ updQualIdent id (flip renameIdent n) v) <$> newId
| otherwise = do
env <- getRenameEnv
case qualLookupVar v env of
[] -> do report $ errUndefinedVariable v
return $ Variable spi a v
[Constr _ _] -> return $ Constructor spi a v
[GlobalVar f _] -> addGlobalDep f >> return (Variable spi a v)
[LocalVar v' _] -> return $ Variable spi a $ qualify v' @> v
[RecordLabel _ _] -> return $ Variable spi a v
rs -> do
m <- getModuleIdent
case qualLookupVar (qualQualify m v) env of
[] -> do report $ errAmbiguousIdent rs v
return $ Variable spi a v
[Constr _ _] -> return $ Constructor spi a v
[GlobalVar f _] -> addGlobalDep f >> return (Variable spi a v)
[LocalVar v' _] -> return $ Variable spi a $ qualify v' @> v
[RecordLabel _ _] -> return $ Variable spi a v
rs' -> do report $ errAmbiguousIdent rs' v
return $ Variable spi a v
checkRecordExpr :: SpanInfo -> SpanInfo -> QualIdent -> [Field (Expression ())]
-> SCM (Expression ())
checkRecordExpr _ spi c [] = do
m <- getModuleIdent
env <- getRenameEnv
case qualLookupVar c env of
[Constr _ _] -> return $ Record spi () c []
rs -> case qualLookupVar (qualQualify m c) env of
[Constr _ _] -> return $ Record spi () c []
rs' -> if null rs && null rs'
then do report $ errUndefinedData c
return $ Record spi () c []
else do report $ errAmbiguousData rs c
return $ Record spi () c []
checkRecordExpr p spi c fs =
checkExpr p (RecordUpdate spi (Constructor (getSpanInfo c) () c)
checkRecordUpdExpr :: SpanInfo -> SpanInfo -> Expression ()
-> [Field (Expression ())] -> SCM (Expression ())
checkRecordUpdExpr p spi e fs = do
e' <- checkExpr p e
fs' <- mapM (checkField (checkExpr p)) fs
case e' of
Constructor _ a c -> do checkFieldLabels "construction" p (Just c) fs'
return $ Record spi a c fs'
_ -> do checkFieldLabels "update" p Nothing fs'
return $ RecordUpdate spi e' fs'
checkStatement :: String -> SpanInfo -> Statement () -> SCM (Statement ())
checkStatement _ p (StmtExpr spi e) = StmtExpr spi <$> checkExpr p e
checkStatement s p (StmtBind spi t e) =
flip (StmtBind spi) <$> checkExpr p e <*> (incNesting >> bindPattern s p t)
checkStatement _ _ (StmtDecl spi ds) =
StmtDecl spi <$> (incNesting >> checkDeclGroup bindVarDecl ds)
bindPattern :: String -> SpanInfo -> Pattern () -> SCM (Pattern ())
bindPattern s p t = do
t' <- checkPattern p t
banFPTerm s p t'
addBoundVariables True t'
banFPTerm :: String -> SpanInfo -> Pattern a -> SCM ()
banFPTerm _ _ (LiteralPattern _ _ _) = ok
banFPTerm _ _ (NegativePattern _ _ _) = ok
banFPTerm _ _ (VariablePattern _ _ _) = ok
banFPTerm s p (ConstructorPattern _ _ _ ts) = mapM_ (banFPTerm s p) ts
banFPTerm s p (InfixPattern _ _ t1 _ t2) = mapM_ (banFPTerm s p) [t1, t2]
banFPTerm s p (ParenPattern _ t) = banFPTerm s p t
banFPTerm s p (RecordPattern _ _ _ fs) = mapM_ banFPTermField fs
where banFPTermField (Field _ _ x) = banFPTerm s p x
banFPTerm s p (TuplePattern _ ts) = mapM_ (banFPTerm s p) ts
banFPTerm s p (ListPattern _ _ ts) = mapM_ (banFPTerm s p) ts
banFPTerm s p (AsPattern _ _ t) = banFPTerm s p t
banFPTerm s p (LazyPattern _ t) = banFPTerm s p t
banFPTerm s p pat@(FunctionPattern _ _ _ _)
= report $ errUnsupportedFuncPattern s (spanInfo2Pos p) pat
banFPTerm s p pat@(InfixFuncPattern _ _ _ _ _)
= report $ errUnsupportedFuncPattern s (spanInfo2Pos p) pat
checkOp :: InfixOp a -> SCM (InfixOp a)
checkOp op = do
env <- getRenameEnv
case qualLookupVar v env of
[] -> report (errUndefinedVariable v) >> return op
[Constr _ _] -> return $ InfixConstr a v
[GlobalVar f _] -> addGlobalDep f >> return (InfixOp a v)
[LocalVar v' _] -> return $ InfixOp a $ qualify v'
rs -> do
m <- getModuleIdent
case qualLookupVar (qualQualify m v) env of
[] -> report (errAmbiguousIdent rs v) >> return op
[Constr _ _] -> return $ InfixConstr a v
[GlobalVar f _] -> addGlobalDep f >> return (InfixOp a v)
[LocalVar v' _] -> return $ InfixOp a $ qualify v'
rs' -> report (errAmbiguousIdent rs' v) >> return op
where v = opName op
a = opAnnotation op
checkAlt :: Alt () -> SCM (Alt ())
checkAlt (Alt spi t rhs) = inNestedScope $
Alt spi <$> bindPattern "case expression" spi t <*> checkRhs rhs
addBoundVariables :: (QuantExpr t) => Bool -> t -> SCM t
addBoundVariables checkDuplicates ts = do
when checkDuplicates $ mapM_ (report . errDuplicateVariables)
(findMultiples bvs)
modifyRenameEnv $ \ env -> foldr bindVar env (nub bvs)
return ts
where bvs = bv ts
checkFieldLabels :: String -> SpanInfo -> Maybe QualIdent -> [Field a] -> SCM ()
checkFieldLabels what p c fs = do
mapM checkFieldLabel ls' >>= checkLabels p c ls'
onJust (report . errDuplicateLabel what) (findDouble ls)
where ls = [l | Field _ l _ <- fs]
ls' = nub ls
onJust = maybe ok
checkFieldLabel :: QualIdent -> SCM [QualIdent]
checkFieldLabel l = do
m <- getModuleIdent
env <- getRenameEnv
case qualLookupVar l env of
[RecordLabel _ cs] -> processLabel cs
rs -> case qualLookupVar (qualQualify m l) env of
[RecordLabel _ cs] -> processLabel cs
rs' -> if (null rs && null rs')
then do report $ errUndefinedLabel l
return []
else do report $
errAmbiguousIdent rs (qualQualify m l)
return []
processLabel cs' = do
when (null cs') $ report $ errUndefinedLabel l
return cs'
checkLabels :: SpanInfo -> Maybe QualIdent -> [QualIdent] -> [[QualIdent]]
-> SCM ()
checkLabels _ (Just c) ls css = do
env <- getRenameEnv
case qualLookupVar c env of
[Constr c' _] -> mapM_ (report . errNoLabel c)
[l | (l, cs) <- zip ls css, c' `notElem` cs]
_ -> internalError $
"Checks.SyntaxCheck.checkLabels: " ++ show c
checkLabels p Nothing ls css =
when (null (foldr1 intersect css))
$ report $ errNoCommonCons (spanInfo2Pos p) ls
checkField :: (a -> SCM a) -> Field a -> SCM (Field a)
checkField check (Field p l x) = Field p l <$> check x
constrs :: Decl a -> [Ident]
constrs (DataDecl _ _ _ cs _) = map constrId cs
constrs (NewtypeDecl _ _ _ nc _) = [nconstrId nc]
constrs _ = []
vars :: Decl a -> [Ident]
vars (TypeSig _ fs _) = fs
vars (FunctionDecl _ _ f _) = [f]
vars (ExternalDecl _ vs) = bv vs
vars (PatternDecl _ t _) = bv t
vars (FreeDecl _ vs) = bv vs
vars _ = []
recLabels :: Decl a -> [Ident]
recLabels (DataDecl _ _ _ cs _) = concatMap recordLabels cs
recLabels (NewtypeDecl _ _ _ nc _) = nrecordLabels nc
recLabels _ = []
sortFuncDecls :: [Decl a] -> [Decl a]
sortFuncDecls decls = sortFD Set.empty [] decls
sortFD _ res [] = reverse res
sortFD env res (decl : decls') = case decl of
FunctionDecl _ _ ident _
| ident `Set.member` env
-> sortFD env (insertBy cmpFuncDecl decl res) decls'
| otherwise
-> sortFD (Set.insert ident env) (decl:res) decls'
_ -> sortFD env (decl:res) decls'
cmpFuncDecl :: Decl a -> Decl a -> Ordering
cmpFuncDecl (FunctionDecl _ _ id1 _) (FunctionDecl _ _ id2 _)
| id1 == id2 = EQ
| otherwise = GT
cmpFuncDecl _ _ = GT
isDataConstr :: Ident -> RenameEnv -> Bool
isDataConstr v = any isConstr . lookupVar v . globalEnv . toplevelEnv
isConstr :: RenameInfo -> Bool
isConstr (Constr _ _) = True
isConstr (GlobalVar _ _) = False
isConstr (LocalVar _ _) = False
isConstr (RecordLabel _ _) = False
isLabel :: RenameInfo -> Bool
isLabel (Constr _ _) = False
isLabel (GlobalVar _ _) = False
isLabel (LocalVar _ _) = False
isLabel (RecordLabel _ _) = True
qualVarIdent :: RenameInfo -> QualIdent
qualVarIdent (GlobalVar v _) = v
qualVarIdent (LocalVar v _) = qualify v
qualVarIdent _ = internalError "SyntaxCheck.qualVarIdent: no variable"
arity :: RenameInfo -> Int
arity (Constr _ n) = n
arity (GlobalVar _ n) = n
arity (LocalVar _ n) = n
arity (RecordLabel _ _) = 1
genFuncPattAppl :: Pattern () -> [Pattern ()] -> Pattern ()
genFuncPattAppl term [] = term
genFuncPattAppl term (t:ts)
= FunctionPattern NoSpanInfo () qApplyId [genFuncPattAppl term ts, t]
checkFPTerm :: SpanInfo -> Pattern a -> SCM ()
checkFPTerm _ (LiteralPattern _ _ _) = ok
checkFPTerm _ (NegativePattern _ _ _) = ok
checkFPTerm _ (VariablePattern _ _ _) = ok
checkFPTerm p (ConstructorPattern _ _ _ ts) = mapM_ (checkFPTerm p) ts
checkFPTerm p (InfixPattern _ _ t1 _ t2) = mapM_ (checkFPTerm p) [t1, t2]
checkFPTerm p (ParenPattern _ t) = checkFPTerm p t
checkFPTerm p (TuplePattern _ ts) = mapM_ (checkFPTerm p) ts
checkFPTerm p (ListPattern _ _ ts) = mapM_ (checkFPTerm p) ts
checkFPTerm p (AsPattern _ _ t) = checkFPTerm p t
checkFPTerm p t@(LazyPattern _ _) =
report $ errUnsupportedFPTerm "Lazy" (spanInfo2Pos p) t
checkFPTerm p (RecordPattern _ _ _ fs) = mapM_ (checkFPTerm p)
[ t | Field _ _ t <- fs ]
checkFPTerm _ (FunctionPattern _ _ _ _) = ok
checkFPTerm _ (InfixFuncPattern _ _ _ _ _) = ok
checkFuncPatsExtension :: Position -> SCM ()
checkFuncPatsExtension p = checkUsedExtension p
"Functional Patterns" FunctionalPatterns
checkAnonFreeVarsExtension :: Position -> SCM ()
checkAnonFreeVarsExtension p = checkUsedExtension p
"Anonymous free variables" AnonFreeVars
checkUsedExtension :: Position -> String -> KnownExtension -> SCM ()
checkUsedExtension pos msg ext = do
enabled <- hasExtension ext
unless enabled $ do
report $ errMissingLanguageExtension pos msg ext
enableExtension ext
typeArity :: TypeExpr -> Int
typeArity (ArrowType _ _ t2) = 1 + typeArity t2
typeArity _ = 0
getFlatLhs :: Equation a -> (Ident, [Pattern a])
getFlatLhs (Equation _ lhs _) = flatLhs lhs
opAnnotation :: InfixOp a -> a
opAnnotation (InfixOp a _) = a
opAnnotation (InfixConstr a _) = a
errUnsupportedFPTerm :: String -> Position -> Pattern a -> Message
errUnsupportedFPTerm s p pat = posMessage p $ text s
<+> text "patterns are not supported inside a functional pattern."
$+$ ppPattern 0 pat
errUnsupportedFuncPattern :: String -> Position -> Pattern a -> Message
errUnsupportedFuncPattern s p pat = posMessage p $
text "Functional patterns are not supported inside a" <+> text s <> dot
$+$ ppPattern 0 pat
errFuncPatNotGlobal :: QualIdent -> Message
errFuncPatNotGlobal f = posMessage f $ hsep $ map text
["Function", escQualName f, "in functional pattern is not global"]
errFuncPatCyclic :: QualIdent -> QualIdent -> Message
errFuncPatCyclic fp f = posMessage fp $ hsep $ map text
[ "Function", escName $ unqualify fp, "used in functional pattern depends on"
, escName $ unqualify f, " causing a cyclic dependency"]
errPrecedenceOutOfRange :: Position -> Integer -> Message
errPrecedenceOutOfRange p i = posMessage p $ hsep $ map text
["Precedence out of range:", show i]
errUndefinedVariable :: QualIdent -> Message
errUndefinedVariable v = posMessage v $ hsep $ map text
[escQualName v, "is undefined"]
errUndefinedData :: QualIdent -> Message
errUndefinedData c = posMessage c $ hsep $ map text
["Undefined data constructor", escQualName c]
errUndefinedLabel :: QualIdent -> Message
errUndefinedLabel l = posMessage l $ hsep $ map text
["Undefined record label", escQualName l]
errUndefinedMethod :: QualIdent -> Ident -> Message
errUndefinedMethod qcls f = posMessage f $ hsep $ map text
[escName f, "is not a (visible) method of class", escQualName qcls]
errAmbiguousIdent :: [RenameInfo] -> QualIdent -> Message
errAmbiguousIdent rs qn | any isConstr rs = errAmbiguousData rs qn
| any isLabel rs = errAmbiguousLabel rs qn
| otherwise = errAmbiguous "variable" rs qn
errAmbiguousData :: [RenameInfo] -> QualIdent -> Message
errAmbiguousData = errAmbiguous "data constructor"
errAmbiguousLabel :: [RenameInfo] -> QualIdent -> Message
errAmbiguousLabel = errAmbiguous "field label"
errAmbiguous :: String -> [RenameInfo] -> QualIdent -> Message
errAmbiguous what rs qn = posMessage qn
$ text "Ambiguous" <+> text what <+> text (escQualName qn)
$+$ text "It could refer to:"
$+$ nest 2 (vcat (map ppRenameInfo rs))
errDuplicateDefinition :: Ident -> Message
errDuplicateDefinition v = posMessage v $ hsep $ map text
["More than one definition for", escName v]
errDuplicateVariables :: [Ident] -> Message
errDuplicateVariables [] = internalError
"SyntaxCheck.errDuplicateVariables: empty list"
errDuplicateVariables (v:vs) = posMessage v $
text (escName v) <+> text "occurs more than one in pattern at:" $+$
nest 2 (vcat (map (ppPosition . getPosition) (v:vs)))
errMultipleDataConstructor :: [Ident] -> Message
errMultipleDataConstructor [] = internalError
"SyntaxCheck.errMultipleDataDeclaration: empty list"
errMultipleDataConstructor (i:is) = posMessage i $
text "Multiple definitions for data/record constructor" <+> text (escName i)
<+> text "at:" $+$
nest 2 (vcat (map (ppPosition . getPosition) (i:is)))
errMultipleDeclarations :: ModuleIdent -> [Ident] -> Message
errMultipleDeclarations _ [] = internalError
"SyntaxCheck.errMultipleDeclarations: empty list"
errMultipleDeclarations m (i:is) = posMessage i $
text "Multiple declarations of" <+> text (escQualName (qualifyWith m i))
$+$ text "Declared at:" $+$
nest 2 (vcat (map (ppPosition . getPosition) (i:is)))
errDuplicateTypeSig :: [Ident] -> Message
errDuplicateTypeSig [] = internalError
"SyntaxCheck.errDuplicateTypeSig: empty list"
errDuplicateTypeSig (v:vs) = posMessage v $
text "More than one type signature for" <+> text (escName v)
<+> text "at:" $+$
nest 2 (vcat (map (ppPosition . getPosition) (v:vs)))
errDuplicateLabel :: String -> QualIdent -> Message
errDuplicateLabel what l = posMessage l $ hsep $ map text
["Field label", escQualName l, "occurs more than once in record", what]
errNonVariable :: String -> Ident -> Message
errNonVariable what c = posMessage c $ hsep $ map text
["Data constructor", escName c, "in left hand side of", what]
errNoBody :: Ident -> Message
errNoBody v = posMessage v $ hsep $ map text ["No body for", escName v]
errNoCommonCons :: Position -> [QualIdent] -> Message
errNoCommonCons p ls = posMessage p $
text "No constructor has all of these fields:"
$+$ nest 2 (vcat (map (text . escQualName) ls))
errNoLabel :: QualIdent -> QualIdent -> Message
errNoLabel c l = posMessage l $ hsep $ map text
[escQualName l, "is not a field label of constructor", escQualName c]
errNoTypeSig :: Ident -> Message
errNoTypeSig f = posMessage f $ hsep $ map text
["No type signature for external function", escName f]
errToplevelPattern :: Position -> Message
errToplevelPattern p = posMessage p $ text
"Pattern declaration not allowed at top-level"
errDifferentArity :: [Ident] -> Message
errDifferentArity [] = internalError
"SyntaxCheck.errDifferentArity: empty list"
errDifferentArity (i:is) = posMessage i $
text "Equations for" <+> text (escName i) <+> text "have different arities"
<+> text "at:" $+$
nest 2 (vcat (map (ppPosition . getPosition) (i:is)))
errWrongArity :: QualIdent -> Int -> Int -> Message
errWrongArity c arity' argc = posMessage c $ hsep (map text
["Data constructor", escQualName c, "expects", arguments arity'])
<> comma <+> text "but is applied to" <+> text (show argc)
where arguments 0 = "no arguments"
arguments 1 = "1 argument"
arguments n = show n ++ " arguments"
errMissingLanguageExtension :: Position -> String -> KnownExtension -> Message
errMissingLanguageExtension p what ext = posMessage p $
text what <+> text "are not supported in standard Curry." $+$
nest 2 (text "Use flag or -X" <+> text (show ext)
<+> text "to enable this extension.")
errInfixWithoutParens :: Position -> [(QualIdent, QualIdent)] -> Message
errInfixWithoutParens p calls = posMessage p $
text "Missing parens in infix patterns:" $+$
vcat (map showCall calls)
showCall (q1, q2) = showWithPos q1 <+> text "calls" <+> showWithPos q2
showWithPos q = text (qualName q)
<+> parens (text $ showLine $ getPosition q)