{-# Language FlexibleInstances, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Csound.Typed.Types.Array(
    newLocalArr, newGlobalArr, newLocalCtrlArr, newGlobalCtrlArr,
    fillLocalArr, fillGlobalArr, fillLocalCtrlArr, fillGlobalCtrlArr,
    readArr, writeArr, writeInitArr, modifyArr, mixArr,
    -- * Misc functions to help the type inverence
    Arr1, DArr1, Arr2, DArr2, Arr3, DArr3,
    arr1, darr1, arr2, darr2, arr3, darr3,

    -- * Array opcodes    
    maparrayNew, lenarray, copyf2array, copya2ftab, minarray, maxarray, sumarray,
    scalearray, slicearrayNew,

    maparrayCopy, slicearrayCopy,

    -- * Spectral opcodes

    fftNew, fftinvNew, rfftNew, rifftNew, pvs2tab, tab2pvs, cmplxprodNew,
    rect2polNew, pol2rectNew, pol2rect2New, windowArrayNew,
    r2cNew, c2rNew, magsArrayNew, phsArrayNew,

    fftCopy, fftinvCopy, rfftCopy, rifftCopy, cmplxprodCopy,
    rect2polCopy, pol2rectCopy, pol2rect2Copy, windowArrayCopy,
    r2cCopy, c2rCopy, magsArrayCopy, phsArrayCopy
) where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class

import Csound.Dynamic hiding (writeArr, writeInitArr, readArr, newLocalArrVar, newTmpArrVar, int)
import qualified Csound.Dynamic as D

import Csound.Typed.Types.Prim
import Csound.Typed.Types.Tuple
import Csound.Typed.GlobalState.SE
import Csound.Typed.GlobalState.GE

-- | An array with single signal index.
type Arr1 a  = Arr Sig a

-- | An array with single constant index.
type DArr1 a = Arr D   a

-- | A matrix (2D array) with signal index.
type Arr2 a  = Arr (Sig, Sig) a

-- | A matrix (2D array) with constant index.
type DArr2 a = Arr (D, D) a

-- | A 3D array with signal index.
type Arr3 a  = Arr (Sig, Sig, Sig) a

-- | A 3D array with constant index.
type DArr3 a = Arr (D, D, D) a

-- | Function to help the type inference.
arr1  :: SE (Arr Sig a) -> SE (Arr Sig a)
arr1 = id

-- | Function to help the type inference.
darr1 :: SE (Arr D   a) -> SE (Arr D   a)
darr1 = id

-- | Function to help the type inference.
arr2  :: SE (Arr (Sig,Sig) a) -> SE (Arr (Sig,Sig) a)
arr2 = id

-- | Function to help the type inference.
darr2 :: SE (Arr (D,D)   a)   -> SE (Arr (D,D)     a)
darr2 = id

-- | Function to help the type inference.
arr3  :: SE (Arr (Sig,Sig,Sig) a) -> SE (Arr (Sig,Sig,Sig) a)
arr3 = id

-- | Function to help the type inference.
darr3 :: SE (Arr (D,D,D)   a)     -> SE (Arr (D,D,D)     a)
darr3 = id

-- | Arrays. The array data type is parametrized with type of the index and the type of the value.
-- Note that the data tpyes for indices and values can be tuples.
newtype Arr ix a = Arr { unArr :: [Var] }

newArrBy :: forall ix a . (Tuple a, Tuple ix) => (Rate -> GE [E] -> SE Var) -> [D] -> SE (Arr ix a)
newArrBy mkVar sizes =
    fmap Arr $ mapM (\x -> mkVar x (mapM toGE sizes)) (tupleRates $ (undefined :: a))

getIndices :: Tuple ix => [Int] -> [ix]
getIndices xs = fmap (toTuple . return . fmap D.int) $ getIntIndices xs

getIntIndices :: [Int] -> [[Int]]
getIntIndices xs = fmap reverse $ foldl go [] xs
        go :: [[Int]] -> Int -> [[Int]]
        go res n = case res of
            [] -> fmap (\x -> [x]) ix
            xs -> [ first : rest | first <- ix, rest <- xs ]
            where ix = [0 .. n - 1]

fillArrBy :: (Tuple a, Tuple ix) => (Rate -> GE [E] -> SE Var) -> [Int] -> [a] -> SE (Arr ix a)
fillArrBy mkVar sizes inits = do
    arr <- newArrBy mkVar (fmap int sizes)
    zipWithM_  (writeInitArr arr) (getIndices sizes) inits
    return arr

-- | Creates an array that is local to the body of Csound instrument where it's defined.
-- The array contains audio signals.
-- > newLocalArr sizes
newLocalArr :: (Tuple a, Tuple ix) => [D] -> SE (Arr ix a)
newLocalArr = newArrBy newLocalArrVar

-- | Creates a global array. The array contains audio signals.
-- > newGlobalArr sizes
newGlobalArr :: (Tuple a, Tuple ix) => [D] -> SE (Arr ix a)
newGlobalArr = newArrBy newGlobalArrVar

-- | Creates an array that is local to the body of Csound instrument where it's defined.
-- The array contains control signals.
-- > newLocalCtrlArr sizes
newLocalCtrlArr :: (Tuple a, Tuple ix) => [D] -> SE (Arr ix a)
newLocalCtrlArr = newArrBy newLocalCtrlArrVar

-- | Creates a global array. The array contains control signals.
-- > newGlobalCtrlArr sizes
newGlobalCtrlArr :: (Tuple a, Tuple ix) => [D] -> SE (Arr ix a)
newGlobalCtrlArr = newArrBy newGlobalCtrlArrVar

-- | Creates an array that is local to the body of Csound instrument where it's defined.
-- The array contains audio signals. It fills the array from the list of values (the last argument).
-- > fillLocalArr sizes initValues = ...
fillLocalArr :: (Tuple a, Tuple ix) => [Int] -> [a] -> SE (Arr ix a)
fillLocalArr = fillArrBy newLocalArrVar

-- | Creates a global array. The array contains audio signals. It fills the array from the list of values (the last argument).
-- > fillGlobalArr sizes initValues = ...
fillGlobalArr :: (Tuple a, Tuple ix) => [Int] -> [a] -> SE (Arr ix a)
fillGlobalArr = fillArrBy newGlobalArrVar

-- | Creates an array that is local to the body of Csound instrument where it's defined.
-- The array contains control signals. It fills the array from the list of values (the last argument).
-- > fillLocalCtrlArr sizes initValues = ...
fillLocalCtrlArr :: (Tuple a, Tuple ix) => [Int] -> [a] -> SE (Arr ix a)
fillLocalCtrlArr = fillArrBy newLocalCtrlArrVar

-- | Creates a global array. The array contains control signals. It fills the array from the list of values (the last argument).
-- > fillGlobalCtrlArr sizes initValues = ...
fillGlobalCtrlArr :: (Tuple a, Tuple ix) => [Int] -> [a] -> SE (Arr ix a)
fillGlobalCtrlArr = fillArrBy newGlobalCtrlArrVar

newLocalCtrlArrVar  = newLocalArrVar  . toCtrlRate
newGlobalCtrlArrVar = newGlobalArrVar . toCtrlRate

toCtrlRate x = case x of
    Ar -> Kr
    Kr -> Ir
    _  -> x

-- | Reads data from the array.
readArr :: (Tuple a, Tuple ix) => Arr ix a -> ix -> SE a
readArr (Arr vars) ixs = fmap (toTuple . return) $ SE $ hideGEinDep $ do
    ixsExp <- fromTuple ixs
    return $ mapM (\v -> read v ixsExp) vars
        read ::  Var -> [E] -> Dep E
        read = D.readArr

-- | Writes data to the array.
writeArr :: (Tuple ix, Tuple a) => Arr ix a -> ix -> a -> SE ()
writeArr (Arr vars) ixs b = SE $ hideGEinDep $ do
    ixsExp <- fromTuple ixs
    bsExp <- fromTuple b
    return $ zipWithM_ (\var value -> write var ixsExp value) vars bsExp
        write ::  Var -> [E] -> E -> Dep ()
        write = D.writeArr

-- | Writes data to the array.
writeInitArr :: (Tuple ix, Tuple a) => Arr ix a -> ix -> a -> SE ()
writeInitArr (Arr vars) ixs b = SE $ hideGEinDep $ do
    ixsExp <- fromTuple ixs
    bsExp <- fromTuple b
    return $ zipWithM_ (\var value -> write var ixsExp value) vars bsExp
        write ::  Var -> [E] -> E -> Dep ()
        write = D.writeInitArr

-- | Updates the value of the array with pure function.
modifyArr :: (Tuple a, Tuple ix) => Arr ix a -> ix -> (a -> a) -> SE ()
modifyArr ref ixs f = do
    value <- readArr ref ixs
    writeArr ref ixs (f value)

mixArr :: (Tuple ix, Tuple a, Num a) => Arr ix a -> ix -> a -> SE ()
mixArr ref ixs a = modifyArr ref ixs (+ a)

-- opcodes with array allocation

-- | Multiplies two numeric arrays and save the result in the third array.
mulArrayNew :: (Tuple b, Num b) => Arr a b -> Arr a b -> SE (Arr a b)
mulArrayNew = binOp "*"

-- | Summs two numeric arrays and save the result in the third array.
addArrayNew :: (Tuple b, Num b) => Arr a b -> Arr a b -> SE (Arr a b)
addArrayNew = binOp "+"

-- | Substraction of two numeric arrays and save the result in the third array.
subArrayNew :: (Tuple b, Num b) => Arr a b -> Arr a b -> SE (Arr a b)
subArrayNew = binOp "-"

-- | Division of two numeric arrays and save the result in the third array.
divArrayNew :: (Tuple b, Num b) => Arr a b -> Arr a b -> SE (Arr a b)
divArrayNew = binOp "/"

lenarray :: SigOrD c => Arr a b -> c
lenarray (Arr vs) = fromGE $ return $ f (inlineVar $ head vs)
    where f a = opcs "lenarray" [(Kr, [Xr, Ir]), (Ir, [Xr, Ir])] [a]

-- | Copies table to array.
copyf2array :: Arr Sig Sig -> Tab -> SE ()
copyf2array (Arr vs) t = SE $ hideGEinDep $ do
    tabExp <- toGE t
    return $ depT_ $ opcs "copyf2array" [(Xr, [varRate $ head vs, Ir])] [inlineVar $ head vs, tabExp]

-- | Copies array to table.
copya2ftab :: Arr Sig Sig -> Tab -> SE ()
copya2ftab (Arr vs) t = SE $ hideGEinDep $ do
    tabExp <- toGE t
    return $ depT_ $ opcs "copya2ftab" [(Xr, [varRate $ head vs, Ir])] [inlineVar $ head vs, tabExp]

-- | Mapps all values in the array with the function.
-- Csound docs: <http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/maparray.html>
maparrayNew :: Arr a b -> Str -> SE (Arr a b)
maparrayNew (Arr vs) str = SE $ fmap Arr $ hideGEinDep $ do
    strExp <- toGE str
    return $ mapM (\var -> go var strExp) vs
        go var strExp = do
            outVar <- unSE $ newTmpArrVar (varRate var)
            opcsArr isArrayInit outVar "slicearray" idRate [inlineVar var, strExp]
            return $ outVar

        idRate = fmap (\rate -> (rate, [rate, Ir, Ir])) [Ir, Kr, Ar]

-- | Finds a minimum value of the array.
minarray :: (Tuple b, Num b) => Arr a b -> SE b
minarray = extractArray "minarray"

-- | Finds a maximum value of the array.
maxarray :: (Tuple b, Num b) => Arr a b -> SE b
maxarray = extractArray "maxarray"

-- | Summs all elements in the array.
sumarray :: (Tuple b, Num b) => Arr a b -> SE b
sumarray = extractArray "sumarray"

-- | Scales all elements in the array.
scalearray :: (Tuple b, Num b) => Arr a b -> (b, b) -> SE ()
scalearray (Arr vs) (a, b) = SE $ hideGEinDep $ do
    aExps <- fromTuple a
    bExps <- fromTuple b
    return $ zipWithM_ (\var (aExp, bExp) -> go var (aExp, bExp)) vs (zip aExps bExps)
        go v (aExp, bExp) =
            depT_ $ opcs "copyf2array" [(Xr, [varRate $ head vs, Ir])] [inlineVar $ head vs, aExp, bExp]

-- | Creates a copy of some part of the given array
slicearrayNew :: Arr D a -> (D, D) -> SE (Arr D a)
slicearrayNew (Arr vs) (from, to) = SE $ fmap Arr $ hideGEinDep $ do
    fromExp <- toGE from
    toExp   <- toGE to
    return $ mapM (\var -> go var (fromExp, toExp)) vs
        go var (from, to) = do
            outVar <- unSE $ newTmpArrVar (varRate var)
            opcsArr isArrayInit outVar "slicearray" idRate [inlineVar var, from, to]
            return $ outVar

        idRate = fmap (\rate -> (rate, [rate, Ir, Ir])) [Ir, Kr, Ar]

-- spectral opcodes

-- | Spectral array.
type SpecArr = Arr Sig Sig

-- |  Complex-to-complex Fast Fourier Transform. 
-- csound docs: <http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/fft.html>
fftNew :: SpecArr -> SE SpecArr
fftNew = convert "fft"

-- | Complex-to-complex Inverse Fast Fourier Transform. 
-- csound docs: <http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/fftinv.html>
fftinvNew :: SpecArr -> SE SpecArr
fftinvNew = convert "fftinvi"

-- | Fast Fourier Transform of a real-value array. 
-- csound docs: <http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/rfft.html>
rfftNew :: SpecArr -> SE SpecArr
rfftNew = convert "rfft"

-- | Complex-to-real Inverse Fast Fourier Transform. 
-- csound docs: <http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/rifft.html>
rifftNew :: SpecArr -> SE SpecArr
rifftNew = convert "rifft"

-- | Copies spectral data to k-rate arrays (or t-variables). Also known as pvs2array. 
-- csound docs: <http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/pvs2tab.html>
pvs2tab :: SpecArr -> Spec -> SE Sig
pvs2tab = extractWith "pvs2tab" (Kr, [Xr, Fr])

-- | Copies spectral data from k-rate arrays (or t-variables.). Also known as pvsfromarray. 
-- csound docs: <http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/tab2pvs.html>
tab2pvs :: SpecArr -> SE Spec
tab2pvs = extract1 Fr "tab2pvs"

-- | Complex product of two arrays. 
-- > kout[] cmplxprod kin1[], kin2[]
-- csound docs: <http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/cmplxprod.html> 
cmplxprodNew :: SpecArr -> SpecArr -> SE SpecArr
cmplxprodNew = convert2 "cmplxprod"

-- |  Rectangular to polar format conversion. 
-- > kout[] rect2pol kin[]
-- csound docs: <http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/rect2pol.html> 
rect2polNew :: SpecArr -> SE SpecArr
rect2polNew = convert "rect2pol"

-- | Polar to rectangular format conversion.
-- > kout[] pol2rect kin[]
-- csound docs: <http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/pol2rect.html> 
pol2rectNew :: SpecArr -> SE SpecArr
pol2rectNew = convert "pol2rect"

-- | Polar to rectangular format conversion.
-- > kout[] pol2rect kmags[], kphs[]
-- csound docs: <http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/pol2rect.html> 
pol2rect2New :: SpecArr -> SpecArr -> SE SpecArr
pol2rect2New = convert2 "pol2rect"

-- | Applies a window to an array. 
-- > kout[] window kin[][, koff, itype]
-- csound docs: <http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/window.html> 
windowArrayNew :: SpecArr -> SE SpecArr
windowArrayNew = convert "window"

-- | Real to complex format conversion. 
-- > kout[] r2c kin[]
-- csound docs: <http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/r2c.html> 
r2cNew :: SpecArr -> SE SpecArr
r2cNew = convert "r2c"

-- | Complex to real format conversion. 
-- > kout[] c2r kin[]
-- csound docs: <http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/c2r.html> 
c2rNew :: SpecArr -> SE SpecArr
c2rNew = convert "c2r"

-- | Obtains the magnitudes of a complex-number array
-- > kout[] mags kin[]
-- csound docs: <http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/mags.html> 
magsArrayNew :: SpecArr -> SE SpecArr
magsArrayNew = convert "mags"

-- | Obtains the phases of a complex-number array
-- kout[] phs kin[]
-- > csound docs: <http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/phs.html>
phsArrayNew :: SpecArr -> SE SpecArr
phsArrayNew = convert "phs"


isArrayInit = True
noArrayInit = False

binOp :: String -> Arr a b -> Arr a b -> SE (Arr a b)
binOp name (Arr xs) (Arr ys) = fmap Arr $ zipWithM go xs ys
        go x y = SE $ do
            outVar <- unSE $ newTmpArrVar (varRate x)
            infOprArr isArrayInit outVar name (inlineVar x) (inlineVar y)
            return outVar

convert :: String -> Arr a b -> SE (Arr a b)
convert name (Arr vars) = fmap Arr $ mapM go vars
        go v = SE $ do
            outVar <- unSE $ newTmpArrVar (varRate v)
            opcsArr isArrayInit outVar name idRate1 [inlineVar v]
            return outVar

        idRate1 = fmap (\r -> (r, [r])) [Kr, Ar, Ir, Sr, Fr]

convert2 :: String -> Arr a b -> Arr a b -> SE (Arr a b)
convert2 name (Arr xs) (Arr ys) = fmap Arr $ zipWithM go xs ys
        go x y = SE $ do
            outVar <- unSE $ newTmpArrVar (varRate x)
            opcsArr isArrayInit outVar name idRate2 [inlineVar x, inlineVar y]
            return outVar

        idRate2 = fmap (\r -> (r, [r, r])) [Kr, Ar, Ir, Sr, Fr]

extractArray :: (Tuple b) => String -> Arr a b -> SE b
extractArray name (Arr vs) = SE $ fmap (toTuple . return) $ mapM (f . inlineVar) vs
    where f a = depT $ opcs name [(Xr, [Xr])] [a]

extract1 :: (Tuple b, Tuple c) => Rate -> String -> Arr a b -> SE c
extract1 rate name (Arr vs) = SE $ fmap (toTuple . return) $ mapM (f . inlineVar) vs
    where f a = depT $ opcs name [(rate, [Xr])] [a]

extractWith :: (Tuple b, Tuple c, Tuple d) => String -> (Rate, [Rate]) -> Arr a b -> c -> SE d
extractWith name rates (Arr vs) arg = SE $ fmap (toTuple . return) $ hideGEinDep $ do
        argExps <- fromTuple arg
        return $ zipWithM (\var x -> f (inlineVar var) x) vs argExps
    where f a b = depT $ opcs name [rates] [a, b]

-- opcodes with copy

-- | Transforms the dta of the array and copies it to the second array.
maparrayCopy :: Arr a b -> Str -> Arr a b -> SE ()
maparrayCopy (Arr vs) str (Arr outs) = SE $ hideGEinDep $ do
    strExp <- toGE str
    return $ zipWithM_ (\var outVar -> go var strExp outVar) vs outs
        go var strExp outVar = opcsArr noArrayInit outVar "slicearray" idRate [inlineVar var, strExp]
        idRate = fmap (\rate -> (rate, [rate, Ir, Ir])) [Ir, Kr, Ar]

-- | Copies a part of array to another array.
slicearrayCopy :: Arr D a -> (D, D) -> Arr D a -> SE ()
slicearrayCopy (Arr vs) (from, to) (Arr outs) = SE $ hideGEinDep $ do
    fromExp <- toGE from
    toExp   <- toGE to
    return $ zipWithM_ (\var outVar -> go var (fromExp, toExp) outVar) vs outs
        go var (from, to) outVar = opcsArr noArrayInit outVar "slicearray" idRate [inlineVar var, from, to]
        idRate = fmap (\rate -> (rate, [rate, Ir, Ir])) [Ir, Kr, Ar]

-- | Multiplies two arrays and copies the result into third array.
mulArrayCopy :: (Tuple b, Num b) => Arr a b -> Arr a b -> Arr a b -> SE ()
mulArrayCopy = binOpCopy "*"

-- | Summs two arrays and copies the result into third array.
addArrayCopy :: (Tuple b, Num b) => Arr a b -> Arr a b -> Arr a b -> SE ()
addArrayCopy = binOpCopy "+"

-- | Substracts two arrays and copies the result into third array.
subArrayCopy :: (Tuple b, Num b) => Arr a b -> Arr a b -> Arr a b -> SE ()
subArrayCopy = binOpCopy "-"

-- | Divides two arrays and copies the result into third array.
divArrayCopy :: (Tuple b, Num b) => Arr a b -> Arr a b -> Arr a b -> SE ()
divArrayCopy = binOpCopy "/"

-- spectral opcodes

-- |  Complex-to-complex Fast Fourier Transform. 
-- csound docs: <http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/fft.html>
fftCopy :: SpecArr -> SpecArr -> SE ()
fftCopy = convertCopy "fft"

-- | Complex-to-complex Inverse Fast Fourier Transform. 
-- csound docs: <http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/fftinv.html>
fftinvCopy :: SpecArr -> SpecArr -> SE ()
fftinvCopy = convertCopy "fftinvi"

-- | Fast Fourier Transform of a real-value array. 
-- csound docs: <http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/rfft.html>
rfftCopy :: SpecArr -> SpecArr -> SE ()
rfftCopy = convertCopy "rfft"

-- | Complex-to-real Inverse Fast Fourier Transform. 
-- csound docs: <http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/rifft.html>
rifftCopy :: SpecArr -> SpecArr -> SE ()
rifftCopy = convertCopy "rifft"

-- | Complex product of two arrays. 
-- > kout[] cmplxprod kin1[], kin2[]
-- csound docs: <http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/cmplxprod.html>
cmplxprodCopy :: SpecArr -> SpecArr -> SpecArr -> SE ()
cmplxprodCopy = convert2Copy "cmplxprod"

-- |  Rectangular to polar format conversion. 
-- > kout[] rect2pol kin[]
-- csound docs: <http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/rect2pol.html>
rect2polCopy :: SpecArr -> SpecArr -> SE ()
rect2polCopy = convertCopy "rect2pol"

-- | Polar to rectangular format conversion.
-- > kout[] pol2rect kin[]
-- csound docs: <http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/pol2rect.html>
pol2rectCopy :: SpecArr -> SpecArr -> SE ()
pol2rectCopy = convertCopy "pol2rect"

-- | Polar to rectangular format conversion.
-- > kout[] pol2rect kmags[], kphs[]
-- csound docs: <http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/pol2rect.html>
pol2rect2Copy :: SpecArr -> SpecArr -> SpecArr -> SE ()
pol2rect2Copy = convert2Copy "pol2rect2"

-- | Applies a window to an array. 
-- > kout[] window kin[][, koff, itype]
-- csound docs: <http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/window.html>
windowArrayCopy :: SpecArr -> SpecArr -> SE ()
windowArrayCopy = convertCopy "window"

-- | Real to complex format conversion. 
-- > kout[] r2c kin[]
-- csound docs: <http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/r2c.html> 
r2cCopy :: SpecArr -> SpecArr -> SE ()
r2cCopy = convertCopy "r2c"

-- | Complex to real format conversion. 
-- > kout[] c2r kin[]
-- csound docs: <http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/c2r.html>
c2rCopy :: SpecArr -> SpecArr -> SE ()
c2rCopy = convertCopy "c2r"

-- | Obtains the magnitudes of a complex-number array
-- > kout[] mags kin[]
-- csound docs: <http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/mags.html> 
magsArrayCopy :: SpecArr -> SpecArr -> SE ()
magsArrayCopy = convertCopy "mags"

-- | Obtains the phases of a complex-number array
-- kout[] phs kin[]
-- > csound docs: <http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/phs.html>
phsArrayCopy :: SpecArr -> SpecArr -> SE ()
phsArrayCopy = convertCopy "phs"


binOpCopy :: String -> Arr a b -> Arr a b -> Arr a b -> SE ()
binOpCopy name (Arr xs) (Arr ys) (Arr outs) = mapM_ go $ zip3 xs ys outs
        go (x, y, outVar) = SE $ infOprArr noArrayInit outVar name (inlineVar x) (inlineVar y)

convertCopy :: String -> Arr a b -> Arr a b -> SE ()
convertCopy name (Arr vars) (Arr outs) = zipWithM_ go vars outs
        go v outVar = SE $ opcsArr noArrayInit outVar name idRate1 [inlineVar v]
        idRate1 = fmap (\r -> (r, [r])) [Kr, Ar, Ir, Sr, Fr]

convert2Copy :: String -> Arr a b -> Arr a b -> Arr a b -> SE ()
convert2Copy name (Arr xs) (Arr ys) (Arr outs) = mapM_ go $ zip3 xs ys outs
        go (x, y, outVar) = SE $ opcsArr noArrayInit outVar name idRate2 [inlineVar x, inlineVar y]
        idRate2 = fmap (\r -> (r, [r, r])) [Kr, Ar, Ir, Sr, Fr]